��historical publications. Episcopalian. Mem. Nat. Soc. and N.Y. City Chapter D.A.R., Colonial Dames of America, Am. Historical Ass'n, N.T. State Historical Soc, Peace Soc; hon. mem. of chapters of D.A.R. in Mass., Mo., Ga., D.C., and various States throughout the nation; mem. N.Y. Mozart Soc, Colo. Cliff Dwellers, Dickens Fellowship, Women's Dep't Civic Fed.; past mem. the Oratorio Soc, International Council of Patri- otic Women; mem. the Washington Club, D.C. While pres. of Gen. Nat. Soc, D.A.R. , brought to practical completion the building of Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, D.C, the only building of its nature in the world; built en- tirely by the efforts of women, as a memorial to the heroes and heroines of the Revolution, and as a meeting place for present-day patriots (value over half a million dollars). During her presidency-general the officers and members of the Nat. Soc. B.A.R. established a fund for de- fraying expense of delivery of lectures on Amer- ican history In Continental Hall, Washington, D.C, named the Emily Nelson Ritchie McLean Fund. A scholarship in perpetuity in Barnard Coll., N.T. City, for students specializing in American history, has been endowed by N.Y. City Chapter D.A.R., and named the Mrs. Don- ald McLean Scholarship.
McLtEAN, Fannie Williams, 1829 Bancroft Way,
Berkeley, Cal.
Teacher; b. San Francisco, Cal., May 29, 1863; dau. Edward and Sarah E. (Chester) McLean; ed. Oakland High School, California Univ., B.L. (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Taught in Berkeley High School, 1886-90; head worker at Philadel- phia and N.Y. College Settlements, 1891-93; teach- er of English, Berkeley High School, 1891-1913; appointed head of English Dep't of all the high Bchools of Berkeley, 1909. Has written short stories for magazines. Vice-pres. Cal. Civic League; director San Francisco Settlement Ass'n; vIce-pres. Nat. College Equal Suffrage League; was first pres., now director. Cal. Branch of College Equal Suffrage League; mem. of Gal. Branch Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae; mem. Town and Gown Club of Berkeley, Cal. Congrega- tlonalist. Public speaker on suffrage; worked in suffrage campaign of Qal. Independent in polities.
McLi£AN, Georgriana Grant (Mrs. John Freder- ick McLean), 3052 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich.
Born Truro, Nova Scotia, Can.; dau. George Johnstone and Teresa (Thompson) Grant; ed. St. Paul (Minn.) High School, A.B. Vassar Coll.; m. St. Paul, Minn., April 28, 1910, John Freder- ick McLean; one daughter: Katherine Grant, b. Mar. 31, 1912. Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Vassar Students' Aid Soc, College Club and Twentieth Century Club (De- troit).
McLiEAN, Helena Chapin (Mrs. Alexander E. McLean), 846 S. George St., York, Pa. Born York, Pa. ; dau. Edward and Lucy (Hantz) Chapin; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '96; m. York, Pa., Sept. 22, 1904, Alexander B. McLean; chil- dren: Lucy Berthea, Edwards Chapin. Interested In and mem. Board of Visiting Nurse Ass'n, York Hospital and Dispensary, Children's Home; vice- pres. Woman's Club of York; pres. local Wom- an's Foreign Missionary Soc, and interested in church work. Presbyterian.
MacLEAN, lona M. (Mrs. L. MacLcan), 311 E. Evans Av., Pueblo, Colo.
Bom Thayer, la., Nov. 3, 1873; dau. A. H. and Caroline L. (Slontz) Bollnger; ed. Afton High School, la.; grad. Delta (Colo.) High School; m. Ouray, Colo., July 19, 1890, Dr. L. MacLean; one daughter: Columbia M. Interested In women's handiwork at Colo. State Fair (sup't needle and fancy-work dep't for eight years). Ladies' Aid Soc. for Orphans. Favors woman suffrage. Roman Catholic Mem. Mesa Civic Improvement Soc, Dist. Sec. No. 2; financial sec. Independent Order Foresters for ten years (fraternal); pres. Pueblo Art Club; mem. Harmony Club. McLEAN, Mary Hancock, 4 339 Delmer Blvd., St. Louis. Mo.
Physician and surgeon; b. Washington, Mo., Dec. 28, 1861; dan. Elijah and Mary C. (Stafford)
��McLean; ed. Lindenwood Coll., St. Charles, Mo.; Vassar Coll., one year, and Univ. of Mich., M.D. 1883. Only woman mem. of St. Louis Med. Soc. for 15 years. Interested in foreign missions. Has helped to educate several students for medi- cal, pastoral and evangelistic work. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Board of Directors Am. Med. Ass'n and St. Loula Med. Soc McLEISH, Elizabeth Jane Moore (Mrs. Bruce
McLeish), Glencoe, 111.
Born Appleton, Wis., 1882; dau. Jesse C. and Elizabeth Ann (Faulkner) Moore; ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B. 1906; mem. Shakespeare Soc; m. Evanston, 111., 1907, Bruce McLeish; one son: Jean McLeish, b. 1908. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnffi, Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupa- tions. Presbyterian. Mem. Chicago Wellesley Club, Chicago College Club. MacLEISH, Martha HiUard (Mrs. Andrew Mac-
Leish), Glencoe, 111.
Bom Hadlyme, Conn., Aug. 17, 1856; dau. Eliaa Brewster and Julia (Whittlesey) HiUard; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '78; m. Aug. 22, 1888; children: Martha Louise (deceased), Norman Hillard, Arch- ibald, Kenneth, Ishbel Marjoribanks. Taught 10 years; at Vassar, 1881-84; principal Rockford Sem. (now college), 1884-88. Active worker in Chicago Woman's Club, EMucational Dep't; pres. 111. Child Study Soc, 1904-09; executive sec. Home Dep't of Religious Education Ass'n, 1910; pres. Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc. of the West. Contributor of articles to papers and magazines. Mem. Chicago Fortnightly Club, Chicago College Club. MacLEOD, Delia Campbell, Lexington, Kolniea
County, Miss.
Journalist, author; b. French Bend Plantation, on Yazoo River, Mississippi; dau. Duncan and Nora (Hooker) MacLeod. Ass't Sunday editor New Orleans Picayune, 1905-06; special free- lance writing in New York, 1908-09; with Balti- more News, 1910-13; special writer N.Y. Press. Author: The Maiden Manifest, 1913. MACLEOD, Elizabeth S. (Mrs. A. D. Maoleod),
67 Prince St., Charlottetown, P. E. I., Can.
Poetess; b. EJdinburgh, 1848; dau. Martin Mac- queen, Scotch philanthropist, and Sophia (Tre- herne) Macqueen; related to the Stanhope and Salisbury families of England; ed. at home and in Bishop's School, Dundee, Scotland; m. Char- lottetown, P.E.I. , 1878, A. D. Macleod of H.M. Customs (died 1907); children: Victor Freherne, Hugh Stanhope. Author: Carols of Canada, 1893; Lays and Incidents of the South African War, 1901; Donalda, or Canada's Counters, 1905; also contributions to magazines 20 years. Widely known in Canada as "The Island Poetess." For her loyal and patriotic writings received direct recognition of five British sovereigns, also re- ceived President McKinley's photograph and au- tog;raph in appreciation of poem on the Spanish- American War. Protestant Episcopalian. McLEOD, Pearl Monk (Mrs. John Andrew Mc-
Leod), 1419 W. Sixth Av., Pine Bluff, Ark.
Born Pin« Bluff, Ark., Jan. 5, 1883; dau. James Wiley and Mary Elizabeth (Thomas) Monk; ed. Pine Bluff public schools, Randolph-Macon Wom- an's Coll., Lynchburg, Va., A.B. 1907 (class poet); m. Pine Bluff, Ark., Feb. 12, 1906, John Andrew McLeod; children: Mary Elizabeth, John An- drew Jr. Interested in church, social, civic, lit- erary and philanthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Hospital Ass'n, School Improvement Ass'n, Sesame Literary Club (pres.), Social Service Club (director). City Beau- tiful Club (recording sec).
McLESTEB, Amelia, 1516 Hawkins St., Nash- ville, Tenn.
Kindergartner; b. Nashville, Tenn.; dau. C. W. and Fanny (Cole) McLester; grad. Ward Sem., 1906; St. Louis Kindergarten Normal School, 1912. Appointed director Ward Sem. Kindergarten, 1912. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Mem- Y.W.C.A. and Centennial Club, Nashville, Tenn. McLUBE, Elizabeth Meriwether (Mrs. Norman
Roosevelt McLure), 223 Second Av., Phcenlx-
vllle. Pa.
Bom St, Louis, Mo., Oct 10, 1888; dau. Mrs.