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Mclaughlin— McLEAN


��McLAUGHLLN, Theodora North (Mrs. John Mc- Laughlin), 1721 Euclid St., Washington, D.C. Born Vienna, Va. ; dau. Rev. Joseph B. and Mary M. North; m. 1S98, John McLaughlin, U.S.N. ; ed. public schools of Philadelphia, Pa.; Washington, D.C, and Herndon (Va.) Sem. Vice- chairman Washington Section Woman's De^'t of Nat. Civic Federation. Sec. District of Columbia Red Cross. Presbyterian.

McLACGHBY. Margaret, New Wilmington, Pa. Teacher; b. New Wilmington, Pa., Jan. 28, 1854; dau. James Alexander and Elizabeth (Carmon) McLaughry; grad. Westminster Coll., New Wil- mington, A.B. '74; honorary degree of A.M. '8S. Taught in private schools; prof. German and En- glish in Westminster Ooll. ; dean of women and prof, of English in Tarkio (Mo.) Coll. Editor and contributor Junior Missionary Magazine; con- tributor to Christian Union Herald, and to Women's Missionary Magazine; interested in church and Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. United Presbyterian. Clubs: The Sorosis (Tar- kio, Mo.), Thursday (New Wilmington, Pa.). McLAWS, Emily Lafayette, Augusta, Ga.

Author; b. Augusta, Ga. ; dau. Maj. Huguenin and Sarah (Twiggs) McLaws; privately edu- cated. Contributor of short stories to leading magazines. Author (pen-name "Lafayette Mc- Laws"): When the Land Was Young, 1901; Jezebel, a Romance in the Days When Ahab Was King of Israel, 1902; Maid of Athens, 190G; The Welding, 1907. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy.

McLEAN, Addie L., 337 Augusta Av., DeKalb, 111.

Critic teacher; b. Batavia, 111., Mar. 24, 1860; dau. Ezra Stearns and Ellen L. (Wood) McLean; ed. Batavia public school. Northern 111. State Normal School (grad. 1903), Prang's Summer School, Chicago; Univ. of Chicago Summer School. Taught school 21 years in Batavia, 111. ; went to DeKalb, 1901, to attend Northern 111. State Normal School; became mem. of the fac- ulty, 1903, and still continues as intermediate grade critic. Episcopalian. Was mem. Literary Club, and pres. Woman's Club (Batavia, 111.) ; now serving third year as pres. of DeKalb Wom- an's Club.

McLEAN, Adelaide Lare (Mrs. Charles V. Mc- Lean), The Gladstone, Eleventh and Pine Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Edwin and Agnes C. (O'Leary) Lare; ed. first at Miss Fuller's School for Girls, later grad. from the Bishop Bowman Inst.. Pittsburgh; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 6, 1909, Charles V. McLean (connected with the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin) ; one daugh- ter: Agnes Lare McLean. Active in Pittsburgh Chapter D.A.R., transferred to the Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R.; active mem. St. Stephen's Prot- estant Episcopal Church, Philadelphia. Mem. Students' Fund Com. of Univ. of Pa., Hos- pital Fund of Amateur Dramatics, and mem. Charlotte Cushman Club of Philadelphia. Fa- vors limited suffrage. Has written many maga- zine and newspaper articles, and two curtain raisers that have been published. Recreations: Dancing, swimming, fishing.

MacLEAN, Adelaine Lockwood (Mrs. William Bradley MacLean), 25 23 Portland Av., Minne- apolis, Minn.

Born Minneapolis; Minn., Sept. 30, 1866; dau. Addison and Ellen (Scott) Lockwood; ed. Minne- apolis High School, St. Cloud Normal; m. Aurora, 111., Sept. 14, 18.59, William Bradley MacLean; one son: Edwin Lockwood. Sup't of one of the largest primary Sunday-schools in the State for 12 years; mem. Board of Managers of Y.W.C.A. (sec. of board, and chairman of Educational arid Library Committee). Against woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Church Missionary So<'., Needlework Guild, Sunshine Sor., Hospital Work. Recreations: Motoring, horseback riding, rowing, painting. Pres. two years of The Ramblers; mem. Portland Av. Historical Club, Bridge Club (pres. two years). Ladies' Afternoon Club (for philanthropic work), Lewis Parliamentary Law Ass'n. Pres. Dist. Fed. of Women's Clubs; vice-

��pres. State Fed. Served on the committee ap- pointed by Gov. Johnson for inspection of State Training Schools.

SlacLKAX, Annie Marion, Adelphl College,

Brooklyn, N.T.

Teacher; b. Prince Edward Island, Can.; dau. Rev. John Anderson and Christina (MacDonaldJ MacLean; ed. Acadia Coll. (Nova Scotia), A.B. '93; A.M. '94 (with first class honors in philosophy and modern languages); Univ. of Chicago, Ph.M. '97; Ph.D. 1900 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Prof. sociology at Adelphl Coll., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1906 — ; director sociological Investigation of Nat. Board of Y.W.C.A., 1907-10. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Interc-oUegiate Suffrage Soc, N.Y. City; Woman's Political Union, N.Y. City. Au- thor: The Acadian Element in the Population of Nova Scotia; Modern Philanthropy (with Dr. C. R. Henderson and others); Wage Earning Women, and numerous articles in sociological and other journals. Baptist. Mem. Ass'n oj Coll. Alumnse, Am. Sociological Soc, Woman's Trade Union League, Ass'n of Doctors of Phil- osophy of Univ. of Chicago, Women's Univ. Club (N.Y. City); Caroline Country Club (Harts- dale, N.Y.), Reform Club (N.Y. City). Active in various philanthropic undertakings; mem. nu- merous committees working for social and civic betterment; lecturer on sociological subjects.

McLEAX, Clara Clementine Chamberlain (Mrs. Charles Batchelor McLean), 403 Winebiddle Av., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Milwaukee, Wis., June 27, 1861; dau. Henry Kendrick and Clementine Cuvier (Crosby) Chamberlain; ed. Milwaukee Coll.; m. Cleveland, Ohio. May 1, 1879, Charles Batchelor McLean; children: Marion Louise, b. April 7, 1880; Crosby Chamberlain, b. June 9, 1884. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage. Interested in mental and spir- itual science and New Thought. Mem. Twentieth Century Club of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Country Club, Oakmont Golf Club.

MACLEAN, Eda W. (Mrs. Joseph Talbot Mac- lean), 223 E. Seventeenth St., N.T. City. Bom New Philadelphia, Ohio, Sept. 8, 1860; dau. Augustus Wilhelm and Margaret Elise (Red- euburgh) Drocsten; both of distinguished Eu- ropean parentage; ed. Bethlehem Boarding School, Women's Med. Col. of Pa., Western Reserve Univ., M.D.; m. Joseph Talbot McLean. Jan. 17, 1SS4. Author of dramas: What Say? (monologue sold to Maxine Elliott) ; The Absent- Minded Suffragette, and translation of Bjornsen Bjornsen's The Failure. Mem. League for Po- litical E>ducation; vice-pres. Pen and Brush Club; mem. Cosmopolitan Club, National Arts Club, Thursday Morning Music Lovprs' Club. American Playgoers, also Lyceum Club of Paris. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Suf- frage Party, club organized by Mrs. Frederic Gillett in 12th Dist., and Woman's Political League.

McLEAN, Ella Louise (Mrs. William McLean), 103 W. Seventy-si.vth St., N.T. City. Physician; ed. Veltin School, N.Y. City: Bryn Mawr Coll., 1901-02; N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hos- pital for Women, 1902-06. M.D. '06: m. 190S, Dr. William McLean. Engaged in practice of medi- cine in N.Y. City from 1906.

M<'LE.4N, Emily Nelson Ritchie (Mrs. Donald McLean), 186 Lenox Av., N.Y. City; and Nel- son PL. Court Sq.. Frederick, Md. Born Frederick, Md.; dau. Judge John and Betty Harrison (Maul.sby) Ritchie: ed. Frederick Female Sem. (now Woman's College), grad. with diploma, followed by special courses in history, music, languages; m. Frederick, Md., April 24, 1SS3, Donald McLean, lawyer, of N.Y. City; chil- dren: Bessie Maulsby, Rebckah McCormick, Ehn- ily Nelson R.tehie. Former pres. -gen. of Nat. Soc. D.A.R., regent N.Y. City Chapter; hon. chairman Au:<iliary of Stcuy Wold. Has made public addressed upon patriotic, historical and educational topics and in the interests of the peace movetnent. Author of series cf articles and essays on current and general topics, pub- lished in the National Monthly; historical papers and addresses published in American Monthly, and many articles in general newspapers and


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