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��who came to Canada from Scotland in 1816; edu- cated in schools of Ontario. Went to China as missionary and has since been stationed at Peking under the American Presbyterian Board of Missions; was at Peking and participated in the defence during the siege of Peking in 1503. Contributor to missionary papers and the Mon- treal Witness on Chinese subjects. Has lectured in United States and Canada on China and mis- sion subjects. Joint author: The Tragedy of Paotingfu, 1902. Presbyterian. McKrVI, Henrietta, Hospital for Men, Ispahau.


Nurse and missionary deaconess; b. Toronto, Out., 1868; dau. Robert and Isabella (Meredith) McKim; ed. In schools of Toronto; graduitted ns nurse frorc Toronto General Hospital. Became a deaconess of the Church of England, 1901, and entered missionary service, being appointed cliief nurse in charge of the Hospital for Men at Ispa- han in Persia. McKINNEY, May Monming Faris (Mrs. Roy

Weaks McKinney), Box 490, Paducah, Ky.

Recording secretary-general United Daughters Df Confederacy; b. Hickman, Ky., June 23, 1874; flau. Alexander Allen and Florence (Goalder) Faris; ed. Mrs. M. E. Clark's Select School for Young Ladies, Nashville, Tenn. ; m. Hickman, Ky., Nov. 26, 1901, Roy Weaks McKinney; chll- Sren: Roy, Elizabeth (both dead). For two years shairman-general of History Com. U.D.C.; treas. Shiloh Monument Com. U.D.C.; for two years pres. Ky. Division U.D.C. ; is now serving third term as recording sec. -general of U.D.C. Mem. A.m. Historical Ass'n, Nat Soc. D.A.R., Padu- cah Woman's Club, Paducah Magazine Club, Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreation: Motoring. Protestant Episcopal. McKINNEY, Mayela Genevieve (Mrs. Benjamin

.1. McKinney), Yellowstone Springs Ranch,

Benson. Ariz.

Born In San Francisco, Nov. 5, 1882; dau. Daniel Murphy, banker, and Anne Frances (Obrien) Murphy; ed. San Francisco, attended high school, Ziska Inst., Univ. of Cal., Cooper Med. Coll., M.D.; m. San Francisco, Mar. 1, 1908, Benjamin J. McKinney. Came to Arizona with husband, who is a cattleman. McKINNEY, Roberta Montgomery (Mrs. William

Ayer McKinney), 6549 Woodlawn Av., Chi- cago, 111.

Born Rochester, N. Y. ; dau. Robert and Mary (Gladstone) Montgomery; ed. Rochester High School, Wellesley Coll., B.A. '97; m. Rochester, N.Y., Sept. 8, 1903, William Ayer McKinney; children: Elizabeth Bright, Montgomery Nelson, Margaret Gladstone. Taught English in Royal Normal Coll. for the Blind, London, England, 1897-99; taught English in Rochester High School, 1899-1903. Mem. Exec. Board of Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc. of the West. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Chicago Wel- lesley Club. McKINNEY, Sarah Gertrude, residence, 328

College Av., Grove City; business, Carnegie

Library, Grove City, Pa,

Librarian; b. Chicora, Butler Co., Pa., 1874; dau. Henry B. and Mary J. (Thompson) Mc- Klnnev; grad. Grove City public school, '91; Grove City Coll., A.B. '98. Taught in public schools of Grove City, Edgewood and Pittsburgh, Pa., until 1901, then took up library work and was placed in charge of Carnegie Library of Grove City Coll. In 1902. Methodist. Mem. Woman's Literary Clut), Speedwell Club of Grove City Coll. .MacKINNIE, Adelaide OrfT (Mrs. Frank H. Mac-

Klnnle), Chestnut Lodrre. Sewlckley, Pa.

Born Fort Wayne, Ind.; dau. Christian and Angelina (Heller) Qrff; ed. Fort Wayne High School, classical course, and by tutors and gov- ernesses in languages, N.Y. City and Tarrytown- on-Hudson; m. Fort Wayne, Nov. 17, ISSO, Frank H. MacKinnie; children: Esther Benn, b. Sept. 24, LSSl (died Feb. 14, 1893); Henry Jr., Hugh Orff. Interested in social life, also in church activities of Protestant Episcopal Church and In philanthropy. Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. Women's Club of Sewlckley Valley.

��MACKLEM, Heloise (Mrs. Francis Paget Mack-

lem), Grimsby, Ont., Can.

Harpist; b. Halifax, N.S., Sept. 5, 1879; dau. E. H. and Mary (Blanchard) Keating; ed. To- ronto, Ont., and Brussels, Belgium, private school three years, and five years pupil of S. EJ. Meerloo, professor au Conservatoire (for the harp) ; enl ered '^onservatoirs 1905 and g^ned second prize that year, and was first, with Queen's prize, in 1906; m. Toronto, Ont., 1909, Frannis Paget Macklem; one daughter: Prances Charlotte Macklem, b. Aug. 16, 1910. Mcknight, Anna Caulfleld (Mrs. William F.

McKnight), 71 Lafayette Av., N.E., Grand

Rapids, Mich.

Art critic, art lecturer; b. Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 18, 1866; dau. John and Esther (Egan) Caulfleld; ed. private" schools in Grand Rapids, Sacred Heart Acad, Detroit; RadclifEe Coll., Camibridge, Mass., and traveled and studied five years in Europe; m. Aug. 20, 1907, Hon. William P. McKnight (prominent lawyer and capitalist of Grand Rapids, Mich.). Appointed by Commis- sioner-General Ferdinand W. Feck mem. of Dep't of Fine Arts of the Paris Exposition, 1900; ap- pointed by Gov. Chase S. Osborn to represent Michigan at conventions in Washington of Nat. Civic Federation and Am. Civic Ass'n; and by Governor Woodbridge N. Ferris to represent Michigan at the Fifth Nat. Conservation Con- gress, Washington, D.C., 1913. Lectured in Paris and London as well as in U.S. Lectured for President McKinley, at French Embassy, Wash- ington Club (Washington), Vassar Coll., Copley Soc, Boston Art Club, Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences, National Arts Clubs, N.Y. City; Chicago Art Inst., Providence Art Club, at the biennials of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs at Denver and San Francisco, at meetings of lead- ing State federations and the most prominent women's clubs in U.S.; retired from general lec- ture field en marriage. Now serving third term as pres. Ladies' Literary Club of Grand Rapids, one of oldest and largest in the country, to which she has brought as speakers President Taft, President-elect Wilson and ex-President Roose- velt, also speakers of national repute on art, literature, civics, conservation, public health, eugenics, pure food, etc. Director Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; vice-pres. Drama League of Grand Rapids; director Equal Fran- chise Club and Charity Organization Soc. of Grand Rapids; mem. St. Cecelia Soc, Ass'n of Commerce of Grand Rapids, Am. Civic Ass'n, Am. Federation of Arts, Drama League of America. Roman Catholic. Recreations: Golf, motoring, dancing. McKISSICK, Margaret Adger Smyth (Mrs.

Anthony Foster McKlsslck), 425 Cainbridg«

St., Greenwood, S.C.

Born Charleston, S.C, 1870; dau. Ellison Adger and Julia (Gambrill) Smyth; ed. private school, Charleston and Edgeworth School, Baltimore; m. Greenville, S.C, 1891, Anthony Foster McKlsslck; one son, Ellison Smyth McKlsslck. Presby- terian; mem. D.A.R., Daughters of the Confed- eraiy, Public Library Ass'n. Hospital Ass'n. Mem. Exec. Board Women's Welfare Dep't, Nat. Civic Federation; ex-vice-chairman Industrial and Child Labor Com. of Gen. Fed. of Women'! Clubs; ex-pres. S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs (now chairman Industrial School Com.); pres. Catuchet Club (Greenwood, S.C.) Recreations: Motoring, gardening. Favors woman suffrage. MACKUBIN, Florence, Tlie Brexton. Baltimore.

Md. (summer, Oriole Cottage, St. Andrews,

N.B., Can.).

Portrait painter; b. Florence, Italy; dau. Charles N. Mackubin, of Annapolis, Md., and Ellen M. (Fay) Mackubin, of Boston, Mass.; ed. at Les ROches, Fountainbleu, France, and by governesses in earliest years; studied art In Paris under Louis Deschamps and Julius Rolshoven, Id Munich under Prof. Herterreich: also specia] student in miniature painting of Mile J. Devlna, Paris. Painter of large and miniature portraits; exhibited in Chicago World's Fair, 1893; the Tennessee Exposition, 1897 (receiving medal and diploma for miniatures); Paris Exposition, 1900; Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901; St.


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