��short stories to magazines and newspapers. Au- thor: The House of the Heart, 1909; The Silver Thread, 1910; Patriotic Plays and Pageants, 1912. Mem. Festival Society ot America, Pen and Brush Club (N.Y. City), Soc. of Am. Dramatists and Composers. McKAY, norence Lncinda, Smith College,
Northampton, Mass.
Physician; b. Webster, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1882; dau. Hugh and Emma E. (Curtice) McKay; ed. Cor- nell Univ., A.B.; Cornell Med. Coll., M.D.; mem. Alpha Epsilon Iota. Held inlerneship at New England Hospital for Women and Children, Bos- ton, Mass., and intemeship at Babies' Hospital of City of N.Y. ; later ass't physician, Vassar Coll. ; now resident physician, Smith Coll. Baptist. MACKAT, Isabel Ecclestone (Mrs. P. J.
Mackay), 1034 Denman St., Vancouver, B.C.,
Poet, novelist; b. Woodstock, Ont., Nov. 25, 1875; dau. Donald Macleod and Priscilla (Eccles- tone) Macpherson; ed. Woodstock Coll. Inst.; m. P. J. Mackay, reporter Supreme Court of British Columbia. (Contributor in verse and prose to best British, American and Canadian magazines. Au- thor: Between the Lights, 1904; The House of Windows (first novel), 1912. Twice winner of the Toronto Globe prize of one hundred dollars for the best poem of one hundred lines on a Cana- dian historical subject; vice-pres. (representing British Columbia and Alberta) of the Canadian Woman's Press Club; first vice-pres. Woman's Canadian Club of Vancouver; mem. Athenaeum Club, Vancouver; the Canadian Soc. of Authors. MACKAY, Katherine Alexander Duer (Mrs.
C. H. Mackay), Harbor Hill, Roslyn, L.I., N.T.
Born N.Y. City, May 9, 187S; dau. William Alexander and Ellin (Travers) Duer; ed. at home by tutors and governesses; m. May 17, 1898, at 17 W. 2lEt St., N.Y. City, to Clarence Hunger- ford Mackay (now pres. Postal Telegraph-Cable Co., Commercial Cable Co., etc.); children: Katherine, b. 1900; Ellin, b. 1903; John William, b. 1907. Prominent in social life, in church activities of Protestant Episcopal Church, in suffrage cause, and in literary work. Has served on local school board. Vice-pres. of Equal Fran- chise Soc. of Nev.; mem. board directors N.Y. Equal Franchise Soc; mem. Nat. Suffrage Or- ganization, N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n, the Con- sumers' League of N.Y., the Colony Club. Au- thor: Gabrielle (published in North American Review); The Stone of Destiny (Harper's). Mac KAY, Katherine Joanna, New Glasgow,
Nova Scotia, Canada.
Physician; b. NeTv Glasgow, N.S.; dau. John M. and Barbara (MacLean) MacKay; ed. In schools of Nova Scotia and Dalhousie Unv., M.D., CM. Engaged in professional practice; practised in Hawaiian Islands, 1900-02. Presby- terian. McKAY, Martha K. (Mrs. John S. McKay), 461
Washington Av., Brooklyn, N.T.
Born Whitehall, N.Y., April 28, 1848; dau. Philip Crane and Eliza Newell (Watson) Keeler; ed. in private school oif Burlington, Vt. ; grad. State Normal School of Oswego, N.Y.; m. Bur- lington, Vt., Aug. 1, 18S0, Prof. John S. McKay (prof, of physics of Indiana (Pa.) State Normal); one son: Charles Watson McKay. After gradu- ating from Oswego State Normal School held po- sition of critic teacher in that school, 1875-78, and 1878-80 head critic in State Normal School, Indiana, Pa. Her husband has been prof, of physics and mathematics in the Packer Colle- giate Inst., Brooklyn, since 1890. Mom. and in- terested in work of Brooklyn Free Kindergarten Soc, Brooklyn Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Cliildrcn, Park and Playground Ass'n, Child Labor movement. Favors woman suffrage. Ex- pres. Brooklyn Woman's Club; mem. Meridian Club, New York; Ex-Presidents' Club of Brooklyn. MoKEAG, Anna Jane, Wilson College, Cham-
bersburg, Pa.
Educator; b. Finleyville, Pa., Mar. 13, 1864; dau. Moses and Jane (Tannehill) McKeag; ed. tlnlY. of Pa.. Ph.D. 1900; hon. fellow in Philoso-
��phy, Clark Univ., 1903-0^; LL.D., Lafayette Coll., 1912. Teacher public and private schools, 1881-92; Wilson CJoll., instructor, professor, dean, 1892- 1902; Wellesley Coll., Instructor, associate pro- fessor, professor of education, 1902-12; president of Wilson Coll. since 1912. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: The Sensation of Pain and the Theory of the Specific Sense Energies; also edu- cational articles in educational periodicals. Pres- byterian. Mem. Am. School Hygiene Ass'n, 1905-11; New England Ass'n College Teachers of Education (pres. 1911); fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, Nat. Soc. College Teach- ers of Education, Am. Psychology Ass'n, Twen- tieth Century Club, College Club (Boston), and College Club (Philadelphia). (Collaborator on Journal of Educational Psychology; delegate Am. School Hygiene Ass'n to Second and Third In- ternat. Congresses of School Hygiene (London, 1907; Paris, 1910).
McKEE, Florence Cutcheon (Mrs. S. Wallace McKee), 418 North Av., Grand Rapids, Mich. Born Urbana, 111., Feb. 2, 1860; dau. Lewis M. and Betsy Webster (Carr) Cutcheon; ed. Grand Rapids public schools, high school and Univ. of Mich. (mem. Sorosis) ; m. Grand Rapids, Sept. 20, 1883, S. Wallace McKee; children: Florence Morgard, Waldo Cutcheon. Interested in Mis- sionary Soc. In Westminster Presbyterian Church; has worked on membership and other activities 'of Union Benevolent Hospital and the Needlework Guild, also in charity organizations. Favors woman suffrage; charter mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of Grand Rapids (ward chair- man). Presbyterian. Repiibllcan. Mem. Chris- tian Workers Soc, Missionary Soc, D.A.R., Art Ass'n, Grand Rapids High School Alumnae, Housekeepers' Guild, and Ladies' Library Club.
McKEE, Ruth Karr (Mrs. Jamea S. McKee),
Hoquiam, Wash.
Born Hoquiam, Wash., Mar. 2S, 1874; dau. James A. and Abigail (Walker) Karr; ed. pub- lic school of Hoquiam; Univ. of Washington, B.Ph. '95; B.A. '96; M.A. '98; m. Honolulu, H.I., May 6, 1902, James S. McKee. Interested in his- torical research in the Northwest; chairman of a State committee working under Wash. State Fed. Women's Clubs; .'■tate historian D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Republican. Mem. p.A.R., Pioneer Ass'n of Chehalis Co., Woman's Auxiliary of Y.W.C.A. Recreations; Out-door life, motoring, walking, bathing. Clubs: Woman's, Ladies' Musical (Hoquiam), Graye Harbor Fed. of Women's Clubs. McKEE, Sarah Gait Elwood (Mrs. Thomas Mc- Kee), Barrie, Ont., Can.
Born Duridas, Ont., Jan. 21, 1842; dau. James Gait and Mary (Caldwell) Elwood; ed. public and high school; m. May, 1864, Rev. 'Thomas McKee, J.P.S. ; has reared five sons and three daughters (six are in professions). Worked as a social re- former in several branches of philanthropic work. Pres. of Ontario W.C.T.U. 10 years; vice- pres. Dominion W.C.T.U. 12 years; has twice represented the Dominion at World's Convention of W.C.T.U. Favors equal suffrage for men and women, total prohibition of the liquor traffic, independence In politics and social and personal purity. Presbyterian. McKEE, Sarah Hughes (Mrs. Charles Judson
McKee), 915 Grand Av., Dayton, Ohio.
Born Rehobeth, Pa., Sept. 30, 1860; dau. Rev. J. R. and Caroline (Stewart) Hughes; ed. Cooper Sem., Dayton, Ohio; m. April 23, 1889, Charlea Judson McKee; children: Rowland Hughes, Janet Stewart, Philip Judson. Interested In church clubs and all active works of church. Women's Christian Ass'n, musical life of city, and be- nevolent and social activities. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Golf. Mem. Friday Afternoon Literary Club, Mozart Club (musical). Book Club of First Presbyterian Church. McKEEN, Helen Josephine, 58 Clark St..
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Lawyer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y.; ed. Packer Colle- giate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 1900; N.Y. Univ. law dep't, LL.B. '05; stu- • dent of law, Univ. of Berlin, 1901-02; N.Y. Univ.,