��Mcintosh— MACKAY
��aicINTOSH, Bella Marcuse (Mrs. Doiaglas Mc- intosh), 6 Frontenao Apartments, 442 San- grulnet St., Montreal, Can.
Born Montreal, Canada; grad. McGill Univ., A.B. 1900, M.Sc. '03; student Univ. of Breslau, Germany, 1900-01; fellow in chemistry, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1904-05; student in Frencli, McGill Univ., 1905-07; m. Montreal, Can., 1908, Douglas Mcintosh. Ass't McGill Model School, Montreal, January- June, 1904; private tutor 1905-08. Re- cording sec. Nat. Council of Women of Canada Blnce 1908.
McLNTOSH, Elizabeth E. (Mrs. Herbert Mcin- tosh), Warren Chambers, 419 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.
Physician; b. Woburn, Mass.; dau. William and Elizabeth (Cormack) EUard; e<3. grammar and high schools, Warren Acad., private school of Woburn; grad. Tufts Coll. Med. School of Bos- ton; m. Boston, Jan. 2, 1S97, Dr. Herbert Mcin- tosh, physician and author. Ck>ngregationalist.
McINTOSH, Kate Hamilton Pier (Mrs. James A. Mcintosh), 20 Prospect Av., Milwaukee, Wis.
Lawyer; b. Fond du Lac, Wis., Dec. 11, 1868; dau. Colwort Kendall and Kate (Hamilton) Pier; ed. public and high school. Fond du Lac; German- English Acad., Fond du Lac; Univ. of Wis., Coll. of Law, LL.B. (Delta Gamma); m. Mil- waukee, Nov. 26, 1901, James A. Mcintosh. En- gaged in genera] practice of civil law. Favora woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R., Mil- waukee County Bar Ass'n, Y.W.C.A., Con- sumers' League.
McINTOSH, Miimie Dixson (Mrs. H. W. Mc- intosh). 131 Wilbur St., Allegan, Mich. Born Hastings, Minn., Nov. 27, 1867; dau. Thomas T. and Emma (Ilockafellow) Dixson; ed. Hillsdale Coll., 1S83; Ypsilanti State Normal Coll., 1885; grad. June, 1886; m. Carson City, Mich., Aug. 27, 1888, H. W. Mcintosh of Coldwater, Mich.; children: Louise, Mabel, Jean. Taught one term of district schoel; taught in public schools of Carson City one year, also in high school at Traverse City, Mich., two years, after graduation from Ypsilanti. Favors woman suf- frage. Has contributed articles on home eco- nomics to State Fed. Club, bulletin and manuals. Congregationalist. Recreations: Out-door farm life, fruit growing. Mem. Woman's History Class of Allegan, Nat. Housewives' League, State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Chairman of aep't of home economics of Mich. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Has endeavored to induce State Agricul- tural College to provide free bulletins on home- making, etc.
McINTYRE, Florence Percy (Mrs. Philip Willis Mclntyre), 78 Front St., South Portland, Me. Writer, lecturer; b. Farmington, Me.; dau. M. S. M. and Elizabeth A. (Chase) Taylor; grad. Richmond (Va.) Female Coll. Inst, (valedictorian and gold medal for general excellence) ; m. Feb. 2, 1905, Philip Willis Mclntyre, editor, essayist and journalist (died July 3, 1912). Served seven years on editorial staff of Sunday Call, San Fran- cisco; later book reviewer and special writer on San Francisco Examiner and assistant editor of Society (San Francisco). Profes?or jour- nalism, literature and rhetoric. Holmes Col- lege of Oratory, San Francisco. Has con- tributed to leading newspapers and periodicals of San Francisco, American Magazine of Civics, Kate Field's Washington, Ladies' Home Journal, Good Housekeeping, Table Talk, Ladies' World, Munsey's and many others; now writing for Delaware Magazine, and the Sunday Telegram, Portland, Me. Unitarian. Recreations: Garden- ing and horseback riding. Ex-pres. Pacific Coast Woman's Press Ass'n; director Historic Land- marks League; mem. Writers' Club of Portland, Me.
McINTYRE, Mrs. liouise I.. LeVerenz, Winona I/ake, Ind.
Lecturer; b. Danville, 111., May 11, 1862; dau. Carl and Fredericka (Gerstner) Le Verenz; ed. Bchools of 111., Ohio, Baltimore, Md.; m. Dayton, Ohio, June 17, 1882, Daniel E. Mclntyre (de- ceased). In charge of the Health Dep't at Wi- nona Lake, Ind.. and lectures before Chr.utau-
��gtuas, women's clubs, schools, churches. Inter- ested in all reforms for uplift of humanity. Au- thor: How's Your Health? Mem. International Lyceum Ass'n; hon. mem. Toledo Newsboys' Ass'n; organizer of the Informal Study Club and the Broadway Shakespeare Club of Toledo, Ohio; also organizer of many Health and Happiness Clubs throughout U.S. Recreations: Walking, boating. Congregationalist. Favors woman suf- frage. McINTYKE, Lydia Fletcher (Mrs. William A.
Mclntyre), Langdon, N.Dak.
Born Brasher Falls, N.Y., July 16, 1876; dau. Edgar E. and Millie (Van Dusian) Fletcher; ed. Winona State Normal School; m. Sept. 7, 1904, Red Lake Falls, Minn., William A. Mclntyre, lawyer; one son: William Duncan, b. Nov. 17, 1908. Pres. Woman's Club of Langdon for two years; director State Fed. of Women's Clubs of N.Dak.; mem. Methodist Chureh. BIACK, Anna De Wolf (Mrs. Charles Foots
Mack), 1002 Dearborn Av., Chicago, 111.
Born Vincennes, Ind., Mar. 19, 1S69; dau. Will- iam Henry and Caroline Hannah (Drake) Da Wolf; ed. Vincennes Univ., '84; post-grad, study for two years; in Cornell Univ. with class of '92 (elective studies for two years) ; m. Vincen- nes, Ind., Jan. 4, 1893, Charles Foote Mack (now of the International Harvester Company). Sec. Chicago Alumnae Ass'n of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Presbyterian. Recreation: Athletic games. MACK, Flora Alice Davenport (Mrs. John F.
Mack), 712 Wayne St., Sandusky, Ohio.
Born Ross Co., Ohio, Sept. 1, 1849; dau. Anthony Sims and Penelope (Ritchart) Daven- port; ed. at Oberlin Coll., class of 1870 (mem. Ladies' Literary Soc. of Oberlin Coll.); m. Co- lumbus, Ohio, Feb. 25, 1873, John F. Mack; children : John Davenport, Alice Ritchart, Ethel Beebe, Egbert Hiram, Cornelia Penelope. Pres. Woman's Auxiliary of Missionary Soc; oflBcer of guild; 25 years teacher in Sunday-school; charter mem. Nineteenth Century Literary Club (pres. and sec); founder Fortnightly Club and first pres. (two terms); pres. City Fed. of women's organizations; mem. County Board of Visitors l?i years and vice-pres. and charter mem. Woman's Building and Rest Room Ass'n of Sandusky; mem. Sandusky Library Ass'n; charter mem. Martha Pitkin Chapter D.A.R.; chairman Ohio State Com. on Revolutionary Soldiers; chairman two terms of Com. on Harrison Trail and Ocean to Ocean Highway and Ohio mem. Nat. Highway Com. of D.A.R. ; chairman Ohio State Library Com., Fed. of Women's Clubs; two years State treas. of Nat. Soc. U.S. Daughters of 1912 for Ohio; one year pres. Ohio Soc. of U.S. Daughters 1812. Protestant Episcojyalian. MACK, Mabel Waller (Mrs. James Wilson
Mack), Indiana, Pa.
Born Bloomsburg, Pa. ; dau. David Jewett Wal- ler Jr. and Anna (Appelman) Waller; ed. Bloomsburg State Normal School; Indiana State Normal School; Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900; Berlin Univ.; m. Indiana, Pa., Dec. 20, 1905, James Wilson Mack; children: James W. Jr., b. 1906; Elizabeth Waller, b. 1908; Josephine, b. 1910; Margaret Louise, b. 1912. United Presbyterian. Mem. New Century Club. MACK, Rebecca Robins, 614 North Duke St.,
Lancaster, Pa.
Teacher; b. St. Louis, Mo., May 3, 1879; dau. Henry Ely and Grace (Lathrop) Mack; ed. pub- lic schools in Mo. and N.J., 1885-95; private school In Phila., 1895-97; Smith Coll., B.L. 1897-1901. Interested in music and choir work. Mem. Church of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian). MACKAY, Constance D'Arcy, Pen and Brusn
Club, 132 E. Nineteenth St., N.T. City.
Author; b. St. Paul, Minn.; dau. R. G. and Anne (D'Arcy) Mackay; ed. in public and pri- vate schools; entered Boston University, 1903; went into journalism, 1904. Author and director of "Pageant of Patriotism," produced in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y., May, 1911, and subsequently produced to celebrate "Safe and Sane" Fourth of July by Boston, Mass., and other, cities. Author and director of Pageant of Schenec- tady, 1912. Has contributed plays, articles and