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work, in work among children for better citizenship and cleaner city and various philanthropies. Methodist. Mem. P.E.O. Soc, D.A.R. and church societies, Nineteenth Century Club and Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs. Recreations. Theatre, State conventions. Favors woman suffrage.

BABCOCK, Maud May, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Utah.

Professor of elocution; b. East Worcester, N.Y., May 2, 1867; dau. William Wayne and Sarah Jane (Butler) Babcock; ed. public school and high school of Binghamton, N.Y.; studied under Alfred Ayres and others in N.Y. City. Philadelphia Nat. School of Oratory, Bachelor of Elocution, 1886; student in Harvard Univ. Summer School, 1890 and 1892; student in Univ. of Chicago, 1901. Instructor in Harvard Univ. Summer School, 1892-93; Chautauqua School of Physical Education, 1896; taught Lady Jane Grey School, Binghamton, N.Y.; Ingleside School for Girls, New Milford, Conn.; founded Utah School of Elocution and Physical Education. Pres. Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Ass'n of Esign Stake; several terms mem. Exec. Com. of the Utah State Teachers' Ass'n; mem. Nat. Council of Am. Physical Educational Ass'n. Has written several articles on educational subjects. Mem. D.A.R., honorary mem. of Pa. Women's Press Ass'n. Recreation: The drama. Latter Day Saint. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. Appointed trustee of Utah School tor Deaf and Blind by Governor Wells in 1897; reappointed by Governors Cutler and Spry; elected pres. of Board of Trustees in 1907. reelected 1909, 1911 and 1913.

BABCOCK, Sarah Perkins Johnson (Mrs. Albert Babcock), 126 Waterman St., Providence, R.I.

Born Norwich, Conn.; dau. Isaac and Sarah (Huntington) Johnson; ed. schools in Norwich, Conn., and by private lessons; m. Norwich, Conn., June 9, 1881, Albert Babcock; children: Frederick Huntington, Harold Pemberton, Donald Sturges. Mem. of corporation of District Nursing Ass'n; interested in philanthropic societies, and in the women's societies of Grace Church; mem. of corporation of School of Design. Mem. Colonial Dames, Alliance Frangaise, Biblical Institute. Clubs: Review, Fortnightly, Agawam Hunt. Episcopalian. Against woman suffrage.

BABCOCK, Winnifred Eaton (Mrs. B. W. Babcock), Mamaroneck, N.Y.

Author; b. Nagasaki, Japan, 1879; dau. Edward and Grace (Trapesis) Eaton; ed. Toronto and Montreal, Can.; school in England and Columbia Univ.; m. N.Y. City, July 16, 1901, B. W. Babcock. Author: A Japanese Nightingale; The Wooing of Wistaria; Heart of Hyacinth; A Japanese Blossom; The Old Jinriksha; Miss Nume of Japan; Daughters of Kings; The Love of Azalea; The Diary of Delia; Tama; also short stories in the leading magazines. Pen-name, "Onoto Watanna."

BABIN, Anna Bullion (Mrs. L. U. Babin), Baton Rouge. La.

Born Opelousas, La., Feb. 28, 1878; dau. Octavius A. and Mary Elmire (Babin) Bullion; grad. La. State Normal School, Natchitoches, '97 (class poet); m. Hope Villa, La., Feb. 8, 1899, Louis U. Babin; one son: Louis Winbourne Babin. Interested in church, school, civic, historical, patriotic and charitable work, pres. Baton Rouge Civic Ass'n; pres. the Joanna Waddill Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy (State organizer, 1911); vice-pres. of Charity Ward Ass'n; chairman of civics in the State Fed. of Women's Clubs; Sunday-school teacher. Has written a few rhymes: Mother-Love; Our Heroes; Memories of a Soldier, and some others. Mem. Charity Ward Ass'n, United Daughters of the Confederacy, board controlling sanitarium, St. Joseph's Aid Soc, School Improvement League. Baton Rouge Civic Ass'n, Louisiana Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Driving, horseback riding, playing with children. Roman Catholic.

BABSON, Caroline Wheeler (Mrs. D. C. Babson), 182 Granite St., Pigeon Cove, Mass.

Born Mar. 31, 1856; dau. Addison Gilbert and Isabella (Gilmore) Wheeler; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1872-76; m. Pigeon Cove, Mass., Feb. 10, 1880, David C. Babson. Interested in abolition of death penalty and world's peace movements. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. Mass. Prison Ass'n, Women's Universalist Missionary Soc., Am Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Am. Ornithologists' Union, Anti-Death Penalty Soc., Prison Reform League, Cape Ann Scientific and Literary Ass'n. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary to Leander M. Haskins Hospital, Village Improvement Soc., Reading Circle, Boston Mt. Holyoke Alumnae Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Drama League.

BABSON, Helen Corliss. Girls' Collegiate School, Los Angeles, Cal.

Teacher; ed. in schools of Gloucester, Mass., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '05. Tutor in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1905-06; ass't to lady principal of Vassar Coll., 1906-09; ass't to principals of Girls' Collegiate School, Los Angeles, Cal., since 1909.

BABTISTE, Gertrude Tifft (Mrs. C. A. Babtiste), 333 Marlborough Rd., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Born Titusville, Pa., Aug. 26, 1875; dau, Simon Elijah and Sarah C. (Ayer) Tifft; ed. Cornell Univ., Ph.B. (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Titusville, Apr., 1903. Carl Augustus Babtiste; children: Elizabeth, Margaret, Cecile. Congregationalist.

BACHE, Emily Hinds, 233 S. Thirteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Germantown, Pa., Dec. 5, 1880; dau. Charles Meigs and Henrietta Maria (Ellicott) Bache; ed. Miss Irwin's School, and St. Timothy's, Catonsville, Md. Catholic. Mem. Sedgeley Boat Clnb. Much interested in St. Vincent's Home and Hospital.

BACHE, Henrietta Ellicott (Mrs. Charles Meigs Bache), 233 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Baltimore, Md., June, 1842; dau. Benjamin and Mary (Carroll) Ellicott; ed. Sacred Heart Convent, McSherrystown, Pa.; m. Baltimore, Aug., 1884, Charles Meigs Bache; children: Franklin, Margaret Hartman, Emily Hinds; also Mary Carroll and Aglaft Dabadis (both deceased). Interested in St. Vincent's Home and Hospital. Roman Catholic.

BACHE, Margaret Hartman, 233 S. Thirteenth St.. Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Jenkintown, Pa., July 4, 1875; dau. Charles Meigs and Henrietta M. (Ellicott) Bache; ed. Eden Hall, Torresdale, Pa. Interested in St. Vincent's Home and Hospital; mem. Ladies of Charity. Catholic. Mem. Sedgeley Boat Club.

BACHE, Nannie Greenway Trigg (Mrs. Franklin Bache), Fort Smith, Ark.

Born Abington, Va.; dau. Daniel and Louisa (Johnston) Trigg; ed. N.Y. City and Va., m. Abington, Va., Dec 15, 1897, Franklin Bache; children: Franklin Jr., Daniel, Charles, Louisa Johnston, Henrietta Ellicott. Catholic.

BACHMAN, Dora Sandoe, 1425 Bryden Road, Columbus, Ohio.

Lawyer; b. Tiffin, Ohio, Oct 6, 1869; dau. Rev. Henry H. and Eliza M. (Barton) Sandoe; ed. public schools of Ohio and Pennsylvania, Pleasantville (Ohio) Coll. Inst., Curry Univ., Pittsburg, Ohio State Univ. Law School, LL.B.; m. Hillsboro, Ohio, Oct 6, 1894, Jacob L. Bachman; children: Robert Edwin, b. Dec 10, 1905; Richard Sandoe. b. Apr. 25, 1912. In continuous practice of law in Columbus, Ohio, since Dec, 1892; first woman graduate of any law school in Ohio, June, 1893. First woman member of Board of Education in city, elected at large. Nov., 1909; member of Public Recreation Commission appointed by City Council, 1910 (only woman); mem. County Board of Visitors; mem. Board of Managers and legal advisor for Florence Crittenton Home; mem. of City Central Philanthropic Council; mem. since 1907. Vice-pres. of city Suffrage organization and auditor of State organization; speaks on the subject frequently. Writes short stories and newspaper sketches. Theosophist. Counselor of the Home and School Ass'n. Mem. Altrurian Club, Coll. Women's Club.

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