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��School and Toronto Normal School; m. July 27, 1909, Rev. Donald Campbell MacGregor. Inter- ested in social semice. settlement work, etc.; has a Sunday afternoon class for working girls. Author of novels (pen name "Marian Keith"): Duncan Polite; The Silver Maple; Treasure Val- ley; 'Lizbeth of the Dale; biography, The Black Bearded Barbarian; Life of Dr. G. L. MacKay, Missionary to Formosa, for boys and girls. Pres- byterian. Mem. Presbyterian Women's Social Service Council of Toronto. Recreations: Tennis, golf, walking, canoeing. Mem. Canadian Wom- an's Press Club. Against woman suffrage. McGREW, Julia Bird, 1863 Clayton Av., North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Bom North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1862; dau. George Darsie and Josephine (Kimmel) McGrew; ed. Bishop Bowman InsL, Pittsburgh, and Alle- gheny Coll., Meadville, Pa., 1879-85, A.B. (mem. Kappa Alpha Thetaj. Interested In Sunday- school work; teacher in slum district; teacher of athletics in school for desolate children (work chiefly with boys). Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church; mem. Missionary Soc. Recreations: Music, athletics.

McGCFFEY, Margaret D., Christ Church Par- ish House, 318 E. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. Librarian, social worker; b. Cincinnati; dau. Alexander H. and Caroline (Rich) McGuffey; ed. In private schools and by tutors, Cincinnati, and N.Y. State Library School, Albany. Head of Delivery Dep't, Boston Public Library, 1S95- 1904; sec. Library of Congress, 1905-08; acting chief of Order (purchasing) Division, Lilarary of Congress, 1908-09; worked with North Am. Civic League for Immigrants, New York City, 1911; socinl worker in Christ Church Parish, (Cincin- nati, 1911 — . Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. MoGUTRE, Edna Leona (Mrs. William Franklin McGulre), Buena Vista, Colo. Born Lake City, 111., 1878; dau. William G. and Isabelle (Bigger) Odor; grad. high school and Conservatory of Music, Kansas City, Mo. ; m. 1909, William Franklin McGuire; one son: Mervin Mitchell. Interested in social, philan- thropic and musical activities. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Democrat. Recreation: Mu- Bic. Pres. Buena Vista Fortnightly Club. MACHAK, Agnes Maule, 25 Sydenham St., Kingston, Ont., Can.

Bom Kingston, Ont. ; dau. Rev. John Mac- har, D.D. (one of founders and first principal of Queen's Univ. of Kingston) and Margaret (Maule) Machar; ed. at home, and under tuition of Miss Hannah W. Lyman, first principal of Vassar Coll. Active mem. of several philan- thropic and charitable boards. Humane Soc. of Canada, Y.W.C.A., a private educational board. Women's Art Ass'n of Canada, Social Reform League of Ontario. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Memorials of Rev. Dr. Machar (father); articles and poems (chiefly written under the pen-name "Fidells") in Century, Andover Re- view, Good Housekeeping and other periodicals; Stories of New France, U.S. and Canada; Mar- jorie'.s Canadian Winter; The Heir of Fair- mount Grange; Roland (Jraeme, Knight; Lays of the True North; Stories of the British Em- pire. Presbyterian. Liberal. Mem. mission societies, Children's Aid Ass'n. Recreations: Gardening, country life, snorwshoeing, skating, Eketching, etc.

McHLGil, Kate A., 2219 Dodge St., OmsLha, Neb.

High school principal; b. Galena, 111., Jan. 19, 1855; dau. John and Harriet (Murphy) McHugh; ed. Galena public schools, 111. State Normal. Taught every grade in the schools of Galena, III., and was principal of Galena High School six years; made ass't principal of Omaha Higli Scliool in 1S96, principal in 1910. The only woman lu charge of a high school of 1,750 pupils. Favors woman suffrage. Leader of literary clubs In Galena and Omaha.

McHUGH, Lerah G. (Mrs. P. J. McHugh), 2156 Oak St., Fort Collins, Colo. Born Fort Collins, Colo.; dau. Harris and Elizabeth L. (Parke) Stratton; ed. Colo. Agr'l Coll., B.S.; m. Denver, Colo., Jan. 21, 1892, Dr. P. J. McHugh; children: Keith S., Jerome A.,

��J. Weir. Pres. Colo. Fed. Women's Clubs; mem. Colo. Traveling Library Commission; vice- regent Cache la Poudre Chapter D.A.R.; chair- man Board of Grand Managers, Companions of the Forest (fraternal insurance co.) ; mem. board of Carnegie Library of Fort Collins. Favors woman suffrage. Roman Catholic. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R., Pioneer Women of Cache la Pou- dre Valley, card clubs, church societies, Colum- bian Club.

McHlGH, Olivia Henderson (Mrs. F. M. Mc- Hugh), 104 S. State St., Murray, Utah. Born Louisville, Ky., Dec. 25, 1881; dau. Pey- born R. Henderson, M.D., and Rose (Shanks) Henderson; ed. Girls' High School, Louisville, Ky. ; Ky. State Univ. scholarship, Sargent Normal School of Gymnastics, Cambridge, Meiss. ; Gil- bert Normal School of Dancing, Boston; m. Mur- ray, Utah, Sept. 27, 1910, Dr. F. M. McHugh; one daughter: Olivia McHugh. Teacher in Ran- dolph-Macon Women's Coll., Lynchburg, Va. ; Ky. Inst, for Blind; City Gymnasium, Central Park, Louisville, Ky. ; sec. of Library Board. Favors woman suffrage. Active Socialist, work- ing for equal suffrage. Recreations: Mountain climbing, handball, etc. Mem. Womaji's Club of Murray (pres.).

McLLWKAITH, Jean Newton, care Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, N.Y. Author, editor; b. Hamilton, Can.; dau. Thomas and Mary (Park) McUwralth; grad. Ladies' Coll., Hamilton; studied English literature (corres- pondence classes). Queen Margaret Coll., Glas- gow. Author for young people: Shakespeare; Longfellow; Canada, 1898; three historical novels: The Span o' Life (with William McLennan), 1900; The Curious Career of Roderick Campbell, 1901; A Diana of Quebec, 1912; Sir Frederick Hal- dimand (biography), 1904. Presbyterian. Recrea- tions: Out-door sports generally. Left Canada In 1902, and since engaged in editorial work. McINTIKE, Ida Noyes (Mrs. A. W. Mclntlre), 3129 Colby Av., Everett, Wash. Physician, surgeon; b. Tiverton, R.I., Apr. 28, 1859; dau. Alfred and Luclna N. (Sanford) Noyes; ed. public schools of Mich., Detroit High School, Univ. of Mich., Women's Med. Coll. ol Northwestern Univ. (Chicago), M.D. '91; Post- Graduate Med. Coll., N.Y. City, '94; one yeai In Union Theol. Sem., Dayton, O. ; post-graduate work in diseases of women and children, London and Paris, '95; clinical studies In Berlin, Vienna and London, '05; m. Detroit, 1884, B. N. Beavei (since deceased); m. New Haven, Conn., 1S99, ex-Gov. A. W. Mclntlre of Colo. Teacher in Mich, public schools six years (five years w Detroit); matron and preceptress Midland '"oil., Atchison, Kan., 1887-89, resigning to co'jplete medical studies. Pres. med. staff. State Girls' Industrial School, Denver, 1896-97; practiced medicine In Denver; mem. Colo. State Board of Charities and Correction, 1895-98; also mem. Board of Pardons for two years; served a* delegate Nat Conference of Charities and (Cor- rection and Nat. Prison Congress. Chairmao Exec. Com. State Woman's Suffrage League ol Ohio, 1886; active In suffrage work in (3olo. when ballot was gained in that State; three yean mem. Wash. State Suffrage Soc. till suffrage was won In that State; was also pres. local suffrage club, Everett, Wash. Active in church work in M.E. Church, 1871-lSOO; since removal to Washington, 1900, in Congregational Church. During '80's active In W.C.T.U. ; rec. sec. Ohio State W.C.T.U., 1887, and at various times pres. district and local sees. W.C.T.U.; also treas. Girls' Home, and one of the three founders ol the Bethany florae, Dayton, O. ; edited depart- ment for women, Dayton Daily Herald, one and a halt years; contributor to various newspaper! and magazines from 1871; lecturer on medical, civic and social sciehce topics. Republican. Pres Women's Civic League of Everett, Wash.; pres State Women's Republican Club; mem. Wash. State Federation of Women's Clubs, Wash. Stat* Legislative Com., Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, Nat. Geog. Soc; chairman of Exec Com. of Northwest Fed. of Improvement Cluba covering the States of Idaho, Washington, Cali- fornia, Oregon and Wyoming.


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