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��McGILI., Mary E. Wilson (Mrs. Andrew R. Mc- Gill), 2203 Scudder Av., St. Paul, Minn. Born Meadville, Pa., Aug. 6, 1863; dan. Dr. Joseph C. and Margaret (Stone) Wilson; grad. State Normal School, Bdinboro, Pa., B.A. '71; instructor In same, 1871-79; m. Edlnboro, Pa., Oct. 1, 1S79, Andrew Ryan McGill, Insurance CommiBsioner of Minn., afterward Gov. of Minn. (died 1905); chiWren: Wilson, b. May 4, 1884; Thomas Martin, b. Nov. 15, 1889. Interested in local charities and pres. St. Paul Branch of Needlework Guild of America. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. State Art Soc., St. Anthony Park Woman's Ass'n, New Century Club (St. Paul), Woman's Welfare League (St Paul).

McGJXVIA, Edith Jennette (Mrs. George B. McGllvla), Baraboo, Wis.

Farmer; b. Baraboo, Wis., Aug. 5, 1855; dau. H. S. and E. Jennette (Johnson) Turney; ed. Baraboo High School; m. Baraboo, Wis., Mar. 18, 1874, George B. McGilvia; children: Clarence, Arthur, Egbert, Bessie, Ethel, Alice, Jennette, Ralph. Is doctor for the family, setting bones (collar and thumb); can paint, do carpenter work, dressmaking, extensive chicken raising and mar- ket gardening; teacher in Sunday-school; county and local pres. of W.C.T.U. ; held a claim part of the time alone in the wilds of S.Dak. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. City Suffrage League, works in literary dep't. Mem. First M.S. Ohurch. Recreation: Riding, swimming, base- ball. Mem. City and Country Club. McGIXNIS, Clara Buchanan (Mrs. Robert Mc- Glnnis), 40 E. Seventy-sixth St., N.Y. City; country residence, Restalrig, Sound Beach, Conn.

Born N.Y. City, April 25, 1859; dau. William and Adele (Jaclard) Buchanan; grad. Acad, of Sacred Heart, Manhattanville, '78; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 16, 1879, Robert McGinnis; children: Robert Buchanan, Marie Josephine (now Madam Mc- Ginnis, R.S.H.), Clara Madeleine (now Mrs. Jose Antonio Reignfes). Founder and pres. Guild of the Infant Saviour. Against woman suffrage. Author of translations from the French and a number of leaflets on religious subjects. Roman Catholic. Active in charities.

McGINNIS, Mary Bladen (Mrs. Homer McGin- nis), 645 E. Washington St., Martinsville, Ind. Born Spencer, Ind., Nov. 1, 1877; dau. Edward R. and Laura (Coffey) Bladen; ed. Spencer pub- lic schools; m. Spencer, Jan. 1, 1901, Homer L. McGinnls; one daughter: Alice, b. Dec. 6, 1904. Mem. Ladles' Aid and Art Soc. (a church so- ciety). Favors woman suffrage. Christian (Dis- ciples) Church. Mem. Woman's Club, Monday Afternoon Art Club.

McGLACHLLN, Elizabeth Gardiner (Mrs. Am- brose Cram McGlachlln), 759 East Av., Roch- ester, N.Y.

Born N.Y. City, May 25, 1868; dau. John Lyon Gardiner and Louise R&msen (Gray) Smith; ed. private schools and Wells Coll., A.B. '85; m. Aurora, N.Y., Aug. 10, 1887, Ambrose Cram McGlachlin; children: Thomas Stuart, Donald Douglas. Mem. several church societies, two philantnropic organizations and actively Inter- ested in the work of social betterment. Against woman suffrage. Has done journalistic and magazine work; lectures on social and literary topics. Episcopalian. Clubs: College Woman's, Travelers', Woman's Educational Union, Monday Literature.

McGLA>'NAJJ, Sally Porter Law (Mrs. Alexius

McGlannan), 114 W. Franklin St., Baltimore,


Physician; prepared by private study and took prelLminary medical course in Bryn Mawr Coll., grad. A.B. '03; Johns Hopkins Med. School, M.D. '07; m. 1910, Dr. Alexius McGlannan. Prac- tised as physician in Baltimore, 1907-09. MacGOWAIf, Alice, Carmel, Gal.

Writer; b. Perrysburg, O., Dec. 10, 1858; dau. John Encill and Malvlna -(Johnson) MacCSowan; ed. public schools of Chattanooga, Tenn., and at home. Author: The Last Word; Return; Huldah; Judith of the Cumberlands. ; Wiving of Lance (jleaverage; The Sword in the Mountains.

��Republican. Recreations: Horseback riding, driving, walking.

McGKATH, Bonnie Hill (Mrs. James J. Mc- Grath), 104 S. Liberty St., Canton, Miss.- Former teacher; b. Nashville, Tenn., July 24, 1877; dau. John and Lelia M. (Haynie) Hill; ed. Nashville Coll. for Young Ladies, A.B., B.S. '95, A.M. 96; had lectures and privileges of Vander- bilt Univ.; m. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 3, 1899, James J. MoGrath; children: Kathryn, Lillian, Bonnie, James, Jack, William Harold. Taught in Southern college four years. Interested in civic and public health work, social and child welfare; united with leading social and charitable organ- izations. Mem. King's Daughters, Old Ladies' Home, Anti-Tuberculosis Soc.; pres. Women's Literary and Civic Club, Canton, Miss. ; chair- man Civic Com. of Miss. State Fed. ; vice-pres. Miss. State Fed.; mem. Gen. Fed. Civics Com. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. McGBATH, Mary Carson (Mrs. Hugh Jocelyn McGrath), 810 Porter Av., Eau Claire, Wis. Born In Wisconsin; grad. Rockford Coll., '72; m. Maj. Hugh Jocelyn McGrath, U.S.A. (died I'Tom wounds received in engagement in tha Philippines). Has spent much time in travel in Europe, Egypt, Cuba and all over the United States. Interested in the work of the Associated Charities and the Visiting Nurses' Ass'n. Epis- copalian; active in work of Woman's Guild. McGBAW, Maria Loraine Dickinson (Mrs. Thomas Stanley McGraw), 81 Alfred St., De- troit, Mich.

Philanthropist; b. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 26, 1843; dau. Moses Field and Maria Loraine (Wesson) Dickinson; ed. Ladles' Acad., Miss Sarai Hunt's Select School for Girls, Detroit public high school, 1863-64, and Vassar Coll., A.B. '67; m. Detroit, Nov. 19, 1867, Thomas Stanley McGraw; children: Stanley Dickinson, Sanborn Tenney. Protestant Episcopal; 50 years communicant in St. Paul's Church, four in St. John's; mem. of various church societies In each. Officer in Protestant Orphan Asylum since 1886, Young Woman's Home, Fruit and Flower Guild, College Club of Detroit, United Audubon Societies, Am Historical Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate' Alumns^ Associate Aiumns Vassar Coll., Va;ssar Stu dents' Aid Soc., ESgypt Exploration Fund. Fa vors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suf frage Club, subscriber to Wayne Co. Equal Suf frage League and to Mich. Equal Suffrage Ass'n Recreations: Walking, driving, social gatherings, MacGREGOB, Alma Follansbee (Mrs. Virgil L. MacGregor), 113 Washington Av., Crookston, Minn.

Born Cleveland, O., Aug. 14, 1879; dau. Johr Edward and Julia E. (Root) Follansbee; ed. Oberlin, A.M. '04; m. Cleveland, June 30, 1909, Virgil Lawrence MacGregor; one son: Donald Follansbee MacGregor. Active in club and sociaJ life; pres. the Woman's Club of Crookston; mem. Ladies' Literary Soc. of Oberlin. Con- gregationallst. Opposed to woman suffrage. MacGREGOB, Fanny (Mrs. Archibald Mac- Gregor), 1S9 Fairmont A v., Hyde Park, Mass. Teacher; b. Taunton, Mass., Jan. 30, 1863; dau Edward and Malvina (Cook) Gusher; on mother's side descendant of Francis Cook of the May- flower; on father's of Huguenot descent; ed. Taunton public schools, high school, 1881, with the highest honors (valedictorian) ; m. Taunton. Mass., June, 1891, Archibald MacGregor; one daughter: Elizabeth, b. May 12, 1892. Interested in religious and educational work among for- eigners in Hyde Park, beginning in 1908; chair- man of com. in charge of Sunday services and evening school. Wrote a sketch, acted by the members of the TwUight Club, entitled "The Bow of Promise, or What Shall We Find at the End of the Rainbow?" Mem. Soc. of Colonial Families, Twilight Club. Recreations: Walking, gardening. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. Independent in politics.

MacGREGOB, Mary Esther Miller (Mrs. Donald Campbell MacGregor), 36 Dalton Rd., Toronto, Can.

Author; b. Rugby, Ontario, Can.; dau. John and Mary (Maclan) Miller: ed. Orillia (Ont) Hish


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