��MACFARtAND, Mary Parley (Mrs. Charles S. Macfarland), 41 Mountain Av., Summit, N.J. Bom Davenport, la., Mar. 16, 1875; dau. James Griswold and Louisa (Boutwell) Merrill; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '97; Brldgewater (Mass.) Nor- mal School, '98; m. Mar. 9, 1904, Rev. Charles Stedman Macfarland (sec. Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In America); children: Charles Stedman Jr., Lucia Merrill, Jamea Merrill. Teacher of history and Latin In Flsk Univ., Nashville, Tenn., at tijne of meurlage; since then active as pastor's wife In religious, philanthropic and social activities. Mem. Smith Coll. Club, Woman's Club of Summit, and others. Congregationalist.
HACFARLANE, AUce O'Rear (Mrs. George B. Macfarlane), Athens Hotel, Columbia, Boone Co., Mo.
Born Boone Co., Mo., June 14, 1842; dau. Will- iam Tandy and Elvlrajh Frances (Slavln) O'Rear; grad. Christian Coll., Columbia, Mo., '65 (valedic- torian, first honors); m. Aug. 19, 1868, George B. Macfarlane, judge Supreme Court of Mo.; chil- dren: Charles Ray, George Locke, Guy O'Rear. Taught in Model School of State Univ. of Mo. and in Sem. at Mexico, Mo. Deeply Interested In Interuat. Peace Soc., In Sunday-school, Mis- sionary Soc, Civic League, Tuesday Literary Club; regent of Columbian Chapter D.A.R. nine years. State regent Mo. D.A.R. since April, 1912. Mem. U.S. Daughters of 1812, Soc. of Colonial Dames of America in Mo. (througill Va. ancestors). Peace Soc, educational and philan- thropic work. Home Makers' Conference. Favors woman suffrage. Complied: Woods Family Genealogy. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. Mem. patriotic societies. Recreations: Reading, attending State and Nat. patriotic meetings. Mem. Tuesday Literary Cluto, Alpha Musical Soc., Art Lovers' Guild.
McFABLANE, Flora, Rocky HIU, N.J.
Club president; born N.J. ; dau. Henry and Anne (Buchanan) McFarlane; privately educated. Spends winters in Florida and Is pres. House- keepers' Club of Cocoanut Grove, Dade Co., Fla. Episcopalian; especially interested in Sunday- school work. Favors woman suffrage. McFARLANE, Ida Grace Kruae (Mrs. Frederick
McFarlane), care Peter MacFarlane & Sons
Iron Works Co., 2763 Blake St., Denver, Colo.
University professor, lecturer; b. Bla«k Hawk, Colo.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '96, A.M. '97; studied three years in Europe; m. Frederick McFarlane. Public lecturer on literature and art; supervisor of public schools of Gilpin County, Colo., seven years; prof, of English literature, Univ. of Denver. Favors woman suf- frage. MACFEE, Anna Maria, 152 W. Seventy-second
St., N.T. City.
Physician; b. St. Chrysostome, Quebec, Can.; dau. Col. M. and Catherine (McNaughton) Macfee; graduated M.D., CM., from the Ontario Med. (^oll. for Women, Toronto, later taking triple medical degree at Univ. of Edinburgh. Since November, 1897, resident physician of In- fants' Hospital, Randall's Island, N.Y. City. MACFEE, Janet Donalda, 162 W. Seventy-sec- ond St., N.Y. City.
Principal of private school; b. St. Chrysostome, P.Q., Can.; dau. Col. M. and Catherine (Mc- Naughton) Macfee; grad. McGlll Univ., Montreal, A.B., with first honors; post-graduate courses in Cornell Univ., Univ. of Leipzig, Germany, and Univ. of Ziirich, Switzerland, Ph.D., with honors, 1895. Established the Misses Macfee School, N.Y. City, of which she has since been principal. McGEE, Dr. Anita Newcomb, 9 Panoramic
Way, Berkeley, Cal.
Physician; b. Washington, D.C., 1864; dau. Prof. Simon Newcomb, U.S.N, (distinguished as- tronomer), and Mary Caroline (Hassler) New- comb; ed. private school and in Europe; grad. Columbian (now George Washington) Ui^Jv., M.D. '92; post-graduate course in gynecology, Johns Hopkins Univ.; m. Washington, D.C., Feb. 14, 1888, W J McGee (scientist, died Sept. 4, 1912); .-ihildren: Klotho (daughter), Eric New- comb. Practised medicine in Washington,
��1892-96; as vice-pres. gen. of Nat. Soc. D.A.R., took up. In Apr., 1898, work in connection with Spanish-American War, as director D.A.R. Hos- pital Corps. Acting ass't surgeon U.S.A., 1898- 190O, under direct command of Surgeon-General Sternberg, selecting about 2,000 women nurses for military service and organizing them into tha Nurse Corps, which Congress made a j>ermanent part of the U.S. Army. Served through Spanish War, Philippine insurrection and Boxer cam- paign, and resigned December, 1900, having seen the Nurse Corps through its formative stage. As pres. Spanish-American War Nurses and rep- resentative of Red Cross of Philadelphia, organ- ized volunteer force of trained nurses which served without compensation in Japanese army during war with Russia, 1904, for six months, the members serving in the army's most Im- portant hospital at Hiroshima and on principal hospital shli>s. Appointed by Minister of War as supeirisor of nurses, with rank as officer in Japanese army, and made official inspections and reports upon hospitals in Japan and on the Yalu River (Mancnuria). Received Order of tha Sacred Crown and Russian War Medal, and special decoration of the Red Cross of Japan from the Emperor and the Red Cross Russian War Medal from the Empress of Japan. Mem. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. (has been surgeon-general, librarian-general, vice-pres. general and his- torian general) ; hon. pres. (for life) Spanish- American War Nurses; mem. and former dep't surgeon Spanish War Veterans (only woman eligible for membership); mem. Ass'n of Mili- tary Surgeons of U.S. Contributor to magazines; lecturer in hygiene, Univ. of Cal., 1911. McGIFFERT, Gertrade Hanting:t«n Boyce (Mrs. Arthur Cushman McGlffert), winter, 606 W. 122d St, N.Y. City; summer, "Bayberry Point," W. Falmouth, Mass. Bom Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. George Adams and Katharine A. (Rankin) Boyce; ni. East Orange, N.J., Nov. 12, 1891, Prof. Arthur Cushman Mc- OifCert; children: Arthur Cuehman Jr., Katharine Wolcott Director of Studio Club of N.Y. City. Has written many poems in the magazines. Mem. Keats-Shelley Soc. of N.Y., Mary Wash- ington Chapter D.A.R., Round Taljle, Women's Oosmopolitan Club.
McGLLL., Grace Collins (Mrs. John Fauntleroy McGill), care Capt. McGlll, U.S.M.C, U.S. Naval Disciplinary Barracks, Puget Sound, Wash.
Born Chicago, Oct 15, 1885; dau. Judge Lorln Cone Collins Jr. and Nellie (Rabb) Collins; ed. Dearborn Sem., Chicago, and Montlcello Sem.; m. at Colon, Republic of Panama, June 19, 1907, Capt.' John Fauntleroy MoGill (U.S. Marine Corps); children: Elizabeth Randolph, Grace Col- lins. Interested in modeling in clay. Episco- palian. Recreations: Golf, tennis. MacGnX, Helen Gregory (Mrs. James H. Mac- Gill), 1492 Harwood St., Vancouver, B.C. Born HamtKon, Ont., Can. ; dau. Silas and Ehnma (O'Reilly) Gregory; first woman graduate of Trinity Coll., Toronto Univ., bachelor of mu- sic '86, B.A. '89 and M.A. '90; took honors in mental and moral philosophy in arts course; m. (1st) Dr. F. C. Fleslier; (2d) James H. MacGill, M.A. ; children: Eric Gregory Flesher, Frederic Gregory Flesher, Helen Gregory MacGill, Elsie Gregory MacGill. Pres. Vancouver Women's Building, Ltd.; pres. League of Empire; mem. Women's Canadian Clu*; Woman's Musical Club, University Women's Club, Canadian Women's Press Glut), Alpine Glut), Women's Auxiliary Missions, Local Council of Women, Daughters ol the Empire, Mothers' Union; vice-pres. Wo(men'a Forum (municipal voters). After graduation went to Japan for syndicate of papers and maga- zines; later to San Francisco and contributed regularly to the Call and Chronicle of San Fran- cisco, also Harper's, McClure's, Munsey's, etc. Owned and edited two small papers; moved to Minnesota with husband, Dr. Flesher. After his death and until second marriage was exchanga editor and special writer for St. Paul Globe and wrote series of campaign articles for Minneapolia Journal. Vice-pres. Political Ekiuallty Leegue, Equal Franchise Aes'n. Mem. Anglican Church.