Suffrage Club. Recreations: Out-door sports, Club, Hull House Woman's Club. University of
rowing, good books, lectures, opera. Christian Chicago Settlement Woman's Club. Has given
Scientist. lectures before women's clubs, religious bodies,
,„„„ Am. Federation of Labor, universities and ool-
McDOWELt, Clotilda I.yon (Mrs. William jeggg and hearings before legislative bodies.
Fraser McDowell), 1936 Sheridan Road, Evan- " ' ° ^ ,, . -nt „ i,
ston. III. McDOWEUL, Pauline, 201 Grafton Av., Newark,
Missionary official; b. Gallon, Ohio; dau. Aaron N.J. ,_ „, , . ^. ^ o *. o lo^i.
J and Olive W Lyon; grad. Ohio Wesleyan Teacher; b. Pluckamm, N.J., Sept 3, 1874,
Univ B L -80. A.M. 'U; m. Sept. 30, 1882, Rev. dau. William Osborn and Josephme (Tima^us)
William Fraser McDowell, now bishop of the McDowell; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. 96. First
Methodist Episcopal Church. Always actively assistant high school, Weston, Mass., 1898-04,
interested in mission work of the Methodist Epls- grad. study Columbia Univ. 1904-05^ Instru^r
conal Church and since 1908 has been preeident in chemistry, N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women, 1905-
of"the Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of that 06; instructor chemistry. Batten High School,
church, and with her husband visited in 1910 and Elizabeth, N.J., 1907. Favors woman suffrage.
1911 many of the mission stations of the M.B. Episcopahan. Charter mem. D.A.R. Mem. U>1-
Church in the Philippine Islands, Ja^)an, Korea, lege Club of Essex Co.
China, India and Europe. Delegate to Edin- McELROV, Mary Arthur (Mrs. Jolin L. McBl-
burgh Missionary Conference, 1910; editor of Our roy), 170 State St., Albany, N.Y.
Work for the World, 1913. Born Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., 1841;
McDOWEIX, Elizabeth EstiU (Mrs. John Irving "^^u. Rev. Wmiam and Malvina (Stone) Arthur;
njroT->r.orQin -Ri.^ <5T,riTiP-,,,,,„ Physician; b. Charlotte, la.. May 3, 1872; dau.
Mcdowell, Mary Eliza, university of Chicago j^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ Addie (Collin) Gilruth; grad.
Settlement, 4630 Gross Av., Chicago, -"i- Cornell Coll., B.S. '04; Northwestern Univ. Wo-
Head resident Unlver^ty of Chicago Settle- ^^^.^ ^^ School, M.D. '98 (Alpha Epsilon
ment; b. Cincinnati 0., Nov. 30, 18&4; dau MaJ- ^^^^y^ ^ Davenport, la., Apr. 23, 1898. Dr.
colm M. and Jane Welsh ((Gordon) McDowell ea. Ernest Lewis McEwen; one son, Ernest George,
in public and private schools. Since 1894 head or j^ j^^^^ g_ ^ggg interne Cook County Hosp.,
University of Chicago Settlement in the Union ^ggg.igoo; student, Vienna and Berlin, 1904-05;
Stockyards dist; made by trustees of the uni- associate prof., 1909-12, and since June, 1912,
versity a member of the faculty and an Associate ^^j_ clinical gynecology. Coll. Phys. and Surg,
in the department of sociology. Mem. Nat. boc. .j^^^ -p^p.^. y^^^^ ^j jj,^^ Chicago; med. dir*-c-
of Charities and Corrections, the Religious Mu- ^^^ Marcy Center; attending surgeon St. Francis
cational Ass'n, 111. Equal Suffrage Ass n Am. Hospital, Evanston; author of various published
Sociological Soc., the Nat. Public School l<-xten- papprg on medical subjects; mem. Chicago Med.
sion, Nat. Child LaJbor Com., Nat Playground g^ ^^ ^^^ Ass'n. Chairman Public Health
Ass'n, the Immigrant Protective League, Nat. jjgp.f nj. Federation of Women's Cluhs; ad-
Ass'n for the Advancement of the Colored R^ce. y^g^^ jjjg^ Public Health Dep't, Gen. Federa-
Chicago Peace Soc, Methodist Episcopal Fed. ^^^^ Women's Clubs; mem. Nat. W.C.T.U., Nat.
for Social Service; charter mem. and mem. Exec. Qg^g. soc., Evanston Woman's Club, Chicago
Com. Nat. Woman's Trade Union League; was Roman's City Club. Favors woman suffrage. first pres. now vice-pres. 111. Woman s Trade
Union League; mem. Nat. Consumers' League, McFADDEN, Elizabeth Apthorp, 113 Lakevlew
Nat Ass'n for Labor Legislation, 111. Ass'n for Av., Cambridge, Mass.
I^bor Legislation, 111. Consumers' League, the Playwright; b. Newport, Ky. ; dau. Francis T. Ill Fed. of Women's Clubs (chairman Internat. and Elizabeth A. (Adams) McFadden; ed. public Com ) the Nat Indoor Games Ass'n, Cook Co. schools of Cincinnati and Smith Coll., B.L. '98 Com 'of the Progressive Party. Favors woman (mem. Phi Kappa Psi); studied dramatic tech- suffrage- mem. many suffrage societies; chairman nique for two years at Radcliffe Coll. under Industrial Com. of 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Prof. G. P. Baker. Compiled (with Lillian B. Author of chapters in Social Ministry and the Davis) bibliography entitled, 'A Selected List Socialized Church; contributor to The Survey and ot Plays for Amateurs and Students, 1908; in The Continent. Mem. Methodist Episcopal 1911 her play, "The Product of the Mill, won Church Mem. Progressive Party Com. and $500 Harvard-Radcllffe prize, offered annually spoke during campaign of 1912. Mem. of most of by John Craig, of the CasUe Square Theatre, the economic, sociological and church societies, Boston. Mem. Boston Coll. Club. Favors equal Chlcaeo Woman's Club Chicago Woman's City suffrage.