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��Mcdonald— MACDONALD

��by tutors and governesses; grad. Med. Dep't Willamette Univ., Portland, Ore., M.D. '86; m. Chattanooga, Tenn., 1892, Dr. Hfinry Macdonald; children: Daisy Belle, Ev^yn. Founder Bye and Ear Clinic, Portland, Ore., and was physician and sec. to Florence Crittenden Home for Girls at Portland, Ore.; later in Chattanooga, Tenn., was physician to the County Hospital and lee-, turer on physiology and anatomy before the Col- lege of Teachers; located in practice in N.Y. City; became clinical ass't at Manhattan Bye and Ear Hospital and N.Y. Polyclinic to Dr. David Webster and the late Dr. E. C. Seguin. Physician in Nose and Throat Clinic, N.Y. Women's Infirmary; established Home for Ner- vous Convalescents at Woodhaven, L.I. ; passed Civil Service examination and was appointed med. inspector in N.Y. City Dep't of Health, Division of Child Hygiene, serving eight years. Original mem. in establishment of Public Health Education Com. of Am. Med. Ass'n. Author of articles on Developmental Diseases; Let Roofs Save the Children's Lives; Legislation Should Provide for Compulsory Vocational Training; Un Important Projet d'Hygiene Publique; Les "Sans Metiers." -Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. State Med. Soc, N.Y. Med. Soc, Women's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. City (sec), Internat. Surgical Clinic, Internat. Dermatological Congress, Nat. Preventive Medicine and Hygiene Soc, Fonda- tion de la Maison du Pauvre, Paris, France; William Lloyd Garrison Equal Rights Ass'n, Professional Women's League, Twilight Club; ex. sec. L'Union Franco-Americaine, N.Y. City. Recreations: Art, music, travel, languages. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage; organized first meeting of 27th Assembly Dist. of the Woman Suffrage Party in N.Y. City; mem. Ways and Means Com. of Woman's Political Union.

Mcdonald, Clara Bird, 3217 Summit St., Kan- sas City, Mo.

Born Carrollton, Missouri, Feb. 14, 1874; dau. Wittien and Clara (Bird) McDonald; ed. Smith Coll., B.L. '96. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate AlumnaB, Smith College Club.

McDonald, Etta Blalsdell (Mrs. James Rich- ard McDonald), 85 Brooks St., West Medford, Mass.

Author; b. Manchester, >I.H., Mar. 20, 1872; dau. Clark and Clara (Murray) Blaisdell; ed. Prospect Hill School, Greenfield, Mass.; grad. State Normal School, Framingham, Mass., '91; m. Brockton, Mass., Aug. 3, 1899, James Richard McDonald. Taught school in Mass., 1891-96; supervisor of primary schools, Brockton, Mass., 1896-99. Author (with sister, Mary Frances Blaisdell): Child Life, 1899; Child Life in Tale and B'able, 1899; Child Life in Many Lands, 1900; Child Life in Literature, 1900; The Blais- dell Spellers, 1901; The Child Life Fifth Reader, 1902; The Wide Awake Readers, Primer, First, Second and Third Readers (pen-name "Clara Murray"), 1904-08; Boy Blue and His Friends, 1907; (with Julia Dalrymple) : Little People Every- where (including' Ume San in Japan, 1909; Kath- leen in Ireland, 1909; Manuel in Mexico, 1909 Rafael in Italy, 1909; Gerda in Sweden, 1910 Boris in Russia, 1910; Betty in Canada, 1910 Fritz in Germany, 1910; Marta in Holland, 1911 Hassan in Egypt, 1911; Donald in Scotland 1912; Josefa in Spain, 1912). Mem. Boston Authors' Club, New England Woman's Press Ass'n, Medford Women's Club. Recreation: Motoring.

MACDONALD, Lucy Maud Montgromery (Mrs. Ewan Macdonald), Leaskdale, Ont., Can. Writer; b. Clifton, P.E. Island, Nov. 30, 1874; iau. Hugh John and Clara (Macneile) Mont- gomery; ed. Prince of Wales Coll., Charlotte- town, P.E. Island; m. Park Corner, P.E. Island, July 5, 1911, Rev. Ewan Macdonald; one son: Chester Cameron. Author: Anne of Green Sables; Anne of Avonlea; Kilmeny of the Or- chard; Chronicles of Avonlea. Mem. Canadian Women's Pri;ss Club. Recreations: Reading, walking. Presbyterian.

HacDONALD, Margaret Baxter, State College, Pa. Teacher; b. Albemarle Co., Va. ; dau. Abram

��Addams and Isabelle Plunket (Mackay) Mac- Donald; ed. Pa. State Coll., 1893-95; Mt. Holy- oke Coll., B.S. '98; Bryn Mawr Coll., Ph.D. '02 (fellowship at Bryn Mawr Coll. and Univ. ol Pa ). Teacher of chemistry. State Normal School, Trenton, N.J. ; instructor in chemistry, Vassar Coll.; chemist Del. Experiment Station; ass't prof, agricultural chemistry. Pa. State Coll. Favors woman suffrage. Has written chemical articles, published in Am. Chemical Journal; and "Agricultural Education for Women," published in agricultural periodicals. Presbyterian. Fel- low A.A.A.S., Maria Mitchell Ass'n. MacDONALD, Margaret Chisholm, Military Hos- pital, Quebec, Can.

Military nurse; b. Bailey's Brook, Nova Scotia, Feb. 26, 1878; dau. Major D. D. and Mary S. (Chisholm) MacDonald; ed. Mt. St. Vincent Acad., Halifax, N.S. Trained in N.Y. City Hos- pital for Nurses. Cor. sec. of N.Y. City Training School Alumna Ass'n, Nursed at Montauk Point during Spanish- American War; In active service in South Africa during Boer War — saw beginning and termination of same. Went out with Canadian troops, returned with them at end of year. Went back to South Africa under Im- perial Government, then had a position in U.S. Health Dt^p't, Canal Zone, just after territory had been acquired by U.S. Entered Canadian Per- manent Army Medical Corps (holds_lieutenant's commission) In 1906; In June, 1911, seiit to Eng- land by Dep't of Militia to make a study of nursing, administration, organization and mobi- lization at the War Office, London, visiting all the military hospitals in England and Scotland; now matron of Military Hospital, Quebec, Can. Supporter of non-militant section of woman suffrage. Roman Catholic. Recreations: Tennis, golf, canoeing, snowshoeing. Mem. Women's Canadian Club, Nova Scotia Historical Soc, Im- perial Order of Daughters of the Empire, and Ass'n of Officers of the Medical Services of Canada.

MACDONALD, Male Tucker (Mrs. Augustln S. Macdonald), 325 Vernon St., Oakland, Cal. Born N.Y. City; dau. Dr. J. C. and Wilhel- mina (Havemeyer) Tucker; ed. N.Y. City and Berlin; m. Oakland, Cal., Jan. 1, 1900, Augustin S. Macdonald; children: Mora, Donald Tucker. Mem. Soc. Daughters Pioneers of CaUfornia, Town and Country Club (San Francisco), Clare- mont Country Club of Oakland. MACDONALD, Mary Bartlett (Mrs. Duncan Black Macdonald), 853 Asylum Av., Hartford, Conn, (summer, Pemaquid, Me.). -

Born N.Y. City, Sept. 14, 1850; dau. Prof. David Ely and Fanny Pomeroy (Hinsdale) Bartlett; ed. privately; m. Hartford, Conn., June 22, 1898, Prof. Duncan Black Macdonald. Had charge of prep, education of four Chinese boys, under Dr. Yung Ming's Chinese Educational Commission; for 20 years taught piano playing and harmony, and private classes in history and literature. Interested in music and in compiling family records; occupied in assisting husband, especially In comparative religion, folk-lore and psychical research; interested in church and Sunday-school work. Has written verses and papers In pe- riodicals and a story, What Hetty Saw (Connec- ticut Magazine). Mem. Conn. Hist. Soc, D.A.R., Ruth Wyllis Chapter (historian and mem. of Exec Com. for several years), Mayflower Soc, Hartford Art Soc. ; associate mem. Hartford Saturday Morning Club. Congregatlonalist. Strongly against woman suffrage. MACDONALD, Mary Catharine Van Vreden- burg Hopkins (Mrs. Robert Dhu Macdonald), Greyacres, Winter Park, Fla, Born SomerviUe, N.J. ; dau. John Richards and Amelia M. (Weed) Hopkins; ed. Packer Coll. Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; m. Brookline, Mass., May 14, 1902, Robert Dhu Macdonald. Lived in N.Y. City until purchased property in South and moved to Florida. Registrar Manhattan Chapter D.A.R. (N.Y. City), 1903-09; three years chair- man Entertainment Com. Women's Republican Club of N.Y. City; cor. sec. Washington Head- quarters Ass'n, three years; charter mem. Nat. Patriotic Women of America (N.Y. City) three years; now mem. Winter Park (Fla.) Board of


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