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��Clubs is Doing for Woman; Rules and Regula- Mons for Good Health. Presbyterian. Pro- pressive (Bull Moose). Mom. P.E.O. Sisterhood (Chapter L. Sunnyslde). Recreations: Gardening, walking, driving, entertaining young people away from home. Pres. Woman's Civic Club, Sunny- ride; mem. Lyceum Club (London and N.Y. City). McCREERY, Janie Cole (Mrs. R. W. McCreery),

704 West Main St., Marshalltown, la.

Born Chicago, Apr. 11, 1875; dau. John E. and Mary Ella (Shirley) Cole; ed. Kansas City High School; m. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 30, 1895, R. W. McCreery; children: Worthington Cole, Walter Say. Interested In Congregational Church; pres. of Twentieth Century Club, the Hawthorne Club, and the Carreaway Club, Marshalltown, la.; mem. of City, State and Gen. Federation of Women's Clubs;" officer Playground Work (pub- lic). Unitarian (though active In Congregational Church). Favors woman suffrage.

McCRELLIS, Mary F., 800 Davis St., Evanston, 111.

Physician; b. North Sandwich, N.H., June 15, 1856; dau. William and Mary Shaw (Watson) McCrlllis; ed. Gilmanton (N.H.) Acad., 1873-76; Boston University School of Medicine, 1878-82. Mem. Am Inst, of Homoeopathy, 111. Hcmceop- ithic Med. Ass'n, Chicago Homoeopathic Med. Soc., Chicago After Dinner Club, Evanston Univ. Guild. Congregationaliflt. Favors woman suffrage. Republican.

McCX'LLOCH, Catharine Waagh (Mrs. Frank Hathorn McCulloch), 2236 Orrlngton Av., Evanston, III.

Attorney-at-law; b. Ransomville, N.Y., June ■i, 1862; dau. A. Miller and Susan ((3ougar) Waugh; ed. Rockford Coll., B.A., M.A.; North- western Univ. Law School, LL.B., '86; m. Rock- ford, 111., May 30, 1890, Frank Hathorn Mc- Culloch; children: Hugh Waugh, Hathorn Waugh, Catharine Waugh, Frank Waugh. Ad- mitted to bar in Illirois, 18S6, and to Su- preme Court of U.S., 1898; practised law for four years and in 1890 became mem. of firm Mc- Culloch & McCulloch. Interested in Sunday- school and missionary socs., Mothers' Club, W.C.T.U. Author: Mr. Lex, a story; Bridget's Sisters, a play; many short leaflets and pam- phlets, mostly with a legal turn. Mem. Fred- erick Douglass Center, Immigration Aid Soc., Chicago Woman's Club, Political Equality League, Evanston Woman's Club, Evanston Po- litical Equality League, Evanston Univ. Guild. Recreations: Visiting, traveling, horseback riding, piano playing to accompany her sons' violin and 'cello. Congregationalist. Independ- ent in politics. For 22 years in charge of legis- lative work of III. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; was an officer of the Nat. Ass'n (1st vice-pres. and legal adviser) ; mem. of local boards. Was elected justice of the peace twice, and was first woman to hold judicial office In U.S. Took a leading part in the successful effort to secure the pass- age of the bill which gave women the franchise in Illinois, 1913.

McCulloch, Harriet Ellen Mlze (Mrs. Robert McCulloch), Cloverdale, Cal. Teacher; b. Troy, la., July 22, 1842; dau. Flem- ing and Harriet (Briggs) Mlze; eldest of eight children (six boys and two girls); ed. Rockford Female Sem., 111., June, 1862; m. Cal., June, 1875, Robert McCulloch, Presbyterian minister; one son: Edgar Robert; two step-children: David and Mary McCulloch. Began as assistant teacher in Troy Acad, before graduation; taught in pub- lic schools of Iowa, California, Nevada and in Seattle, Wash., the last 17 years of 45 years of teaching. Sunday-school teacher up to the age of 70; worker in missionary soc; mem. W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. Preshyterian. Repub- lican. Mem. Chautauqua societies for years. After some years' teaching in Iowa went to Cali- fornia; taught in VacavUle and Healdsburg; after the great Seattle flre went as teacher to Seattle for 17 years.

McCUJLLOCH, Margraret, 1100 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind.

Born Indianapolis, Ind. ; dau. Oscar C. and Alice (Barteau) McCulloch; ed. Indianapolis High

��School, Vassar Coll., A.B. Friendly visitor of Charity Organization Soc; pres. Indiana Vassar Club, 1910-12. Congregationalist. Mem. Dra- matic Club, D.A.R.

McCL'NE, Lilian Jlay (Mrs. C. B. McCune), Benson, Minn.

Born Uniontown, Ind., May 7, 1856; dau. Solo- mon and Sarah Belle (Francisco) Foland; ed. Indiana Univ., B.S. '75 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Benson, Minn., Nov. 4, 1885, C. B. McCune (Princeton '73); children: Robert Hugh, Guy Everett, Howard Lyndon (deceased). Taught before marriage in Terre Haute (Ind.) High School. Original and continued mem. of Public Library Board, which is just completing new Carnegie Building; vlce-pres. Seventh Dist. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Has published numerous poems and written travel letters for local papers. Author: Betty Leeds; Peace, Be Still; A Vision; These Three. Congregationalist. Mem. Coterie, Woman's Study Club and church societies. McCl'TCHEON, Hattie Louise, 15 MacPherson Terrace, Albany, N.Y.

Normal teacher; b. Charlotte, Mich.; ed. in schools of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '95; N.Y. State Normal Coll., Pd.D. '03. Teacher Brooklyn Heights Sem., 1895-99; Short Hills (N.J.) High School, 1899-1902; State Normal School, Geneseo, N.Y., 1903-04; teacher and critic, N.Y. State Normal High School, 1904-06; N.Y. State Normal Coll. from 1906. Author of mono- graph on Teaching French Phonics; The Poetry of B6ranger and National Sentiment in France (published by State Normal Coll.). McCUTCHEOX, Leoiia, Thorndale, Ont., Can.

Teacher; b. Thorndale, Ont., Can.; dau. Will- iam M. and Essie (Teare) McCutcheon; ed. Univ. of Toronto, B.A. '03 (first class honors In clas- sics); Univ. of Wis., M.A. '05. Engaged in teach- ing in Ontario schools since graduation. Also actively interested in Sunday-school work. Methodist.

McDANIEL, Martha Douglass Scarborough (Mrs. George White McDaniel), Mt. Sylvan, Rich- mond, Va.

Born Mt. Carmel, Tex.; dau. John B. and Mary (Ellison) Scarborough; grad. Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex., A.B., A.M. 1893-95; Vassar Coll., A.B. '96; m. Waco, Tex., Mar. 23, 1898, George White McDaniel, D.D. (Richmond Coll.), '06, pastor First Baptist Church of Richmond, Va. ; children: Mary Scarborough, b. Mar. 10, 1899; John Harrington, b. May 10, 1901. Prof, of mod- ern languages in Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex., 1896- 98. Pres. 1907-09, now mem. Exec. Board Wom- an's Missionary Union of Va. ; vlce-pres. Flor- ence Crittenden Mission in Va., . 1910-11; delegate from State of Virginia to World's Alliance, Phil- adelphia, 1911; vice-pres. Mission Circle of Rich- mond. Author of Mission Tracts and Pamphlets; State Mission Salmagundi; Our State for Christ; Christian Stewardship; Mission Interest Depend- ent Upon a Knowledge of Facts; Children as Christians and Church Members. Also poema and essays, published principally by Woman's Missionary Union and Sunday-School B'd ol Atlanta, Ga. Baptist. Mem. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, Woman's Guild, Daughters of the Church, Confederate Memorial Literary Soc Every Monday Club of Richmond, Va. Recrea- tions: Horseback riding, walking, tennis. MACDONALD, Annie CaroUne, 15 Dote San- banche, Kojimachi, Tokyo, Japan. National secretary Y.W.C.A. In Japan- b Wlngham, Ont; dau. Hon. Peter Macdonald, M.D. (mem. Dominion House of Commons 1887- 1904), and Margaret (Ross) Macdonald; ed schools' of Wlngham, Ont.; Toronto Univ., B.A. (honor graduate in mathematics and physics), '01. Became sec. Y.W.C.A., Ottawa, Ont.; latei traveling sec. Student Volunteer Movement, 1903 National City sec. Canadian Y.W.C.A., 1904, in which year she took her present position as bat sec Y.W.C.A. in Japan.

MACDONALD, Belle Jeanne (Mrs. Henry Mac- donald), "Barberrybush," Brlgh"twater», L.I., N.Y. ; office, 1730 Broadway, N.Y. City. Physician, surgeon; b. Montreal, Can., Aug. 6 1866; dau. Capt. Edward and Barbara Ann (McBee) Chambrean; general education at home


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