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��Bcbool, Savannali, Ga., and Girls' High School, later A.B. (classical course); m. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 21, 1885, Adrian Hill McCoy; two adopted children: Harrison, Thurja Perry. Has worked for years for the uplift of the working girls, fnorally and socially. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Order Eastern Star and United Daughters Df Confederacy. Pres. Cutbbert Woman's Club; officer in State Fed. of Clubs.

McCOY, Emma Augusta, Somerset PI., New

Brunswick, N.J.

Supervisor; b. New Brunswick; dan. Goyn D. and Louisa (Thompson) McCoy; ed. New Bruns- wick public schools; Women's Art School, Cooper Inst., N.Y. City. Connected with piLblic schools of Somerset and Middlesex counties, N.J., for over 20 years; now supervisor of drawing in New Brunswick public schools. Organized, 1912, and is pres. Political Study Club of New Bruns- wick. Favors woma,n suffrage. Mem. Dutoh Reformed Church. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n, N.J. State Teachers' Ass'n, N.J. Fed. of Women's Clubs, Public School Teachers' Club of New Brunswick, W.C.T.U. Recreations:' Reading, walking.

McCOY, Etta Joe, 820 So. Cedar St., Ottawa,


Educator; b. Indianapolis, la., Feb. 25, 1874; dau. Mark and EHizabeth (Wallace) McCoy; ed. Penn Coll., Oskaloosa, la.; Ottawa (Kan.) Univ. Teacher in grades, Ottawa, Kan. ; in grades and high school, Newberg, Ore. Sup't of Wellsville (Kan.) schools; now county sup't of schools, Franklin Co., Kan. (second term). Sec. and treas. of Miami Baptist Young People's Union and Sunday-school .Convention; vice-pres. Phila- thea Class; mem. Exec. Com. of Kansas School Peace League; mem. Resolution Com. Kan. State Teachers' Ass'n; mem. State Board of Education for Graded Schools; mem. proposed Legislation Com. of County Sup'ts of Kan. Favors woman suffrage; educational sec. of Equal Suffrage League. Editor of County Superintendent's Re- view; writer of articles for educational maga- zines. Mem. of Com. on Course of Study for Rural Schools of Kansas. Mem. Eastern Star, D.A.R. Recreations: Riding, driving, nature study. Mem. Exec. Com. Progressive Club. Led ticket in primary and election for county su- perintendent of public instruction, both for first and second terms. Baptist.

McCOY, Eeeta Myrtle, 3517 Thirteenth St., N.W.,

Washington, D.C.

Teacher; b. in Iowa; dau. L. L. and Alice (Richards) McCoy; ed. in Iowa, Nebraska, Chi- cago, New York. Formerly school teacher, now dean of Leojean Coll., Washington, D.C. Inter- ested in work for children, especially assisting in education of poor girls. Has written articles and has been connected with prominent news- papers and periodicals. Baptist. Republican. Recreations: Walking, jiding, driving.

McCBACKEN, Elizabeth, 4 Avon St., Cambridge, Mass. ; business, Houghton-Mifflin Co., 4 Park St., Boston, Mass.

Writer and editor; b. New Orleans, La., Feb. 29, 1876; dau. William Charles and Mary Elizabeth (Kruse) McCracken; grad. Brownell Hall, Omaha, Neb., B.A. ; special studies, Boston, in English, literature, Italian and German. Engaged in literary work since 1S96, contributing to The Atlantic Monthly, The OuUook. The Youth's Companion, The Century, The Independent and ■The Ladies' Home Journal. Wrote a series of articles as the result of investigations all over the country into the sociological conditions of American women, which were published in The Outlook, 1902-03, and afterward in a volume. The Women of America, 1904; wrote series of articles on American children, published in The Outlook, 1912-13, and in a volume, The American Child, 1913. Since its founding by Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1911, editor of the new magazine. Home Progress. Active in church social service work and civic betterment work. Anti-suffragist; hon- orary vice-pres. Mass. State Anti-Suffragist Ass'n. Mem. Boston Authors' Club, Circolo Italiano of Boston, Boston Browning Soc, Wom-

��en's Trade Union League, Am. Home Economics Ass'n. Episcopalian. Socialist. Recreations: The drama, nature study.

McCRACKEN, Mary Unger (Mrs. John W. Mc- Cracken), 911 Main St., E., Rochester, N.Y. Born Danville, Pa., Oct. 14, 1879; dau. Melanc- thon and Elisabeth (Swenk) Unger; ed. Dan- ville High School, Bucknell Univ., A.B. '02, A.M. '03, summa cum laude (commencement speaker); m. Danville, Pa., June 21, 1907, John W. MoCracken; one daughter: Elisabeth Unger. Baptist.

McCBACKTN, BeUe Fitzhngh McPherson (Mrs.

Alexander McCrackin), 225 Pacific Av., San

Francisco, Cal.

Born Baltimore, Md., 1870; dau. Maynard and Mary P. (Fitzhugh) McPherson; ed. San Fran- cisco in private schools; m. 1895, S*n Fran- cisco, Alexander McCrackin, U.S. Navy (died January, 1911, with rank of rear admiral) ; one daughter: Isabelle McPherson, b. Annapolis, Md., 1896. Active in church work. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Democrat. Mem. of Colonial Dames Resident in State ot Cal., United Daughters of Confederacy, Town and Country Club of San Francisco, Y.W.C.A., Drama League, Channing Auxiliary, Army and Navy League, Navy Relief, Rest Room for Business Women.

McCBACKIN, Josephine Clifford (Mrs. Jackson McCrackin), Pacheco Av., Santa Cruz, Cal. Writer; b. Petershagen, Prussia, Germany; dau. Ernest and Charlotte (Baroness von Ende) Woempner; ed. St. Louis, Mo.; partly at private German school; later visited externat of Sacred Heart Convent; m. (1st) J. S. Clifford; (2d) Jack- son McCrackin. Author: Overland Tales; Another Juanita; as magazine writer contributed to Overland Monthly, Lakeside, Harper's, West- ern Monthly and others; has written much on forest, bird, game and animal protection; was first to sound the slogan. Save the Redwoods. Roman Catholic. Founder Ladies' Forest and Song Bird Protective Ass'n; mem. Pacific Coast Women's Press Ass'n; officer Santa Cruz Co. Humane Soc.; mem. State Humane Ass'n; mem. California Game and Fish Protective Ass'n. Mem. Sempervirens Club of Cal.; hon. mem. Saturday Afternoon Club of Santa Cruz; also Improvement Club.

McCREADY, Margaret Merkley (Mrs. Norman

S. McCready), Snohomish, Wash.

Born Iroquois, Ontario, Can., Mar. 5, 1865; dau. Charles and Elizabeth (Irvine) Merkley; ed. Iroquois public schools; m. Sntihomisii, Wash., Sept. 24, 1890, Dr. Norman S. MoCready; chil- dren: Norman M., b. Jan. 19, 1893; Irving S., b. May 19, 1896. Interested and active in social and philanthropic matters, reform work and so- cial service. Favors woman suffrage and activ« In a general way. Episcopalian. Progressive. Mem. St. John's Episcopal Guild; director oi Anti-Tnberculosls Ass'n of Washington; past worthy matron Order of Eastern Star. Mem. Cosmopolitan Club; first vice-pres. Washington State Federation of Women's Clubs; director ol Western Federation of Improvement Clubs.

McCBEDIE, Marion MacMaster, Sunnyslde,


Bom Staffordshire, England, April 27, 1863; dau. James and Rosanna (Heron) MacMaster; ed. Ladies' Coll., Edinburgh, Scotland; honors in German, French art and EInglish subjects; m. Wigtownshire, Scotland, Oct. 11, 1892, Robert C. McCredie; one son: William Lemond. Teacher of Bible classes; civic worker. Mem. Washing- ton State Board of Health, Washington State Ass'n for Prevention and Relief ot Tuberculosis (Exec.. Board); Board of Regents Puget Sound Univ. ; pres. Western Woman's Outlook News- paper Co. ; pres. Washington State Federation ol Women's Cluhs; mem. Sunnyslde Park Com- mission. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Th« Few Responsibilities of Women in the State oi Washington; The Ideal Town; The Modern Ideal Club Woman; What the State Federation of


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