��Kappa Psi); m. June, 1903, Dr. Guthrie Mc- Connell; children: Frances Shackelford, Charles Knapp. Mem. College Club and Smith College Club, Plastic Club (Philadelphia). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. McCONNELL, Marion Vincent KUis (Mrs. James
Eli McConnell), 121 Moore St., Providence, R.I.
Born Springfield, Mass., Mar. 11, 1865; dau. Henry A. and Saraii (Burdick) Ellis; ed. private schools and by tutors in Mass. and N.Y. ; spe- cialized in voice culture; m. May 1, 1889, Brook- lyn, N.Y., Rev. James Eli Mc-Connell, D.D.; children: Ellis Huntington, b. Dec. 16, 1890 (died Dec. 21, 1S90); Florence Marion, b. SepL 15, 1893; Elizabeth, b. Oct. 6, 1895. Church and concert singer, 1887-1910; teacher voice culture, Carleton Coll., Northfleld, Minn., 1891-92, continuing as private teacher of voice, 1892-1906. Interested In and connected with various religious, social and philanthropic and musical activities and welfare work. Against woman suffrage. Congregatlonal- 1st. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary So- cieties, R.I. and New England. Mem. Chami- nade Club, Handicraft Club. As pastor's wife Identified with the work of the Congregational Church in Churchville, N.Y., 1889-90; Northfleld, Minn., 1S90-19O5; Providence, R.I. (Union Congre- gational), 1905—.
McCONNELL, Maude WeUs, 328 E. Washing- ton St.. Sullivan, Ind. Physician; b. near Sullivan, Ind.; dau. John
A. and Mary Elizabeth (Wells) McConnell; ed. public schools of Sullivan. Ind.; Med. Dep't of Ind. Univ., M.D. '95; Woman's Hospital of Chicago Training School for Nurses, 1892. Helped with the passage of the law for registra- tion of nurses, which was the first law for women in Ind. put through by women. Pres. Ind. State Nurses Ass'n. Mem. American Med. Soc, Ind. State Med. Soc., Soc. of Sani- tary and Moral Prophylaxis, Local Council of Women. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.
McCOBD, Annie Elizabeth, Allegheny Av.,
N.S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Social worker; b. Allegheny, Pa., Jan. 21, 1878; dau. James E. and Sue (Stephenson) McCord; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '01; N.Y. School of Ph.lanthropy, 1906-07. Probation officer. Juvenile Court; expert agent U.S. Bureau of Labor; in- vestigator Pittsburgh Survey; director Vocation Bureau, Pittsburgh. Mem. Nat. Child Labor Com. of Board of Directors; recording sec. Pa. Child Labor Ass'n, Western branch; mem. Dis- trict Council Associated Charities of Pittsburgh. P'avors woman suffrage. Mem. Equal Franchise League of Pittsburgh, Woman Suffrage Party of Pa. E>piscopallan. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. Soc. for Promotion of Industrial Education, Nat. Conference of Charities and Cor- rection, Pittsburgh Wellesley Club, Collage Club of Pittsburgh, Social Workers' Clut) of Pitts- burgh.
McCORAnCK, Edith Rockefeller (Mrs. Harold Fowler McCormick), 1000 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111.
Bom Cleveland, 0., Aug. 31, 1872; dau. John D. and Laura (Spelman) Rockefeller; ed. by pri- vate professors; m. Nov. 26, 1895, Harold Mc- Cormick; children: John Rockefeller (deceased). Fowler, Muriel, Edltha (deceased), Mathllde. Interested in Chicago grand opera; Memorial Institute for Infectious Diseases; many civic in- terests and many philanthropies, French School, Italian Club, educational matters, art, drama, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Has written for maga- zines and literary clubs. Baptist; mem. many •ocietles. Clubs: Fortnightly, Woman's Athletic, Scribblers' (Chicago), Colony (N.Y. City).
McCORMICK, Harriet Hammond (Mrs. Cyrus Hall McCormick), 60 E. Huron St., Chicago, 111.
Horn Monmouth, England; dau. Capt. George W. and Emma (Youns) Hammond; ed. Klrkland School and in Europe; m. Monterey, Cal., Mar.
B, 1889, Cyrus Hall McConmlck; children: Cyrus, Elizabeth (deceased), Gordon. Literary mem. and at one time vlce-pres. Fortnightly Club; past pres. Friday Club; promoter and financial backer of the Child WeUare Exhibit, held in Chicago,
��May, 1911, which marked an era In child 3tud> Especially Interested In all that concerns the betterment of children and in civic and social welfare in general. Has contributed several ar- ticles on civic planting and landscape art to va- rious publications. Episcopalian. Recreation; Walking. Mem. Lake Forest Garden Club, Colony Club of N.Y. City.
McCORMICK, Ida May (Mrs. Samuel Black Mc- Cormick). 4725 Walllngford St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Born Washington, Pa., Dec. 1, 1863; dau. Will • lam M. and Harriet Newell (Gibson) Steep; ed. Washington Sem. ; m. Carnegie, Pa., Sept. 29, 1882, Samuel Black McCormick (now Chancellor of the Univ. of Pittsburgh); children: James Irwin, Gertrude, Samuel Black, Rachel. Inter- ested in religious, social and philanthropic works; served on Moral Efficiency Commission of Pitts- burgh and as director and :;hairman of Y.W.C.A. (Hill Top Branch). Mem. Twentieth Century Club. Recreation: Walking. Presbyterian. As wife of the Chancellor of Univ. of Pittsburgh fills the social duties of that position as well ae those above indicated.
McCORMICK, Katiierine Dexter (Mrs. St&nley McCormick), 393 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass.
Philanthropist, lecturer; b. Dexter, Mich., 1876; dai|. Wirt and Josephine (Moore) Dexter; ed. Mass. Inst, of Technology, A.B. '94; m. Geneva, Switzerland, 1894, Stanley McCormick, of Chi- cago, son of inventor of the reaping machine. Prominent in society; actively interested in va- rious philanthropies; lecturer and social worker. Favors woman suffrage; treas. Nat. American Woman Suffrage Ass'n; corr. sec. Internat. Woman Suffrage Alliance. Mem. College Club, Maryland Club, Chilton Club (Boston). McCORMICK, Ruth Hanna (Mrs. Medill McCor- mick), office, 500 Dlversy Blvd., Chicago, 111. Bom Cleveland, O., 1887; dau. Marcus Alonzo and Charlotte Augusta (Rhodes) Hanna; ed. Dobbs Ferry and Farmington; m. Cleveland, O., June 10, 1903, Medill McCormick. Interesrted In Nat. Civic Fed., Consumers' League, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Women's Club for Civic Improvement In Chicago. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Finance Com. of the Nat. Suffrage Ass'n. Progressive. Recreations: Camping, hunting, shooting, fishing, horseback riding. Mem. (iolony Club of N.Y., Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Congregational Club of Washington, D.C. ; Progressive, Fortnightly and Scribblers' Club of Chicago. Now working In Progressive Party and Suffrage organizations along educational lines to develop woman's ac- tivity In the political field and for civic better- men in her home locality.
McCORMICK, Sophia Grant, 6205 Howe St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Born Pittsburgh, Nov. 6, 1869; dau. David Cum- mings and Cecelia Carroll (Grant) McCormick; ed. Pittsburgh in Bishop Bowman In»t. Dlst. nurse under auspices of Fruit and Flower Mis- sion (treas.); active in Homoeopathic Hospital; sec. Calvary P.E. Church Sisterhood; mem. Twen- tieth Century Club, Civic Club, Playground Ass'n, Pa. Child Labor Ass'n, D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Pittsburgh Art Soc., Twentieth Century dub (whist), Pittsburgh (Jolf Club. Recreations: Walking, golf, whist, bridge, concerts, reading, dancing.
MacCOULL, Kari P. Gamble (Mrs. Nell Mac-
Coull), 537 W. 121st St., N.Y. City.
Born New Scotland, N.Y., Mar. 14, 1865; dau. Samuel L. and M. Josephine (Leggett) Gamble; ed. Wellesley, A.B. '87; m. Pekin, 111., Dec. 19, 1889, Neil MacCoull; children: Nell MacCouU Jr., Dorothy L. MacCoull. Has been mem. various Wellesley clubs. Women's University Club of N.Y. ; Ass'n of Ciollegiate Alumnae. Active In all branches of church work as well as In settlement sewing schools. Baptist. Against woman suf- frage. McCOY, CamlUs Harrison (Mrs. Adrian Hill
McCoy), Cuthbert, Ga.
Born Savannah, Ga., Dec 21, 1861; dau. George P. and Thursa A. (Gulnn) Harrison; ed. privat(