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A.B. '04 (first honors), M.A. '06 (Phi Beta Girls, Lancaster, Pa., 1907-08; principal of tha

Kappa); Univ. of Gbttlngen, Germany, 1911-12 High School of Huntington Valley, Pa., 1910-11.

^t°^.- Kappa Kappa Gamma). Teacher of Ger- McCOMAS, Alice Moore (Mrs. C. C. McComas),

man in Allegheny Coll. Preparatory .school, 1904- home address, Los Angeles, Cal.; present ad-

« '.^if^^nnl .?^™^'i ^%^l Sharon (Pa.) High <jress, 440 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City.

rJt^i n n'^^-6 ^°^--^°u German and French, journalist, educator, orator, lecturer; b. Paris,

vn^^^S,°"- ^"'^^^'^ ^^n^- ^^- ?!nce 1908. Fa- m iggQ; dau. Gen. Jesse H. and Rachel (Hines)

rriT,„!L.^° ^^^'■^^®;- Congregationahst Rec- Moore; ed. St. Mary's of The Wood, Terre Haute,

tSfn^ ^®°^' boating, walking, athletics and i^^., special honors in music and literary com-

^' position, prize winner in elocution; m. Decatur,

McCLOSKEY, Alice Gertrnde, N.Y. State Col- HI-. Nov. 14, 1870, Judge C. C. McComas; chil-

lege of Agriculture, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. dren: Helen, b. 1872 (died 1891); Alice Beach, b.

Educator, lecturer; b. Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 1876; Clare, b. 1881; Carroll, b. 1886. First woman

1870; grad. Cornell, B.A. Lecturer on Nature in the State of Cal. to conduct a Woman's Dep't

Study and Elementary Agriculture in N.Y. State ^^ ^ "^^^'y Paper, Los Angeles Express; first

Coll. of Agriculture at Cornell Univ.; associate woman m same State to speak at a State Repub-

in Rural School Education Extension. Editor of l^can ratification meeting, 1894. One of the earliest

Cornell Rural School Leaflet, published monthly workers in the Free Kindergarten Assn; one ol

for use of rural communities the organizers of the working woman s clubs;

lectured on Politics in the Home, Individual McCLOUD, Lucy Carter, 186 South St., North- Education In the Public Schools, The Common ampton, Mass. Sense Rearing of Children. Has written recent Assistant register of deeds, lawyer; grad. Smith articles on The Panama Canal, Southern Cal. Coll., B.A. '85; student Sprague Correspondence Chapter In History of Suffrage; has contributed School of Law, 1900-05. Teacher Glen wood Sem., to over 70 newspapers on the suffrage question; Brattleboro, Vt., 1885-86; clerk in Registry of originated "Precinct" idea in Woman Suffrage Deeds, Northampton, Mass., 1895-1905; ass't regis- campaigning; wrote a brochure. The Timely trar of deeds since 1905. Admitted to Massa- Question, on the same subject; correspondent for chusetts bar, 1905. Mem. Smith Coll. AlumutB three California papers during the World's Fair, Ass'n. special contributor of travel sketches in Los nr-riT ¥'vii,'i7 iM„i, 1 ■»! 12- •_!. ftt T -.r Augcles Times and various magazines, lust com- Ch^r,^?^ T'tq ?- Ph^=^ ,f ==^ ^r?^ ;i nf """ PJeted a book on child life in California, Under n^Z'l'f tL^« T,n^ ?98, ^ ^ T ^ VI the Peppcrs ; writer of short stories, articles on nnS-a ,nr, TT^^ Vn^,H ^ V^^ ^^"- ^^"V^^'" politics and ..couomics; was for two years as- more and Elen (Cutler) McKelghan; ed. Mary ^^iate editor of The Household Journal (now

^ «f ri'? A ^, 9!^°Q°nl• ^?"^ ^S,"-A,^-^-= The Southwest) in Los Angeles. Member

m. St. Louis April 24, 1905, James McCluney. ^jn. Play-goers, Ethical Soc, Woman's Press

Mem Fourth Presbyterian Church (pres of ^^g.^ gan Francisco; California Club of N.Y.,

^.^^^^l'-,?®™; ■^^^}°^ League and Junior Auxiliary Friday Morning Club, Los Angeles. Recreations:

of Children s Memorial Hospital. Mem. 111. Motoring, social affairs, traveling. Favors woman

E>qual Suffrage Ass n. Recreations: Tennis, suffrage; pres. of the Los Angeles Woman

golf, skating. Mem. On-wentsla Club. Suffrage Ass'n. Progressive voter in California.

McCHING, Nellie Letitia Mooney, 97 Chestnut Recently made tour of thorough investigation at

St., Winnipeg, Man., Can. Panama Canal and will lecture on that subject in

Writer; b. Chatsworth, Ont, Oct. 20, 1873; dau. 19^*; will soon publish book on The Women of

John and Letitia (McCurdy) Mooney; ed. North- the Canal Zono.

field School and Central Collegiate School, Winni- McCOMBS, Georgette (Mrs. Roderick N. Mc-

peg, Man.; m. Aug. 25, 1896, Robert Wesley Combs), Lawrence, Ind.

McOlung (druggist); children: John, Florence, Born Juneau, Wis.; dau. Isaac and M. E. Vail; Paul, Horace, Mark. Gives recitations from her ed. high school; m. in Kansas, Roderick N. Mc- own books and visits the towns of her own Combs; children: Walter N., Edward C, Harold Province; also made a successful tour of On- B. Interested in church societies, Library Board, tario, 1910. Favors woman suffrage (prominent civic Improvement. Favors woman suffrage, speaker on subject). Author: Sowing Seeds In Mem. Church of Chrtst, Order Eastern Star. Danny, 1908; The Second Chance, 1910; The Black Recreation: Social circles. Pres. Woman's Club. Creek Stopping-House, 1912; also short stories McCONKEY, Bertha M.. 236 Union St:, Spring- ana articles for magazines. Methodist. Pres. ggj^ Mass

Press Club of Manitoba; mem. Political E<iuallty ^ss't sup't of schools; b. Rochester, N.Y.;

League, Canadian Club. ^au. Samuel and Sarah (Johnston) McConkey;

McCLUBE, Mary Alice (Mrs. Thomas J. Mc- grad. high school, Tidioute, Pa. ; State Normal

Clure), Hudson, McLean Co., III. School, Edlnboro, Pa. For 10 years (1892-1902)

Born Bloomington, 111, Sept. 7, 1855; dau. Theo- supervisor of practice teachers in State Normal

dore and Ann Eliza (Winslow) Stout; ed. Bloom- Practice School, South Manchester, Conn.; since

ington. 111.; m. Normal, 111., June 3, 1902, Thomas 1902, ass't sup't schools of Springfield, Mass.

J. McClure. Taught in public schools of 111. Mem. of Executive Board of Union Relief Ass'n,

22 years. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Springfield, Mass; mem. Springfield Woman's

Mem. Woman's Club of Hudson, 111: Club, Springfield Teachers' Club. Favors woman

M r.T TTcirv Tir_, « w ^ ■ . -kt t^ , Fuffrage. Congregationalist.

McCLUSKY, Mrs O. W., Carrmgton N Dak McCONNELL, Ella Mead (Mrs. Benjamin F.

Reader; b. Braldwood, 111. Aug 28, 18^; dau McConnell), Sweet Brier, 2001 Nlles Av., St.

Robert and Agnes (Paxton) Trotter; ed. Coal Joseph Mich

City High School; Cumnock School of Oratory g^^n Michigan City, Ind., Jan. 29, 1859; dau.

Northwestern Univ. Evanston, 111.; m Coal ^^i^ Ruthven and Josephine (Sleight) Mead;

City, 111., Jan. 29, 1907, Dr. O. W McClusky. ^^ Chicago public schools; grad. Lake View

Has given numerous recitals, coached amateur j^igh School, '78. with second honor; m. Chicago,

pla>-s and taught dramatic and physical culture j^^ ^2, 188i, Benjamin F. McConnell; children:

work. Interested m Sunday-school work and Marguerite (Mrs. W. L. Wilson), Harold Mead,

?r. 1 ' iS ?^^^^^*- ^°\,- ^^^°^l ^^™rf°. ^"^; Benjamin Stuart, Madeline. Taught three years

^ff^oVn l\ ° '% ■^^P'i''°-'r^^- °^S%^. °^ in Chicago schools. Deeply interested in re-

?™fa. .o^J-.- ^®'=?ations: Tennis, skating, jj^ questions of non-doctrinal, non-dogmatic

jZ?.^A. ^hfh c,'°^'.wt°p{^fh ^^- ^°™^° ^ nature. Study of late years chiefly biographies

Literary Club, Sociology Club. ^^^ world's religions. Vlce-pres. Equal Suf-

McCOLL, Edith Pusey Durand (Mrs. Gilbert B." frage Ai»s'n of St. Joseph; mem. Berrien County

McColl), 506 Telfer St., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Board of Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Recreations:

Born Herrick, Pa., July, 1883; dau. Silas H. ■'■■ Mem. Thursday Club,

and Clarice E. (Pusey) Durand; grad George McCONNELL, Genevieve Knapp (Mrs. Guthrla

School, Newtown, Pa., 1901, Bryn Mawr Coll., McConnell), Llandrillo Rd., Cynwyd, Pa.

A.B. '06: student of music, 1908-10. Prof. French Born St. Louis, 1876; dau. Charles W. and

and ass t In Latin and mathematics, Lancaster Frances (Shackelford) Knapp; grad. Mary Inst.,

(Pa.) Coll., 1906-07, and in Shippen School for St. Louis, '93; Smith Coll., B.L., '97 (mem. Phi


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