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��Univ. of Chicago, Univ. of 111., and Univ. of Wis. Art editor Chicago Evening Post; also special editorial writer since 1900; lecturer on art at Chicago Art Inst., and before women's clubs. Mem. Municipal Art League, Woman's Press Ass'n. Interested in Public School Extension, Social Center, Penny Luncheon and similar philanthropic activities. Author: Etchers of Architecture; Monographs on Etchers; The Joy of Gardens. Episcopalian. Progressive Repub- lican. Hon. mem. Chicago Soc. of Artists, Chi- cago See. of Etchers, Chicago Water Color Soc. Recreations: J!usic, concerts, travel, study of Sowers. Clubs: Chicago Woman's, Woman's City, Lake View Woman's. Favors woman suffrage. McCAULEY, Mary E. Mendenhall (Mrs. Richard Newton McCauIey), Soldiers' Orphans' Home, Normal, III.

Matron; b. Peru, Ind., July 24, 1853; dau. Ira and Isabella K, (Cunningham) Mendenhall; ed. public schools of Peru, Methodist Coll. of Fort Wayne, Ind. (Patroness Sigma Kappa) ; m. Olney, 111., Aug. 28, 1870, Richard Newton Mc- CauIey; children: D. Edward, Myrtle Beatrice, Martha Canter, William Roscoe. Active mem. Methodist Episcopal Church; interested iu local charities; for fourteen years matron 111. Soldiers' Orphans' Home; director Bloomington Woman's Exchange and Day Nursery Ass'n; mem. Nat. and State Conference of Charities and Correc- tions; mem. Nat. and State Woman's Relief Corps; past State pres. W.R.C., and by virtue of office of dep't treas. W.R.C. was mem. of the Legislative Com. of III. that was instrumental in securing enactment of the bill creating the 111. Soldiers' Widows' Home. Interested in Playground movement, athletics supervised for boys and girls. Vice-pres. 17th Dlst. of 111. State Fed. of Club of Bloomington, 111. Has made addresses the State Fed and other Woman's Club meet- ings; also at State Conference of Charities and Scribbler's (Chicago), Colony (N.Y. City). MacCHESNEY, Clara Taggart, The Chelsea, 222 W. Twenty-third St., N.Y. City. Artist; b. Brownsville, Cal. ; dau. J. B. and Sara S. (Jewett) MacChesney; studied art in San Francisco with Virgil Williams, Gotham Art School, N.Y. City; Colarossi School, Paris; awarded medals at World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 1S93; Dodge prize, 1894 (gold medal); Phila- delphia Water Color Soc, 1900; second Hailgarten prize, 1901; bronze modal Pan-American Exposi- tion, 1901; bronze medal St. Louis, 1904. Be- liever in universal peace. Socialist. Is a suffra- gist and mem. Woman's Political Union. New Thought in religion. Life mem. Nat. Arts Club, Consumers' League, Lyceum Club (London), N.Y. V/ater Color Club, Am. Water (3olor Soc, Soc. of Woman Painters and Sculptors, Woman's Municipal League, Art Workers' Club, Barnard Club, Julia Seton Sears Clbh.

MiacCHESNEY, Lena Frost (Mrs. Nathan Will- iam MacChesney), 668 Hawthorne Place, Chi- cago, III.

Born Chicago, 111., daughter of William E. and Emma Louise (Wright) Frost; grad. Univ. of Mich., A.B. '01; Univ. of Berlin (Germany), 1901-02; Univ. of Chicago (Graduate School), 1906-07; student of music under IngersoU in Chicago and Piatt In Berlin; m. Riverside, 111., Dec 1, 1904, Col. Nathan William MacChesney of Chicago; one son, Alfred Brunson MacChesney Brd, b. May 21, 1909. Instructor in German and Latin, the Friends Acad., New Bedford, Mass., 1902-04. Chairman German Department Chicago Woman's Club, 1912-1:?. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Chicago Alumnae Ass'n of the Univ. of Mich, (pres. 1912-13). Recreations: Walking, horseback riding, motoring, swimming, reading. Mem. Twentieth Century Club, Chicago Woman's Club, College Club of Chicago, Chicago South Side Club, South Shore Country Club, Kenwood Club, Columbia Damenklub.

AIoCI.ELLAN, Elii^abeth. 5531 Wayne Av., Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant librarian; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. John Hill Brlnton McClellan, M.D., and Maria (Eldredge) .McClellan; ed. private schools In Philadelphia. Author; Historic Dresa In America,

��1C07-1SOO, 1909; Historic Dress in Am'^rica, 1800- 1870, 1910; translator of Schiller and His Times, 1881. Episcopalian. .Mem. Pa. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, Site and Relic Soc. of Ger- mantown, Descendants of Colonial Governors. WoCL!>;LLANI>, Ella Gale (Mrs. Thomas S. Mc- Clelland), 228 East Superior St., Chicago, 111.

Born Milwaukee, Wis.; dau. John and Margaret (Norcross) Gale; ed. Milwaukee Coll.; m. Milwau- kee, Wis., July 15, 1875, Thomas S. McClelland: children: Marion, Ella, Margaret Inez (died Feb. 19, 1911). Author: A Daughter of Two Nations. Mem. Colonial Dames, Order of the Crown, D.A.R.. Chicago Woman's Club, City Club. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. North Side Branch of 111. Woman Suffrage League, Chicago, and Chicago Political Equality League. McClLELLAJifD, Nancy Vincent, 268 Boulevard

Raspall, Paris, France.

Editorial writer (advertising); b. Poughkeepsle, N.Y. ; dau. Rev. James F. M. and Mary (Vin- cent) McClelland; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '97. Reporter on the Philadelphia Press; took up study of scientific advertising in the John Wanamaker Store; now residing in Paris. Writer short stories In the magazines; a book of poems (published privately), and A Child's History of Napoleon, written for the Wanamaker Store. Clubs: Women's Univ. (N Y. City), Lyceum (Paris). McCLENCH, Katharine HiU (Mrs. William

Wallace McClench), 112 Sumner Av., Spring- field, Mass.

Born Chicopee, Mass., Dec. 8, 1858; dau. Syl- vester Bradley and Catharine Amelia (Blauvelt) Hill; ed. Chicopee High Scbool; m. Chicopee, Mass., Dec. 8, 1880, William Wallace McClench; children: Marion Hill, (Jora Christine, Donald. Director of the Alliance of Unitarian and other liberal Christian women; director Mass. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Ex-regent Mercy War- ren Chapter D.A.R. Pres. Cosmopolitan Club; mem. Women's Club, Tuesday Morning Music Club, Springfield; Ex-Regents' Club of Boston. Unitarian. MoCLENON, Mary Adeline White (Mrs. R. B.

McClenon), 1550 W. Thirty-seventh St., Los

Angeles, Cal.

Born Walton, N.Y.; ed. in schools of Walton, N.Y.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '78; m. July 27, 1882; two sons. After graduation engaged as teacher at Newburgh, Lake Geneva, Wis., until mar- riage. McCLINTIC, Olive Leaman, 721 W. 19th St.,

Oklahoma City, Okla.

Reader, monologlst, Impersonator; b. Bremond, Tex. ; dau. George V. and Emma (Procter) Mc- Clintic; ed. Texas Christian Univ., B.A. ; Emer- son Coll. of Oratory of Boston (grad. Bachelor of Oratory), Northwestern School of Oratory, Chi- cago; Univ. of Cal. Engaged in platform work, Chautauquas, lyceums, etc., 1908-9. Reader for and State sponsor to Confederate reunion at Memphis, Tenn., 1909; travel in Europe, 1910. State reader for United Daughters of Confeder- acy, 1910-11. Appeared before Pacific Coast so- cieties, 1912. Interested in Oklahoma Coll. for Women, and has been lecturer and professor since Its organization in 1909. Favors woman suffrage. Author of short stories published in current magazines under pen-name of "Oliver L. Mack." Author: Reading As An Art; Woman's Oppor- tunity and Obligation; also adapts and composes stories for own recitals. Mem. United Daughters of Confederacy, hon. mem. David B. Hammond Camp, United Confederate Veterans. Recrea- tions: Riding, swimming, tennis, camping, fish- ing, motoring, etc. Was first director of Dra- matic Art Dep't of Sorosis Club; mem. Sana Soucl Club, Cosmopolitan Club. For past five years has appeared in public recitals before the State conventions of the Federation and has ad- dressed conventions and clubs on subjects per- taining to art of public speaking; a State dele- gate to Gen. Fed. biennial, San Francisco, 1912. McCMNTOCK, Helen Elizabeth, Geneva Coll..

Beaver Falls, Pa.

College professor; b. Meadville, Pa., Oct. 5, 1883; dau. John Oliver and Harriet E. (Coburn) McClintock; ed. Allegheny Coll., MeadvUle, Pa,,


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