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��McCAIN, Mary V. Overholt (Mrs. George Nox

McCain), 4008 Pine St., Philadelphia. Pa,

Writer and traveler; b. Mt. Pleasant, Pa.; dau. C. S. and Katherine L. (Newmeyer) Overholt; grrad. Western Pa. Classical and Scientific Inst., '78; specialized in art studies under Ida Waugh, Philadelphia, 1897-98; m. 1879, George Nox McCain (journalist, lecturer, traveler); children: Edith 0., Millo Marie, Donald Rockefeller, Helen K., Mary V. L. Traveled extensively all over the world; entered Dawson City, Alaska, alone, on White Pass route, 1901; also through Europe, Middle East, Servia, Bulgaria, Africa, Barbary States, Egypt; in caropany with her husband in Lybian desert and Sahara; accompanied her hus- band, Col. Geo. Nox McCain, through Alaska the entire length of the Yukon River while investi- gating Alaskan mail routes for the Government. A.uthor: Haw Famous Hymns Were Written; Great Songs and Their Authors; other articles (or syndicates and magazines. Recreation: Pho- tography. Baptist. Against woman sufirage. Republican voter in Colorado, 1903-04. McCAINE, Helen J. (Mrs. William McCaine),

813 Fairmont Av., or St. Paul Public Library,

St. Paul, Minn.

Librarian; b. Peterboro, N.H. ; dau. William C. and Lucinda (Parker) Gray; ed. private schools and Peterboro Acad.; m. Boston, Mass., 1860, William McCaine. Became connected with St. Paul public library as ass't librarian in 1876, Boon after was appointed librarian, which posi- tion has held ever since. Unitarian. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n. McCALEB, Ella, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie,


Secretary of Vassar Coll.; b. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Apr. 23, 1856; dau. John Dickey and Sarah B. (Sherrick) McCaleb; ed. Mt. Pleasant Acad., Vassar Coll., A.B. '78, European travel (three trips). Teac'ier Clifton Springs, N.Y., 1878-81; Detroit, Mich., 1881-85. Interested in Y.W.C.A. and in child labor legislation. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Vassar Students' Aid Ass'n, Associate Alumnae of Vassar, Armstrong Ass'n, Women's Univ. Club, N.Y. City; Philadelphia Coll. Club. Recreations: Walking, driving, read- ing. Presbyterian. McCALL, Florence Mabel (Mrs. Robert L. Mc-

Call), 3822 Wilcox Av., Chicago, 111.

Born Marietta, Ohio, April 15, 1867; dau. Michael and Bettie (Goldsmith) Gettle; ed. Mari- etta High Sghool; m. Chicago, 111., June 3, 1896, Robert Lorimer McCall. Studied medicine but did not finish course. Mem. missionary societies and several phiianthropio ass'ns. Favors wo-man suffrage; chairman Propaganda Section Political League. Had article in Am. City Magazine on Civics; now lecturing on civics. Methodist. Pro- gressive in politics. Mem. Chicago Political Equality League, Board of Y.W.C.A.; pres. Sixth Dist. Juvenile Protective League. Recreations: Traveling, improvements in playgrounds, socials. Mem West End Woman's Club, pres. 1911-12; chairman Civics Dep't of 111. Fed. of Women'3 Clubs, 1911-13. MacCALLUM, Emily, Girls' College, Smyrna,


Missionary, educator; b. Kingston, Ont; dan. Rev. D. MacCallum; ed. Miss Lay's Acad., Mon- treal, Can. Engaged as a Sunday-school teacher In the Emanuel Congregational Sunday-school In Montreal; volunteered to serve as a missionary to Turkey, to which country was sent by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in 1883; established the Girls' College, Smyrna, Turkey, of which she became and atlU Is the principal. MoCAMANT, Catherine, Bethlehem, Pa.

Teacher; b. Pottsville, Pa., March 22, 1862; dau. Joel B. and Susanna (Boyle) McCamant; grad. Pottsville High School, '81; Wellesley Coll., B S. '87. Taught in College Prep. Dep't of Mo- ravian Parochial School, Bethlehem, Pa., 1891-96; Blair Acad., Blairstown, N.J., 1896-1912. Treas. of First Presbyterian Church, South Bethlehem, Pa., 1888-96; head of the Primary Dep't in Sun- day-school; sec. Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. ; cor. sec. Christian Endeavor

��Soc, and mem. and sec. Women's Indian Ass'n, Bethlehem; mem. History Teachers' Ass'n ol Middle States, Am. Historical Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Sewing, housekeeping. Presbyterian. Fa- vors limited suffrage. MoCAMMON, Anna Estelle (Mrs. Ormsby Mc-

Cammon), 3 Lenox St., Chevy Chase, Md.

Born Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 1, 1881; dau. Thomas Russell and Matilda (Griesmer) Murray; ed. Friends School, Philadelphia, Pa.; m. June 21, 1904, Ormsby McCammon; one son: Joseph Kay, b. Feb. 1, 1907. Mem. Board of Children's Coun- try Home of Dist. of Columbia, and connected with other philanthropies. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. Philadelphia GJolf Team and Huntingdon Valley Chevy Chase Golf Team. Recreations: Golf, tennis. McCAK^, Martha Nelson (Mrs. David Chambers

McCan), 939 S. Burlington Av., Los Angeles,


Born Plymouth, Wis., 1867; dau. H. N. and Laura (Chase) Smith; ed. public schools. Epis- copal Church school, Milwaukee Coll. (now Downer (3oll.); m. Milwaukee, 1886, George H. Lenowine (now deceased); m. Los Angeles, Cal., 1904. David Chambers McCan. Pres. Southern Cal.' Woman's Press Club, 1909-11; 2nd vice- pres. 1911, pres. 1912-13, Friday Morning Club, Los Angeles; vlce-pres. Southern Cal. Civic League; first vice-pres. Allied Arts Centre Com.; director Woman's City Club, Los An- geles. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Director and chairman Publicity Com., Political Equality League of Southern Cal. Democrat — voter; first woman Civil Service Commissioner ever appointed (appt'd by mayor and confirmed by Council, Los Angeles, Oct., 1912). Writer of short stories, magazine articles and news letters. McCANDLESS, Alice (Mrs. William A. McCand-

less), 5056 Westminster PL, St. Louis, Mo.

Born Sprinfield, 111., Oct. 26, 1864; dau. Thomas G. and Elizabeth A. (Kimber) Lansden; ed. private schools, Chicago and N.Y. City; m. St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 21, 1886, Dr. William A. McCandless; children: Margaretta, Ruth E., Alice K., William A. Jr., Lansden. Vice-pres. Symphony Soc. Mem. Y.W.C.A. Extension Dep't, Children's Aid, and all branches of social service. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recrea- tion: Music. Clubs: Morning Choral, Wednesday. McCARTER, Margaret Hill (Mrs. William Ar- thur McCarter), 1534 College Av., Topeka,


Author, lecturer; b. Charlottesville, Ind. ; dau. Thomas Thornbury and Nancy (Davis) Hill; grad. State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind., A.B. '84;, A.M. conferred by Baker Univ., Topeka, Kan., 19()9; m. Topeka, Kan., June 5, 1890, Dr. William Arthur McCarter. Teacher in public and high schools in Indiana and Kansas, 1876-94. Edited, with biographical and bibliographical notes (Crane Classics): Hawthorne's Great Stone Face; Miraculous Pitcher; Holmes' Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill, Longfellow's Song of Hiawatha; Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal; Shake- speare's King Lear, Merchant of Venice, Whit- tier's Snowbound. Author: The Cottonwood's Story, 1903; Cuddy's Baby and other stories, 1908; In Old Quivers, 1909; Price of the Prairie- Story of Kansas, 1910; The Peace of the Solomon Valley, 1911; A Wall of Men, 1912. McCarthy, Ellen S. (now Foley, Ellen a Mc- Carthy) — see Addenda. McCAUL, Helen, 34 Victoria St.. Weatinlnstor,

London, S.W., England.

Canadian artist photographer; b. Toronto, Canada; dau. Rev. John McCaul, LL.D (now de- ceased), pres. of Toronto Univ., and Emily Au- gusta (Jones) McCaul; ed. in Toronto; special studies in art. For several years has been do- voted to artistic photography in London, Eng- land, where she owns and conducts The Cana- dian Studio, distinguished for the artistic quality of its work. McCAULEY, Lena May, 418 St. James PI., or

care Chicago Evening Post, Chicago.

Writer; b. Hagerstown, Md., May 2, 1859; dau. James and Lena (Rowland) McCauley; ed. Dear- born Sem., Chicago, special undergraduate workj


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