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McAllister— McCAHAN


��McATLTSTER, Jnlla Gabrlella, 12 East 31st St.,

N.Y. City.

Born N.Y. City, Aug. 2, 1853; dau. Colonel Julian McAllister, U.S.A., and Elizabeth M. (But- ler) McAllister; ed. by governes.ses and tutors. Protestant Episcopal; active in church work. Mem. Colonial Dames of State of N.Y., D.A.R., Descendants of Colonial Governors, Huguenot Eoc, Lords of the Manor. MacAJRTHTJB, M»ry (Mrs. Peter M. MacAr-

thur), Marseilles, 111.

Born Marseilles, 111., Mar., 1858; dau. B. W. and Mary (Durant) Pancoast; ed. country schools and county insta. ; m. Marseilles, 111., Sept., 1881, Peter M. MacArthur; children: Jessie A., Wheaton A. Works with husband In his reform work In the fraternal soc. of Modern Woodmen of America. Interested in the Ladies' Aid Ass'n, Missionary Soc. of church, W.C.T.U., and Woman's Relief Corps. Mem. Twentieth Century, a study club. Episcopalian. MacARTEUR, Mildred Sherwood, Wells College,

Aurora, N.Y.

Instructor In German; b. Troy, N.Y., Jaa. 3, 1886; dau. Robert E. and Lottie V. (Clapp) Mac- Arthur; ed. public schools, Lansingburg, N.Y. ; Cornell Univ., 1905-9, A.B., A.M.; State scholar- ship to Cornell Univ., 1905; Phi Beta Kappa, 09. Instructor in German, Univ. of Colorado, 1909-12; Instructor in German. Wells Coll., 1912. Studied In Marburg, Germany, 1912. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. MACAULAY, Frances CaldweU (Mrs. James D.

Macaulay), 1444 St. James Court, Louisville,


Klndergartner; b. Shelbyville, Ky. ; dau. James L. and Mary (Middelton) Caldwell; ed. Science Hill. Shelbyville, Ky. ; m. Shelbyrllle, Ky., Oct. 2, 1883, James D. Macaulay. Principal of Kinder- garten Training School for Japanese Girls in Hiroshima, Japan, for six years. Interested in settlement work, kindergarten work and Juvenile Court in home city of Louisville, Ky., Red Cross work tn Japan. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Lady of the Decoration; Little Sister Snow; The Lady and S^da S5.n. Mem. Church of the Disciples. MACAVOY, Clarissa Ilarben (Mrs. William

Crocker Macavoy), 214 Broadway, N.Y. City;

summer, Avon-by-the-Sea, N.J.

Born Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, S.A. ; dau. Jasper L. and M. Louise (Hanson) Harben; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., Barnard Coll., A.B '05; Columbia Univ., A.M. '10; m. 1903. William Crocker Mac- avoy; one daughter: Thora, b. 1906. Mem. As- sociate Alumnae Barnard Coll., Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Collegiate Equal Suffrage League of New York; associate mem. Alumnae of Bryn Mawr Coll. Recreations: Music, reading, sea- shore walks. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. McBKAN, Jnne Virginia (Mrs. Alexander Mc-

Bean), Los Altos, Cal.

Born Chicago, 111.; dau. George Ralph and Coralinn V. (Butler) Biels; ed. Chicago High School, Cummock School of Expression in Los Angeles, Cal.; m. (1st) 1S71, Louis Hewlett; (2d) 1898. Alexander MoBean; children: Henry Har- pur Hewlett, Asa Clarke Hewlett. Favors woman suffrage. Was pres. of the Suffrage League of Santa Cruz for a year, then it was changed, after the election which won the suf- frage, to the California Civic League; was pres. until moved to Los Altos, Cal.; was State record- ing sec. for a year. Wrote paper on What Women Are Doing for Suffrage, which was pub- lished In the San Jos6 Mercury. Unitarian. Progressive Republican. Mem. New Thought Soc. Pres. Mountain View Club for three years; mem. Saturday Afternoon Club of Santa Cruz two years. MrBLAIR, Mary Tayloe Key (Mrs. Alexander

Macdonald McBlair), The Clermont, 2106 F

St.. N.W., Wasliington, D.C.

Born Baltimore, March 12, 1857; dau. Charles H. and Elizabeth (Lloyd) Key; granddaughter of Francis Scott Key, author of Star-Spangled Banner, and grand-niece of Chief Justice Roger B. Taney of U.S. Supreme Court; ed. tutors and

��governesses at Wye House, Talbot Co., Md., the seat of Col. Edward Lloyd; m. Baltimore, June 17, 1908, Alexander Macdonald McBlalr, of Wash- ington D.C. Protestant Episcopal. Hon. mem. Soc. of War of 1812, Baltimore.

MacBRATNE, Sarah Thurlow (Mrs. Lewis Ed- ward MacBrayne), 6 Belmont St., Lowell, Mass.

Born Lowell, Mass., Aug. 9, 1876; dau. Sydney Weston and Carrie Maria (Witherell) Thurlow; ed. Wellesley Coll., 1896-97; Cornell Univ., B.S. 1900 (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Brookline, Mass., 1903, Lewis Edward MacBrayne, editor and author; children: Elinor, Thurlow, Elizabeth, Frances. Congregationalist. Director In Day Nursery. Mem. College Club of Lowell.

McBURNEY, Catharine Watson, Tak Hlng,

West River, South China.

Missionary teacher, physician. Doctor of Oste- opathy; b. near Primrose, Washington Co., Pa., Mar. 14, 1866; dau. John Reed and Elizabeth Kelso (Robb) McBurney; grad. Geneva Coll., A.B. '86; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., M.D. '01; S. S. Still Coll. of Osteopathy, Des Moines, Iowa, Doctor of Oste- opathy, '03. Teacher at Primrose, Pa., 1886-88; Venice, Pa., 1888-89; Reformed Presbyterian Mission, Apache, Okla., 1889-97. Short term resident physician in Florence Crittenden Train- ing Home, Washington, D.C, 1901; resident phy- sician in Woman's Hospital, Philadelphia, 1901- 02; physician at Des Moines, Iowa, 1902-03; medical missionary of Reformed Presbyterian Church at Tak Hing, West River, South China, since 1903. Served as sup't Y.W.C.T.U. of Washington Co., Pa., in 1888. Mem. Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. Rec- reations: Horseback riding, basket ball, tennis, volley ball, swimming, bicycling, walking, chess, stamp collecting.

McCABE, Harriet Calista Clark (Mrs. L. D.

McCabe), Delaware, Ohio.

Bom Sidney, Delaware Co., N.Y., Jan. 19, 1827; dau. Arvine and Eliza F. (Clark) Clark; ed. El- mira, N.Y. ; m. Jersey Shore, Pa., July 19, 1857 Rev. Prof. L. D. McCabe, D.D., LL.D.; children: John J., Robert L., Calista. Seven years at head of Woman's Dep't of Dickinson Sem. Williamsport, Pa. Active as a church member in all the interests of the church; was editor eighteen years, beginning in 1884, of Woman's Home Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Vice-pres. of Woman's Home Mission- ary Soc, sec. of its Indian Bureau, active in founding its many dep'ts and in 1877 was chair- man of com. which organized the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union; first pres. of that or- ganization in Ohio. Favors equal suffrage. Has written fugitive newspaper articles and leaflets on current interests. Progressive. Mem. of the regular church societies and W.C.T.U. Recrea- tions: Reading, walking, social life. Mem. Faculty Club of Ohio Wesleyan Univ.

McCABE, Llda Rose, 29 E. Twenty-ninth St.,

N.Y. City.

Writer, lecturer, traveler; b. Columbus, Ohio; dau. Bernard and Delia (Molloy) McCabe; ed. Columbus High School, Columbia Univ., Notre Dame de Seon, Paris, France, Sorbonne, Paris. Opened ethical course to women at St. Xavier Coll., N.Y. Suffragist. Author: American Girl At College; Don't You Remember? (historical sketches of Ohio); Occupation and Compensation of Women. Contributor to leading periodicals and syndicates. Roman Catholic. Mem. Pen and Brush Club.

McCAHAN, Belle Travexs (Mrs. Harry C. Mc- Cahan), 611 N. Elson St., Klrksvllle. Mo. Born Bloomfleld, Iowa; dau. Judge H. C. and Ellen (Preston) Travers; grad. Bloomfleld High School; Iowa Univ., B.A. ; Southern Iowa Normal School (Bloomfleld); m. Harry C. McCahan. Author: The Preshus Child; also short stories, sketches and parlor talks. Presbyterian. Mem. Sojourners' Club, Domestic Science (chairman), Monday Club; chairman for the Third District ol Dep't of Home Economics of Missouri Fed. ol Women's Clubs; mem. Conversational Club.


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