��liYONS, Lucile Manning (Mrs. John F. Lyons),
1411 Hemphill St., Ft. Worth, Tex.
Born Raymond, Leon Co., Tex., Sept. 11, 1879; dau. John W. and Ella (Burton) Manning; ed. Peabody Normal Coll., Nashville, Tenn. Licentiate of Instruction, '99); Univ. of Nash- ville, B.A. (first honor), 1900; m. A-lbany, Tex., Oct. 23, 1901, John F. Lyons; one son: Burton. Teacher for several years; held chair of Latin and Greek in Mary Nash Coll., Sherman, Tex. Interested as active worker in social and philan- thropic work. Pres. Harmony Music Club (F^. Worth) for nine years; musical director of same for four years; pres. Home and School Club of district one year, active worker in same; ass't in civic and philanthropic work of City Federa- tion, being mem. of its executive board; carries on special Christmas charities for club each year. Baptist. Mem. Art Ass'n, Y.W.C.A., Kindergarten Ass'n, Order of Eastern Star, Church Mis.sionary Soc., Dramatic Organization, Choral Soc. Recreations: Music, riding, driving, athletic sports. Has been responsible for the bringing of great musical artists to the city, en- deavoring to build up an appreciation for good music; through her club has put through several artists' series successfully; has drilled large choruses for safe and sane 4th of July celebra- tions. LYONS, Minnie Leora Bartlett (Mrs. Robert
Kerr Lyons), 159 Lloyd Av., Providence, R.I.
Born Providence, R.I., July 22, 1879; dau. Charles and Mary Emma (Bailey) Bartlett; ed. Brown Univ., A.B. 1901 (Delta Sigma); m. Provi- dence, June 2, 1903, Robert Kerr Lyons; children: Priscilla Bartlett, b. Feb. 10, 1908; Bartlett Howell, b. July 12, 1912. Mem. of John Murray Class (in religious work). Wrote article on a Model Kitchen which won the first prize in The Ladies' World competition. Mem. D.A.R., Brown Alumnse Ass'n. Recreations: Dancing, tennis, golf, automobiling. Universalist.
MAAB, Maria Peterson (Mrs. Charles Maar),
151 Western Av., Albany, N.T.
Bom Owasco Lake, N.Y. ; dau. George Rapelye and Mary Lucina (Post) Peterson; ed. Auburn (N.Y.) public schools. Friends Acad., Union Springs, N.Y.; m. Owasco Lake, N.Y., Aug. 8, 1894, Rev. Charles Maar; children: Carl Henry, Mary Peterson, Katherine, Georgina. Mem. Re- formed Church in America. Favors woman suffrage. MAAS, Elizabeth Catherine, 212 N. Wyman St.,
Rockford, 111.
Physician and surgeon; b. Kenosha, Wis., Mar. 30, 1866; dau. Francis Albert and Catherine (Smith) Maas; ed. Kenosha public schools, partial course at Univ. of Wis. ; grad. Hahnemann Med. Coll. and Hospital, Chicago, M.D. Interne Hahnemann Hospital, 1894-95; attending physician to Rockford Coll. since 1907. Favors woman suffrage. Liberal in religion. Republican. Mem. of various med- ical societies. Recreation: Travel in summer. MABIE, Mary E. (Mrs. Frank Mable), 94 Gar- field Av., Danbury, Conn.
Born Jersey City, N.J. ; dau. Lewis S. and Mary A. (Coles) Barnum; ed. Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N.Y.; m. Danbury, Conn., F^ank Mabir; children: Arthur F., Harry W. Mem. M.E. Church; and of Women's Foreign Mission- ary Soc, Epworth League, King's Daughters, Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Pres. St\idents' Club. Favors woman suffrage. McACHRAN, Flora J. Clayton (Mrs. W. H. Mc-
Achran), Blocmfield, Iowa.
Born Shelby Co., Ind., Nov. 3, 1854; dau. J. W. and Martha (Phelps) Claytcfn; ed. public schools at Bloomfield, Iowa; m. Aug. 25, 1872, W. H. McAchran; children: Mary, Ruth. Recording sec. and dis't and local pres. State W.C.T.U. of Iowa nix years; mem. State Exec. Com. twelve years. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Charter mem. Ivanhoe Reading Circle, organized 1904.
��MACADAM, Carrie Tarrant, Bishop's School,
La Jolla, San Diego County, Cal.
Teacher; b. Detroit, Mioh. ; ed. in schools of Detroit, Mich.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '82. Teacher, Clara Conway Inst., Memphis, Tenn., 1884-85; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1887-90; All Saints' School, Sioux Falls, S.Dak., 1892-94; Bishopthorpe School, South Bethlehem, Pa., 1894-1900; St. Paul's Coll., Tokyo, Japan, 1900-06; Brunot Hall, Spokane, Wash., 1907-10; Bishop's School, La Jolla, Cal., since 1910.
McADOO, Mary Faith Floyd (Mrs. William Gibbs McAdoo), 729 N. Third Av., Knoxvllle, Tenn.
Author; b. St Mary's, Ga., 1832: dau. of the Floyd family of Georgia; privately educated; m. William Gibbs McAdoo (professor of English in Univ. of Tenn; died August, 1894). Mother of Hon. William Gibbs McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S. Author: The Nereid; Eagle Bend, and other novels, and contributed chapters on Journalism and Literature to Goodspeed's History of Tennessee.
McAFEE, Effie Lynch Danforth (Mrs. James Renwick McAfee), 161 Archer Av., Mt. Ver- non, N.Y.
Lecturer; b. Butterworth Estate, Warren Co., Ohio, Oct. 24, 1873; dau. Capt. Horace Perry and Emma (Butterworth) Danforth; ed. in schools of Warren Co., and on© year at Woodward High School, Cincinnati, and three years high school at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; grad. Univ. of Michigan, Ph.B. 1897 (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Ann Arbor, June 21, 1905, James Renwick McAfee. Taught eight years before marriage; three years in Ohio, then five years in N.Y. City, one of these years with Prof. Edward R. Shaw, working out educational ideals at Heusinger School; four years at Ely School for Girls, N.Y. City. Mem. Society of Friends (Quakers), N.Y. City (Mother's people came from Virginia to Ohio to free their slaves, from principle). Helped to found and build up the Rho AJliance of Delta Delta Delta Fraternity of N.Y. City. Mem. Woman's Uni- versity Club, Woman's College Club (N.Y. City). Favors woman suffrage; has been pres. Mt. Ver- non Club for two years, of Westchester Co. for one year; delegate from Friends' Equal Rights Ass'n to International Woman Suffrage Congress, at Stockholm, Sweden, in June, 1911. Has writ- ten articles for local and suffrage papers and Friends' Intelligencer. Progressive in political views. Mem. Consumers' League, Needlework Guild, Weschester Woman's Club (ch'm'n of the Educational Section), W.C.T.U., Woman's Hos- pital, District Nurses' Ass'n. Recreations: Travel- ing abroad, dancing, walking, riding. Lecturer on Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden and Denmark), and on Ibsen and Scandinavian literature.
McAfee, Mary Jane (Mrs. Morgan A. McAfee),
West Point. Ga.
Teacher kindergarten; b. Jasper Co., Ga., Jan. 7, 1842; dau. Samuel J. and Martha (Robinson) Wilburn; grad. Southern Masonic Female Coll., Covington, Ga., 1859; m. Jasper Co., Ga., Morgan A. McAfee; children: H. W.. M. E., Sam H., Minnie, Lay. Author: The Pine Needle Basket Book, edited by daughter, Dr. L. M. Ingram, and illustrated by daughter, Mrs. E. Lang. Baptist. Mem. Nat. Story Tellers' League, West Point Woman's Club, West Point Mothers' Study Circle. Has taught basketry in the Summer School of the South for seven years successively, with classes ranging from 200 to 400.
McALISTER, Lottie (Mrs. W. George H. Mc-
Alister), Exeter, Ont.
Editor; b. Halton, Ont, Aug. 22, 1868; dau. David and Nancy (Clleaver) Plewes; ed. in pri- vate schools and by private tutors, and Brant- ford Coll. Inst; m. Brantford, Aug. 6, 1887, Rev. W. George H. McAllster, B.A. ; children: Fred G., Hector C. Interested in missionary, W.C.T.U. and Young People's Socs. Favors wo- man suffrage, and active in its advocacy in addresses and journalistically. Author: Clipped. Wings; Elsayn Cavour; Storiettes. Methodist. Recreation: 'Travel. Mem. Woman's Press Ass'n,