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��ed. St. Louis, Mo., and Cambridge, O., common schools; grad. Cambridge High School (first honors); m. Cambridge, Dec. 30, 1876. Allen Ramsey Lynch. Interested In public play- grounds, civic improvements, church missions, guild work, public library, free manual training in connection with playgrounds; one of the wo- man comm'rs for Ohio of Columbus Centennial Celebration, which occurred in August, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. E)piscopalian. Mem. Playground Ass'n, St. Barnabas Guild, Bridge Club, ."ind minor social societies. Recreations: Dancing, cards, theatre, travel; also collects pitchers, having, probably, the largest collection In Ohio. Pres. Review Club of Dennison and Uhrichsville, 1911-13.

LYNCH, Ella Frances, 131 Ocean Ay., Atlantic

City, N.J.

Teacher; b. Minerva, N.Y., 1882; dau. Daniel Lynch (surveyor and g:eologl3t) and Margaret C. (Ward; Lynch; ed. district school; studied at home; Plattsburg State Normal School two years (mem. Clionian Fraternity). Teacher district schools, Adirondack Mts. ; instructor mathematics In Salem (Wash.) Acad.; instructor mathematics, Atlantic City public schools, one year. Estab- lished First Publi-c School of Individual Instruc- tion, Mountain Lakes, N.J., 1912. Contributor to the Psychological Clinic, Ladies' Home Jour- nal, current periodicals and dailies. Clubs: Woman's Research, Mothers' Congress. Founded the School of Individual Instruction, the principal one in Atlantic City, with branches in Philadel- phia, Ridgewood, N.Y. City, Adirondacks, and now being extended to other cities.

LYNCH, Gertrcde, Pen and Brush Club, 132 E.

Nineteenth St., N.Y. City.

Journalist; b. New London; dau. Bernard Lome and Augusta T. (Hempstead) Lynch; ed. private schools. Special writer in New York Sun for eight years. Author: The Fighting Chance; The Wanderers; Winds of the World; Casa Tanagra. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Drawing Room Club, Pen and Brush Club, D.R.

LYNCH, Harriet Powe (Mrs. James Canning

Lynch), Cheraw, S. C.

Born Cheraw, S.C., 1864; dau. James Hairing- ton Powe, M.D., and Josephine (Robbins) Powe; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '85; Univ. of Pa., M.A. '94; m. Baltimore, Md., 1896, Gen. James Can- Ding Lynch. Compiled Year Book of Southern Poets; edited, Reminiscences of a Confederate. Episcopalian. Recreations: Traveling, writing. Mem. Intercollegiate Club of S.C., S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs, United Daughters of Confed- eracy. Favors woman suffrage. LYNCH. Isabel Pardon (Mrs. F. B. Lynch),

1954 lETlehart Av., St. Paul, Minn.

Born Alexandria, Minn., 1868; dau. James and Lucretia (Walker) Purdon; ed. Waipeton, N.Dak., and by private teachers; m. Wahpeton, N.Dak., 1887 Frederick Bicknel! Lynch; chil- dren: Jeannette Chalmers, Elinor Walker, Rachel de Camp, Lawrence Sisbe. Mem. St. Mary's Guild, Minn. State Sunshine Soc, League of Protestant Women, Y.W.C.A., St. Paul Sym- phony Orchestra, Merriam Park Study Class, Art Ciub. Women's Civic League. Recreations: Theatre, grand opera, enjoys music, swimming, boating. Attends Episcopalian and Congrega- tional churches. Favors woman suffrage.

LYNCH, JIary Virginia (Mrs. Charles Peter Lynch), 1429 Roblnwood Av., Lakewood, O. Born Canonsburg, Pa., Mar. 22, 1863; dau. Robert Thompson (A.B., D.D.) and Virginia (Ritchie) Miller; ed. Allegheny Coll., A.B. '66 (prps. senior class; mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Pittsburgh, Nov. 25, 1886, Charles Peter Lynch, A.B., M.A., Ph.D.; children: Laura, Lucy (deceased). Lama. Has delivered numerous ad- dresses on missionary topics and Sunday-school work. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Cleveland Coll. Club., D.A.R., Alumnae Ass'n of Kappa Alpha Theta, home and foreign missionary societies.

LY'NCH, Racliel Ann Cartwright (Mrs. Jasper Lynch), "Lyn.x Hall," Lakewood, N.J. Born N.Y. City; niece of Mr. and Mrs. Benja-

��min Cartwright of Newark, N.J. (took their name and lived with them as their daughter); ed. Convent of Sacred Heart In France and America and Mrs. Sylvanus Reed's School; m. Newark, N.J., Oct. 27, 18S6, Jasper Lynch; chil- dren: Rachel A. Cartwright (Mrs. George Doug- las Clews), Louise Foster, Margaret Shippen. Has been identified with New Jersey Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as vice-pres. for more than 12 years. With Ocean County Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as pres. 12 years. Has undertaken the work ol prosecution throughout the Icrwer part of the State, including many counties, and has per- sonally supported this work as a charity. Has written on different subjects, hydrophobia, with statistical calendar; short stories in Animal Magazine; principal writing is for newspapers on animal subjects. Mem. Antl-Vivisectlon Soc. of N.Y., Humane Soc. of N.J., Anti-Vivisection Investigation League of N.Y. Has been identified with many charities, both human and animal in- terests; regarded as the pioneer of humane work In the lower part of the State of N.J.

LYNDE, Helen Eldred Storke (Mrs. Carleton John Lynde), Macdonald College, P.Q., Can. Born Auburn, N.Y., Dec. 11, 1879; dau. Henry Laurens and Mary Brodhead (Smith) Storke; ed. In public schools of Auburn, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '01; m. Auburn, N.Y., June 21, 1905, Carleton John Lynde, Ph.D., prof, physics in Macdonald Coll.; one son: Carle- ton John Jr., b. Aug. 15, 1906. Teacher in Omaha, Neb., 1901-03; Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y., 1903-05. Contributor of short occasional articles In magazines. Favors woman suffrage.

LYNN, Marion, 226 E. Superior St., Chicago, 111. Actress; b. Chicago, 111.; dau. Thomas S. Mc- Clelland; ed. by governesses in Europe and America, and at Miss Kirkland's School; also writer of magazine and newspaper articles and short stories. Mem. D.A.R., Order of the Crcnvn, Alliance Frangaise, Woman's City Club.

LYON, Annie Bozeman, 52 Roper St., Mobile, Ala. Author; b. Mobile, Ala.; dau. Thomas T. A. Lyon and Mary C. (Heard) Lyon, ed. Locquet Inst., New Orleans, and in Mobile under private instruction. Began as verse writer for Louisville Courier-Journal, later general contributor of short stories, historical sketches, etc., to various magazines and papers and for some time edited a Woman's Dep't of Memphis Saturday Review under title, Feminine Fancies. Interested In the Colonial History of Louisiana and Alabama; wrote a booklet on The Early Missions of the South. Author: No Saint (novel).

LYON, Ellen Chynoweth (Mrs. William Penn

Lyon Jr.), Eden Vale, Cal.

Public speaker and writer; b. Nunda, N.Y., 1850; dau. Thomas and Emily (Bradford) Chyno- weth (direct descendant of William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony); grad. Univ. of Wis., Ph.D. '70, A.M. '82; m. Oct. 27, 1889, William Penn Lyon Jr.; children: Carroll Hayes (de- ceased), William Penn. Mem. faculty Univ. of Wis., six years; instructor in German. As- sociated with the late Mary Hayes Chynoweth In her philanthropic and religious work among Iron miners on Geogebic Range In Northern Wis. ; also later in the publication of the religious magazine The True Life, published at Eden Vale, Cal. Actively engaged in suffrage campaign which resulted successfully in California. Mem. True Life Church (founder Mary Hayes Chynoweth). Republican. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumna.

LYON, Frances IMmmick, State Law Library,

Albany, N.Y.

Law librarian; b. Port Jervis, Mar. 20, 1881; dau. John Westfall and Llllle (Blddls) Lyon; ed. Port Jervis High School; Cornell Univ., LL.B. ; N.Y. State Library School, special student (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Admitted to the bar of N.Y. State; appointed sub-llbrarlan, N.Y. State Law Library. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Club, Albany. Mem. Dutch Re- formed Church. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Am. Ass'n Law Libraries.


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