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��suffrage. Congregationallst. Recreations: Golf,

tennis, swimming, riding, driving, motoring,

bridge, sailing, dancing, and all out-door sports.

Mem. New Haven Country Club, New Haven Lawn Club.

LUDLOW, Clara Sonthmayd, The Etholhurst,

Washington, D.C.

Worker in preventive medicine; b. Kaston, Pa., Dec. 26, 1852; dau. Jacob Rabelje and Anne Mary (Hunt) Ludlow; ed. New England Con- servatory, 1879, Agricultural and Mechanical Co!!, of Mississippi, B.A. 1900, M.A. 1901; Cieorge Washington Univ., Ph.D '08. Engaged in study and publications on mosquitoes of Philippine Islands In connection with transmission of dis- eases. Demonstrator of histology and embry- ology in George Washington Univ., 1907-09, instructor, 1909-11; lecturer ou mosquitoes and their relation to disease, Army Med. School, Washington, 1904-10. Mem. Post-offlce Mission Com. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League; delegate to Philadelphia meeting of Nat. Equal Suffrage League. Author: Various papers on Mosquitoes of Philippine Islands; The Distribution of Certain Speciep. and Their Occurrence in Relation to Incidence of Cer- tain Diseases (paper before Am. Soc. Tropical Medicine); Simple Methods of Differentiating Disease-Bearing Insects. Unitarian. Member A.A.A.S., Am. Soc. of Tropical Medicine, Bio- logical Soc. of Washington: Alliance of Unitarian Churches, 20th Century Club, College Women's Club, Columbian Women, College Equal Suffrage Club (all Washington); Alumni Ass'n of New England Conservatory and Agricultural and Me- chanical Coll. of Mississippi.

LUDOVICI, Alice E., 167 N. Orange Grove Av.,

Pasadena, Cal.

Miniature painter; b. Dresden, Germany, 1871; dau. Julius Ludovlcl, portrait painter, and Emilie (Jones) Ludovlcl; ed. N.Y. City, by tutors and governesses, and In Europe. Miniature painter and pres. of the Cal. Soc. of Miniature Painters, organized Feb., 1912. Interested In music and art and humane societies for animals and children. Favors woman suffrage. Protes- tant Episcopal. Progressive Republican. Recre- ations: Walking, horseback riding.

LUIIBS, Jennie McLellan Patterson (Mrs. Her- man Luhrs), Moltestrasse 3, Wesel am Rhein, Germany.

Born Marysville, Cal. ; ed. in schools of Marys- ville, Cal., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '82; m. June 22, 1905, Dr. Herman Luhrs. Teacher in Spokane, Wash., 1886-93; engaged in lumber business as secretary, treasurer and manager, Spokane, Wash., 1898-1902.

LUKE, niury Bailey (Mrs. John J. Luke), Bea-

verdam, O.

Born Rockport, O., Jan. 8, 1859; dau. George W. and Malinda (Driver) Bailey; ed. Beaverdam and Lebanon, O. ; m. Beaverdam, Nov. 24, 1881, John J. Luke: one daughter: Caddie Mae, b. Oct. 10, 1882. Newspaper correspondent. Meth- odist; mem. Women's Home Missionary Soc. Mem. Literary Club. Against woman suffrage. LUNDGBEN, Maude Cohoon (Mrs. Carl Leonard

Lundgren), Marengo, III.

Reader; b. Villisca, la., Feb. 20, 1879; dau. Wilford and Adelaide (Goodrich) Cohoon; grad. Cumnock School of Oratory at Northwestern Univ., 111., 1900; m. Marengo, Sept. 3, 1904, Ca.T\ Leonard Lundgren. Played leads with Sherman Stock Company in Hamilton, Can., one season, 1902; conducted reading clubs among club women; coached high school plays and pri- vate pupils; has given public readings. Pres- byterian. Mem. Library Carnival Aid Soc. Recreations: Theatre, motion pictures, travel, motoring, cards, books, magazines. Clubs: Ma- rengo Woman's (pros. 1911-12), Bay View Travel, Shakespeare, Tuesday Bridge, Kappa Kappa Kappa (Sorority). Favors woman suffrage. LUSK, Leila Lee Feam (Mrs. John Alexander Lusk), Guntersvllle, Ala.

Bom Huntsville, Ala., Aug. 29. 18$3; dau. Robert and T3:'lzabeth Lee (Coles) Feam; ed. Huntsville Female Sem.; grad., '82 (valedic-

��torian); m. Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 27, 1887, .Tohn Alexander Lusk; children: Robert F., John A., Walter C, Marion F,, Elizabeth Lee. A.jtive in church work and Presbyterian societies, W.C T.U., State work, and at Mount .Eagle (Tenn.) Chau- tauqua. Represented Alabama at Nat. W.C.T.C. Convention, .Baltimore, Md., Nov., 1910, and won for that State the National Banner in Medical Temperance. Twice pres. Literary Club of Gun- lersville, Ala., representing it several times in Ala. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. at large of Nat. D.A.R. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Shakespearian Questions and Quotations (a game); The Forward Movement of Non-Alco- holic Treatment of Patients; Legal Status of Women in Alabama (in preparation); also sketches and poems in various periodicals, notably: The Battle Call, The Aftermath, Legends of Alabama. Mem. Ladies' Aid, As You Like It, W.C.T.U., The Gleaners, all of Guntersville, Ala.; United Daughters of Confederacy, Gunters- ville Literary Circle. Now compiling Legal Status of Woman in Alabama.

LUTHER, Agmes Vinton, Box 18, Newark, N.J.

Teacher oi science; b. Rangoon, Burmah; dau. Rev. Robert Maurice Luther, iJ.D., and Calista (Vintoni Luther, M.D.; ed. Univ of Pa., Co- lumbia Univ., Cornell Univ. In charge of Science Dep't, Normal School, Newark, N.J. Mem. Pub- lic Welfare Com. of Essex Co., N.J. Author: Trading and Exploring; Citizen Science (serial), and pamphlets on scientific subjects. Baptist. Mem. A.A.A.S., Am. Forestry Ass'n, Nat. Geog. Soc, Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences (sec. Microscopical Dep't), Shade Tree Fed. of N.J. Recreations: Sailing, motor-boating, travel, opera. Mem. N.Y. Mineralogical Club, League of Am. Pen Women, Cornell Alumnae Club, N.J. Women's Press Club. Favors woman suffrage. LUTHER, Clara M. (Mrs. Martin L. Luther),

713 Donaldson Building, Minneapolis, Minn.

Physician; b. Osage, Iowa, July 28, 1859; dau. John W. and Eliza Jane (Lelghton) DeFord; ed. high school at Osage; grad. from the medical dep't of Hamlin Univ., M.D. '01; m. Cusco Iowa, Sept. 21, 1886, Martin L. Luther; children: Ruth L. Olmstrud, Martin Leon Jr. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationallst. Mem. Hennepin Co. Medical Soc, Minnesota State Med. S9C., Am. Med. Ass'n. Mem. Ladies' Shakespeare Club, Internat. Fai-m Woman's Club. Sup't of Wom- an's Dep't o^ the Minnesota State Fair and of the Emergency Hospital at the State Fair Grounds at Hamllne, Minn.

LUTUER, Margraret E., 21 Bleecker St.. N.Y


Social worker; b. Knightown, Ind., Nov 14 1875; dau. Alfred J. and Mary T. (Norman) Luther; ed. Indianapolis High School and Busi- ness Coll. (four diplomas), and Moody School, Chicago. Has filled positions of nurse, stenog- rapher, and police matron. Was sup't Florence Crittenton Home at Topeka; now at Florence Crlttenton Home, N.Y. City.

LUTTRELL, Estelle, The University, Tucson,


Librarian; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Churchill John.son and Mary C. (Watherston) Luttrell; ed. Univ. of Chicago, A.B. '96; graduate student 1897- 1900. Taught English and Latin, Kakoka, Mo., fc^r three years, prior to entrance at college; ass't in Biological Library, Univ. of Chicago, 1898- 190O; ass't cataloguer, John Crerar Library Chicago. 1901-0:3; librarian, Univ. of Arizona, 1904--. Favors Woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Music, travel. Mem. various local clubs (musical, collegiate, etc.).

LUTZ, Grace Llvingrston Hill (Mrs. Flavlus J.

Lutz), Swartlimore, Pa.

Author; b. Wellsville, N.Y., April 16, 1865- ed Elmira (N.Y.) Coll.. Cincinnati art schools; m. first. Rev. Thomas Guthrie Franklin Hill; second Prof. Flavlus J. Lutz. For several years con- ducted the Christian Endeavor Hour Dep't In N.Y. Mail and Express. Author: A Chautauqua Idyl; Lone Point; Katherine's Yesterday In the Way; A Daily Rate; An Unwilling Guest; Ac- cording to the Pattern; Marcla Schuyler; Phoebe


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