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dep't, Wilton Acad., Me., 1881-82. Pres. Pendle- lie. Interested in churck work. Charter mem.

ton (Ore.) Auxiliary, Red Cross Sec, at time of of Y.W.C.A. in Trenton; on Y.W.C.A. Board

Spanish- American War; sec. City Relief Soc; of Managers for ten years. Mem. Board of

pres., vice-pres. and sec. UmatiUa Co (OregoD.) Managers of Swarthmore Coll. for twenty-nine

Sunday-school Ass'n: vice-pres. Oregon State years. Mem Order of Colonial Governors,

Sunday-school Ass'n; clerk and treas. Pendle- Trent Chapter of the D.A.R. (held offices of

ton Congregational Church; mem. Northwesterii cor. sec. and registrar), N.J. Soc. Colonial

Field Com. Y.W.C.A.; vice-pres. Oregon Con- Dames of America (pres. 1908-13); charter mem.

greas of Mothers. Favors woman suSra.ge. Contemporary Club of Trenton (ex-vice-pres..

County vice-pres. of State League. Renublican. ex-pres.). Coll. Club of Trenton, Woman's Clul]

Congregationalist. Mem. Bushes Chapter Order of N.Y. City. Recreation: Motoring (has held

of Eastern Star, Pendleton City Library Ass'r. chauffeur license herself). Episcopalian (born a

Umatilla Co. Historical Ass'n, W.C.T.^J.; acting Friend).

pres. Thursday Afternoon Club; mem. Library j.oYHEB, FFaaces Ames (Mrs. Edgar H. Loy-

and Civic Club. hed), Faribault, Minn.

LOWENSTEIN, Alice Moritz (Mrs. Charles Born St. Paul, Minn., March 17, 1861; dau.

Lowensteln), 1746 Thirtieth St., San Diego, John S. and Ellen M. (Clough) Ames; ^d. pub-

Cal. lie schools In Northfield, Minn.. St. Mary's Hall,

Studying for motion picture playwright; b. Faribault, Minn.; Abbot Acad., Andover, Mass.;

Paris, France, Jan., 1869; dau. Samuel and m. Minneapolis, Minn, Sept. 26, 1884, Edgar H.

Emma (Aaron) Moritz; ed. private school, San Loyhed; children: Thomas Henry, Dorothy,

Antonio, Tex.; m. Galveston, Tex., May 8, Kathryn, Donald Ames, Constance. Mem. D.A.R.

1896, Charles Lowenstein; one daughter: Emme- (was State Regent of Minn. D.A.R. for threa

line! b 1897. Began as saleswoman at the age terms, 1907-10), Colonial Dames of America in

of 15; studied art, music, stenography during Minn., Travelers' Club of Faribault, Minn.; pres.

off hours and nights; became stenographer. In- Minn. Fed. of Women's clubs. Episcopalian.

terested in literary societies and civic improve Favors woman suffrage; director in Minn. Suf-

meut higher education and suffrage for women, frage Ass'n.

Mem. San Diego Woman's Club Eastern Star. j^q^IER. Jeanne de la Montagnie (Mrs. A. W.

Recreations: Walking, theatre cards^ music art Cozier) , Standish Arms, Columbia Heights,

Jewess. Favors woman suffrage; was pres. ol Brooklyn NT

the Fed of Women's Clubs of Bmd Okla physician; b. N.Y. City; ed. Rutgers Female

where she urged the ^°°17 Jo/^^^^^^.f °°^\ °i Inst, (which was afterward made a college) in

their members on the Board of Education, and ^^^ defunct), which was the pioneer

succeeded Jn organizing interest m the matter. ^^^ ^ education in N.Y. City, and was

Resident of San Diego, Cal., since Feb., 1912. connected with N.Y. Univ.: grad. N.Y. Med.

LOWENSTEIN, Harriet B., 341 E. Fiftieth St.; Coll. and Hospital for V/omen, M.D. '78; m. 1872,

office, 52 William St., N.Y. City. Dr. A. W. Lozier. Taught in Hillsdale (Mich.)

Lawyer, certified public accountant; b. _ N.Y. Coll. until marriage. After medical graauation

City; dau. Sigmund and Frances (Thalinger) engaged in practice of medicine; was for seven

Lowenstein; ed. grammar school of N.Y. City; years prof, physiology and for tv/o years dean

Normal Coll., '96; St. Lawrence Univ., LL.B. of N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women,

'05; Univ. State of N.Y. ; certified public account- later serving as trustee. Devoted to Woman's

ant, 1906. Served as inspector of playgrounds club movement: joined Sorosis in 1885, was ita

and recreation centers for Board of Education, pres. 1891-94, and is now second vice-pres.

N.Y. City. 1902-07; chairman of Com. on Evening luCAS, Bertha June Richardson (Mrs. William

Schools and Recreation Centers for the Public pai^er Lucas), 261 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.

^'^'i'=^^°2u^^^°' *^f. °°^? '^°™f,°?>,5p;w^^f Teacher, writer, lecturer; grad. Smith Coll.,

^^■B °LB%S°\^°^^'°S ^°^ n\ n^^r.f2l^J^ B.A. '01; student of biology and economics,

^■l- ^IV-^^- r.'^T- ^"^^"w H^ Q^^r M^^ Barnard Coll., 1902-03; Mary Powell Stone fellow

Robert Macoy Court, Order Eastern Star. Mem. ^^ ^niv., 1904-05; m. Sept. 11, 1909, Williani

Portia Club Now engaged m practice as a primer Lucas. Writer and lecturer in N.Y.

certified public accountant. Active in sociologi- ^-^^^.^ 1904-05; teacher of history in Brearley

cal work. School, N.Y. City, 1905-09. Author: The Woman

LOWBY, Edith B. (Mrs. Richard Jay Lambert), Who Spends; A Study of Her Economic Fune-

St. Charles, 111. tion, 1904.

Physician, surgeon, author; b. Austin, Minn., lucAS, Mattie Davis (Mrs. W. H. Lucas),

Nov. 11, 1878; dau. Alfred and Henrietta (Hicks) Sherman, Tex.

Lowry; ed. as teacher in high schools and nor- ggpu Baldwin, Miss., Jan. 12, 1869; dau. Rob- mal schools in Minn.; grad. nurse, Chicago; Ben- g^j j ^nd Francis E. (Johnson) Davis; grad. nett Med. Coll., Chicago, M.D. '07; m. July 24, Sherman schools, high school, and Mary Nash 1911, Richard Jay Lambert, M.D. Practised m coll., '86; m. Apr. 10, 1888, W. H. Lucas; chil- Chicago, recently devoting time to writing and ^j-gQ. nj^^ l^ -^ Howard, Elizabeth. Organ- consultations only. Educator, lecturer and writer i^gd Sunday-school (sup't Elementary Division), on sex problems and on eugenics. Favors woman United Benevolent Ass'n; chairman Woman's suffrage. Author of books on Sexual Hygiene, com. of Boys' Dep't, Y.M.C.A. Pres. Sherman Confidences (Talks with a Girl Concerning Her- Shakespeare Club; on committees of Civic self); Truths (Talks with a Boy Concerning Lengue (chairman Library Com.). Mem. State Himself); Herself (Talks with Women Concern- History Com., Tex. Federation of Women's ing Themselves); False Modesty, that Protects clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Texas Vice by Ignorance; Himself » Talks with Men History Cards; Sherman Business Guide and Concerning Themselves). On editorial staff of As- Directory. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church; sociated Newspapers, N.Y. City; Mothers' Maga- mem. Christian Woman's Board of Missions, and zine, Elgin, 111.; Woman's World, Chicago; To- Ladies' Aid Soc. Mem. Tex. State Historical day's Magazine, Canton, O. Mem. Chicago Med. Ass'n, Board of Directors of Carnegie Library Soc. ; Eugenics Com. 111. State Conference of (chairman of com. which Inaugurated first free Charities and Correction, Internal. Congress of public library).

S^,?'^"/,/?? , °^™°#c?P ^^,°^'^!■'^^r^°^*^T®°°^" LUDINGTON, Mildred Wilson (Mrs. William

Coll. of Medicine and Surgery; Med. Dep t Loyola Howard Ludington), 875 Park Av., N.Y. City.

Univ., Chicago. Recreation: Automobiliug chiefly. g^^.^ j^^^ jjaven. Conn., Nov. 1, 1879; dau.

LOWTIIORP, Fannie Willets (Mrs. Francis William H. and Cornelia M. (Hoadley) Wilson;

Cowlyn Lowthrop), 152 Greenwood Av., Tren- ed. private schools, Miss Johnstone's, New Haven,

ton, N.J. Conn., and Ogontz School, Ogontz, Pa.; m. New

Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1860; dau. Haven, Conn, June 1, 1910, William H. Luding-

Josieph and Esther (Griffen) Willets; ed. Geneva, ton (Yale, '87) of N.Y. City; one son: Will

Switzerland; Weimar, Germany, and Swarth- iam Howard Ludington Jr., b. July 22, 1912, at

more Coll., Pa., B.A. '80 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. NeTV Haven, Conn. Interested in numerous

Roslyn, L.I., Oct. 3, 1888, Francis Cowlyn Low- charitable, religious and philanthropic organiza-

Ihrop; children: Francis Cowlyn, Eleanor, Nata- tions; also in art and music. Against woman


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