LOVEJOY, Drbora Eliza, 23 Garden St., Cam- at home; m. Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal, brldgre, Mass. Mar. 12, 1892, Charles H. Low; children, Hal- Teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '98. Teacher lowes Austin, Constance May Austin. Author: in Wilson Acad., Angelica, N.Y., 1898-1901; North Devices and Desires; Confession and Other Jirookfield (Mass.) High School, 1901-02; Lincoln Verses, 1909; The Girl In the Devil's Livery, 1911. Memorial Univ., Cumberland Gap, Tenn., 1902-05; Mem. Church of England. Against woman suf- Atlanta (Ga.) Univ., 1905-06; teacher of Latin in frage.
Dllworth Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa., since 1906. I.OWATEB, Frances, Rockford College, Rock- LOVEJOY, Esther Pohl (Mrs. George A. Love- ford. 111. joy\ Portland, Oreg. Born Stoke-sub-Hamdon, Somerset, England; Physician; b. Seabeck, Kitsap County, Wash.; dau. Samuel and Mary Bradley (Shaw) Lowater; dau. Edward and Annie (Quinton) Olayson; grad- ed. University Coll., Nottingham, Eng. ; Newn- Univ. of Oregon; poat-grad. work at Chicago in ham Coll., Cambridge, Bng. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894, and at Vienna la 1904 and 1910; m. Port- Pa.; B.Sc. Univ. of London, 1900; Ph.D. Bryn land. Ore., April 25, 1894, Dr. Emil Pohl (de- Mawr Coll., 1906. Fellow in physlce, Bryn ceased); second, Victoria, B.C., July 30, 1912 Mawi Coll., 1896-97: demonstrator in physics, George A. Lovejoy; one son, Frederick Clayson, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1837-98, 1899-1905, 1906-10; act- b. Dec. 26, 1901 (died Sept. 11, 1908). Served on Ing sec. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1898-99; acting asso- the Health Board of the City of Portland, 1905- elate prof, physics. Western Coll., Oxford, O., 09, and was executive offlcer in charge of the 1910-11; prof, physics, Rockford Coll., 1911 — . Health Dep't, 1907-09. Favors woman suffrage. Wrote: The Spectra of Sulphur Dioxide (Astro- Has worked for suffrage for years; campaigned physical Journal), 1906; The Absorption Spectrum all of 1912. State enfranchised its women at of Sulphur Dioxide (ibid), 1910. Congregational- the last general election and local suffrage so- ist. Mem. Physical Soc. of London, Am. Physical cietles have dissolved. Mem. City and County Soc, A.A.A.S., Nat. Geographic Soc. Recrea- Med. Soc. of Portland, Multnomal County, tions: Tennis, swimming, boating. Mem. Rock- Ore.; Oregon Med. Soc, Am. Med. Soc. Rerrea- ford Women's Club. Favors woman suffrage, tions: Tennis, motoring, dancing. Mem. Port- loWE, Betsey Barker (Mrs. George Albert land Woman's Club, Woman's Medical ClTib. Lowe), 41 Mt. Plea.^ant St., Rockport, Mass. LOVEJOY, Lanra Armstrong (Mrs. Frank W. Born Adams, Mass., Jan. 9, 18S1; dau. William Lovejoy), Racine, Wis. Earl and Amelia Ann (Whitney) Harmon; grad. Born Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1884; dau. Dr. Tufts Coll., A.B. '04 (mem. Alpha Xi Delta); m. Samuel Treat and Alice (Cobin) Armstrong; Adams, Mass., Juno 27, 3908, George Albert Lowe grad. Baraard Coll., B.A. '08; Teachers' Coll., Jr.; one son, John Harmon Lowe. Universallst. B.S. '10, and Domestic Art diploma (mem. I.OWELL, Amy, "Sevenels," Heath St., Brook- Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Bedford Hills, N.Y., Hnp, Mas.<!.
June 8, 1912, Frank W. Lovejoy. E^piscopalian. Author; b.' Brookline, Mass., Feb. 9, 1874; dau. LOVEJOY', Lillian, 138 South Market St., Can- Auguatin and Katharine Bigelow (Lawrence) ton, Ohio. Lowell; ed. private schols, Boston, Mass. Has Y.W.C.A. sec; b. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ; ed. In been mem. Woman's Educational Soc, Brook- schools of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., line Educational Soc. (Executive Com.), chalr- A.B. '97. Tutor in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1897- man Library Com. Brookline Educational So- 190(i; ass't sec Y.W.C.A., Poughkeepsie, 1906-09; clety. For two years a visitor of small libraries since 1909 gen. sac. Y.W.C.A. at Canton, Ohio. from the State Library Board. Author: A Dome LOVEJOY, Mary Evelyn Wood (Mrs. Daalel °^ Many-Colorfjd 3!ass, and various poems in Webster Lovejoy), So. Royalton, Vt. magazmes. Mem. Wjoman's Municipal League, Teacher, author; b. Pomfret, Vt., June 11, Woman's Educational Soc, Ladles' Kennel Ass'n 1847; dau. Jacob Young and Dorothy (Mclnttre) ^^ Mass., Automob'le Legal Ass'n, Old English Wood; ed. State Normal, Randolph, Vt. ; Welles- Sunday Cub of America, Bronte Soc. (England), ley Coll., Univ. o' Chicago, A.B. '97; Univ. of ^a.B3. Horticultural Soc. Owner and director of Beriin, 1899-1900; honorable mention at Univ. of S^^^^^.^Jf,^^'^®',? V^i'S^'^!'" ?^ ^'? ^°g','^? A?^- Chicago (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Pomfret, Vt., Mem. Chilton Club (Boston), Colony Club (N.Y. 1874, Dr. Daniel Webster Lovejoy (died, 1880). City), Lyceum Club (London). Principal of Academy, Royalton, Vt. ; supt. of LOWELL, Edith Allen, 19 Crescent St., Green- city schools, Aberdeen, S. Dak.; critic teacher field, Mass.
State Normal, St. Cloud, Minn.; vice-pres. S. Dak. Artist; b. GreenSeld, Mass., 1872; dau. Charles
Educational Ass'n; elected delegate te Nat. Edu- R. and Annie (Allen) Lo-well; ed. Greenfield
cational Ass'n from S. Dak.; trustee Congrega- High School, Smith Coll., 1891-93. Chairman
tional Church, teacher in Sunday-school, raising Social Service Dep't of Woman's Club; manager
a fund for a memorial to the heroine, Mrs. of Arts and Crafts Soc, ten years. Wrote
Hannah (Huater) Handy; trustee of public memorandum: Just to Remind Me; Simple Simon
library. Author: Dandelion, a novel; History Calendar. Episcopalian. Mem. Daughters of the
of Royalton, Vt. ; contributor to many leading Church, Woman's Club, Greenfield Country
educational publications and other magazines. Club.
Mem D.R., Nat. Geographic Soc ; president of lowell. Mary Chandler, 17 Blagden St.. Bos- South Royalton Woman s Club. Congregation- {(,„_ Mass.
allst. Against woman suffrage. Physician, lawyer; b. Foxcroft, Me.; dau. Col. LOW, Mary EalrchUd (Mrs. Will H. Low), Charles Wlnthrop and Mary E. (Chandler) Bronxvllle, N.Y. Lowell; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., Univ. of Vienna, Artist painter; b. New Haven, Conn.; studied M.D. ; Cornell Univ. Law School, Boston Univ. ert in St. Louis School of Fine Arts, which Law School, LL.B., J.B., J.M. First woman to awarded her scholarship to Paris, where she occupy a position on the medical staff of Me. studied at the Academie Julian and In the Insane Hospital, and as such to receive a unanl- at^lier of Carolus Duran; m. (1st) Sept 20, 1888, mous appointment by Me. Legislature. Resident Frederick MacMonnles; (2d) Nov. 4, 1909, Will H. physician and lecturer at Mt. Holyoke Coll., Low. Winner of Shaw Memorial Prize of Soc. of 1890-1900; admitted to Massachusetts Bar, Feb., Am. Artists, N.Y. City, 1902. Aivarded medals 1903. Wrote Chandler-Parsons Genealogy. Con- fer exhibits in World's Columbian Exposition, gregationalist. Mem. Me. Medical Soc, Woman Chicago, 1893; Paris, 1900; Buffalo, 1901; Dresden, Lawyers' Club, Boston. Strong Republican. 1902; Rouen, 1903; Marseilles, 1905; Normandy Against woman suffrage.
E.^position. Rouen 1911. Associate Soci6t6 Na- i,oWELL, Mary EUa PuriBgton (Mrs. Stephen
tional des Beaux Arts, Paris; associate national Arthur Lowell), Box 76, Pendleton, Oreg.
acadetmolan of Nat. Acad, of Design NY. City. Teacher; b. West Embden, Me., Nov. 27, 1868;
Mem. Woman s International Art Club (London), ^^u. Elisha and Sarah Collins (Williamson)
National Arts Club (N.Y. City). Purington; ed. public schools. North Anson,
LOW, May Austin (Mrs. Charles H. Low), Hebron and North Bridgton Academies; m. West
Chambly Basin, Quebec, Can. Minot, Me., June 4, 1884, Stephen Arthur Lowell;
Born Chambly, Que., Apr. 15, 1863; dau. Hugh children: William Elisha, Margaret. Taught ten
Whitechurch and Ada Fanny (Cox) Austin; ed. years public and high schools; head of English