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��for Suffrage. Recreations: Out-door sports. Mem. Woman's Univ. Club (N.Y. City), New, Victorian Club (London).

LOUDON, Anne lionise, SOS Third Av., Upper

Troy, N.Y.

Bom Troy, N.Y., Dec. 9, 1884; dau. Thomas and Mary (Shearer) Loudon; ed. Lacsingburg Acad., Lansingburg High School, Cornell Univ., A.B. '07 (Phi Beta Kappa, 1906). Connected for over two years with State Charities Aid Ass'n, N.Y. City (Children's Dep't) as county agent for dependent children. Helped install system of records and Investigating in dep't for admin- istration of out-door relief in Amsterdam, N.Y. Favors woman sufirage. Mem. Church of Christ. Mem. Troy Cornell Alumnse, the Woman's Univ. Club of Troy.

LOUIS, Minnie (Miriam) Dessau (Mrs. Adolph H. Louis), 9 Livingston Place, N.Y. City. Born Philadelphia, Pa., June 21, 1841; dau. Abraham and Fanny (Zachariah) Dessau; moved to Georgia witti parents when foar months old; ed. academic schools, Columbu. , Ga. ; Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., 1S57-58; m. N.Y. City, July 25, 1866, Adolph H. Louis (died 1897). Founded Hebrew Technical School for Girls, Dec. 3, 18S0, under name of Downtown Sabbath- School; technical dep't opened Mar, 1S87 (name changed to Downtown Sabbath and Daily School, 1888; changed to present name 1895); pres. until Oct., 1899; in office of school since Nov., 1905; act- ing pres. of kindergartens of Hebrew Free School, 18S2-83; sec. Exec. Com. of Mt. Sinai Training School for Nurses, 1882-86; pres. 1SS6-S9; in- creased corps of nurses and established compul- sory obstetrical training; raised finances from a deficit of $700 to $16,000 in treasury at time of resignation. Suggester and promoter of the movement which developed later into the Henry Street Nurses' Settlement, 1893, through Mr. Jacob H. Schiff, Mrs. Solomon Loeb, Mr. Nathan Strauss. Organizer of the work of the Clara de Hisch Home, 1897, and manager 8 months. Field sec. Jewish Chautauqua, Philadelphia, 1900-1901; chairman First Nat. Com. on Religion of the Council of Jewish Women, 1894; formulated its work. Public school inspectress, 1894-97; volun- teer teacher in Emanu-El Sunday-school, 1875-93. Eiditor of Personal Service dep't in The American Hebrew, 1901-03; wrote article on Manual Train- ing, published in The Magnet, 1894; poems in va- rious newspapers; Hannah and Her Seven Sons; vajiouo articles in the Jewish Messenger and American Hebrew; Three Addresses at Columbian Exposition, published In the respective books of the proceedings of the Three Women's Con- gresses. Mem. Red Cross Soc, Consumers' League, Jewish Historical Soc., Jewish Publica- tion Soc, Widowed Mothers' Fund, Public Edu- cation Ass'n, Gramercy Neighborhood Ass'n, Council of Jewish Women, InternationaJ Council of Women and occasional contributor to other societies. Recreations: Traveling, reading, Avrit- ing, theatre, opera, art galleries. Organized the Patriotic Club in Columbus, Ga., 1863, which gave amateur theatrical perfonnances for the benefit of the soldiers. Against women's votes.

LOUNSBERT, Harriet Camp (Mrs. George Lounsbery), 1119 Lee St., Charleston, W.Va. Trained nurse; b. Ind;,anapoIifi, Ind., 185€; dau. Rev. Dr. N. W. and MatiWi (Hopklna) Camp; ed. at home; grad. of Temple Grove 3em., Sara- toga Springs, N.Y. ; w. Bioomfield, N.J.. :.833, George Lounsbery, M.D.; on« daughter: Katha- rine. Grad. of Brooklyu. Homoeopathic HospitaJ Training School for Nursea; in charge of Stem- berg Hospital, Chickamauga, In the Spanish War. Pres. of Kanawha Litarary Soc for two years, pres. West Va. Graduate Nurses' Ass'n, eight years; sanitary sahool Inspector fcr Charleston public schools, four years; mem. Board of Di- rectors of Charleston PuWlc Library. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Ten Weeks of Physi- ology and Hygiene, for the lower grades of the public schools; Making Good «n Private Duty, for young graduate nurses. Protestant Episco- pal. Mem. Kanawha Literary Soc, Anti-Tu- berculosis League of W. Va.; mem.. Woman's Club of Charleston, Housewives' League.

��LOUNSBEKKI, Alice, Valentine La.ie, YonKers, N.Y. : and 130 E. Sixty-S3ventli St., N'.Y. City. Author; b. N.Y. City, Nov. G, 1873; dau. Jamea Smith and Sarah Woodruff (Burrows) L<5uns- berry; ed. Mrs. Sylvanus Read's School, N.Y. City, and in Paris and London. Favors woman suffrage. Author: A Guide to the Wild Flowers; A Guide to the Trees; Southern Wild Flowers, Trees and Shrubs; The Garden Book for Young i'ecple; Gardens Near the Lea; Frank and Betty's Forester. Episcopalian. Mem. Japan Soc. Recreations: Travel, observation of for- eign gardens.

LGUNSi!5.;KY, Nellie E., IS Savings Bank

Buiiding, Warren, Pa.

Daughter H. B. and Martha (Marsh) Louns- bury; ed. Warren, Pa. Was teacher, then served 11 years as great record keeper. Ladies of the Maccabees; then elected great commander Ladies of the Maccabees of Pa. ; supreme trus- tee, Supreme Hive, Ladies of the Maccabees o£ the World. Mem. First Methodist Eipiscopal Church, Warren, Pa. Favors woman suffrage.

LOLTH.4N, riorence S. (Mrs. B. S. Lou than j,

Sutherland, la.

Born Clinton, la., 1860; dau. Abel and Mary Frances (Brown) Smiley; ed. high school, Tama City, la., and college, Vinton, la.; m. Dysart, la., Sept. 17, 1878, B. S. Louthan, M.D.; chil- dren: Myrtle, Ruby, Beulah, Elmira, Lenora Myrtle. Music teacher. Interested in church, Sunday-school and club work. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Worthy Matron of Order of Eastern Star for six years; has been pres. of the Monday Club, Home Culture Club, and Music and Art Circle of Sutherland, la. Mem. State Health Com. la. State Fed. of Women's Clubs.

LOUTH.AV, Hattie Homer CMrs. Overton Earle Louthan), 3600 Raleigh St., Denver, Colo. Editor, author; b. Quincy, 111., Feb. 5, 1865; dau. Dr. John Horner (Kentuckian) and Charity (White) Horner (West Virginian) ; ed. in country school, near what is now the village of White Water, Kan., from ages five to fifteen, and State Normal School, Emporia, Kan., lSSl-83; grad. '83; m. White Water, Kan., June 21, 1893, Overton Earle Louthan (died June 12, 1906). Engaged in teaching and later in literary work, contributing to the Arena, Munsey's, Smart Set, etc. Mem. staff of Denver Republican; literary editor The Great Southwest. Instructor in English in the College of Commerce; accounts and finance of Univ. of Denver since 1910. Author: Poems, 1885; Some Reasons for Our Choice, 1886; Not at Home (book of travels), 1889; Collection of Kan- sas Poetry, 1891; Thoughts Adrift, 1902.

LOVE, Anita Hemif2ings (Mrs. Andrew Jackson

Love), 3440 Broadway, N.Y. City.

Bom Boston, Mass., June 8, 1872; dau. Robert Williajnson and Dora (Logan) Hemmlngs; ed. Prince School, Boston, Mass. ; Girls' High School, Boston; Northfield (Mass.) Sem. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '97; m. Boston, Mass., Oct. 20, 1903, Dr. Andrew Jackson Love; children: Dorothy, b. Aug. 20, 1304 (died Feb. 14, 1907); Ellen Parker, b. Dec. 7, 1905; Barbara, b. A.pril 21, 1907; An- drew Jackson Jr., b. April 23, 1911. Did the foreign cataloguing at Boston Public Library, August. 1897, to October, 1903; translations and bibliograpbies. Favors woman suffrage. Prot- estant EJpiscopalian. Republican. Mem. Vassar Students' Aid Ass'n. Recreations: Tennis, golf, rowing. Mem. College Club, Boston; College Equal Suffrage League.

LO't', Hattie .Iranlt, Sweetwater. Tenn.

Physician; b. Sweetwater, Tenn., Feb. 6, 1884; dau. James Robert and Julia (Reagan) Love; ed. Randolph-Macon Woman's Coll., A.B. '07; Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa., M.D. '11. Favors v.om.an suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Has Just completed a fifteen- montcs' internestip at Memorial Hospital, Wor- cester, Mass., and taking a few months' course at Scarritt Bible and Training School, Kansas City, Mo., preparatory to going to Soo Chau, China, as a medical missionary, 1913.


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