18, 1902; Mary Louise, b. Dec. 20 (died Dec. 28), 1907. Mem. Woman's See. of First Presbyterian Church of Oak Park, Ill. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Travel, horseback riding, driving, reading, tennis. Mem. Augusta Club, Nakama Club, Sesame Circle.
AVERY, Catherine Hitchcock Tilden (Mrs. Elroy McKendree Avery), 2831 Wood-Hill Road, Cleveland, Ohio.
Editor, educator; b. Dundee, Mich., Dec. 13, 1844; dau. Junius and Zeruah (Rich) Tilden; grad. Mass. State Normal School (Framingham) '67; m. Battle Creek, Mich., July 2, 1870, Elroy McKendree Avery, Ph.D., LL.D., D.C.L. (educator, scientist, historian). Engaged in teaching as prin. of Battle Creek (Mich.) High School, and later as teacher in Cleveland High and Normal schools; now editor of the American Monthly Magazine (official organ of the D.A.R.). First woman ever chosen to elective office in Ohio; elected mem. City School Board of Cleveland, 1895; elected mem. City Board of School Examiners, becoming its first woman-member, 1900 (pres. since 1911). Mem. Cleveland City Library Board. Mem. D.A.R., Colonial Dames of America, U.S. Daughters of 1812.
AVERY, Clara Arlette, 47 Eliot St., Detroit, Mich.
Ex-pres. Mich, Federation; b. Bradley, Me., Jan. 12, 1850; dau. Newell and Nancy Clapp (Eddy) Avery; ed. Detroit Sem. Organizer of the Twentieth Century Club of Detroit and pres. (now life mem.); organizer of the Mich. State Federation of Women's Clubs and first pres.; mem. of the Memorial Scholarship Com. under Univ. of Mich., formerly an officer and pres. of the Woman's Hospital and Infants' Home. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Mayflower Descendants; hon. mem. Woman's League of Univ. of Mich.; hon. mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae; life mem. Am. Archaeological Soc. Favors woman suffrage.
AVERY, Elisabeth McElroy (Mrs. Henry Brinckerhoff Avery), Christmas Lake, Excelsior, Minn.
Born Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 5, 1873; dau. John Henry and Mary Jane (Wilkinson) McElroy; ed. public schools of Pittsburgh; m. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 18, 1909, Henry Brinckerhoff Avery. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreation: Farming; lives on a country place about 18 miles from Minneapolis and is deeply interested in all that pertains to such a place the year around.
AVERY, Rachel Foster, Swarthmore, Pa.
Suffrage leader; b. Pittsburgh, Dec. 30, 1858; dau. J. Heron and Julia (Manuel) Foster; ed. Philadelphia schools and special studies in political economy in Univ. of Zürich; one son: Cyrus Miller, b. 1888. Engaged in suffrage work from girlhood; actively associated with late Susan B. Anthony for years and was long corresponding sec. of the Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; has taken part as ass't and manager in suffrage campaigns in many States as speaker and writer; first vice-pres. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1906-10; pres. Pa. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n; was active in work of preparing for the Washington meeting of the Internal. Council of Women, 1888, and was cor. sec, 1888-93. Mem. Society of Friends.
AVERY, Susan Look (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Avery), 847 Fourth Av., Louisville, Ky.
Born Conway, Mass., Oct. 27, 1817; dau. Samuel and Polly (Loom's) Look; ed. Utica, N.Y., in private schools; m. April 27, 1844, Benjamin Franklin Avery (manufacturer of plows; died 1885); children: Lydia Avery Coonley Ward, b. Jan. 31, 1845; George C. Avery, b. Mar. 1, 1852. Pioneer club woman, founder of the Woman's Club of Louisville and of the Susan Look Avery Club of Wyoming, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage; long a leader as speaker and writer in favor of equal suffrage. Contributor to various magazines and papers on suffrage, temperance, the single-tax and other reforms. Honorary vice-pres. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs.
AVIRITT, May Amelia Goodwill (Mrs. Philip William Aviritt), 949 Park Place, Brooklyn, N.Y.
High school teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '89; m. May 22, 1894, Philip William Aviritt (died July 31, 1902); one son: William Goodwin, b. Feb. 5, 1895. Teacher in high school. Old Town, Me., 1891; Batavia, N.Y., 1891-92; Dunkirk, N.Y., 1893-94; Portsmouth, N.H., 1898-1900; Asbury Park, N.J., 1900-04; Flushing, N.Y., 1904-07; Brooklyn, N.Y. (teacher of German) since 1907. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n.
AYCOCK, Martha Magan (Mrs. Frank B. Aycock), Fremont, S.C.
Born Rockingham County, S.C, May 12, 1881; dau. A.R. and Lydia (Gordon) Magan; ed. Moravian College, Winston-Salem, S.C. (mem. Euterpean); m. Mar. 30, 1903, Frank B. Aycock; children: Bayard, Jesse Nelson, Burtis. Mem. Woman Book Club. Recreations: Reading, painting, fancy work. Mem. Moravian Church. Against woman suffrage.
AYER, Anna Perkins Chandler (Mrs. Josiah M. M. Ayer), Needham, Mass.
Born Boston, Sept. 24, 1873; dau. John and Anna (Perkins) Chandler; ed. Dana Hall, class of '93; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '98; studied at Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory; m. Wellesley, Sept. 5, 1911, Josiah M. M. Ayer. Contributor of poems and verse to various magazines. Episcopalian. Recreations: Walking, automobiling.
AYER, Emma Burbank (Mrs. Edward E. Ayer), 2 Banks St., Chicago, Ill.
Born Lowell, Mass.; dau. Abner and Elizabeth (Badger) Burbank; ed. Benedict and Satterlee's College, Rochester, N.Y.; m. Sept. 7, 1867, Edward E. Ayer; one daughter: Elizabeth Ayer. Author: A Motor Flight Through Algeria and Tunisia; Captivity Among the Oneidas in 1690-91 of Father Pierre Milet (translated from French). Mem. Alliance Française. Clubs: Chicago Woman's, the Fortnightly. Unlversalist. Against woman suffrage.
AYER, Hannah Gilbert Palfrey (Mrs. J. B. Ayer), 25 Lime St., Boston, Mass.
Born Belmont, Mass., Dec. 13, 1881; dau. Gen. John C. and Adelaide E. (Payson) Palfrey; ed. Miss Winsor's School, Boston, Mass.; m. Belmont, Mass., Nov. 15, 1909, Dr. James Bourne Ayer; children: James Bourne, Hannah Gilbert.
AYER, Janet Hopkins (Mrs. Benjamin F. Ayer), 20 E. Goethe St., Chicago, Ill.
Born Granville, N.Y., 1854; dau. James C. Hopkins (State Senator N.Y., Judge of Federal Court of Wis.) and Mary (Allen) Hopkins; ed. Granville (O.) Sem.; m. Madison, Wis., Benjamin F. Ayer; children: Walter, Mary Louise, Janet, Benjamin F. Jr., Margaret Helen. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Daughters of the Revolution, Colonial Dames of America; vice-pres. of Ill. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Club: The Fortnightly.
AYER, Margaret Hubbard, 129 E. 40th St., N.Y. City.
Journalist; b. Chicago, Ill., 1879; dau. Herbert C. and Harriet (Hubbard) Ayer; ed. Germany under Blanche Willis Howard. For eight years editor of the woman's section New York Sunday World: editor Paris Modes Magazine. Has written several books on Health, Beauty, Etiquette. Mem. Professional Woman's League, Woman's Municipal League. Recreation: Music. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Woman's Political Union.
AYER, Mary Allette, 11 Tenth Av., Haverhill, Mass.
Editor and compiler; born Hampstead, N.H.; dau. Albert William and Lydia Ann (Hoyt) Ayer; descendant of John Ayer, of England, who settled in Haverhill, Mass., 1646; ancestors on both sides served in Revolutionary War. Edited and compiled: Daily Cheer Year Book; The Joys of Friendship; Heart Melodies; Keep Up Your Courage. Publisher of Christmas booklets, cards and mottoes. Methodist.