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��Long; one son, William BaJIard, b. Sept. 10, 1888. Southern dialect reader before clubs, soci- eties, Cbautauquas and lyceum courses. Director of music In primary dep't in Central Ave. M.E. Church, Indianapolis, Ind. Methodist. Mem. D.A.R. (Caroline Harrison Chapter), French Hu- guenot Soc. of Charlesto-wn, S.C. Recreations: Travel, clubs, studj, dialect readings. Mem. Parlor Club, "W^inona Chautauqua Laterary and Scleatiflc Clrclt, Wednesday Coterie Club.

LONG, Margaret, 1434 Glenarm St., Denver,


Physician; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '95; Johns Hopkins Univ. Med School, M.D. '03. Sxterne In New York Inflrmary for Women and Children, 1903-04; since then engaged in general practice of medicine in Denver, Colo.

LONG, Medora Welch (Mrs. James C. Long),

Geneva, 111.

Born In Kentucky, Dec. 26, 1853; dau. Rodney and Abby IP. (Stevens) Welch; ed. Chicago public schools, and Miss Chase's School, Newark. M.J. : m. Chicago, Oct. 31, 188S, James C. Ixmg; chil- dren: Helen, Marian Patva, Kathryn. Active in civic work In Geneva. Succeeded :n getting third step on interurban electric cars in Kane Co., 111. Favors woman suffrage. Writer for papers and magazines. VJaitarian. Mem. Gene- va Improvement Ass'n, Good Roads (State and Nat. Ass'ns), Chicago Woman's City Club.

LONG, Minnie Wilson (Mrs. Alexander Long),

Rock Hill, S.C.

Born YorkviUe, S.C; dau. Col. William Blackburn and Minerva (Lowry) V/ilson; ed. in private schools; m. Yorkville, S.C, 1891, Alex- ander Long; children: Alexander, Blackburn, Annie Stanyarne, Minnie de Foix. Pres. Wo- men's Club Union (Rock Hill), 1^10; first Tice- pres. S.C. State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1911-12. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of Confederacy. Pres. Woman's Auxiliary of Episcopal Church, Rock HUl, for many years. In 1M.1 was chair- man of Legislative Com. S.C Federation of Woman's Clubs, which was directly responsible for passage of Juvenile Courts bill and med- ical Inspection of schools, the latter bill being subsequently vetoed by Gov. Blease.

LONG, Prineess Claris (Mrs. Edward C. Long),

Ontario, Cal.

Musician; b. Van Wert, 0., Feb. 17, 1862; dau. William A. and Lydia A. (Baker) Clark; ed. Van Wert, 0.: Fort Wayne, Ind.; musical education at Chicago; m. Van Wert, O., Nov. 24, 1887, Edward C. Long; children: Nellie Baker, i-iar- ence C, Willlani Kerr. Educated for grand opera, but gave up the idea on moral grounds and after that only sang for concert, Chau- tauqua and evangelistic work; Interested in and active w^orker for churches. Has written songs, one ai tbem The Upper Room; has also written for several magazines. Recreations: Home work and concert or other public work. Favors woman Buflrage. Prohibitionist. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church.

LONGAN, S^mma Lard (Mrs. George B. Lon- pan), 2735 Tracy Av., Kansas City, Mo. Parliamentarian; b. Liberty, Mo., May 10, 1854; dau. Moses B and Mary (Riffe) Lard ; ed. Pat- terson CoH., Bourbon Co., Ky., and Hamilton. Coll., Lexington, Ky. (gold medal in muait. — piano); m. Cincinnati, 1870, George B. Longan; children: Roy, Silas Woodson, George B. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. Equal Suffrage Club of Kansas City, elected in 1911 and 1913; has lec- tured and worked ^for the cause for forty years. Author: Parliamentary Rules Made Easy. Mem. Christian Church. Pres. Council .of Women's Clubs; pres. Christian Women's Board of Missions, Fed. of Kansas City, ten years; W.C.T.U., United Daughters of Confederacy, Kansas City Athenaeum Club, Parliamentary Club, Longan Study Club. Has been lecturer and speaker thirty years, taught and lectured on Parliamentary Law twenty-five years. Social worker; interested in all civic questions; has al- ways been In temperance and suffrage work.

��LONGBRAKE, Gertrude Brandsmark (Mrs,

George Runyan Longbrake), 136 S. Eleventh

St., La Crosse, Wis.

Born in Denmark; ed. Univ. of Minn.; classical course, 1901, B.A.. honors in Greek, Latin and history; m. 1903, George Runyan Longbrake, Universalist clergyman. Was high school teacher until marriage. Interested in religious education in accordance with modern scholarship, scaence, literature. Favors woman suffrage. Universalist. Mem. Twentieth Century Cluib of La Crosse, Wis.

LONGDON, Harriet Bnger (Mrs. Francis J. Longdon Jr.), 5363 University Av., Indianapo- lis, Ind.

Missionary sec; b. Chicago, 111., July 8, 1871; dau. William and Mary M. f Marsh) Ruger; ed. Smith Coll., B.A. '94; m. Daytona. Fla., May 6, 1902, Francis J. Longdon Jr. Sec. Young People's Dep't of Christian Woman's Board of Missions, 1912. Favors woman suffrage. Editor of Tha King's Builders, a missionary paper for children. Mem. Disciples of Christ.

LONGFELLOW, Julia Livingston Delafield (Mrs.

Frederick W. Longfellow), 2 35 West End Av.,

N.Y. City.

Born Riverdale-on-Hudson, N.Y. : dau. Maturin L. and Mary C. (Livingston) Delafield; ed. home and private school, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, April 30, 1901, Frederick W. Longfellow; children: Julia D., b. April 28, 1902; Livingston, b. Aug. 18, 1903; Elizabeth D., b. Feb. 14, 1905. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary of Christ Church; mem. Dio- cesan Auxiliary of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine; former director and founder cj the German Governess Home Ass'n; mem. Pub- lic Education Ass'n, School Visiting Com., and Consumers' League of N.Y. City. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. Frosbel League; director City History Club of N.Y. ; former director of tha Woman's Municipal League, and founder of ona of its branches; mem. Red Cross and chairman of the Red Cross Relief Com. which provided ice to the army in Cuba, raising and spending $50,000 for this purpose. Mem. N.Y. Probation Ass'n; mem. Metropolitan Section for N.Y. and N.J. of the Woman's Dep't of Nat. Civic Fed.; mem. Bloomingdale Guild, Bronx Soc. of Arts and Sciences, Woman's Auxiliary, Civil Service Reform Ass'n.

LONGFELLOW, Mrs. Marian Ad^le, Box 44,

Back Bay, Boston, Mass.

Author, lecturer; b. Portland, Me., April 1, 1849; dau. Stephen and Marianne (Preble) Long- fellow; ed. in private schools, public schools of Boston, private tutors; m. (1st) May, 1876, Will- iam Francis Morris; children: William Longfel- low Morris, Madeleine Preble Morris, Henry Wadsworth Morris; m. (2d) 1891, Michael Francis O'Donoghue. Has lectured in several cities, was one of press correspondents on the 'OTiite House list during the administration of Theodore Roose- velt. Interested in philanthropic work, patriotic education. Author: Contrasted Songs (poems); also numerous scattered poems In magazines, newspapers, etc., and short stories. Translator from the French: A Romance of the West Indies and others. Writer of historical and genealogical papers, early colonial and revolutionary history and fourteen lectures on literary and historical subjects. Unitarian. Mem. D.A.R.; charter mem. of Nat. Soc. and founder of Old North Chapter D.A.R., Boston. Mem. Mayflower Soc, Daugh- ters of Founders and Patriots of America, Soc. of New England Women, Alden Kindred of America; historian of Descendants of Robert Bartlett of Plymouth. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Order of American-s of Armorial Ancestry, Descendants of Colonial Governors; founder of League of Am. Pen Women; mem. Nat. Genealogical Soc, Am. Soc. of Colonial Fcomllles. Recreations: Music, out-door life. Pres. Daughters of Maine (Boston); mem. Founders of i^ass. D.A.R. ; mem. Mass. Fed. of Women's Clubs.

LONGMAN, Evelyn Beatrice, HE. Fourteenth

St., N.Y. City.

Sculptor; b. Winchester, 0., dau. EkJwin Henry and Clara (Adnam) Longman; ed. Chi-


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