��LOEB, Anne Leonard (Mrs. Jacques L,oeb), 193
E. Seventy-eighth St., N.T. City.
Born Easthampton, Mass., May 2, 1862; dau. GrauTille Hall and Eliza (Buffum) Leonard; ed. Wesleyan ColL, Smith Coll., Univ. of Zurich, Si^tterland (Ph.D. Zurich); m. Easthampton, Mass., ISaO, Prof. Jacques Loeb (distinguished ptryslologist) ; children: Leonard B., Robert F., Anne L. Director N.Y. branch Coll. Alumnse Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Monlst.
LOEB, Charlotte, 912 Madison Av., Albany, N.Y. Supervisor; b. Ticonderoga, EJssex Co., N.Y. ; dau. Jonas and Clotilda (Gross) Loeb; ed. Ti- conderoga High School; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. ; N.Y. State Normal Coll., Pd.B. ; Tilly Inst., Berlin (mem. Delta Omega). Teacher of French and German, high school dep't, and supervisor of practice teaching, N.Y. State Normal Coll., Albany, N.Y. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnee, N.Y. State Modern Language Ass'n, Natianaler Deutsehamerikansche Lehrerbund, L'Ass'n Phonetique Internationale. Recreations: Dancing, rowing, bowling. Mem. V£issar Clu'b, Adelphi Country Club.
LOEB, Sara, 912 Madison Av., Albany, N.Y.
Teacher; b. Ticonderoga, N.Y. ; dau. Jonas and Clotilde (Gross) Loeb; grad. Ticonderoga High School; Vassar Coll., A.B. ; N.Y. State Normal Coll., Pd.B.. mem. Delta Omega. Instructor in German, South Orange High School, 1905-07; Dickinson High School, Jersey City, 1907. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Vassar Students' Aid Soc, Vassar AlumnEB Ass'n (N.Y. Branch). Recreations: Riding, golf, tennis, dancing, swimming, rowing.
LOIBEKG, Grace Ethel AVard (Mrs. Kent G.
Lofberg), 185 West St., Mansfield, Mass.
Bom Lynn, Mass.; dau. Henry A. and Martha E. (Abbott) Ward; grad. Lynn Classical High School (head of class); Boston Univ., A.B. Phi Beta Kappa commencement speaker (mem. Gamma Phi Beta); m. Lynn, Mass., June 24, 1909, Kent Godfrey Dofberg. Taught in Lynn Classical High School; later supervisor of Latin in grammar schools of entire city of Lynn. Au- thor: In the Mlz (book of stories for children); contributor to The Craftsman, Country Life in America, and various magazines. Mem. School Com. at Mansfield, Mass.; pres. New Century Club of Mansfield. One of the four honorary scholarships in Lynn Classical High School Is named for Grace E. Ward, these being named for graduates of the school who have achieved special honors in college and special distinction after graduation. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recreations: Out-door sports, gar- dening.
LOGAN, Bertha Allen (Mrs. George Wood Logan), U.S. Naval Acad., Annapolis, Md. Born Lowell, Mass.; dau. Charles H. and Harriet Coleman (Dean) Allen; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '95; grad. work Radclifl'e Coll., 1^96; m. San Juan, Porto Rico, Oct. 25, 1900, Com- mander George Wood Logan, U.S.N. Mem. College Club, Boston.
LOGAN, Grace Kedileld Boynton (Mrs. Ellis Logan), 1253 Irving St., N.W., Washington, D.C.
Art lecturer, reader; dau. Joseph H. and Gratia (Redfield) Boynton; ed. Sterling (111.) High School; student of art and music in N.Y. City, Washington and Chicago; m. Washing- ton, D.C, Jan. 2, 1902, Eilis Logan. Sec. of Literature Missionary Soc. of Fourth Presby- terian Church, Washington. Mem. Junior Re- public League; rec. sec. of Nordhoff Guild (hospital) Waldesian Soc. Favors woman suf- frage. Congregationalist-Baptist. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants. Organizer for D.C. Sons and Daughters of Pilgrims, Nat. Soc. Daughters of Founders and Patriots, Daughters of 1812, Soc. for Preservation of Virginia An- tiquities. Regent of Mary Breed Chapter, D.A.R.; Nat. cor. sec. of the Childmn of American Revolution; mem. John Alden i^oo., Washington Soc. of Fine Arts and W.C.T.U.: first vice pres. D.C. Federation of Women's Clubs; mem. Art Com., Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Co-
��lumbia Heights Art Club; mem. 20th Century Club, Philo Classlco, Excelsior Literary Club.
LOGAJN, Mary Siiunier»on Cunningham (Mrs.
John Ale.xander Logan), 2523 Thirteenth St.,
Washington, D.C.
Writer; b. Petersburg, Mo., Aug. 15, 1838; dau. Capt. John M. and Elizabeth H. Cunningham; ed. Convent School of St. Vincent, Ky.; m. Nov. 25, 1S55, John Alexander Logan, afterward major- general, U.S. senator and Republican nominee for Vice-President, 18S4 (died Dec. 26, 1SS6;; chil- dren: Mary (Mrs. M. L. Tucker); John Alexan- der, Jr. (major U.S.A., killed in battle, Nov. 11, 1899, at San Jacinto, P. I.). Has been active and prominent in patriotic organizations; since hus- band's death engaged in editorial and literary work as editor of the Home Magazine and con- tributor to other magazines and newspapers on patriotic and wartime subjects and public ques- tions. Devoted to the memory of her distin- guished husband and gallant son, and has given a collection of memorials, trophies and souvenirs to the State of Illinois. Has recently published in the Cosmopolitan Magazine a series of articles pertaining to her reminiscences of Civil War times. Author: Thirty Years In Washington, or Life and Scenes in Our National Capital, 190b; Part Taken by Women in American History, 1912. Mem. Chevy Chase Club.
LOGUE, EmUy, 1526 Callowhill St., Philadel- phia, Pa.
Author and teacher; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 10, 1879; dau. Edward and Elizabeth (O'NeiU) Logue; ed. Convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Philadelphia; Temple Univ., Univ. of Pa. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Quiet Hour (poems), 1908; also short stories in various magazines. • Roman Catholic. Recreations: Studying Romance philology and literature, ex- pert cooking of desserts and cakes.
LOINES, Elma, 162 Columbia Heights, Brook- lyn, N.Y.
Photographer, amateur astrophysicist; b. Brook- lyn, May 31, 1882; dau. Stephen and Marj' (Hillard) Loines; ed. Friends and Hodman Schools, Brooklyn; Rosemary Hall, Walling- ford. Conn.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '05; Master School of Music, Brooklyn, 1907-11. Treas. Brooklyn Auxiliary of N.Y. City Consumers' League, 1908-13. Mem. Women's University Club, N.Y. City. Interested in educational questions (photography, art, music and literature). Au- thor: The Status of a Professor in Germany (publications of Bryn Mawr Alumnae), Nov.. 1911. Re-creations: (hardening, music, photogra- phy, travel. Favors woman suffrage. LOMB.ABDI, Ethel Peck (Mrs. Maurice Ennis Lombard!), 2331 Le Conte Av.. Berkeley, Cal. Born Stamford, Conn., Jan. 7, 1881; dau. Will- iam Edward and Lily R. (Rogers) Peck; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '04; m. Port Chester, N.Y., June 3, 1909, Maurice Ennis Lombardi; children: Carolyn Ennis (b. 1910), Oliver Maurice and David Ennis (twins, b. 1911). Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Democrat.
LONG, Catherine Stoneman (Mrs. John Harper
Ix>ng), Evanston, 111.
Born McGregor, la., Apr. 24, 1862; dau. John T. and Caroline (Southland) Stoneman; ed. In Evanston Acad., Northwestern Univ. and Univ. of Wis., B.S. (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Ce- dar Rapids, la.. Aug. 24, 1885, John Harper Long (prof, chemistry Northwestern Univ. and author of scientific books); children: Albert S.. Esmond R., Lothar R., Ariel E., Byron S. Contributor of short stories and travel articles to various magazines. Sec. Chicago Public School Art Soc; mem. 111. Woman's Press Ass'n, Evanston Wo- man's Club; vice-pres. 111. Federation of Women's Clubs. Against woman suffrage. LONG, Elizabeth Ballard (Mrs. William Dudley
Long), 57 ChaUaut Apartments, Indianapolis,
Born Georgetown, Ky.; dau. J. W. and Mary Bront (Metcalf) Ballard; ed. Science Hill, Shelby- ville (Ky.) Coll. of Music, Cincinnati. Ohio, and Rucker Sem., Georgetown, Ky., 1S80-87; m. Georgetown. Ky., Oct. 4, 1887, William Dudley