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��Oakland, Cal. ; Colgate Baker's Coll., San Fran- cisco, Cal.; m. N.Y. City, March 6, 1S94, S. B. Livingston. Landscaper painter. Interested in club life for tiie public good; mem. City Fed, of Women's Clubs, West End Republican Club, Life as a Fine Art Club, N.Y. Theatre Club. Recrea- tions: horseback riding, golf, walking, out-door sports. Favors woman suffrage. Republican.

I.IZ.'IRS, Kathleen Slaefarlane, Alexandra

Apartments. Toronto, Can.

Rorn Stratford, Can.; dau. Judge D. H. and listher (Longworth) Llzars; ed. in Toronto and Scotland. Favors woman suffrage, but not of militant methods. Author (with Robina Llzars): In the Days of the Canada Company; Humours of '37, etc, ; also contributor to magazines and newspapers. Mem. Church of England. Mem. Women's Art Ass'n, Social Science Club, Wom- en's Canadian Club, Toronto; Daughters of the Empire, Toronto; hon. mem. Women's Historical Ass'n, Toronto; Manor House Country Club, Worcestershire, and Victoria League (England).

LLOYD, Caroline Augusta, 214 Nutley Av., Nut- ley, N.J.

Writer; b. Pekin, 111., 1859; dau. Aaron and Maria (Christie) Lloyd; grad. Vassar Coll., A,B. '81. Interest centres entirely on capital and labor problems. Foncerly contributor to the Outlook, Springfield Republican, Chicago Trib- une, Frank Leslie's Weekly, Art Interchange, etc. Author of biography of her brother, Henry Demarest Lloyd, 1912. Mem. West London Ethi- cal Soc, Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, R.I. Woman Suffrage Soc. Mem. Socialist Party.

LLOyiD, Lola Maverick (Mrs. William Bross

Lloyd), Wlnnetka, 111.

Born in Texas, 1875; dau. George Madison and Mary (Vance) Maverick; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; Smith Coll., A.B. '97; m. San Antonio, Tex., 1902, William Bross Lloyd; children: Jessie Bross, Mary Maverick, William Jr. Favors woman suffrage. Socialist.

LLOYD, Mary Helen Wlngate (Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd), Haverford, Pa. Born N.Y. City, June 3, 1868; dau. George Wood and Susan Prudence (Man) Wingate; ed. privately at home; two finishing years at Misa Round's School; studied in Art Students' League, N.Y. ; Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, under Chase, Beaux, Blum and Moworay; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., May 6, 1897, Horatio Gates Lloyd of Phila- delphia; children: Horatio Gates, Richard Win- gate. Interested in painting, directing school gardens in Haverford, suffrage work, hospital boards. Director Equal Franchise League; mem. Pa. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. D.A.R., Con- sumers' League, Board of Jefferson Hospital, Board of Cushman Club, Board Franklin Day Nursery, School Garden Committee, The Gardi- uers. Recreations: Theatre, gardening, pictures, motoring. Clubs: Merion Oicket, Plastic, Plays and Players, Acorn, Civic, and Fellowship Pa. Academy.

LLOYD, Mary Sybil (Mrs. Charles B. Lloyd). 207 E. Hall St., Savannah, Ga.

Born Thomasville, Ga., April 16, 1867; dau. William Frederick and Anne Elizabeth (Adams) Penniman; ed. private schools and by governess; m. Brunswick, Ga., Jan. 25, 1893, Charles B. Lloyd. Mem. Colonial Dames, Georgia Society, Daughters of the Confederacy. Against woman Buffrage.

LOBINGIER, Kate Reynolds (Mrs. A. S. Lo- bingler), 611 Westmoreland Av., Los Angeles, Cal.

Physician; b. Troupsburg, N.Y. ; ed. In schools of Wellsboro, Pa.; Vassar Coll., A.B. '77; Wom- en's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '89; m. Nov. 2, 1889, A. S. Lobiniger, M.D.; one daugh- ter. Taugut five years in State Normal School, Mansfield, Pa.; Mt. Pleasant Acad., Mt. Carroll, 111.; engaged in practice as physician, 1889-1902. Contributor of articles to medical journals.

LOCKE, Annette Elizabeth rhilbrick (Mrs. Walter Leonard Locke), 1023 H St., Lincoln, Neb. Born Iowa City, la., 1875; dau. Phlletus Harrej

��and Malah P. (Brackett) Philbrick; ed. In Echools of Iowa City, la,, and Alnswortli, Neb.; grad, Univ, of Neb., B.Sc. (Phi Beta Kappa), '97; graduate work at Neb. State Univ., 18$7-98; Teachers Coll., N.Y. City, with diploma in home economics, 1898-99; fellow in home economics In School of Housekeeping, Boston (now part of Simmons Coll.); graduate work in home eco- nomics at Teachers Coll., N.Y, City, and sum- mer work, with Mrs, Janet M, Hill, 1909-10; m. Sept. 10, 1910, Walter Leonard Locke; one son: Francis Philbrick, b. May 1, 1912. Instructor home economics, 1899-1901, and 1902-06; adjunct prof., 1906; associate prof., 1908, home economies, in Neb. State Univ. Mem. Home Economics Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League. Unitarian. Democrat (progressive). LOCKE, Etta Ober (Mrs. William W. Locke), 4

Evergreen St., So. Framingham, Mass.

Dentist; b. Nashua, N.H., Nov. 13, 1873; dau. Eugene W. and Ella M. (Taylor) Ober); ed. Nashua High School, 1892; Boston Dental Coll., D.D.S., 1896; m. Nashua, N,H,, Sept. 14, 1898, William W. Locke; children: Florence, b, 1902; Walter, b, 1903; Helen, b. 1906; William Willard, b. 1908. Practised profession in Boston, 1896-98; since marriage has office at home at South Framingham. Mem. Mass. Dental Soc, Mothers' Ass'n of Grace Congregational Church, Neighbor- hood Club. Congregationalist.

LOCKE, Eva M., 11 Amherst St., Nashua, N.H. Physician; b. Nashua, N.H., Jan. 20, 1874; dau. Luther F. Locke, M.D., and Carrie (Barrett) Locke; ed. Nashua public schools, including high school, Wellesley Coll. (partial course), Univ. of Mich,, A,B, '99; M.D. 1900, and N.Y. hospitals. Post-grad, Polyclinic and Mothers' and Babies'. Sec, Nashua Med, Ass'n; mem. Hillsborough Co. Med. Ass'n, New Hampshire Med. Soc., N.H. Surgical Club, Am. Med, Ass'n; mem. staff of Nashua Emergency Hospital and of St, Joseph's Hospital, Nashua, M-em. Pilgrim Congregational Church; acting pres. of Y.W.CA. Board of Di- rectors for several months, Congregationalist. Recreations: Automobile, tennis, Mem. Nashua Auto Club. Favors woman suffrage.

LOCKE, Grace Perley, 179 State St., Portland,


Born Portland, Me,, Oct. 21, 1875; dau. Joseph Alvah and Florence Elmyr (Perley) Locke- ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B., A.M., and Univ. of Berlin. Interested in education and suffrage; has traveled extensively. Occasional contributor to periodicals. Recreations Landscape, work in a pine forest, canoeing, snow-shoeing, mountain climbing. Mem. Coll. Club of Portland Port- land Suffrage Club, Portland Country Club, Bryn Mawr Club of N.Y., Maine Peace Society. LOCKE, lone Eddy, Springfield, Vt.

Business woman, club president; b. South Shaftsbury, Vt. ; dau. Frederick and Edna Augusta (Stickle) Eddy; grad. North Benning- ton High School, '98; m. South Shaftsburv, Vt., Aug. 9, 1905, Dr. Frank Locke. Mem, Aitrurlan Club, and served as its president, 190G-08, 1910-12, the work cf this club being wholly philanthropic! having helped the public library, the schools, and inaugurated the first class In domestic science in Springfield, Vt. Proprietress of milli- nery and art goods shop. Favors woman suf- frage. Recreations: Nature study, reading. Episcopalian.

LOCKE, Mary Stougrhton, Westwood, Mass.

Teacher; b, Westwood, Mass,, May 5, 1856; dau. Calvin Stoughton and Anne (Lincoln) Locke; grad. Girls' High School, Boston, '74; Smith Coll., A.n, '80; Radcliffe Coll., A.M. '93 (1890-93). Was teacher in Boston public schools. Interested in education and welfare of negroes and in various civic and social reforms, as well as neighborhood work In the North and West Ends of Boston. Favors woman suffrage. Author: American Anti-Slavery Sentiment Before 1808 (Radcliffe Coll, Monograph.<?, No. 11). Mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League, Boston; School Voters' League, Boston; New England History Teachers Ass'n, Am. Historical Ass'n, Ass'n ot


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