��10, 1872; James Burdette Little Gawyer, Indian- apolis), b. April S, 1S75; Dr. Edward O. N. Lit- tle (physician and surgeon, Kramer, Ind.), b. Jan. 27, 1878. Promoter of women's clubs, W.C.T.U., and W.R.C. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Rebekab, Ladies of the G.A.R., Franchise League, Pythian Sisters, Woman's Relief Corps, Martha Vrashington Club, Ladies' Literary Union, Art Dep't of Indianapolis Woman's Clubs, Fed. of Women's Clubs of Indiana, Woman's Council of Indianapolis; organizer of New Era Club. Methodist. Progressive. Favors woman suffrage. L,ITTLEFIELJ>, Minnie EUa, 181 Mllford St.. Manchester, N.H.
Teacher of elocution and physical culture; b. Manchester, N.H., Feb. 16, 1867; dau. John C. and Mary E. (Baldwin) Littlefield; ed. Manchester public schools, Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Boston, Mass., U.B. (Bachelor of Oratory). Engaged actively in graded Sunday-school work; treas. of Settlement Ass'n of N.H., which maintains a Home for Working Girls in the city of Man- chester; trusee of Colby Acad., New London, N.H. Mem. Review Club, Manchester Fed. of Women's Clubs. Baptist.
tITaXEJOIIN, Rebecca Boiling (Mrs. Robert Malcolm Llttlejohn), 215 Jamaica Av., Flush- ing, L.I.
Bom Wheeling, W.Va., Dec. 15, 1873; dau. William Nicholls and Hannah Lamb (Bonham) Boiling; ed. private schools, Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore. Md., and School of Industrial Art, Philadelphia, Pa.; m. Baltimore, Md., June 2, 1906, Robert Malcolm Llttlejohn; one daughter: Charlotte Townsend Littlejohn. Mem. Md. Soc. Colonial Dames cri America, Baltimore League of Nat. Junior Republic, United Workers, Ekjual Franchise Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. LHTLETON, Ajmle 8. (Mrs. William E. Lit- tleton), 1929 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bern Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 28, 1843; dau. Matthew Semple, M.D., and Caroline E. (Wills) Semple; ed. Miss Bayard's school, Philadelphia; m. June 28, 1871, Hon. William E. Littleton (now deceased); children: Grace (Mrs. George M. Gush- ing, Boston), Alice (Mrs. Frank T. Griswold, Philadelphia). Favors woman suffrage. Episco- palian. Mem. historical and artistic societies. LJVERMOiaE, Caroline Sealy (Mrs. Norm.an Banks Llvermore), 1031 Vallejo St., San Fran- Bom' Galveston, Texas, August 7, 1883; dau. Oorge and Magnolia (Willis) Sealy; ed. high schools, Galveston, Texas, Miss Spence's school, N.Y. City; Vassar College, A.B. '05; m. Gal- veston, Jan. B, 1910, Norman Banks Llvermore; one son: Norman, b. March, ISll. Active worker in church. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Com. on Certified Milk and Baby Hygiene, Hos- pital Aid Soc, Town and Country Club (San Francisco), Marin Golf and Country Club (San Rafgel), Girls' Musical Club (Galveston, Tex.). Episcopalian. Democrat. Favors woman suffrage. l,IVEBMOBE, Henrietta J. Wells (Mrs. Arthur Leslie Llvermore), 144 Park Av., Tonkers, N.Y. ; summer, Merryvale Farm, Redding Ridge, Conn.
Born San Francisco, May 22, 1864; dau. Judge Henry J. and Maria A. (Goodnow) Wells; ed. Harvard Grammar School, Cambridge, Mass.; Cambridge Latin School, Wellesley Coll., A.B. '87; A.M. '93 (mem. Shakespeare Soc); m. Cam- bridge, Mass., Oct. 21, 1890, Arthur Leslie Liver- more; children: Henry Wells, Russell Blake. In- terested in educational and civic activities; pres. tor seven years of Yonkers' Child Study Club; active mem. Yonkers' Civic League (chairman of Educational Com.). Interested In all college women's activities, and three years pres. of N.Y. Branch of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Pres. Fairview Garden School, where six hundred boys and girls have free garden plots and a large club house. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. Yon- kers Woman Suffrage Ass'n; vice-pres. N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n; active speaker in behalf of the cause. Author: Fairview Garden Bchool (booklet published by the Sage Founda- tion), and magazine articles on garden schools. Episcopalian. Mem. Anthropological Soc. (men
��and women). Fortnightly CluD (for study of his- tory). Recreations: Farming, motoring. First pres. and a founder of Women's University Club, N.Y. City; ex-pres. Wellesley Cluti of N.Y. LmXGSTON, Alice Delafield (Mrs. John Henry
Livingston), Clermont, Tivoli-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Born N.Y. City, Jan. 9, 1872; dau. Howard and Alice (Delafield) Clarkson; ed. by governesses at home and St. John's School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 9, 190€. John Henry Livingston (of the distinguished N.Y. Livingston family, and la mem. of the Society of the Cincinnati and pres. of the N.Y. Branch of the Order of Colonial Lords of Manors of America); children: Honoria Alice, Janet Cornelia. Many years officer of Settlement House at 18 Leroy St., N.Y. City. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recrea- tions: Photography, gardening.
LIVrVGSTON, Bettie Phipps (Mrs, D. E. Liv- ingston), 1102 Riverview Av., Kansas City,
Bom Petersburg, Ky. ; dau. J. P. and Nettie (Calvert) Phipps; ed. Kansas City (Kan.) High School and Business Coll. ; m. Kansas City, 1905, D.E. Livingston. Mem. Armourdale W.C.T.U. ; sup't of Human Soc; mem. Philanthropic Dep't of Council of Clubs. Active in jail and prison work in Wyandotte Co. and W.C.T.U.; mem. Welfare League. Presbyterian. Mem. Council of Clubs (cor. sec). Excelsior Club, History Club, Kansas Day Club. LIA'rVGSTON, Cfaariotte Lucia, 132 W. Twelfth
St., N.Y. City.
Genealogist, art student; b. N.Y. City; dau. Charles James and Charlotte Lucia (Merry) Liv- ingston; ed. private schools, French and English, N.Y. City, Art Students' League, N.Y.; Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Registrar Order of O>lonial Lords of Manors; genealogist of Hugue- not Soc. of America; some time secretary-regis- trar Daughters of the Cincinnati; chairman entrance claims Colonial Dames of N.Y. wblle on board. Interested in church and social better- ment work. Against woman suffrage. Author of verses in newspapers. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames of N.Y., Order of Colonial Governors, Order of Colonial Lords of Manors, Girls' Friendly Soc. Recreations: Travel, art, camping, boating, opera, drama. Mem. Art Workers' Club, N.Y. City. LIVINGSTON, Clara Dudley (Mrs. John Gris-
«-old Livingston), Woodmere, L.I., N.Y.
Born Lexington, Ky., June 10, 1875; dau. B. William and Maria (Hunt) Dudley; ed. Sayre Inst, and Ky. State Univ., Lexington, Ky., 1SS4- 93; m. Lexington, Ky., Feb. 21, 1903, John Gris- wold Livingston; children: William Dudley, John Dudley, Robert, Cambridge. Protestant Episcopal. LIVINGSTON, Marjorie M. Johnson (Mrs. George
R. Livingston), 1419 National Av., San Diego,
Bom East Troy, Wis., Sept. 10, 1SS4; dau. Dr. T. F. and Marian (Gray) Johnson; ed. San Diego State Normal School, Univ. of Cal., B.S. '10; M.S. '11; m. National City, Cal., Aug. 15, 1912, George R. Livingston. Teacher in grades for three years prior to college life; teacher in Los Angeles Polytechnic High School, 1911-12. Active in Y.W.C.A., League of Social Workers, Com- mittee of Nineteen, Logan Heights Improvement Ass'n, Sunday-school class, Ladies' Missionary Soc. Baptist. Progressive Republican. Recrea- tions: Gardening, walking, housework. Mem. College Woman's Club. Interested in problem of teaching sex hygiene — taught it in high school. LIVINGSTON, Olsa Theodora (Mrs. Herman
Livingston), 497 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
Born N.Y. City, Oct. 20, 1884; dau. Frederick and Georgiana L. (Schlotter) Kobbe; grad. Brearley School, N.Y. City, 1903; m. N.Y. City, April 24, 1909, Herman Livingston Jr. Mem. Sewing Circle of 1903 (Boston), The Guild of Emanuel Church, Boston. Recreations: Music, auction-bridge, dancing, reading. Episcopalian. LIVINGSTON, Rose Florence (Mrs. S. B. Liv- ingston), 319 W. Ninety-fourth St., N.Y. City.
Bom San Francisco, Cal.; dau. Joseph and Catherine (Van Meritz) Rich; ed. Shells' Sem.,