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��Palmer, playing also In Jim the Penman and other Palmer productions; after marriage starred with Louis Mann in The Laughing Girl, The Strange Adventures of Miss Brown, The Tele- phone Girl, The Girl from Paris, The Girl from the Barracks, All on Account of Eliza, The Red Kloof and Master and Pupil. Temporarily re- tired from the stage, 1902-04, because of injury to her arm resulting from a fall on shipboard. While thus disabled took up playwriting, writ- ing play of Pepl and comedy of Julie Bon-Bon, in which she starred with Louis Mann. Wrote The Italian Girl (in collaboration with Edward Freiburger). Produced Marjory's Mother, 1909. Wrote (in collaboration with Samuel Shipman) : Elevating a Husband (in which Louis Mann starred, 1912-13); It Depends on a Woman (in which she starred, 1911-12); Children of To-day; Flame and Embers; and The Royal Maid.

LIPPINCOTT. Martha Shepard, Station O, Tenth St. and Columbia Av., Philadelphia, Pa. Poet, book reviewer; b. Moorestorwn, Burling- ton Co., N.J. ; dau. Jesse and Elizabeth (Holmes) Lippincott; ed. Moorestown Friends High School and Swarthmore Coll. Began writing poetry when a schoolgirl in 1886; since 1895 has made It iier life work. Author: Visions of Life (poems), 1901; Guide Thou My Bark (sacred Bolo, set to music by H. P. Danks), 1898; other of her sacred songs, set to music, include: Faith and Trust (solo); Thou Wilt Guide My Journey Through (solo); That All Thy Mercies May Be Seen (quartette) ; also many gospel Bongs published in a very large number of col- lections. Secular songs: My Love For All Eternity; For Thy Own Dear Self; To My Valentine. Has also written some stories and prose articles and has had work published in a very large number of publications in the U.S., Canada and England. Book reviewer since 1900. Mem. Society of Friends; widely knoTvn as "The Quaker Poetess." Favors woman suffrage. LIPPINCOTT, Mary Woodward, Rlverton, N.J. Born Rlverton, N.J., Sept. 24, 1881; dau. Heulings and Anna S. (Lippincott) Lippincott; grad. Swarthmore Coll., B.L. '01; M.A. '04; eligible to Lucretia Mott fellowship (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Manager Children's Summer Home of Cuimaminson, N. J. ; annual contributor to Coll. Settlement Ass'n, Philadelphia; mem. Rlverton Golf League, 1912; sec. Swarthmore Club of West Jersey; pres. Equal Suffrage Sec- tion of Porch Club of Rlverton, N.J. ; chalrinan Library Com., N.J. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; life mem. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Soc. of FVlends. Mem. Swarthmore Coll. Alumnae Ass'n, Theta Alumnas Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. Clubs: The New Century (Phila- delphia), Rlverton Porch, Riverton Country, Silver Foils (Pinehurst, N.C.). LIPPITT, Flora K. (Mrs. Julius Llppltt), 69 N. Twenty-third St.. Portland, Ore. Born Stockton, Cal.; dau. Edward David and Betty (Hertz) Kallcher; ed. public schools of San FVancisco; m. San Francisco, Cal., June 2, 1892, Julius Llppltt; children: (31ara. Judith. Identified with philanthropic work In connection with Council of Jewish Women, tending towards civic improvement. Pres. Council of Jewish Women, 1910 — . Mem. Jewish Women's Benevo- lent Soc; Jewish Women's Sewing Soc.; Visiting Nurses A^s'n; Portland Women's Union; Ladies' Aid Soc. (in connection with Children's Home). Favors woman suffrage.

LIPPMANN, Jnlle Mathilde, 17 West Eighty- fourth St., N.T. City.

Author; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Adolph and Marie S. (Polk) Lippmann; ed. in private schools and by tutor. Author: Jock o' Dreams; Miss Wildfire, Dorothy Day; Dearie, Dot and the Dog; Deb's Debt; Everyday Girls; Martha-by- the-Day. Congregationallst. Roosevelt Progres- sive In political views. Favors woman suffrage. Recreation: Music.

LISTLE, Alice Ingersoll (Mrs. J. R. LIstle),

33 Main St., Kallspell, Mont.

Formerly a teacher; b. Malta, 111., July 25,

1876; dau. Thaddeus Sobleski and Bella C. (Bots-

ford) Ingersoll; ed. Sioux City (la.) High School

��and Training School, and Summer School ai Madison, Wis.; m. Cherokee, lorwa, June 6, 1900, J. R. Listle; one son: John. Sunday- school teacher. Mem. Century Club, recording sec. Montana Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recrea- tions: Riding, driving, boating, botanizing. For- mer Episcopalian — now New Thought. Vice- pres. Political Equality Club of Kallspell. LITCHFIELD, Grace Denio, 2010 Massachusetts

Av., Washington. D.C.

Author: b. N.Y. City, Nov. 19, 1849; dau. Edwin Clark asd Grace Hill (Hubbard) Litch- field; ed. Madajn Prevost's (Chegary) School, NY. City, and by private masters at home and abroad. Author (novels): The Knight of the Black Forest; Only an Incident; Criss Cross; A Hard-Won Victory; In the Crucible; The Moving Finger Writes; "The Letter D; 'The Supreme Gift; (short stories): Little Venice and Other Stories; (child story) Little He and She; (dramas) Vita; The Nun of Kent; (poems), Mi- mosa Leaves; Narcissus; Baldur the Beautiful. Against woman suffrage. LITCHFIELD, Mary Elizabeth, 353 Harvard St.,

Cambridge, Mass.

Teacher in the Misses May's school, Boston; ed. Jamaica school, Boston, May 9, 1854; dau. Lawrence and Sarah Mlnot (Lincoln) Litchfield; ed. Boston grammar schools and Miss Caroline Johnson's private school; Latin student with col- lege professors. Author: The Nine Worlds; Stories From Norse Mythology. Editor: The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers From the Spectator; Irving's Sketch Book; Britomart; Selections From Spenser's Faerie Queene; Five English Poets (se- lections). Episcopalian. Mem. Mass. Civic League, Women's Auxiliary of Civil Service Ass'n (Mass.), New England Soc. of Teachers of English, Boston Private School Ass'n. Mem. Ed- ucational and Industrial Union. LITTLE, Alice Cowles, 217 E. College St.,

Oberlln, Ohio.

Bom Janesville, Wis., May 9, 1865; dau. Thomas H. and Sarah F. (Cowles) Little; ed. public schools, Janesville, Wis.; Oberlln Coll., grad. '88. Missionary to Micronesian Islands, 1888-93; State officer of Ohio Branch of Woman's Board of Missions of the Interior. Congrega- tionallst. Mem. D.A.R. LITTLE, Caroline Frances. Summer, Nantucket,

Mass.; winter, Brooklyn, N.T.

Author; b. Elizabeth, N.J. ; dau. William H. and Caroline F. (Cobb) Little; grad. Knox Sem., Galesburg, 111. Writer for papers and magazines. Author: The Three Vocations; Little Winter Green; Thoughts For the Christian Year; Lives of St. Matthew and St. Mark. Episcopalian. Republican. LITTLE, Julia Eveline Lockhart (Mjs. Leoni-

das L. Little), AnsonvlUe, N.C.

Bom Anson Co., N.C, Jan. 6, 1856; dau. Acad, and Coll., Winston-Salem, N.C; m. 1894, Adam and Ann (McDiarmid) Lockhart; ed. Salem Leonldas Ledbetter Little. Episcopalian; pres. Women's AuxiJiary of All Souls' Church, Ahson- ville, N.C. Active In religious, social and phil- anthropic activities. Pres. Eclectic Club of An- sonville, N.C. Against woman suffrage. LITTLE, Marou Brown (Mrs. William Francis

Little), 217 Rahway Av.. Elizabeth. N.J.

Born Charlestown, Mass.; dau. Thomas Webb and Eliza Marou (Yenetchi) Brown; grad. Boston Latin School, '95; Vassar Coll., A.B. '99; m. Kingston, Mass., .July 21, 1910, William Francis Little; one son: William Francis Little Jr. b. July 14, 1911. Taught Latin and Greek, Eliza- beth (N.J.) High School, 1899-1901; head of LaUn dep't. Rye CN.YJ) Sam. Interested In Child Welfare work. Against woman suffrage. E>plsco- palian. Mem. Vassar Alumni Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Walking, riding, sewing. Mem. Shake- speare Club of Elizabeth.

LITTLE, Martha H. Neal (Mrs. James M. Lit- tle), 915 nroadway. Indianapolis, Ind.

Born Cicero, Ind., Nov. 2, 1851; dau. William and Hannah (Railings) Neal; ed. Cicero High School; art in Depauw Univ.; m. Feb. 11. 1872. James M. Little; children: Dr. John W. Little (physician and surgeon, Indianapolis), b. Nov.


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