��burgh, Scotland, 1878-81. On staff of Charlotte Square Inst., 1S81-99, as instructor in piano, voire, musical theory and history music; In charge of Dep't of Music in Royal Victorio Coll. for Women, Montreal, 1899-1904; since 1904 vice- director of the McGill Conservatory of Music, Montreal. Has given recitals and musical lec- tures.
LIGGETT, Anna Coatee Wardle (Mrs. Leigh Liggett), 404 Riverside Drive, N.Y. City. College bursar; b. Philadelphia; ed. In schools of Philadelphia and Vassar Coll., A.B. "80; m. 1889, Leigh Liggett (now deceased). Teacher in Detroit Home and Day School, five years; Packer Collegiate Inst., three years. Bursar of Barnard Coll. since 1891.
LIGGETT, Ella Mary, 73 Stimson Place, De- troit, Mich.
Principal oif school; b. Xenia, Ohio; grad. Vas- sar Coll., A.B. '69 (Phi Beta Kappa). Teacher In Pittsburgh, Pa., 1869-71; Topeka, Kan., 1S71- 73; Vassar Coll., 1873-74; Cincinnati, 1874-78; since 1878 principal Detroit (Mich.) Home and Day School.
LIGGETT, Gertrude Irwin (Mrs. Sidney Marx
Liggett), Shields, Allegheny Co.. Pa.
Born Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 2, 1881; dau. Lewis and Emma (Riddle) Irwin; ed. Miss Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.; the Misses Masters' School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.; m. Oct. 6, 1909, Sidney Marx Liggett. Mem. the Misses Mas- ters' School Soc, Allegheny Country Club. Fa- vors woman suffrage. LIGHTFOOT, Mary VVasbingrton Minor (Mrs.
John B. Lightfoot), 922 W. Grace St., Rich- mond, Va.
Born Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Va. ; dau. Capt. Robert D. Minor, L.S.N., C.S. Navy, Flag officer on Merrimac, and Sandonia (Randolph) Minor; ed. by governess in country home in Fauquier Co., in private schools in Richmond, Va., and in Bpringwood Home School, under foreign teachers; m. Richmond, Va., Feb. 8, 1882, John B. Light- foot. Sec. many years of First Hospital Board In the South; treasurer Great Southern Bazaar which erected monument to soldiers and sailors of South; treas. for fifteen years of Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Antiquities and for a year was chairman of its Jamestown Committee. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Recrea- tions: Music, gardening, having an unusual and exquisite selection of roses. LIGHTNEB, Letitia Catherine (Mrs. Joseph
Lightner), Randolph, Wis.
Druggist; b. Dansville, N.Y., June 5, 1849; dau. Morgan and Elizabeth (Price) Epley; ed. in common school, followed by study at home in preparation for State Board examination for druggist; m. Randolph, Wis., 1874, Joseph Light- ner; children: Flora May, Frank Wallace. Reg- istered druggist, 1882. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. Order of Eastern Star. Recreations: Painting, music. Clubs: Shakes- peare, Home Economics. L.IGON, Cora Sarah Reed (Mrs. William S.
Llgon), 603 N. Main St., Anderson, S.C.
Singer, voice teacher; b. Anderson, S.C; dau. Jacob Plnckney and Teresa Caroline (Ham- mond) Reed; ed. at Anderson and Charleston; m. Dec 22, 1875, William Slebels Ligon. Sang from babyhood; studied at New England Con- servatory of Music, Boston, and with best teachers In N.Y. City, and Mme. Matilde Mar- chesi of Paris. Church and concert singer. Baptist. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R. (Nat. Chap- ter, Washington, D.C.), United Daughters of Confederacy (Dixie Chapter, Anderson, S.C). Pres. Psyche Culture Club, S.C. Federation Wo- men's Clubs (chairman of music, 1909-12). LIGON, Ellen Lee Barret (Mrs. Greenwood
Llgon), 430 Spring Hill Av., Mobile, Ala.
Physician; b. on plantation in Kemper Co., Miss., Aug. 10, 18G4; dau. Benjamin Temple and Louise A. (Martin) Barret; grad. '78 and took post-grad, work in Bagby High School, Mobile, '79; Am. Coll. of Osteopathy, D.O., Kirksville, Mo., 1900; Ala. SUte Med. Board, M.D., "03; m. Mobile. Ala.. June 9. 1886, Dr. Greenwood Llgon
��(died Mar. 10, 1910); children: Lucile Barret (Mrs. Clinton Rowland Macartney), Margherita. Prac- ticed in N.Y. City five years; in Mobile since 1905. Mem. Y.W.C.A. in Mobile, helping to organize Woman's League for working women to build a club home at Fairhope, also where they can take rest for a nominal sum. Writer of articles in the professional lines; also notable article: The White Woman and the Negro (Good Housekeeping). Charter mem. Mobile (Chapter D.A.R., Soc. of Colonial Dames in Ala. through Va., Daughters of Confederacy, vice- pres. of Lincoln Memorial. Founded first Wo- man's Club in Miss., The Okolona Book Club, 188S; hon. mem. Mobile Shakespeare Club; char- ter mem. Sojourners' Club, Kirksville, Mo.; mem. Country Club, Mobile, Ala. Recreations: Automobiling, gardening, sailing, swimming, f-ards. Episcopalian.
LILLIE, Helen Eva Makepeace (Mrs. Ralph Stayner Lillle), 4243 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Born Gloucester, Mass., July 17, 1876; dau. Rev. Frank and Helen Mary (Viets) Makepeace; ed. in schools of Springfield, Mass., and by pri- vate tuition and grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '99; m. N.Y. City, June 2, 1906, Prof. Ralph Stayner Lillle; children: Frank Rattray, b. Aug. 25, 1908; Walter Makepeace, b. Aug. 10, 1910. Con- gregationalist.
LILLrBEOBS, Katharine Fackenthal (Mrs.
Manfred Lilliefors), Valley, Neb.
Born Dec. 10, 1867; dau. B. F. Fackenthal Sr. and Katharine (Dennis) Fackenthal; ed. Dana Hall Preparatory School, Easton (Pa.) High School, Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95; grad. work at Wellesley School, Froebel Sem., Berlin, Germany; mem. Agora, Wellesley Coll.; m. Rugelsville, Pa., June 3, 1896, Rev. Manfred Lilliefors, Ph.D.; chil- dren: Manfred, Edith, Samuel Dike. Interested in social, educational and philanthropic work. Uni- tarian. Mem. W.C.T.U. and the regular church federations, religious unions, guilds, Monday German Soc, Omaha, Neb. Mem. Clionian Club, Davenport, Iowa: Woman's Club, Valley, Neb.; Neb. Wellesley Club.
LILLY, Lillian Aug:usta Armstrong: (Mrs. Harry Lilly), 224 West 136th St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City; dau. William A. and Cor- delia (Forbes) Armstrong; ed. Normal Coll., of City of N.Y., '85; m. N.Y. City, April 16, 1903, Harry Lilly. Taught in public schools, N.Y. City, for ten years, 1892-1903. Recording sec. of Com. on Women's Organizations of N.Y. Milk Com.; incorporator and first vice-pres. of Golden Rule Alliance of America, which aims to care for blind girls; treas. of Anthony Wayne Chapter D.R.; pres. Clio Club, 1908-11. Presbyterian.
LINCOLN, Jeanie Thomas Gould (Mrs. Nathan Smith Lincoln), 1620 Nineteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C.
Author; b. Troy, N.Y., 1846; dau. Hon. George Gould (judge N.Y. Court of Appeals); privately educated; m. Troy, N.Y., Nathan Smith Lincoln; children: Natalie Sumner, George Gould. Au- thor: A Genuine Girl; Marjorie's Quest; A Pretty Tory; An Unwilling Maid; The Javelin of Fate; The Luck of Rathgoole. Also short stories in the magazines. Mem. Soc. Am. Authors.
LINCOLN, Mary Johnson BaiJoy (Mrs. David A.
Lincoln), 204 Huntington Av., Bfiston. Mass.
Domestic economist; b. South Attlcboro, Mass., July 8, 1S44; dau. Rev. John Burnham and Sarah Morgan (Johnson) Bailey: grad. Wheaton Sem. (now Coll.), Norton, Mass., '84; m. Norton, Mass., June, 1865, David A. Lincoln. First prin- cipal Boston Cooking School, 1879-85; lecturer on cooking at Lasell Sem., Wheaton Sem., and most of the large cities in U.S.; culinary editor of Am. Kitchen Magazine, 1893-1903; author Boston Cook Book, 1884; Peerless Cook Book, ISSfi; Carving and Serving, 1886; Boston School Kitchen Text Book, 1888; What to Have for Lurcheon, 1904. Has written several booklets for food manufacturers, and many articles for various magazines. Mem. New England Wo- men's Press Ass'n, Wheaton Sem. Alumnae. Recreation: Travel. Congregationalist.