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��LEWIS, Margaret 'A. Read (Mrs. Warren H.

Lewis), 1913 East 31st St., Baltimore, Md.

Teacher; b. Kittanning, Pa., Nov. 9, 1881; dau. Joseph Cable and Martha A. (Walker) Reed; ed. Woman's Coll. of Baltimore (Tau Kappa Psi and Phi Beta Kappa), 1897-1901. Bryn Mawr College, 1901-03; Woods Hole, summers of 1900, 1904, 1912; Berlin and Paris, 1908; m. 1910, Prof. Warren H. Lewis; one daughter: Margaret Nast Lewis, b. 1911; and a son, b. Dec. 28, 1912. Technician, Columbia Univ.; lecturer on zoology, Barnard Coll.; lecturer physiology. Woman's Med. School of N.Y. City; instructor anatomy and jihysiology, .lohns HopViins Training School for Nurses; researcher in Dep't of Anatomy, Johns Hopkins Med. School. Resident worker Warren Goddard Settlement, N.Y. City; Chil- dren's Aid Soc, Baltimore, Md.; Hampton Wood- bury Neighborhood Settlement, Baltimore. Au- thor: Regeneration of First Claw of Cray-fish; Regeneration of Leg of Salamander; Delamina- tion in the Frog's Egg; Blood Picture in Tuber- culosis; Blood Picture in Tuberculosis and Pneu- monia; Growth of Chick Tissues in Artificial Salt Solutions, and several other publications on growth in vitro. Mem. Maryland Soc. for Social Hygiene, Children's Aid Soc, Baltimore; Just Government League, Baltimore. Recreations: Sailing, tennis, walking mountain climbing. Favors woman suffrage. liEWIS, Margaret Cameron (Mrs. Harrison Cass

Lewis), 567 W. 113th St., N.Y. City.

Writer; b. Ottawa, 111., Dec. X, 1867; dau. Alexander T. and Nancy A. (Nelson) Cameron; ed. public schools, Santa Barbara, Cal. ; private teachers, Santa Barbara, Cal; San Francisco School of Design; also studied music in San Francisco; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 16, 1903, Harrison Cass Lewis. Teacher of piano for many years, accompanist in Cal., officer in various musical organizations in Oakland and San Francisco. Began writing about 1899. Author: Comedies in Miniature. 1903; The Cat and the Canary, 1907- The Bachelor and the Baby, 1908; The Involuntary Chaperon, 1909; The Pretender Per- son, 1911; Tangles, 1912: also several one-act comedies for amateurs. Clubs: MacDowell (N.Y. City), Lyceum (London).

LEWIS, Mary Delia, Smith College, North- ampton, Mass.

Ckdl-^ge instructor; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. 94; student in Univ. of Dresden, 1898-99, and m rhetoric at Univ. of Mich., 1908-09, M.A. 09. Teacher in Stamford, Conn., 1894-98; teacher of English Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis., 1899-1904; head of English dep't in Pa. Coll. for Women Pittsburgh, 1904-06; instructor in English, Smith Coll 1906-08, and again since 1909. Ass't in rhetoric, Univ. of Mich., 1908-09. LEWIS, Melissa Ann (Mrs. Thomas Addison

Lewis), 926 Lake Av., Pueblo, Colo.

Born Logansport, Ind., 1848; dau. William A. and Jane Finch (Wilson) Lewis; ed. Logans- port Sem., and St. Mary's of the Wood, Terre Haute Ind.; m. St. Louis, Mar. 4, 1868, Thomas Addison Lewis; children: Leslie, Homer, Lawrence. Pres. Pueblo Soldiers' Aid Soc. during Spanish-American War; interested in civic betterment, children's hospitals and day nursery Mem. D.A.R. Founder of Norton Art Club (pres. 18 years); the club has given two valuable paintings to the Pueblo Library. Has put valuable art reproductions in the public schools; has read papers on art before other clubs and the schools, illustrating them with reproductions of paintings and sculpture. Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat. LEWIS, Sarah Borden Durfee, P.O. Box 162,

Norwell, Mass.

Teacher, lecturer, genealogist; b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 28, 1851; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '71; Rad- cliffe Coll., A.M. 1901. Teacher in Fall River, Mass 1876-78; Cleveland, Ohio, 1879-81; Brook- line and Boston, Mass., 18S7-96; Washington, D.C., 1896-99; Cambridge and Boston, 1S99-1S0:I ; Gam- bier, Ohio, 1902-05; North Carolina, 1906-119. Lec- turer in Boston, Concord, New Bedford, etc., 1909- 10- now settled in Norwell, Mass., raising poul- try. Mem. Nat. Geographic Soc, New England

��Historical and (Jenealogical Soc, Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnse, Boston College Club. Episcopalian. LEXOW, Caroline. Piermont Av., Nyack, N.Y.

Field secretary; b. N.Y. City, 1882; dau. Clar- ence and Katharine Morton (Ferris) Lexow; ed. Barnard Coll., B.A. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma). Favors woman suffrage; field sec. Women's Political Union. Mem. Women's Uni- versity Club of N.Y. City. LIBBEY, Gra<ie E., Pittsfield Me.

Born Pittsfield, Maine; dau. David Freeman and Nancy M. (Bowman) Libbey; ed. Maine Central Inst., Pitts-fleld, Me. Teacher for sev- eral years, principal grammar and high schools in Maine, N.H., Mass., and Conn. Mem. Pitts- field Tuesday Club (literary organization, fed- erated) and pres. two years. Contributor ot prose and verse to papers. LIBBEY, Laura Jean— see Stillwell, Laura Jean

Libbey. LIBBEY, Mary Elizabeth Green (Mrs. William

Libbey), Thanet Lodge, Greenholm, Prince- ton, N.J.

Born Princeton, N.J., Oct. 30, 1859; dau. Will- iam Henry and Elizabeth (Hayes) Green; ed. by governesses; m. Princeton, N.J., Dec. 7, 1880, William Libbey; children: Elizabeth Marsh. Henry Green, Amy Morse, George Kennedy. Pres. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc of the Presbytery of New Brunswick. Mem. Order of the CroTvn of America, N.J. Soc. Colonial Dames of America, Society of Daughters of Holland Dames, vice-regent Princeton Chapter D.A.R., State regent N.J. D.A.R. ; vice-pres. Gen. Nat. Soc D.A.R. Clubs: Present Day, Prince- ton. Recreations: Music, reading, travel. Pres- byterian. LIBBY, Harriet Martin (Mrs. Luther I. Libby),

Overlook Rd., Ithaca, N.Y.

Fruit grower; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., June 18, ISSl; dau. George W. and Emily C. (Doud) Martin; grad Adelphi Coll., Brooklyn, B.A. '02; M.A. 'Oo; Cornell Univ., M.A. '05, Ph.D. '10 (Sigma Xi, Cornell, 1905); m. Ithaca, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1912, Luther I. Libby. Teacher of biology in New Haven High School, 1905-06; teacher of biology in Eastern District High School, Brook- lyn, 1906-08. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Studies on the Effect'of Some Concentrated Solu- tions on the Osmotic Activity of Plants (Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club, 1905; Getting the Most in the Orchard (Garden Magazine), Oct., 1910: An Apple Orchard Survey of Ontario (bounty (Bulletin 307, Cornell Univ.), 1911. LIBBY, Hattie Payson Brazier (Mrs. Ralph G.

Libby), 234 State St., Portland, Me.

Born Portland, Me., Sept. 5, 1888; dau. Daniel and Nellie (Foss) Brazier; de. Waynflete School, Portland, Me.; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '09; honor scholarship Wellesley Scholar (Phi Sigma, Wel- lesley); m. Portland, Me., Apr. 29, 1911, Ralph G. Libby. Sunday-school teacher. Mem. Al- liance Frangaise. Mem. Coll. Club (pres.), Port- land Rossini Club (musical), Portland Country Club, Current Events Club. Recreations: Piano, automobiling, tennis. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.

LIBBY, Mary Stokes (Mrs. Walter Gillette Lib- by), Summit, N.J.

Born Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 7, 1879; dau. Dr. Charles and Stella M. (Watson) Stokes; ed. Notre Dame Convent, Philadelphia; Heges et Parent, Brussels; Convent of the Sacred Heart; Trinita del Monti, Rome; and tutored in London, England, Rome; m. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 19, 1901, Walter Gillette Libby; children: Mary Elizabeth, Stella Katharine, Walter Stokes. In- terested in music, social life, several charities, study of languages; in 1898 assisted in libra- rian's work in the library of Univ. of Pa. Char- ter mem. the Swedish Colonial Soc, Philadel- phia. Roman Catholic Favors woman suffrage in some ways. LICHTENSTEIN, Clara, 32 3 Sherbrooks St.,

West, Montreal, Canada.

Musician; b. Budapest, Hungary; grad. Royal Acad, of Music, Budapest; pupil of Liszt and Gobbi; also student Charlotte Square Inst., Edln-


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