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��LEWIS, Ella Louise Hatch (Mrs. Alexander Lewis), RockhlU Manor, 42 33 Locust St., Kan- sas City, Mo. Born Hudson, Wis., Nov. 19, 1865; dau. William

B. and Lydia (Brockbanli) Hatcli; grad Wellesley

Coll., B.A. '89; m. Aug. 18, 1890, Rev. Alexander

LeTvis. Congregationalist.

LEWIS, Emily Augusta Westwood (Mrs. J. W.

Lewis), 4S4 Lake Av., St. Louis, Mo.

Born Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 14, 1877; dau. Henry C. and Augusta Lucena (Johnson) West- wood; grad. Cornell Univ., A.B. '98, and Bryn Mawr Coll.; post-grad, scholar in England; m. Aug. 28, 1902, Joseph William Lerwis Jr.; chil- dren : William McMillan, Emily Westwood, Joseph William. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Next-Door, Morelands, 1907. Methodist (Southern). Mem. Wednesday Club, College Club, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae.

LEWIS, Emily Sargent (Mrs. Wilfred Lewis),

5901 Drexel Rd., Philadelphia, Pa.

Writer; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 26, 1866; dau. George Henry and Sarah (Shaw) Sargent; ed. Anna C. Brackett's School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 16, 1895, Wilfred Lewis; children: Wil- fred Sargent, Millicent Hacker, Leicester Sar- gent. Pres. Local Board of School Visitors; pres. Board of Corporators of the Woman's Med. Coll. of Pa. Author: The Little Singer, and Other Verses; also magazine verse and stories. Mem. Pa. Soc. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Pa. Soc. of NsTV England Women; pres. Maria Mitchell Memorial Ass'n of Nantucket; ex-pres. Browning Soc. of Philadelphia, Consumers' League, Acorn Club, Civic Club. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Equal Franchise t-oc. of Philadelphia. LEWIS, Frances Graham Hoyt (Mrs. Robert

Wilson Lewis), 609 Everett St.. Portland, Ore.

Bom Portland, Ore., Jan. 30, 1874; dau. George Washington and Martha Agnes (Graham) Hoyt; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '98; mem. Zeta Alpha Soc; m. Portland, Ore., April 30, 1900, Robert Wilson Lewis; children: Cicero Hunt Jr., b. June 29, 1901; Robert Wilson Leiwis Jr., b. Sept. 20,

1902. Pres. and mem. Trinity Church choir of Portland (50 menf.). Trinity Altar Guild and Choir Mother; mem. board of local Y.W.C.A. ; chairman of Extension Com. Y.W.C.A.; mem. Board of Northwest Field Com. of Y.W.C.A.; chairman of finance for Oregon; charter mem. Oregon Branch Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse; dele- gate to Alumnse Graduate (Council, 1913 and 1914; mem. Visiting Nurse Ass'n of Portland, Day Nursery Ass'n of Portland, Portland Art Ass'n. Against woman suffrage; was active mem. Oregon Anti-Suffrage Board up to Nov. 12, 1912; mem. Press Com.; edited a page in the weekly paper Spectator for five months; writer of fre- quent letters In papers in regard to suffrage and public school matters. Episcopalian. Interested in Republican politics, but not as a voter; in- terested in school elections and no others. Rec- reations: Music, riding, skating, dancing. Mem. Wellesley College Club of Portland.

LEWIS, Grace Kobblns (Mrs. Charlton M.

Lewis), 425 St. Ronan St., New Haven, Conn. I

Bom St. Paul, Minn., 1877; dau. Daniel M.

and Delia R. (Barton) Robblns; ed. Vassar (Phi

Beta Kappa), A.B. '99; m. St. Paul, Minn.,

1903, Charlton Miner Lewis (prof. English lit- erature at Yale); children: Grace Robbins, Charlton Miner, Penelope. Clubs: New Haven Country Club, New Haven Lawn Club, Wo- men's UnlT. Club, N.Y. Recreation: Tennis. Methodist.

LE^\^S, Isabel Eleanor Martin (Mrs. Clifford S.

Lewis), 1921 Park Road, Washington, D. C.

Computor; b. Old Orchard Beach, Me., July 11, 1881; dau. William Henry and Isabel (Manson) Martin; grad. Auburn (N.Y.) High School, '99; Cornell Univ., A.B. '03; A.M. '05 (specialized in mathematics); m. Dec. 4, 1912, Clifford S. Lewis of the U.S. Naval Observatory. Worked for Prof. Simon Newcomb, the astronomer, 1905-08, upon varied astronomical work; since then in the Nautical Almanac ofBce at the Naval Observa- tory. Opposed to vivisection and interested in all efforts to prohibit It. Favors woman suffrage.

��Taught school. Summit, N.J., 1904. Returned to Cornell Univ. to study astronomy and advanced mathematics, and prepared to take the civil serv- ice examination for the Naval Observatory. Rec- reations: Walking, swimming, skating, rowing and tennis.

LEWIS, Janet Cook, 126 E. Twenty-seventh St.,

N.Y. City.

Restorer of leather bindings; b. Columbus, O. ; dau. William Hall and Eleanor (Clark) Lewis; ed. Toledo High School, and Cooper Union, N.Y. City. Organizer and pres. Toledo Woman's Exchange, 1SS4-90; painter of portraits, 1890-96; pioneer worker in the interests of a woman's apartment house, the Martha Washington Hotel being the outcome of the work done, 1S96; pri- vate sec. and librarian to the late Mrs. Richard Morris Hunt; present work is in the preserva- tion of leather developed through the work in the Richard Morris Hunt Architectural and Art Library. Organizer and treas. Pen and Brush, 1891-1908 (still mem.). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

LEWIS, Lena Morrow (Mrs. Arthur M. Lewis), care Socialist Headquarters, 249 Pacific Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.

Lecturer; b. Monmouth, 111.; dau. Rev. T. G. and Mary A. (Story) Morrow; grad. Monmouth (111.) Coll., B.S.; m. July, 1903, Arthur M. Lewis. Took part In the suffrage amendment campaign in 1898 in S. Dak., in 1900 in Oregon. In 1903 was arrested in San Francisco for speaking on the streets and throTvn into jail until bonds could be secured a few hours later; has spent weeks at a time speaking in lumber camps and mining districts; has spoken in the most out-of- the-way places as well as In well-known audi- toriums and halls; served as W.C.T.U. district pres. in 111., 1892-98; elected mem. Nat. Com. of Socialist Party from Cal., 1905; was the first woman to be elected mem. of the Nat. Ex. Com. of the Socialist Party; for past seven years a National organizer and lecturer for the Socialist Party, and during that time has spoken in every State in the Union, also throughout Canada, British Columbia and in England; elected dele- gate to International Socialist Congress in Copenhagen, 1909; in the summer of 1912 toured Alaska in the interest of the congressional cam- paign. Author of a pamphlet entitled: The Socialist Party and Woman Suffrage; has con- tributed many articles in the Progressive Woman, The Masses, and other radical pub- lications. Mem. Intercollegiate Socialist Soc, Nat. Woman's Com. of the Socialist Party. Free thinker.

LEWIS, Lina Redwood (Mrs. Henry Byrd Lewis), Cleve Manor, Port Conway, Va, Born Baltimore, Md., Nov. 15, 1850; dau. Will- iam Holman and Catherine Carter (Chowning) Red-wood; ed. Warrenton Female Coll., Eclectic Inst., Baltimore, Md. ; m. (1st) April 30. 1873. Archibald Carlyle Fairfax; (2d) Nov. 29, 1892, Henry Byrd Lewis; children: John Carlyle Fair- fax, b. Dec. 22, 1874; William Redwood Fairfax, b. Dec. 3, 1876. Has taught music (piano) pro- fessionally. Actively interested In church work of Protestant Episcopal Church and In literary work. Author of short stories: His Best (At- lantic Monthly); Lizzie Brabaker (Harper's Monthly); Retaliation (Lippincott's) ; The Mis- fortunes of Brother Thomas Wheatley (Scrlb- ner's), afterward published in Stories by Ameri- can Authors, and has also done work for Youth's Companion and other magazines. Recreation: Piano. Against woman suffrage.

LEWIS, Lorle Mackey (Mrs. Albert Sidney Lewis, 2714 Fourth St., Dallas, Tex. Bom Searcy, Ark., March 6, 1871; dau. Rev. James Marion Mackey, D.D., and Rachel Eliza- beth (Taylor) Mackey; ed. Southwestern Univ., Georgetown, Tex., M.L.; m. June 17, 1891, Albert Sidney Lewis; children: James Mackey, b. 1893; Albert Sidney Lewis Jr., b. 1895; Elizabeth, b. 1899 (died 1906); Lorie Lois, b. 1909. Interested in welfare of young girls In our cities and the children of the poor. Mem. Methodist EJpiscopal Church. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Woman's Missionary Soc, King's Daughters, Poet Followers.


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