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��LEVERrOGE, PhyllLs Mayer (Mrs. Silas Pearson

Leveridge), 277 E. Broadway, N.Y. City.

Bom Baden, Germany, Dec. 21, 1S6S; dau. John and Marie Madelaine (Schelhor) Mayer; ed. Girls' Acad., Baden-Baden; Normal Coll., N.Y. Cil-.y; m. April 3, 1SS9, Silas Pearson Leveridge; children: Ethel Sylvia, Robert Mackenzie, Gladys Phyllis. Actively interested in educational prob- lems. Against woman suffrage. Catholic. Mem. Bmbla Club, City Fed. of Women's Clubs, Woman's Democratic Club, Political Study Club, Municipal Art Club, City Mothers' Club, The New Yorkers. LEVERING, Gra«e Wade (Mrs. Ernest Douglas

Levering'), 113 W. Lanvale St., Baltimore,


Bora Springfield, Mass., Nov. 6, 1S83; dau. William R. and Rieka M. (Smith) Wade; ed. Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '06; m. Oct. 1, 1908, Ernest Douglas Lever- ing; children: Joshua III, b. July 14, 1909; Eimest D. Jr., b. Aug. 31, 1910. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Has served on Exec. Board of Consumers' League of Md. Recreations: Ten- nis, hockey. Mem. Baltimore Country Club. LEVERING, Julia Henderson (Mrs. Mortimer

Levering), "Devon," Amagansett, L.I., N.Y.

Born (Covington, Ind., May 5, 1S51; dau. Albert and Lorana (Richmond) Henderson; ed. La Fayette, Ind.; La Fayette High School; m. Oct. 2, 1872, Mortimer Levering, distingruished live- stock man (died Dec. 1, 1908); one son: Rich- mond Levering of N.Y. City. Has served on various boards oif philanthropic and civic so- sieties. Favors woman suffrage. Author: His- toric Indiana, and magazine and newspaper ar- ticles on educational, philanthropic, prison re- form and sociological topics. Mem. D.A.R. Recreations: Horseback riding, gardening. LEVI, Kate Everest (Mrs. Ernest Reese Levi),

Oakmont, Pa.

Born Fond du Lac, Wis., Jan., 1859; dau. Asaph Cook and Thankful Mary (Abercrombie) Everest; ed. Fond du Lac High School; Univ. of Wis.. B.A. '82; M.A. '92; Ph.D. '93; m. Apr. 21, 1896; children: Dorothy E., Helen B. Teacher Markham's Acad., Milwaukee; La Crosse High School; Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis., 1885-91; tello'W Univ. of Wis., 1891-93; head of Kingsley House, Pittsburg'h, Pa., "1S93-96. Favors woman suffrage. Author of three monographs: How Wiscon^n Came by Its Large German Element; Geographical Distribution of Germans in Wiscon- sin; Early Lutheran Emigration to Wisconsin; also articles on education. Unitarian. Mem. Pittsburgh branch of Collegiate Alumnse Ass'n; former mem. Oakmont Women's Club and Twen- tieth Century Club. LEVIEN, Sara A., 50 Madison Av., N.Y. City.

Editor; b. in Russia, Dec. 25, 1888; dau. Julius and Frances (Shapiro) Levien; ed. N.Y. City public schools; N.Y. UbIv. Law School, LL.B. '09. Practised law in N.Y. City. Ass't editor of Success Magazine three years; managing editor Woman's Journal one year; now Educa- tional Sec. of The People's Inst, N.Y. City. Interested in settlement work and socialistic the- ories. Favors woman suffrage. Author of spe- cial articles and short stories in N.Y. magazines and newspapers. Mem. Nat. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n, N.Y. Bar Ass'n, Intercollegiate Socialist Soc., Univ. Settlement of N.Y., Women Lawyers' Ass'n, College Club of Boston. LEVY, Beatrice A., 956 Bldwell St.; office, 570

Granville St., Vancouver, B.C., Can.

Born Montreal, Dec. 27, 1890; dau. Lewis and Bella R. Levy; ed. Montreal. Engaged In neTVS- paper and magazine work, first in Montreal, but more recently in Vancouver. Wrote poetry and prose at age of 13; at age of 14 issued Collector's CJompanion; when 16 started publication of Levy Magazine, recently Incorporated her enterprise as Beatrice A. Levy, Limited. Recreations: Lit- erature, music, canoeing, driving. Mem. Cana- dian Women's Press Club.

LEVY, Florence MigrUtingrale, 215 W. Fifty- seventh St., N.Y. City.

Editor; b. N.Y City, Aug. 13, 1870; dau. Joseph Arthur and Pauline (Goodheim) Levy; ed. pri-

��vate school in N.Y., and Nat. Acad, of Design. Editor American Art Anrual and Who's Who in Art; mem. of the staff Metropolitan Museum of Art; lecturer on art topics. Mem. Board of Directors Am. Federation of Arts; sec. School Art League of N.Y. City. Author: American Art Directory; Directory of Craftsmen, 1912; Cata- logue of Art Dep't, Pan-American Exposition, 1901; Catalogue American Section Hudson-Fulton Art Exhibit, 1909; Catalogue Whistler Exhibition, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1910; "Painting" and "Sculpture," in New International Year Book; "Industrial Art Schools" in Cyclopedia of Education. Clubs: National Arts, MacDowell. Mem. Nat. Soc. of Craftsmen. Jewish religion. LEW, Harriet Mooney (Mrs. Aleck W. Levy),

605 W. 112th St., N.Y. City.

Writer, elocutionist; b. Lawrenceburg, Ind.; dau. Joseph and Carrie (Epstein) Mooney; ed. Middletown and Cincinnati, O. ; grad. Middle- town (O.) High School; private school, Cincin- nati, O. ; m. Cincinnati, Oct. 1, 1900, Aleck W. Levy. Organized Junior Council, Cincinnati; president of Alumni Club of EJmanuel Sister- hood. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Ways and Trials of Lovers; also magazine arti- cles. Jewish. Pres. Woman's Progress Club; m-em. New York Fed. of Worpen's Clubs. LEVY, Henrietta Platnauer (Mrs. J. Leonard

Levy), "Seven Gables," Hobart St. and Schen-

ley Park, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Bristol, England, Dec. 18, 1868; dau. M. J. and Sophia (Silverston) Platnauer; ed. Miss Bax- ter's School; Redland High School; Bristol Acad, of Fine Arts; m. Bristol, England^- Dec. 26, 1888, Rev. Dr. J. Leonard Levy; children: Edna Sophie (Bryn Mawr), Ruth Juliette. Mem. Pa. Peace and Arbitration Soc, Universal Peace Union, Tuberculosis League, Pittsburgh Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Jewish. Mem. Kindergarten Ass'n, Federated Charities, Westmoreland (Coun- try Club.

LEWANDOWSKA, Mme. MaideUe de, 1896 Bea- con St., Boston, Mass.

Violinist; b. Somerville, Mass., Feb.' 17, 1876; dau. John Addison and Adele I. (Cummings) Cummlngs; ed. Tufts OoU., Boston Conservatory of Music, and abroad at Tours, Paris and Munich; pupil of Willy Hess and Cliarles Martin Loeffler (mem. Alpha Omicron Pi, Tufts); m. Boston, May 28, 1904, Dr. Joseph de Lewan- dowska. Professionally engaged as concert vio- linist, soloist and violinist of the Lewandowska Trio. Unitarian. Mem. MacDowell Club. LEWAR^, Elsie Singmaster (Mrs. Harold Lew- ars), Harrisburg, Pa.

Writer: b. Schuylkill Haven, Pa., Aug. 29, 1879; dau. John Alden and Caroline (Hoopes) Smgmaster; ed. Cornell Univ.; Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '07; m. Gettysburg, Pa., April 17, 1912, Harold Lewars. Writer of short stories In Cen- tury, Harper's, Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's, McClure's, Youth's Companion, Saturday Eve- ning Post. Author (books): When Sarah Saved the Day; When Sarah Went to School; Gettys- burg. Writes under name of "Elsie Singmaster." Lutheran. Favors woman suffrage. LEWI, Emily, Dr., 35 Mt. Morris Park West N.Y. City.

Physician; b. N.Y. City, 1867; dau. David and Julia (Seaman) Lewi; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '88, with honors; Woman's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary, M.D. '91. Has been house physician at the Babies' Hospital and various clinics. Mem. N.Y. Acad, of Medicine, N.Y. Co. Med. Soc, Woman's Med. Ass'n. Clubs: Woman's Univ. Club, Fed. of Women's Clubs of N.Y. City.

LEWIS, Alice G., 30 Kounmachi, Mlta Shiba,

Tokio, Japan.

School principal; b. In Iowa; grad. Penn Coll., Oskaloosa, Iowa, A.B. '94, A.M. '97; foundation scholar and student in Biblical literature and history, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894-95. Associate principal and instructor In Latin and mathe- matics, Ackworth (Iowa) Acad., 1895-96; instruc- tor in Latin, Penn Coll., 1896-97; teacher in pub- lic schools, Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1897-98; teacher of English and Latin, East High School, Dos


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