��r-EONAKD, Carrie Boyd, care David C. Cook
Co., Elgin, III.
Editor; b. Wellsville. N.Y., Feb. 21, 1856; dau. Dr. Rensselaer and Sarah S. (Boyd) Leonard; grad. Elmlra Coll., Elmira, N.Y., A.B. '76, A.M. '84 (mem. Phi Mu). Teacher 1877-85 at Mauoh Chunk, Pa. L.esson writer (Sunday-school Helps) since 1889. Managing editor Lesson Help Dep't David C. Cook Co. (Elgin, 111.) since 1898. Interested iu Sunday-school and missionary work. Author of New Century Sunday-school Teachers' Monthly, Comprehensive Illustrated Studies (quarterlies). Home Department Visitor. Pres- byterian. Mem. D.A.R., Elmira College Alum- nae Ass'n, College Settlement Ass'n, Womaji's Clttb of Elgin, 111. Against woman suffrage. liEONAKD, Mary Cleavland Johnston (Mrs.
James H. Leonard), East Av., Elyrla, O.
Born La Grange, 0., Dec. 20, 1857; dau^t Charles W. and Mary Elizabeth (Fisher) John- ston; grad. Young Ladies' Inst, (now united with Denison Univ., Granville, O.), 1878; m. Bridge- water, Mass., Jan. 11, 1882, James H. Leonard; one scwi: Charles Manning Leonard. For 20 years active with various offices in the religious and clulb work of the community and State. Devoted alumna of Denison Univ. Favors woman suffrage. Pres. Political Study Club of Elyria, 0. (devoted to civic and social welfare). Congregationallst. Mem. 28 years of Kozy Club (literary club of men and women). LEONARD, Mary Finley, 1407 JFourth Av.,
Louisville, Ky.
Author; b. Philadelphia, Jan. 11, 1862; dau. Lafayette and Elizabeth (Finley) Leonard; ed. In Louisville, Ky. Author: The Story of the Big Front Door, 1898; Half-a-Dozen Thinking Caps, 1900; The Candle and the Cat, 1901; The Spectacle Man, 1901; Mr. Pat's Little Girl— A Btory of the Foresters, 1902; How the Two Ends Met, 1903; Pleasant Street Partnerships— A Neigh- borhood Story, 1903; It All Came True, 1904; On Hyacinth Hill, 1904; Everyday Susan, 1912. LiEONABD, Pauline Wiggin (Mrs. William
Jackson Leonard), 36 University Driveway,
Morgantown, W.Va.
Bom Oct. 10, 1869; dau. Joseph H. and Susan Ann (Rogers) Wiggin; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '90; Radcllffe Coll., A.M. '95; N.Y. State, Library School, B.L.S. '02; m. Truro, Mass., Sept. 5, 1906, Prof. "William Jackson Leonard; one son: William Wiggin. Instructor in English, Vassar Coll., 1895-97; Wellesley Coll., 1897-99; ass't his- tory dep't, N.Y. SUte Library, 1901-02; librarian Univ. of W.Va., 1902-07; sec. Associated Charities, Morgantown, W.Va. Author: Inquiry Into the Authorship of the Middleton-Rowley Plays. Uni- tarian. lieROY, Faaay Wayne (Mrs. Frederick Geb-
bard LeRoy), "The Lindens," Tarrytown,
Bom Newtown, Pa., April 19, 1863; dau." Thomas Preston and Hannah Hough (Barnsley) Chambers; ed. St. Gabriel's School, Peekskill, N.Y.; St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N.J.; m. (1st) Titusville, Pa., Feb. 17, 1886, Major Robert E. Hopkins; (2d) Newtown, Pa., Oct. 16, 1906, Fred- erick Gebbard LeRoy; one son: Robert E. Hopkins Jr., b. Titusville, Pa., Mar. 25, 1888. Has been identified with the social and philan- thropic life of Tarrytown, N.Y. Mem. Washing- ton H^hts Chapter D.A.R. EJpiscopalian. Against woman suffrage. IjEISLIE, Amy (pen-name), see Buck, Llllle
West. LESLIE, Mrs. Frank (Baroness de Bazus), 222
W. Twenty-third St., N.Y. City.
E^tor, publisher; b. New Orleans, 1861; ed. at home by her father In French, Spanish, Italian, German and Latin. Began writing for publica- tion at the age of thirteen; m. Frank Leslie. In 187'? made transcontinental trip from which grew Ixer work: From Gotham to the Golden Gate; also author: Itza, the Unexplored Regions of Central America; Rents in Our Clothes; Are We All Deceivers? and magazine articles on travel and social topics, poems, etc.; translates from the Frencii, Spajiiah and Italian.
��LESLIE, Mary, Rockwood, Ont.
Writer; b. Wellington Co., Ontario; dau. John Leslie, artist engraver, and Elizabeth (Griffin) Leslie; ed. by private tutors; studied art undei her father, went to England and European CoU' tinent, 1867, and studied art and taught drawing in Holland. Believes that women who are tax- payers should have the franchise. Author: Rhymes of the Kings and Queens of England, 1896; Historical Sketches of Scotland, with an Account of Forty-eight of the Highland Clans, 1905; was regular writer for the McClure Syn- diate, 1901, and has contributed to various periodicals in verse and prose. L'ESPEKANCE, Elsie Strang (Mrs. David A.
L'Esperance Jr.), 109 W. Forty-fifth St., N.Y.
Physician; b. Yorktown, N.Y. ; dau. Albert Strang, M.D., and Kate (Depew) Strang; grad. St. Agnes' School, Albany, N.Y., 1894; Woman'a Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, M.D. '99; m. Peekskill, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1900, David A. L'Esperance Jr. Engaged in N.Y. City Dep't of Health Research Laboratory, Tu- berculosis Commission, lao8-10; ass't in pathology and librarian Cornell Laboratory, 1909-11; in- structor in pathology, Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., 1911-13; pathologist N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children, 1910-13; Mary Putnam Jacobi fel- lowship, 1913—. Author several publications on medical topics. Presbyterian. Mem. Harvey Soc, N.Y. Pathological Soc, Serological Soc, Woman's Med. Ass'n of N.Y.
LESSLEY, Eliza Popjoy (Mrs. Samuel W. Less- ley), Sparta, III.
Born Marcus Hook, Pa. ; dau. Walter and Mag- gie H. (Talman) Popjoy; ed. Creston, la.; m. Des Moines, la., Sept. 26, 1900, Samuel W. Less- ley. Favors woman suffrage. Christian Scien- tist. Prohibitionist. Mem. W.C.T.U. Mem. Monday Club, Current Reading Circle, Entre Nous Club. LESTEK, Fanny Boggs (Mrs. Albert Greene
Lester), 5819 Washing-ton Av., Chicago, 111.
Born Chicago, 111., Dec. 2, 1858; dau. Charles Towar and Virginia Ann (Clark) Boggs; ed. Chicago public school, academy at Winnetka, 111.; Univ. of Chicago; m. Chicago, 111., April 5, 1881, Albert Greene Lester; children: Helen Les- ter (Mrs. Emory S. Rockwell), Ruth Virginia Lester. Interested in Hyde Park Center Church (philanthropic) and Home Mission work. Bap- tist. Pres. of Woman's Am. Baptist Home Mis- sion Soc. (a co-operating soc. of the Northern Baptist Convention). Recreation: Golf. Mem. Woman's City Club, Chicago. LETTS, Cora Perkins (Mrs. Frank Crawford
Letts), 1100 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 111.
Born Oswego, Kan., April 4, 1874; dau. Hon. Bishop W. Perkins (Congressman and U.S. Sena- tor) and Louise (Cushman) Perkins; ed. Mount Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C. ; Goucher Coll. of Baltimore (Alpha Phi); m. Washington, D.C, Nov. 11, 1897, Frank Crawford Letts; children: Courtney, b. June 17, 1899; Hollis, b. July 12, 1902. Local vice-pres. of 111. Children's Home and Aid Soc; director Woman's City Club, Woman's Aid Soc. of Passavant Hospital. Has contributed article as "Antonio" on Paradoxical Socialism and some verses. Mem. Woman'a Athletic Club. Recreation: Golf. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. North Side Branch of 111. Woman's Suffrage League. Le VALLEY, Laura A. Woodin (Mrs. David Wil-
ford LeValley), 15 Cutting Flats, Ann Arbor,
Christian Science practitioner; b. North Gran- ville, Washington Co., N.Y. ; dau. Daniel Woodin and Sarah J. (Palmer) Woodin; ed. Dickenson Inst., Romeo, Mich.; Falley Sem., Fulton, N.Y. (music); grad. Lyons Musical Acad. (Sherwood's); tfniv. of Mich. Law Dep't, LL.B.; m. Romeo, Mich., Dec. 28, 1882, David Wilford LeValley, lawyer; children: Florence E. (now Mrs. Theo- dore W. Widenmann), Sarah LeValley. Former Congregationallst, but now a Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. Life mem. of D.A.R. ; charter mem. of Saginaw Chapter; mem. Drama League of America, Woman's Club of Ann Arbor, Mich.