��by former husband. Has written poems for mag- azines. Author: The Round Rabbit, 1S98; The Border of the Lake, 1910. Translator of several French volumes, including the poems of Theo- phlle Gautier. LEE, Alice, 3564 Seventh St., San Diego, Cal.
Born Westport, N.Y., May 27, 1854; dau. Fran- cis L. and Sarah M. (Wilson) Lee; ed. priva;te schools in Boston, Mass. Interested In social work fn Westport, N.Y., and in San Diego, Cal. Favors woman suffrage; has been an active worker through the presidential and civic cam- paigns In San Diego. Pres. Jane Addams Chorus and of Woman's League. Unitarian. Pro- gressive. Mem. Colonial Dames of America. Recreations: House building and landscape gar- dening. Mem. Wednesday Club of San Diego. LEE, Alice Louise, Brooklyn, Pa.
Author; b. Brooklyn, Pa., Feb. 13, 1868; dau. John Clements and Louise Judith (Garland) Lee; ed. Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa.; Syracuse Univ., Ph.B. '&6 (mem. Alpha Phi and Phi Beta Kappa). Teacher English and history, Cazenovia (N.Y.) Sem., 1896-1903; since then in literary work. Author: The Freshman Co-ed, 1910; The Sophomore Co-ed, 1911; The Junior Co-ed, 1912; Cap'n Joe's Sister, 1912; The Senior Co-ed, 1913. Contributor of short stories to magazines and QeTvspaper syndicates. LEE, Elizabeth Leighton, office. Fuller Bldg.,
10 S. Eighteenth St., Philadelphia, Fa.
Landscape architect; b. Staten Island, Jan. 13, 1864; dau. Benjamin and Emma Hale (White) Lee; cd. private school; School of Agriculture and Horticulture, BriarclifE Manor, N.Y.; studied with Brimley and Holbrook, landscape architects, N.Y. City; course in design. Harvard Summer School. Has designed grounds and gardens for several noted people, as George W. Elkins, Elkins Park, Pa.; George W. Norris, sup't of docks and wharves, Philadelphia, Pa. ; State Sanatorium for Tuberculosis, Mount Alto, Pa. Interested in school gardens. Mem. Civic Club; consultant to the Garden Guild of America. Recreation: Pho- tography. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
LEE, Elva, Randolph, N.Y.
Writer; b. Sidney, 0.; dau. William Haroourt and Anna Elizabeth (Wallace) Loe; ed. Chamber- lain Inst., Randolph N.Y. ; Bryn Mawr, A.B. '93, A.M. '94; Sorbonne and College de France, Paris, 1895-96. Director in State Bank of Randolph, N.Y., 1902-13. Has contributed .short stories to Atlantic and other magazines. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.
LEE, Ethel Pollock (Mrs. Porter Raymond Lee),
56 Willow Drive, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Bom N.Y. City, Sept. 29, 1880; dau. James Crawford and Mary Angus (Kelsey) Pollock: ed. Buffalo Sem., 1900; m. Buffalo, N.Y.. Jan. 30, 1905, Porter Raymond Lee; children: Porter Ray- mond Jr., James Pollock. Mem. Mothers' Club of New Rochelle. Recreations: Golf, tennis, gardening. Presbyterian. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Eqaal Franchise League, New Rochelle, N.Y. ; Woman's Club of New Rochelle. LEE, Mrs. Frank (Mary Chappell Skeel Lee),
Westervllle, O.
Writer; b. Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1849; dau. Dennis W. and Lucinda R. (Bulkley) Skeel; ed. N.Y. city schools; grad. Miss Bulkley's Sem., Tarrytown, N.Y. ; m. Central Coll., Ohio, Mar. 22, 1880, Frank Lee. Taught seven years N.Y. City schools; later in Ohio and Kansas, and in a mission school among mountain whites. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Redmond of the Seventh (first contributed to Youth's Companion, 1887); Mart Connor; Garret Grain; Professor Pin; Little Boom Number One; A Boy and a Box; The Making of Ma.ior. Contributor to various young people's periodicals. Mem. United Brethren Church. LEE, Gertrude Adams (Mrs. George Madison
Lee), 4563 Beach Court. Denver, Colo.
Born Tyrone Township, Mich., Dec. 9, 1869; dau. Marcellus and Fannie (Cheal) Adams; ed. high schools, Mich. ; m. July 19, 1893, George Madison Lee; children: Lyndall, Kenneth O. Active in Mothers' Congress of Colo. Favors
��woman suffrage; pres. Progressive Suffrage Ass'n of Colo.; vice-chairman Democratic State Cen- tral Com. Divine Scientist. Democrat. Mem. Eastern Star, Women of Woodcraft, Daughters of Colo. Clubs: Woman's, North Side Woman's (Denver). First woman ever nominated for Presidential elector; elected Presidential elector on the Democratic ticket, 1912. LEE, Helena Cruinett (Mrs. John Clarence
Lee), 1519 North Gratz St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Writer; b. Stoughton, Mass., Jan. 7, 1867; dau. Charles Henry and Lucy (Tisdale) Crumett; ed. private school and lessons by her mother, Boston School of Oratory and Paris Conservatoire; m. Nov. 25, 1889, John Clarence Lee; children: Cuthbert C, Dorothy C, Constance C, Janet, Roland Stebbins. Principal Gratz Social Centre; pres. Mission Soc. of Church of the Restoration. Author: A Woman Alone in Siberia; also various magazine articles. Universalist. Mem. Home and School Ass'n; vlce-pres. Housekeepers' League; director Soc. of Organic Education. Recreations; Swimming, walking, rowing, tennis. Pres. Browning Soc. of Philadelphia, Civic Club. Favors woman suffrage. LEE, Hildegarde Langsdori (Mrs. Guy Carleton
Lee), 172 West High St., Carlisle, Pa,
Physician; b. Cumberland, Pa.; dau. William Henry and Lvdia R. (Haverstick) Langsdorf (M.D.); ed. Dickinson Coll., A.B. '88; A.M. '91; Woman's Med. Coll., Philadelphia, '91; m. Phila- delphia, Jan. 27, 1912, Guy Carleton Lee, LL.D_ Ph.D. Ass't editor Pa. Med. Journal; ass'f sec. Pa. State Med. Ass'n; sec. Cumberland Co. Med. Soc. ; sec. and treas. Nat. Soc. for Broader Edu- cation, of N.Y., 1910—. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R., Am. Med. Ass'n, Pa. Med. Soc, Cumberland Co. Med. Ass'n, Alumnse Ass'n of V/oman's Med. Coll. of Phila- delphia. Contributor to medical and scientific journals; author of monographs on medical and sociological subjects; lectures on preventive med- icine and hygiene. Recreations: Camping, fish- ing, yachting, motor-boating. Clubs: Civic, Eurydice, Medical (Carlisle, Pa.).
LEE, Jennette (Mrs. Gerald Stanley Lee),
Northampton, Mass.
Writer, teacher; b. Bristol, Conn., Nov. 10, 1860; dau. Philemon Franklin and Mary (Bar- bour) Perry; ed: Smith Coll., B.A. '86; m. Col- linsville, Conn., June, 1896, Gerald Stanley Lee; one daughter: Geraidine. Teacher of English, Vassar Coll., 1890-93; prof. English, Coll. for Women, Cleveland, 1893-96; prof, of English lan- guage and literature, Smith Coll., 1904-05. Au- thor: Kate Wether* 11, 1900; A Pillar of Salt, 1902; The Son of a Fiddler, 1904; Uncle William, 1906 (English edition 1906, German and Norewglan 1908); Simeim Tetlow's Shadow, 1908; Happy Is- land, 1910; Mr. Achilles, 1912. LEE, Laura, 194 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass.
Painter (artist); b. Chariesrown, Mass., Mar. 17, 1867; dau. Daniel Webster and Anna (Collier) Lee; ed. public schools of Chelsea, Mass.; School of Drawing and Painting at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Academie Julian, Paris, and studio of Charles Lasar, Paris. Exhibited at Boston Art Club, Museum of Fine Arts, Chicago Art Inst., World's Fair at Chicago, Pa. Acad, of Pine Arts and other places. Favors woman suffrage. Swedenborgian. Mem. Copley Soc. of Boston. LEE, Laura Billings (Mrs. Frederic S. Lee),
125 E. Sixty-fifth St., N.Y. City; summer,
Woodstock, Vt.
Born Woodstock, Vt, Aug. 20, 1864; dau. Fred- erick Billings (former pres. Northern Pacific Railway) and Julia (Parmly) Billings; ed. Abbot Acad., Andover. Mass.; Miss Brackett's School, N.Y. City; Barnard Coll.; m. N.Y. City, June 6, 1901, Frederic S. Lee (professor in Columbia Univ.); children: Julia, b. 1904; Frederic Bil- lings, b. 1906. Mem. Board of Trustees of N.Y. Infirmary for Women and Children (sec. 1900-12). Interested in various philanthropic movements, such as organized charity, improved housing for the poor, and settlement work; builder and owner of model tenements in N.Y. City. Mem. Colonial Dames of America. College Settlement (trcas. several years), Charity Organization Soc. (mem-