��Library, 1904-08; sec. North Carolina Library Com'inlsaion since 1909. Interested in matters relating to social betterment. Favors woiman suffrage. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Nortb Carolina Library Ass'n, Nat. Cbild Labor Com. (associate member). North Carolina State Lit- erary and Historical Ass'n. Recreation : Walk- ing. Mem. Raleigh Woman's Club.
LEATHEEWOOD, Nancy Albaugh (Mrs. Elmer O. Leatherwood), 1237 E. First South St., Salt Lake City. Utah.
Bom Warrensburg, Mo., 1873; dau. Henry and Mary (Longenecker) Albaugh; grad. Kingman (Kan.) High School; Kansas State Normal School, '94; Uniy. of Wis., Ph.B. (honors on thesisV. m. Kingman, Kan., 1894, Elmer O. Leatherwood; one daughter: Margaret Jane. Teacher in Sunday-school; helped to secure a loan fund to assist girls through college; inter- ested in history, art, philosophy, economics. Has been chairman of Bureau of Information for Utah Fed. of Women's Clubs and has spent much time on the work. Favors woman suffrage. Con- gregational 1st. Republican. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Associate Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: China painting, long tramps through the moun- tains, cards, dancing, theatre. Mem. Wasaleti Club, College Club (former pres.); chairman History Section Ladies' Literary Club.
LEAVENWORTH, Emiua E. Gifford (Mrs. E. S.
Leavenworth), Wood River, Neb.
Born New Haven, Vt., Mar. 26, 1860; dau. Henry O. and Avis J. (Eaton) Gifford; ed. Bee- man Acad., New Haven, Vt, and Mt. Holyoke Coll., Mass.; m. New Haven, Vt, Oct. 30, 1884. E. S. Leavenworth. Favors woman suffrage. Pres- byterian. Mem. Order Eastern Star, W.C.T.U. Mem. The Woman's Club, Wood River, Neb.
LEAVENWORTH, Sarah Theodosia AUen (Mrs.
Philip Reynolds Leavenworth), care Normal
School, Castleton, Vt.
Educator; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '94; m. Oct. 6, 1897, Philip Reynolds Leavenworth. Ass't Cas- tleton (Vt) Normal School, 1894-95; teacher Adams (Mass.) High School, 1895-96; Fitchburg (Mass.) High School, 1896-97; matron Castleton (Vt.) Normal School since 1897. LEAVITT, Amy Clement, 706 Eleventh St.,
N.W., Washington, D.C.
Mireician and translator; b. Boston, Mass., Mar. 1, 1858; dau. Thomas H. and Mary (Clem- ent) Leavitt; ed. in Mrs. Mary Clement Leavltt'a private school, Boston; grad. (with honor) New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. "Taught music in Washington, D.C, 1879-1908; since then in Government service as translator in Post- office Dep't (Division of Money Orders). Has made numerous appearances as coifcert singer and especially as accompanist in ensemble work. Organist and choir director; lecturer on musical and other subjects; has devoted much time to gratis work for the advancement of music in Washington, particularly through its Choral Soc; warmly interested in the work of Neigh- borhood House, Social Settlement, and the Associated Charities. Author of translations, neiwspaper criticisms and occasional contribu- tions to discussions. Recreations: Theatre, opera concerts, lectures. Many years mem. of French, German and Shakespeare clubs (all dramatic). Formerly pres. The Business Wo- man's Club; now sec. of leading Esperanto Club in Washington.
LEAVITT, Charlotte MendeU, Whitin Hall,
Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan.
College professor; b. Brandon, Vt., 1867; dau. William Francis and Helen (Knowlton) Leavitt; ed. high school, Kalamazoo, Mich.; Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '99; Columbia Univ., M.A. '08 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Instructor in English, East Saginaw (Mich.) High School, 1893-98; instructor in English and dean of women, Washburn Coll., Topeka, Kan., 1899-1903; prof, of English litera- ture, Washburn Coll., since 1903. Mem. Kansas State Com. Y.W.C.A., 1905-10. Favors woman suffrage. Congregatlonalist. Mem. Ass'n of (Collegiate Alumnae, Nat. English Council; sec.- treas. Kansas Ass'n of Teachers of English.
��LEAVITT, Florence Pennock (Mrs. I. S. Leav- itt), 4825 Cass St., Omaha, Neb. Born Stillwater, Minn., Jan. 28, 1855; dau. Rex. Ames C. and Elizabeth J. (Page) Pennock; ed. Wisconsin State Univ. in the Experimental Class in Co-education, 1874, Ph.B. '74; m. Madison, Wis., July 7, 1874, Rev. I. S. Leavitt, D.D.; children: Henry Pennock (attorney), Bessie M. (deceased). Being a wife of an active pastor for twenty-five years has given nearly entire time to church ajid public, serving in every possible capacity. Favors woman suffragej operating only In local organizations. Early in life con- tributed to children's departments in various magazines. Methodist. Has served third year as pres. Omaha W.C.T.U.; also as conference sec. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. ; mem. of other philanthropic organizations. Recreations: Read- ing, traveling. Mem. Bay View Study Club for nine years. Has frequently lectured. Chief hobby has been the educating and mothering of several homeless girls.
LEAVITT, Julia White (Mrs. Guilford A.
Leavitt), 607 Fourth St., N.W., Washington,
Born Ozark, Mo., Aug. 26, 1852; dau. Dr. Thomas G. and Serene F. (Gardner) White; ed. Springfield, Mo., 1867-70; m. Springfield, Mo., Mar. 6, 1871, Guilford A. Leavitt; children: Albert W., Serene E., Julia Amelia. James Blaine, Joseph Edwin. Crusaded Texas Co., Mo., with- out aid except The Texas County Pioneer, which was the first paper printed in that county • after the Civil War. Helped organize the first Good Templar Lodge in the county and served as second highest officei ; ex-treas. W.C.T.U. Pres. Dist. Columbia Woman Suffr^.i^e Ass'n since Oct., 1910 (work is chiefly educational, consisting of lectures and suffrage hearings before Congress). Christian Scientist. Cabinet mem. Am. Woman's Republic, University City, St. Louis, Mo.
LECKIE, Katherine, 129 E. Seventeenth St.,
N.Y. City.
Editor; b. Kingston, Can.; dau. William Alex- ander and Evalyn (McKee) Leckie; ed. in private schools in Chicago. Star writer on the Chicago Chronicle, Hearst's Chicago American and the N.Y. Evening Journal; served in editorial ca- pacity on Munsey publications; associate editor on the Delineator as editor and designer; editor New Idea Woman's Magazine; editor the House- keesper. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Political Union, N.Y. ; Equal Franchise Soc. and Woman Suffrage Club, N.Y. City; Chicago Political Equality League. Clubs: Pen and Brush, Writer's (N.Y. City); Woman's City, Woman's Trade Union League, Woman's Press Ass'n (Chicago).
L'ECLUSE, Julia Manley Weeks (Mrs. Milton L. L'Ecluse), Box 52, Huntington, L.I., N.Y. Born N.Y. City, Oct. 1, 1876; dau. William Huey and Julia Anna (Manley) Weeks; ed. pub- lic and Thompson schools, N.Y. City, 1894; Wal- nut Hill School, Natick, Mass., one year; Vassar Coll., A.B. 190O; m. N.Y. City, Oct 31, 1904, Mil- ton L. L'Ecluse; children: Julia Manley, b. Aug. 9, 1905; Milton Weeks, b. Oct 11, 1908; Holden, b. June 30, 1913. Pres. Huntington Branch Nat. Plant, Flower and FVult Guild; pres. Woman's Auxiliary, St. John's Church, Vassar Alumnaa Ass'n; mem. Hospital Com., Huntington. Active In Rivlngton St. Settlement House. Life mem. Collegiate Ekiual Suffrage League; vice-pres. Huntington Political EJquaJity League; delegate Syracuse Convention, Nat. Progressive Party, 1912. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R.; sec. Vassar Students' Aid Soc, Am. Soc. of Political and Social Service, Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, College Settlements Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnas; treas. Peebles and Thompson Alumnaa Ass'n, Nat. Civic Federation, Consumers' League. .Mem. WO'man's University Club, Amateur Comedy Club.
LEE, Agne-s — pen name (Mrs. Otto Freer), 81
East Elm St., Chicago, 111.
Author; born in Chicago; dau. William H. and Harriet R. (Robinson) Rand; ed. in Switzerland and America; m. Rye, N.Y., 1911, Dr. Otto Freer, of Chicago; one daughter: Alice Stephana Lee^