��Penny Philanthropist; and contributions to lead- ing magazines. Presbyterian. Club: The Little Room.
LAUGHLIN, Gail 616 Kittredge Building, Den- ver, Colo.
Lawyer; b. Robbinston, Me., May 7, 1868; dau. Robert Clark and Elizabeth (Stuart) Laughlin; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. ; Cornell Univ. Law Coll., LL.B. Winner debate prize; leader inter- 2ollegiate debate team; founder and pres. of the Agora (Wellesley). Admitted to bar of New i'ork, 1898; Colorado, 1908; expert agent U.S. Industrial Commission, 1900-01. Active in po- litical, civic and philanthropic work. Mem. Colorado State Board of Pardons; sec. State Executive Com. of Progressive Party; pres. Woman's Public Service League of Colorado; director Denver Social Center and Day Nursery; director Colorado Soc. for Social Health; Colo- rado councillor of Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna; officer or director in numerous other organiza- tions for social, civic and political betterment. Favors woman suffrage. Vice-pres. Colorado Ekjual SuHrage Ass'n; life mem. Nat. Woman Suffrage Aso'n, Me. Equal Suffrage Ass'n; lec- turer for Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 19i02--06; active in California campaign (1911) and In eharge of election day work in San Francisco. Author: Report on Domestic Service, published by U.S. Government and included in report of U.S. Industrial Commission; numerous articles on the tariff and other economic questions, published in the American Economist and other publications. Mem. Progressive Party. Mem. Denver Bar Ass'n, Woman's Trade Union League. Recreations: Fishing, riding, tennis. Director of Woman's Club of Denver; mem. Colorado Wellesley Club, Denver Woman's Press Club, Colorado Mountain Club, Jane Addams Progressive Club.
I.AUGHLIN, Kate Kimbrongh (Mrs. N. B. Laughlin), Santa F6, N.Mex. Born Roane Co., Tenn., Oct. 12, 1S57; dau. William and Rebecca (Ellis) Kimbrough; ed. Abingdon, Va.; m. Dallas, Tex., Dec. 13, 1883, N. B. Laughlin; children: Rur.h, Helen. Inter- ested in literature; State chairman Civic Com. N. Mex. Fed. Women's Clubs. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian; active in church work. Mem. Archseologic Soc, Woman's B'd of Trade. Recreation: Literature. Mem. Fifteen Club. LAUKIAT, Harriet Fidelia (Mrs. Charles E. Lauriat), 1120 Beacon St., Brookline, Mass. Born Bedford, Mass., Nov. 13, 1847; dau. Cyrus and Susan (Hall) Page; grad. Gannett Inst., Bos- ton, with honor, '66; m. Nov. 13, 1867, Charles E. Lauriat; children: Susan Foster, Charles E., Blanche. Regent of Isaac Gardner Chapter D.R., 1909-12; pres. Gannett Alumnse Ass'n since its foundation. Unitarian. Mem. BroTvn- ing Ass'n, Boston. Has summer home at Squir- rel Island, Me. LAUT, Agaes C, Wassaic, N.Y.
Author; b. in Ontario, Can., Feb. 11, .1871; dau. John and Eliza (George) Laut; ed. Manitoba Univ. Correspondent American, Canadian and English papers and raagazines. Author: Lords of the North; Herald of Empire; Story of the Trapper; Pathfinders of the West; Vikings of the Pacific; Conquest of the Great Northwest; The Empire of the North; Freebooters of the Wilderness.
LAUTEKBACH, Amanda Friedman (Mrs. Ed- ward Lauterbach), 761 Fifth Av., N.Y. City. Born Green Bay, Wis. ; dau. Arnold and Wil- helmina von Bernhard (Straubel) Friedman; early girlhood spent in Paris, France; grad. from Mrs. Sylvanus Reed's School, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 12, 1871, Edward Lauterbach. Helped secure the passage of philanthropic laws, such as the Mercantile Bill, the new Tombs, the Public School Bill, the Prison Bill, Anti-Sweat- srs' Bill, regulating beneficially the employment of certain industrial classes. Vice-pres. Women's Philharmonic Soc, Tice-pres. Woman's Suffrage League; directress Women's Auxiliary of N.Y. Lying-in Hospital; was the first vice-pres. of the Consumers' League, which she a:-'sist€d in organizing; vice-pres. Vivisection Investigation League; was first vice-pres. of the first kinder-
��garten organized in N.Y. City; directress in Stony Wold No. 9, tor the treatment of tuber- culosis; directress Little Mothers, also Public Education Soc. Mem. of other philanthropic and charitable institutions, various suffrage ass'ns and Child's Welfare Ass'n, St. James' Lutheran Church. Recreations: Music, reading. Has frequently sung for charities. LAW, Lizzie Woodbury, 161 Madison Av., N.T.
Insurance manager; b. Lynn, Mass.; dau. George W. and Julia (Woodbury) Law; ed. in schools of Lynn, Mass. Manager of Ekjuitable Life Insurance Soc. Ex-T)res. Nat. Soc. Neiw England Women. Mem. Rainy Day Club. LAWHEAD, Lydia D. (Mrs. H. D. Lawhead),
Woodland, Cal.
Vice-principal of the Woodland High School; b. Cassopolis, Mich., Jan. 28, 1859; dau. Amos and Rebecca (Hebron) Jones; ed. Cassopolis High School, Valparaiso Normal, grad. Univ. of Cal.; m. Woodland, Cal., July 2, 1882, Dr. H. D. Lawhead; one adopted son, born in Berlin. Has been a teacher for many years; prepared boys for college before th« time of high school; helped organize high school. Treas. and mem. of Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Church; helped to raise funds for its construction; mem. of the Probation Com. for Juvenile Work; best work has been taking homeless children and sending them to school; has had six boys and one girl; all have become well educated and capable citizens. Writes occasionally for a re- view or a current topic of interest; has had articles in local daily papers, California Outlook, and some in Poet Lore. Past matron of the Order of Eastern Star; mem. Ex. Ck>m. of School Women's Clubs in Col., Collegiate Alumnae of Cal., Am. Hist. Soc; pres. of the Woodland Study Club. Recreations: Summer outings to mountains or seaside, traveling in U.S. and abroad. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; has written and talked for the cause. LAWLOK, LUiie, 158 Madison Av., N.Y. City.
Singer; b. San Francisco, Jan. 10, 1874; dau. John Martin and Jean Kerr (Liddell) Lawlor; chairman Art Exhibitions, N.Y. School of Ap- plied Design. Mem. Astronomical Soc. of France; sec. Internat. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Patron of all the arts, possessing rare collections of paintings and original draw- ings. Mem. Colony Club of N.Y. LAWRENCE, Carrie Craft, Patterson, Putnam
Co., N.Y.
Teacher; b. N.Y. City, Nov. 8, 1859; dau. John Benedict and Virginia (Bishop) Lawrence; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '82, and post-grad, course. Presbyterian. Recreation: Traveling. LAWRENCE, Ella Park (Mrs. George A. Law- rence), 590 North Prairie St., Galesburg, 111.
Born Parkville, Mo.; dau. George S. Park (Colo- nel, Senator) and Marj' Louise (Holmes) Park; ed. Parkville, Knox Coll., and Vassar Coll.; re- ceived several prizes in historical and literary dep'ts; mem. literary societies in college; m. Magnolia, 111., October, 1SS2, Hon. George A. Lawrence; one daughter, Rebecca Park Lawrence. Pres. for years of the Ladies' Aid Soc. of the Presbyterian Church; served on several b'ds of trustees of colleges; charter mem. of Park Coll. Hospital, Free Kindergarten College Alumnae Ass'n; seven years regent of Rebecca Park Chapter D.A.R., in Galesburg; re-elected to third term as State regent of the D.A.R. in 111.; mem. of Nat. Committee; also mem. of Daughters of Founders and Patriots, Soc. of Colonial Dames, and other patriotic organizations. Has written for periodicals and newspapers. Author: Indus- trial Lessons for College Use, 1881; prominent in literary work. Presbyterian. Republican. Vice-pres. Kindergarten Ass'n and one of its founders; interested in all charitable societies. Mem. Hawthorne Club. Identified with many religious, social and philanthropic activities. Especially interested in and a worker for welfare of women and children and patriotic work. LAWRENCE, Isabel, 417 Second Av., South,
St. Cloud, Minn.
Teacher; b. Jay, Me., 1853; dau. Francis and Susan Norton (Winslow) Lawrence; ed. high