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��on household economics and cookery. Episco- palian. Mem. of local organizations.

LAKOM, Elizabeth Elmira Shnte (Mrs. Frank William Larom), 219 W. Seventy-eighth St., N.Y. City.

Bom N.Y. City, Nov. 12, 1867; dau. William and Martha Ann (Hastings) Shute; ed. private schools and Twelfth St. public school and Nor- mal Coll., N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Dec 14, 18S7, Prank William Larom; children: Irving Hast- ings, Bldith Emerson (died 1905). Interested in animal welfare and charities in general. Mem. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, St. Mary's Children's Hospital, Consumers' League. Protestant Episcopal. Recreation: Golf. Against woman suffrage.

LABBABEE, Anna Pratt (Mrs. Frank D. Larra- bee), 119 Groveland Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Bom St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 10, 1872; dau. Frank H. and Helene (Bossnot) Pratt; ed. St. Paul High School, Bennet Seminary, Minneapolis, '91; m. Oct 1, 1890, Frank D. Larrabee; children: Weldon Gary, Wilber Pratt. Charter mem. La- dies' Thursday Musicale; mem. Interlachen Ck>un- try Club. Recreation: Golf. Episcopalian. Fa- vors woman suffrage.

LARSON, Agnes (Mrs. R. A. Larson), Portales,

New Mexico,

Bom Frenehville, Wis., Nov. 24, 1875; dau. ReT. Lars Shervln (Lutheran minister) and Oline (Stovern) Shervin ; ed. in public schools, at home and the Richmond Acad., Madison, Wis.; at the Ladies' Sem., Red Wing, Minn.; m. Story City, Iowa, Aug. 29, 1896, R. A. Larson; children: Selma Ingred, Rupert Shervin, Ruth Gretchen Oline. Mem. the Benevolent Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Lutheran synod. Mem. Am. Woman's League, Am. Woman's Republic, School Improvement Ass'n; was the first pres. of the local chapter of Am. V/oman's League, Springdale, Ark. Mem. Woman's Club of Por- tales; first pres. at Portales of the Am. Wom- an's Republic of Portales, both belonging to the State Federation. LASH, Bertha Beatrice, 1449 East Sixty-sixth

Place, Chicago, 111.

Reader and teacher; b. Onargo, 111.; dau. John and Katherine (Scott) Lash; ed. Onargo High School, special schools in Chicago and the East and two years in medicine. Four years prof, of oratory and physical education, Hedding Coll.-; five years physical director Y.W.C.A., Minne- apolis and St. Louis; founder Chicago School of Physical Education and Expression and principal of same five years; lecturer and reader; director of physical education in Ohautauquas; dramatic reader and teacher of physical education and expression. Interested in Y.W.C.A. and social service. Methodist.

lASHEB, Mrs. Susan Elizabeth, 220 W. Sixty- ninth 6t., N.Y. City.

Bom Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Edward A. and Caroline (Schnetz) Carter; born shortly after father's death; was the ward of Adolph Schwarz- man, publisher of Puck, and was educated In his home and at Brooklyn High School; art course In Adelphi College; proof-reading at Heffley*s; languages under private teachers; widow; had one son (deceased). Began journal- ism with Brooklyn Life; society editor of Town and Country, 1902-12; still connected with Town and (Jountry, and has a signed page, "Some Lit- tle Talk Awhile," in Brooklyn Life every week; contributor every month to Dress; author of series of articles in Good Housekeeping, making careful study and psychological analysis of Amer- ican social life in its connection with broader sociological conditions in this country. Author of Letters to a Social Climber (The Delineator), and Patricia in New York (fiction, in Washington Life) ; studied proof-rfeading, and learned to set type by hand. Has a home in model tenements, taken in preparation for making close acquaint- ance with children of the poor, with desire to write child stories. Favors woman suffrage, Mem. of the Equal Franchise Soc. of New York, and using all her influence on press to help the suffrage mov^nent.

��LASSEN, Helene Siverine, 152 Henry St, Brook- lyn, N.Y.

Physician; b. city of Bergen, Norway, June 16, 1840; dau. Elling and Ingeborg Lassen; came with parents to U.S. in 1S47; ed. Brooklyn public schools; studied medicine at the N.Y. Med. Ck)ll. and Hospital for Women (grad. Mar. 23, 1871). Mem, College Alumnae Ass'n; charter mem. of the first English Lutheran Church in Brooklyn. Interested in suffrage questions; active mem. Brooklyn Suffrage Ass'n. Congregationalist; mem. of missionary societies and Sorosis Club. LATHAM, Elsie Gaylord (Mrs. John C. La- tham), 1472 Fourth Av., Louisville, Ky.

Bom Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1879; dau. Thomas G. and Alice (Brannin) Gaylord; ed. Misses Ely's School, N.Y. City; m. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 10, 1901, John C. Latham; one daughter, Alice Gaylord. Mem. Fincastle Chapter D.A.R. Eplseoi>alian. Favors woman suffrage. L.^THKOP, Ida Pulis (Mrs. Cyrus Clark Lath-

rop), 151 S. Allen St., Albany, N.Y.

Artist; b. Troy, N.Y., Oct. 27, 1859; dau. Abram W. and (Catherine (Sheffer) Pulis; sell- educated In art; m. Troy, N.Y., Cyrus Clark Lathrop; children: Dorothy Pulis, Gertrude Katherine. Exhibited at Nat. Acad. Design, N.Y. City, Minneapolis Exposition, Chicago Art Inst., Boston Art Club, Erie Art Club. Repre- sented In the permanent collection of the James- town Art Gallery. LATHKOF, Isabel Stevens (Mrs. Benjamin G.

Lathrop), 7 Lansdowne Rd., Holland Pk., W.,

London, England.

Singer, and writer of music books; b. in CJall- fornia; dau. Dr. E. B. and Isabella (Stevens) Harris; ed. at Nevada, Berkeley, Cal., Belgium, N.Y. City, and pupil of Jean de Reszke in Paris; m. Benjamin G. Lathrop; children: Isabel Stev- ens, Sylvia Alexander, Elsie CJordon. Singer of historical programs and lecturer on history of music in U.S. up to 1912; now in England, con- tinuing same, and writing books on same sub- ject. Identified with educational dep't of music. Author: Musical Dates for LltUe Pates, 1912; in preparation. Musical Calendar for (Children. Much Interested in bettering conditions among women; has done a great deal of work among the settlements. LATHKOP, Jnlia C, Children's Bureau, Dept

of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D.C.

Born Rockford, 111., 1858; dau. Wtmwn and S. Adeline (Potter) Lathrop; ed. Vassar, A..B. '80; honorary degree LL.D., Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1912. Resident Hull House; long identified with social work. Mem. 111. State B'd of Charities for 12 years; first appointment 1893. Chief of Federal Children's Bureau from 1912. LATHROP, Mary Alinda, 67 Greenwood Av..

Montclair, N.J.

Teacher; b. Black Hawk, Colo., Feb. 12, 1868; dau. Samuel Pierce and Mary Elizabeth (Springer) Lathrop; grad. high school, Attleboro, Mass. (valedictorian) '85; Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '96, special mention in mathematics and special diploma in pedagogy (Kappa Kappa Gamma); student at Amherst, Chautauqua, (Cornell Sum- mer School, Alliance Frangaise, Paris; certificate from Univ. of Grenoble, France, '05; special course Columbia. Taught mathematics in high school, Attleboro, Mass., 1S91-93; mathematics and French, Ithaca, N.Y., 1S96-1907; head French dep't High School, Montclair, N.J., 1907—. Mem. Board Directors of the Alliance Frangaise, Mont- clair; mem. McAll Mission (Montclair branch); active in Unitarian Sunday-school; interested in the neighborhood work of the Unitarian Church. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. N.Y. Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Ass'n, Cornell Alumnae Ass'n (N.Y. City), Altruist Soc. (Montclair), Co-operative Soc. (Montclair), N.J. State Teach- ers Ass'n, N.J. High School Teachers Ass'n, New England Modern Language Ass'n, etc. Rec- reations: Dancing, cards, walking. (3lubs: Wo- man's (Upper Montclair), Teachers, College Woman's (Montclair). LATHKOP, Rose Hawthorne (In religion

Mother Mary Alphonsa), 423 Cherry St, N.T.


Religieuse, author; b. Lenox, Mass., May 20,


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