��June 27, 1906, Robert C. Lansing. Serves on com- mittee Minnesota Board of Missions; mem. Needlework Guild; Sunday-school teacher; inter- ested in missions. Favors woman sirlTrage. Baptist. Mem. St. Anthony Park Ass'n, Froula Reading Circle, Faculty Woman's Club (Univ. of Minn.).
LANSrSG, Marion Florence, 49 Dana St., Cam- bridge, Mass.
Writer; b. Waverly, Mass., June 10, 1883; dau. John Aj-nold and Jenny (Stickney) LAnslug; grad. Cambridge Latin School, '98; Mount Holyoke Coll., A.B. '03; RadcUffe, A.M. '05. Editor Open Road Library of Juvenile literature (7 vols.). Interested In religious and philanthropic work. Author: BsLrbarlan and Noble; Patriots and Trrants; also magazine articles. Joint au- thor (with Edward ChanntTig) : The Story of the Great Lakes. Congregutionallst. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Political BJqaality Astr'n of Ciun- bridge. Republican.
LANSINO, Sarftlt Tr«adway (Mrs. }t.raea B. W.
Ijansing), Tenafly, N.j.
Born Pontiac, Mich., Sept. 27, 1861; dau. Henry Holmes and Tabitha (Vau'x) Treadway; ed. Pon- tiac grammar and high schools; grad. Vaasar CoU., A.B. '83; m. Pontlac, Mlchu, Jan. 8, 1890, Dr. James B. W. ftansLng; oMldreii; Ssjaford Green, b. Max. 11, 1892; Chiriefi Treadway b. Oct, 11, 1893; Sarah Treadway, b. April 19, 1895 (died Sept. 14, 1895). Against wamAD sufti-age. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Club of Engle- wood, N.J.
LANTZ, Kleanor, 78 Treacy Av., Newark, N.J.
Attendance ■ofBcer for Boartl of JCdncatlon; b. Stewartsville, N.J., Aug. 14, 1881; dau. Charles and Alice (Shlpraan) liaiitz; grad. >I«wark; public BchcM)!, 1896; Newark High School, 1900; student Cornell Univ., 1901-04. Mem, Newark Guild of Hom<y)pathlc Hosp., Friendly Visitors' Confer- ence, College V/oman'8 Club of Essex Co., Social Workers' Club of Essex Co. Recreations: Skat- ing, walking, dsmclng. Presbyterian.
LxYNZA DI BKOLO, Marquise Cl^ra (Marquise
Manfredi Lanza di Brolo), 1712 H St., Wash- ington, D.C.
Author; b. Fort Riley, Kan.; dau. Dr. William A. and Helen (Nisbet) Hammond; ed. by private tutors and at Mrs. Williams' Acad., N.Y. City; also Dresden, Germany; m. May 10, 1877, the Marquis Manfredi Lanza di Brolo, of Palermo, Sicily; children: Oorrado, Manfredi, Antonio (the two former ofBcers in U.S. Army, and latter in U.S. Marine Hospital Service). Active in the Roman Catholic Church. Author: Mr. Perkins' Daughter; A Righteous Apostate; Basil Morton's Transgression; The Weston Tragedy; Horace Everett; The Dweller on the Borderland; has contributed to the various magazines and peri- odicals as well as to the newspapers. Catholic. rA PAGE, Gertrude, 641 Oilman St., Palo Alto,
Nurse; b. Elgin, la., Dec. 10, 1871; dau. George and Martha (Waterworth) La Page; ed. public schools of California; two years special student at Stanford Univ. Professional nurse, usually in private families; visiting nurse for Associated Charities in San Francisco for al>out a year; settlement nurse. Author: Children of Thorn Wreath (a colection of true stories connected with the Children's Hospital of San Francisco, where she was graduated). Congregatlonalist. Mem. Progressive Party. LAPHAM, Kafchleem Helena Mary Boddy (Mrs.
George H. Lapham), 52 E. Plfty-fourth St.,
N.Y. City.
Bom Toronto, Can., Oat. 28, 1870; dau. Rev. Samuel Johnston Boddy (rector of St. Peter's Church, Toronto, 45 years, and ArohdeacoiB of York for over 33 years) and Clara Louisa (Lynes) Boddy; ed. private schools and Hellmuth Coll., London, Ont.; m. Toronto, June 13, 1889, George H. Lapham (died August, 1910). Pres. York Club, N.Y. City. Against woman suffrage; chair- man Finance Com. of N.Y. State Opposed to Woman Suffrage; mem. Executive Com. Epis- copalian. Metn. Ladies' Empire Club of London, Toronto Hunt Club of Toronto, Can.
��I.APII.XAI, Mary E., Highlands, N.C.
Physicitm; b. Northville, Mich., 1860; dau. Jared S. and Martha (Gregory) Lapham; ed. Woman's Medical Coll., Philadelphia, Pa., Univ. of Munich, etc. Head of Highlands Camp San^ torium, at Highlands, N.C. Favors woman suf- frage.
LAPPINGTON, Myrtle Parke (Mrs. Eugene Lee Lapplngton), 147 E. Twenty-first St., N.Y. City. Born DeGraff, Ohio; dau. Joseph Hixon and Sarah Ellen (Cowan) Parke; descendant in pater- nal line from James Parke, a zealous Quaker preacher of Wales, through his son. Dr. Roger Parke, of Edinburgh, Scotland, who sailed on the ship "The Shield," in 1678, and settled in what is now Hopewell, N.J. ; mother was daugh- ter of Henry Cowan, Revolutionary patriot of Shenandoah, Va. ; ed. in DeGraff (Ohio) High School; m. (1st) Richard Parran Wolfe (de- cca<ird); one son: H.nrpld Parke Wolfe; m. (2d) Eugene Lee Lappington, of Texas (of Va. Lee family). Always interested in music; sang in choral work in Ohio, Texas, Mass. and N.Y. City; also in church choirs in Ohio. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Christian Science Church, and aids In its important work. Democrat. Has traveled extensively in this and other countries. Mem. Glee Club, N.Y. City Theater Club, Texas Club, Daughters of Ohio, N.Y. City Federation of Women's Clubs.
LABDNER, Lena Bogardus (Mrs. Henry Lard-
ner), 815 Bond St., Niles, Mich.
Bom Catskill, N.Y., June 2, 1843; dau. Rev. J. S. and Eliza Jane (Thompson) Phillips; ed. at home by father; m. Niles, Mich., Nov. 6, 1851, Henry Lardner; children: Elizabeth, Mary Evelyn, William Phillips, Henry, Lena, Reginald, Anna, Ringgold William. Mem. Episcopal Church. Author: Sparks from the Yule Log; This Spray of Western Pine; also short stories for papers and magazines.
LASKXV, Edna Crate (Mrs. John D. Larkln, Jr.), 65 Lincoln Parkway, Buffalo, NT. Bom Buffalo, N.Y., Dec, 31^ IgSO; dau. James
and EMa (Pryor) Crate, ed, Buffalo Sem. r m.
Buffalo, Feb. 12, 1901, John D. Larkiii, Jr. ;
children: J. Crate, John D III, Mary Frances.
Favors woman suffrage. PreshTtorian. Mem.
Graduates' Ass'n, Twentieth Century Club of
LAKKJN, Katherlne B. S. (Mrs. Adrian H. Lar- kin), 6 6 E. Fifty-sixth. St., N.T. City Born Nutley, N.J. ; dau. James Sheafs and Jeannle (Buckley) Satterthwalte; wi. at hom*( by governesses; m. NuUey, N.J., Adrian. H. L.arktn; children: James S., Sarah E., Lawrence. Mem. Woman's Municipal Leagrue of N.Y., Colony Club (N.Y. City). Recreation: Riding. Episcopalian.
LAKNETJ, AnsVLHta, 2S Blackburn Rd., Sutn-
mlt, N.J.
Author and Journalist; b Rutlajid, .Tefferaon Co., N. Y., April 16, 18;{&; dau. Zebedew and Ssiraii Ann Etheridge Larned; ed. Potsdam Acad., St. Laurence Co., N.j., and Spingler Inet., N.Y. City, grad. 1853. Began writlne for publication, 1X67; for nearly one year (1870-71) waii editor of The Revolution, Srst woman's richt& v*-Per. Author of eleven volumes: Hom« Stories, .Fireside Sto- ries; Talks with Girls; Old Tales; Retold Grecian Mythology; The Nurse Grandmotber ; Scaudl- navian Mythology; In the Woods and Fields (ve*«e); wrote two series of KV«tch<rf! publlF-bed in N.Y. Evening Post, one, VUlagc Photographs, later published in book form. Over 30 y?ars editorial writer, correspondent and contributor for Christian Register. Boston ; ..-ontributor to many periodicals. Mem. Meridian Club of N.Y. City (woman's). Favors woman suffrage. Has traveled extensively in Europe, including Greece; also in Egypt; also Far West and Hawaii.
I-ABNED, Linda HmII (Mrs. Samuel B. Lamed),
614 James St., S.vracuse. N.T.
Born Little Falls. N.Y. ; dau. David Henry and Mary (Schermorhorn) Hull; ed. Keble School, Syracuse; m. Syracuse, Nov. 4, 1874, Samuel B. Larned. Former pres. Household Ecbnomio Ass'n. Author: The Hostess of To-day; The Ne^? Hostess of To-day, 1912; contributor to magazines