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��Club (eleemosynary society); Woman's Club, Palisade, N.J. Recreations: Music, literature, Bltruism. Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- frage. LANGE, Caroline Penny (Mrs. Alexis T. Lange),

2601 Le Conte Av., Berkeley, Cal.

Born Jackson, Mich., Apr. 26, 1867; dau. Charles Wilcox and Henrietta (Crosby) Penny; grad. Univ. of Mich., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '90 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Ann Arbor, Sept., 1891, Alexis T. Lange (prof, education and dean of the faculties, Univ. of Cal.); one daughter: Rufh Raymond Lange. Interested in vocational opportunities for women, other than teaching. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of verses in Sunset and other periodicals. Episco- palian. Republican. Mem. Ass'n of Coll. Alum- nee (Cal. branch). Clubs: Town and Gown, Twelve o'Clock, Bridge. Lange, Linda Bartels, 223 W. Preston St.,

Baltimore, Md.

Bom N.Y. City; ed. Ethical Culture School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr CoU., A B. '03; graduate student Woman's Coll. ot Baltimore, 1906-07; student Johns Hopkins Med. School, IMT-ll. Director of uut-door sporta, sup't of the building and ass't In gymnasium In BryE Mawr School, Baltimore, Md., 1905-07. Sec.. Fellowship Exten- sion Com. of College Settlement Ass'n, 1904-05; Bryn Mawr elector of the College Settlement Ass'n, 1904-06 (chairman Publication Com., 1905- 06) Treas. Haines Falla Free Library, 1904-10. Mem. Bryn Mawr Club of N.Y. City (treas. 1904-05). LANGLEY, Elizabeth Euphro8yn& Greenwood

Hall, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111.

Instructor: b. N.T. City, 4au. Joseph I.,afayette and Antoinette Fellcate (HaJe) Langley; ed. Univ. of Chicago, Naas Sloydtarafeseminarium, Swe>- den, 1800; head of Greenwood Hall, Univ. of Chicago. United States delegate and speaker. Congress of Education, I^ondon, 1910; also in Brussels, 1912; chairman Com. on Handwork In the elementary schools, 1907. Director Arts and Crafts, Lincoln Center, Chicago, 1897 1909; in- structor Northwestern Univ. Settlement; Instruc- tor Clybourn Av. Settlement; vice-pres. Nat. Soc. of Handicraft, associate editor Handicraft Mag- azine. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor to publications of Western Drawing aad Manual Training Ass'n and publications of Nat. Educa.- tional Ass'n; pamphlets- Manual Training in the Elementary School; Manual Training Versus Technique (in Elementary School Teacher). 1907. Independent in religion, mem. All Souls' Church, Chicago. Progressive in politics. Recreations: Travel in America and Europe. Pres. Chicago Arts and Crafts Club; mem. Woman's City Club, WesttsTi Drawing and Manual Training Ass'n, Nat. Soc. for Promotion of Industrial Education Lecturer on History of Furniture, in Univ. of Chicago, Chicago Art Inst., and in general en- gagements. LANGSDOBF, Elsie Hirsch (Mrs. Alexander

Suss Langsdorf), 1205 Amherst PI., St. Louis,


Born N.Y. City, Nov. 30, 1880; dau. Leopold and Bertha T. (Markens) Hirsch; grad. Cornell Univ., class 1903, A.B.; m. Newark, N.J., June 26, 1906 Alexander Suss Langsdorf; children: Helen, b Jan. 2, 1908; Alexander Suss, Jr., b. May 30, 1912. Head ass't Central Av. Public School, Newark, N.J., from 1905-06. Favors woman suf- frage. Clubs: Wednesday, Pioneers, the Woman's Club of Washington Univ., St. Louis. Founder and first pres. of Coll. Woman's Club of Essex Co., N.J. LANGSTAIT, Cora E. (Mrs. W. L. Langstafi),

Charles City, Iowa.

Bora Itasca, IlL, 1858; dau. Theodore and Susan (Datchelder) Pierce; ed. 111. State Univ. and Iowa Normal School, Cedar Falls, Iowa; m. Belmond, Iowa, 1881, W. L. Langstaft; children: Nellie H., Madge, Corlnne. Pres. W.C.T.U.; pres. Cultus Club, 1910-12; worthy matron, Order of Eastern Star; mem. Missionary Soc. and other church organizations. Recreation: Gardening. CoDLexeEatlonalist. Favors woman suffrage.

��LANGSTAFT, S. Josephine M. (Mrs. J. Elliot

Langstaff), 19 Seventh Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.

(summer, Breljomere, Stony Brook, L.I.).

Born St. Catherines, Ont., Can.; dau. Bridg- water and Caroline (Arnold) Meredith; ed. the Misses Bucknall and St. Mary's Hall, Burling- ton, N.J.; law course in N.Y. Univ.; m. in N.J., Nov. 19, 1884, Dr. J. Elliot Langstaff; children: B. Meredith Langstaff (lawyer), J. Brett Lang- staff (both Harvard graduates.) Pres. Imperial Order Daughters of the (British) Empire in the U.S.A.; vice-pres. Master School of Music; pres. Brooklyn Branch Needlework Guild of America; Indian chairman of Woman's Auxiliary to Board of Missions, diocese of L.I. Mem. Municipal Art Soc, N.Y. City; Internat. Conference Com. of the Com. to Celebrate 100 Years of Peace, 1914- 15. Mem. of Standing Com. and Exec. Com. of N.Y. State Anti-Suffrage Soc. Episcopalian. Mem. Royal Colonial Inst, and Victoria League, of England; N.Y. State Library Ass'n. Recrea- tions: Driving, gardening. Clubs: Winter's Nlglit and British Imperial. LANGTON, Berenice (Mrs. Daniel W. Langton),

39 W. Sixty-seventh St., N.T. City.

Sculptor, medallist; b. Brie Co., Pa..,' dau. LeVerne and Helen (Rabell) Francis; m. New Haven, Conn., 1896, Daniel W. I.iangton, .landscape architect (died 1909); children: Francis, b. 1893; Berenice, b. 1899. Early study under Augustus St. Gaudens, later in Paris under criticism of August Rodin: principal work, portraits In round and relief, medallions, fountsJn and garden statuary. Mem. Am. Numismatic Soc. and Circle of Friends of the Medallion.

LANHAM, Edith Campbell Crane (Mrs. Samuel Tucker Lanham), Spartanburg, S.C. Bom Baltimore, Dec. 17. 1879; dau. Henry Ryland and Clara (Merrymian; Crane; ed. Miss Adams' School and Bryc Mawr School, Balti- more: Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. 1900; holder ot Bryn Mawr School scholarship, 1896-1900; winner of George W. Chllds Essay prize, 1900; m. "Robin Wood," Timonium, Md., Dec. 27, 1912, Samuel Tucker Lanham. of Spartanburg, S.C. Sec. of Bryn Mawr School, 1900-06: associate State sec. for N.Y. and N.J. Com. of Y.W.C.A.. 1906-07; corresponding sec'y Women's Missionary Union, Auxiliary to the Southern Baptist ConY>entloH, 1907-12; elected June, 1911, sec. of the Wom- en's Continuation Com. of the Baptist World Alliance; corr. sec. of Alumnae Ass'n of Bryn Mawr Coll. Interested In Young People's Bocie- tles, Sunday-school and other church work. Mem. Southern Baptist Church. LANIER, Elizabeth Slasson (Mrs. Sidney Lan- ier), Ellot, Me.

Director Farm and Camp School; b. Oshawa, Ont ; dau. George Alexander and Elizaibeth (Plumb) Masson : ed. by private instruction and high schools, also Ont. Women's Coll., 1884-88; m. Oambridge, Mass., 1902, Sidney Lanier; chil- dren: John Stevenson, David Masson, Sterling Lanier. Director of a girl's school in Toronto, Ont, 1899-1902; director of Farm and Camp School, Eliot, Me., 1907-12. Interested In Camp Fire Girls (hon. guardian in the Nat Assembly, and mem. of its Council). Favors woman suf- frage. Non-sectarian in religion (brought up in Church of England).

LANSDALE, Maria Hornor, 1011 Pine St., Phila- delphia, Pa.

Writer, translator; b. Philadelphia; dau. Philip and Olivia (Luce) Lansdale; ed. private schools, America and Europe. Author: Paris, Its Sites, Monuments and History; Scotland, Historic and Romantic; The Chateaux of Touralne. Transla- tions: Constantinople and Morocco (from Italian of Eduardo de Amicis) ; Vienna (Victor Tissot); Rome (Francis Wey); Florence (Charles Trlarte) ; After the Divorce (Grazla Deledda); A Woman at Bay (Sibilla Alcramo). Protestant Episcopal. LANSING, Elfleda Haecker (Mrs. Robert C. J.ansing), 2237 Knapp St., St. Paul, Minn. Born Aekley, Iowa; daughter of Theophilus L. and Maria L. (Brown) Haecker; ed. Univ. of Minn., B.L. '98; Univ. of Neb., M.A. 1900 (major in English literature and minor in romance lan- guages) (Delta Gamma); m. St. Paul, Minn.,


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