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��and Anna (Sherman) Pierce; ed. Woodbury, Coon. (Merritt Thompson's Acad.), Charlotte- vllle (N.Y.) Acad.; taught in Princetown (N.Y.) Acad.; m. Princetown, N.Y., Apr. 17, 1856, Judson Stuart Landon (justice of Supreme Court, 1874- 1901; pres. ad interim of Union Coll., 1884-88; author of The Constitutional History and Gov- ernment of the United States, etc.); children: Kate, Robert Judson, Helen (died 1863), William Pierce, Mai7, Grace. Identified with various social and philanthropic activities. Mem. Fort- nightly club; charter mem. Schenectady Woman's Club (prea. 1903-05). liANDON, Mary Homor (Mrs. Francis Griswold

Landon), 131 E. Slxty-flfth St., N.Y. City.

Born N.Y. City, July 19, 1874; dau. William and Adelaide (Taber) Toel; ed. Miss Peebles' School; m. N.Y. City, May 20, 1897, Francis Griswold Landon; children: Adelaide, Eleanor. Active mem. Grace Ohurch, N.Y. City; treas. Junior MiBslonary Soc. Against woman suf- frage; mem. Anti -Suffrage Soc. Protestant Epis- copalian. Republican. LANE, Annie Eichberg (Mrs. John Lane), 8

Lancaster Gate Terrace. London, W., England.

Author; b. Geneva, Switzerland; dau. Julius and Sophie (Mertens) Eichberg; ed. Gannett's Inat., Boston; m. (Ist) Boston 1884, Tyler Betchel- ler King; (2d) London, 1898, John Lane (pub- lisher). Author: Kitwyck; The Champagne Standard; According to Maria; Talk of the Town; also the American National hymn, To Thee, O Country. Contributor to reviews, magazines and papers. Recreation: Music. I^AJTE, B. Elizabeth, 12 B. Erie St., Chicago, 111.

Lawyer; b. Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 23, 1876; dau. Patrick P. and Mary Ann (Davoren) Lane; ed. Leavenworth Parochial School, Central High School, Kansas City, Mo.; 111. Coll. of Law, LL.M. '99; Univ. of Cal., DePaul Univ., D.C.L. Admitted to the bar in State of Missouri at Kan- sas City, 1900. Vice-pres. Western Catholic Writers' Guild. Favors woman suffrage. Cath- olic. Democrat, Since September, 1910, prof, of law. 111. Coll. of Law (Law Dep't of De Paul Univ.), Chicago. LANE, Etta Freeman (Mrs. L. B. LAne), Plain

City, Ohio.

Bom Lilly Chapel, Ohio, Aug. 23, 1868; dau. J. C. and (Dynthia B. (Olney) Freeman; ed. Ohio Northern Univ., B.L., and King's School of. Ex- pression; m. Lilly Chapel, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1895, Dr. L. S. Lane; children; Freeman B., Laurence B. Teacher; six years In one school; haa given recitals and addresses. Mem. Missionary Soc. ; pree. W.C.T.U. ; supt. of Parliamentary Usage of Stat© Loyal Temperance Legion; pres. of L.T.L. Alumni; vice-pres. of class. King's School, 1908; mem. Woman's Taxpayers' League. Favors woman suffrage. Lecturer. Booklets: Lincoln- Willard Program (National), The Brownies' Thanksgiving, The Mothers' Day Program; also a few poexoB. Methodist, Reci-eations : Attend- ing summer schools and Chautauquas. Was delegate to the World's W.C.T.U. Convention, Boston, to National at Hartford, Conn., and Los Angeles, Cal. Studied oratory at Emerson Coll., Boston. Contributes to local papers and a few others. LANE, Frances Hargraret, Cody, Wyo.

Physician, surgeon; b. Mt. Vernon, O.; dau. Philander E. and Matilda Stewart (Dunlap) Lane; ed. Fort EJdward (N.Y.) CoH. Inst.; Woman's Med. Coll. (Chicago); Hering Med. Coll. (Chicago), M.D. '09. Medical contractor U.S. Reclamation Swvice. Mem. D.A.R., Sheri- dan (Wyo.) Chapter. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Pro- gressive Republican. Recreations: Tennis, golf. Pres. Public Service League (Cody, Wyo.); Gen. Fed. Sec. of Wyo. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. LANE, Gertrude Battles, 22 E. 10th St., N.T.

City; business, 381 Fourth Av., N.Y. City.

Editor; b. Saco, Me.; dau. Ehistace and Ella (Battles) Lane; grad. Thornton Acad., Saco, Me. Became ass't editor Woman's Home Com- panion in 1903; editor and managing editor since June, IftlO. Unitarian. Clubs: National Arts and Meridian.

��r.ANE, Josie Ivey (Mrs. William P. Lane).

1007 Rio Grande St., Austin, Tex.

Bom Tupelo, Miss.; dau. Francis Marion and Nancy (Thompson) Ivy; grad. Mary Nash Coll., A.B. '98; student in college when girl; after nine years of married life returned and earned de- gree (only married woman ever graduated from the college); m. William P. Lane (now serving second terra as State (Comptroller of Texas) ; one daughter: Julia Pay (Mrs. Walter Terrell of Fort Worth). Favors woman suffrage; mem. Executive Board Texas Equal Franchise Soc. Mem. Christian Church. Mem. Texas Dlv. United Daughters of the Confederacy; has served two years as registrar, two years sec. and one year first vice-pres.; mem. W.C.T.U., Order Eastern Star, Humane Soc. Was for years mem. WoOTian's Shakespeare Club of Fort Worth. Home city is Fort Worth, but resides In Austin during husband's terms of office.

LANE, Katharine Jane, 65 Crawford St., Rox-

bury, Mass.

Teacher; b. Boston, Mass., Nov. 17, 1866; dau. Benjamin P. and Lucy A. (Dexter) Lane; ed. Wellesley Coll., B.A., "90. Mem. of Board of Boston Y.W.C.A., 1S96-98; on Board of Roxbury House (Settlement), 1900-05; sec. of Boston Branch of (3oIlegiate Alumnae. Mem. Ass'n Col- legiate Alumnae, Girls' Latin School Alumnae Ass'n, Boston (College Club, Boston Wellesley Club, Radcliffe Union. Methodist. Against woman suffrage.

LANE, Mary Blanche, Bellevue Av., Wakefield,


Born Biddeford, Me., May 22, 1873; dau. Asa Lyman and Mary J. (Robinson) Lane; grad. Co- burn Cla-ssical Inst, Waten-ille, Me., '91; Colby Coll., A.B. '95; A.M. '98 (Sigma Kappa). Teacher, Waterville, Me., 1895-1901; Hingham, Mass., 1901- 03. Baptist. Recreations: Photography, stajnp collecting. Mem. East Winthrop Thursday Club, 1906-11; pres. 1910-11.

LANG, Margaret Knthven, 8 Brimmer St., Bos- ton, Mass. ; summer. New Boston, N.H. Composer of music; b. Boston, Nov. 27, 1867; dau. Benjamin Johnson Lang (distinguished mu- sician) and Frances M. (Burrage) LaJig; ed. pri- vate schools in Boston ; student of violin with Drechsler and Abel in Munich, composition with her father, orchestration with Gluth in Munich, Chadwick and MacDowell In Boston (hon. mem. Alpha Chi Omega). Public performances of her orchestral works have been given by the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Theodore Thomas' Or- chestra of Chicago, in N.Y, City and Baltimore; choral works, songs and piano works in con- certs throughout the country. Compositions: Dramatic Overture, first performed by Boston Symphony Orchestra under Niklsch, in 1893 (first orchestra] work by a woman to be played at those concerts) ; Overture Wltichis, given In ChlcEigo by Theodore Thomas' Orchestra, 1893; Overture Totila, and a ballade for orchestra, played In Baltimore in 1901; several arias com- posed for solo voice and orchestra, and other orchestral works which remain in manuscript. Has published 150 songs, part songs, piano pieces, etc., her works being heard in the highest class concerts and recitals here and abroad. Episco- palian. Active mem. N.Y. Manuscript Society; hon. mem. Musical Art Club of Boston; hon. vice-pres. Am. Music Soc. (Boston Centre).

LANGDON, IVIarie Geraldine (Mrs. Robert M.

Langdont, Englewood Cliffs, Coytesvllle, P.O.,


Physician; b. Paris, France, 1869; ed. acade- mies in France, Italy, Germany and United States; has degrees A.M. and M.D. (Alumni Soc. Woman's Medical Coll., Philadelphia, Pa.); m. Robert M. Langdon, A.M., M.D.; children: Marie, Helen, Robert, Lucile. Studied medicine in clinics of hospitals in England, France, (Ger- many, Italy, Austria, Russia and United States, and served in many of these hospitals. Author: Vivisection, Its Uses and Abuses; Cosmos and Chemistry; Black Beauty (translated into French); various articles in French, German, Italian and English publlcatlona, Pres. EMgemont


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