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��I.AMBERT, Lillian Vitalique, Iowa State Teach- ers College, Cedar Falls, la. Professor of English, lOTva State Teachers Coll.; b. Austin, Minn.; dan. John and Vitalique (Bernier) Lambert; grad. Penn. Coll., Oskaloosa, la., Ph.B. '95; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.M. '06; grad. ■work in English, Bryn Mawr, 1906-07; received grad. scholarships in English both at Univ. of Chicago and Brvn Mawr; studied also at Oxford, Eng., 1905. Prof. English, Iowa State Teachers Coll. Favors woman suffrage. Has published short stories and essays in various periodicals, Chautauquan, Modern Culture, The National Magazine, Bird Lore, Education, etc. President Iowa Northeastern State Teachers Ass'n. Rec- reations: Walking, golf, story writing. Formerly mem. of Woman's Club, Des Moines.

LAMBERT, Lydia Newsom (Mrs. W. Weldon Lambert), N. Washington St., Columbus, Ind. Bom near Columbus, Ind., May 26, 1871; dau. Jesse Ruddick and Mary (Cox) Newsom; grad. ColumbuS High School, 1S90; Indiana State Univ., A.B. '03 (dep't of English); m. Columbus, Ind., June 28, 1B05, W. Weldon Lambert, lawyer; one son: Weldon NeTvsom. Directly after grad- uation spent more than a year abroad, visiting and studying various countries of Europe, also Egypt and Palestine; especially fond of lan- guages. Published short stories in Godeys and Waverley Magazine, 1898. Favors woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Columbus Culture and Magazine Clubs.

T.AArKrv, Daisye Buck (Mrs. James Owen Lam-

kln). Friars Point, Miss.

Teacher of expression; b. Hickman, Ky., May 28, 1877; dau. Dr. Harry C. and Bettle (Steele) Buck; ed. three years at Woman's Coll. at Ox- ford, Miss. ; one year at Univ. of Miss. ; four years' Chautauqua course (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Clarksdale, Miss., July 26, 1899, James Owen Lamkln (lawyer, banker); children: Mar- jorie, b. 1900; Jean Courtney, b. 1901. Recording sec. Miss. Fed. of Clubs two years; pres. two years; now Gen. Fed. sec. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Christian Church. Democrat. Recreations: Tennis, motoring, bridge whist. Pres. Book Club (Friars Point, Miss.); honorary mem. The Climbers (Brookhaven, Miss.).

I,A3£ONT, Florence Haskell CorlUs (Mrs.

Thomas William Lament), Beech Road, En-

glewood, N.J.

Born N.Y. City; grad. Smith Coll., B.S. '93; graduate student in philosophy, Columbia Univ., M.A. "98; m. Englewood, N.J., Oct. 31, ISPl, Thomas William Lament, banker; children: Thomas 2d, b. Jan. 30, 1899; Corliss, b. Mar. 28, 1902; Austin, b. Feb. 25, 1905; Eleanor Allen, b. 1910. LAJgPRSY, EsteUa I^oomie (Mrs. Howard A.

Lamprey), 28 Hawthorn Av., Eden Park, Prov- idence, R.I.

Bom Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 16, 1862; dau. A. M. and Caroline (Sanborn) Loomls; spent greater part of life before marriage at New Haven, C-onn., where was ed. in Grove Hall Sean.; m. German town. Pa., Sept. 7, 1896, Howard Asa Lamprey, Yale graduate and lawyer; children: Edith (died at birth, Sept. 19, 1897); Carolyn Sanborn, b. Dec. 8, 18S9; Loomls, b. Oct. 25, 1901. Was charter mem. (1885) and worker in Episcopal Order of Daughters of the King, at St. Paul's Church, New Haven, of which Bishop Lines of N.J. was then rector; was also a Friendly Visitor; had charge of Mothers' Meet- ing (under Dr. Tomkins) In 1898, in Grace Church, Providence, of which is a member. Now pres. Eden Park Mothers' Club (branch of Nat. Con- gress of Mothers); mem. Eden Park Women's Club. LAMPBEY, Eva Blanche, The Castle, Tarry-

town-on-Hudson, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Massachusetts; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '91. Teacher Willard Hall, Danvers, Mass., 3891-96; Prospect Hill School, Greenfield, Mass., 189C-1901; Hudson River Inst., Clavc-rack, N.Y., 1901-02; Principal Derby Acad., Hingham, Mass., 1902-03: Howard Sem., West Bridgewater, Mass., 1903-06; The Castle, Tarrytown, X.Y., since 1907.

��I.AMSON, Kate Glidden, 704 Congregational

House, Boston, Mass.

Missionary secretary; b. Boston; dau. Edwin and Mary (Swift) Lamson; ed. at home by gov- erness, etc., and in public schools at Winchester, Mass. ; studies conducted for two periods of years in France, Germany and Italy. Foreign sec. of the Woman's Board of Missions (Con- gregational). During 1911 made a journey around the world, 'spending three and one-hall months in Ceylon and India, and three months in Japan, visiting missions. Contributor to mag- azines. Has been connected with Woman's B'd ol Missions for 19 years, during the first 10 sec. oJ Young People's Work, and since as foreign sec. In 1907 (with Miss Sarah Louise Day, treas. ol the board) visited Spain, commissioned by the board to examine into the interests of its work in that country. LANAHAN, Ancle Snowden (Mrs. Charles M.

Lanahan), 18 E. Eager St., Baltimore, Md.

Bom Columbus, Ohio; dau. Richard H. and Mantia (Sells) Snowden; ed. Western Female High School, Southern Literary Inst. ; m. April 4, 1877, Charles M. Lanahan; children: May, Helen, Josephine, Adelaide, Charles, jr. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy, D.A.R., Soc. of War of 1812. Clubs; Lend-a-Hand, Arundel, Baltimore Country. Christian Scientist

LANDERS, Jnlia Ethel, Knlckerbacker Hall, Indianapolis, Ind.

Private school principal: b. Indianapolis; ed. Girls' Classical School, Indianapolis; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '94. Private tutor in Latin and his- tory, 1SS8-1SO0: teacher of mathematics in Girls' Classical School, Indianapolis, 1903-05, and of history and English, 1905-06; principal of Knlck- erbacker Hall School for Girls, Indianapolis, 1907-11.

LA>:3>E31S, Janie Dean (Mrs. Leland L. Lan- ders), 2992 Orchard Av., Richmond Hill, L.I., N.Y.

Teacher; b. Newfield, N.Y., Feb. 6, 1876; dau. Sidney R. and Josephine (Knickerbocker) Dean ; ed. Ithaca High School, Oomell Univ., Albanv Normal Coll., Ph.B. 1897, Pd.B. 1SS9; m. Ithaca, Nov. 1, 19*0(1, Leland L. L<anders, A.B. (Cornell Univ.), now first ass't in mathematics, Richmond Hil! High School. Taught two years at West Winfleld (N.Y.) High School and Rockville Cen- ter High School (languages). Sec. of Richmond Hill Choral Soc.; mem. and active in philan- thropic and literary work of the Richmond Hill Twentieth Century Club (pres. ISCS-ll). Favors woman suffrage; mem. N.Y. City Woman's Suf- frage Party, College Equal Suffrage League. Methodist. Recreations; Tennis, skating, dan- cing, rowing, driving, cards, singing. Mem. Cor- nell AJumnse Club of N.Y. City, Associated Clubs of Domestic Science, Housewives' League, Pro- gressive League of Richmond Hill.

LAKDIS, Evs May (Mrs. Charles Warren Lan-

dis), care Union National Bank, San Diego, Cal.

Born Bowne. Kent Co., Mich., July 12, 1868; dau. George W. and Mary J- (Hill) Patterson; ed. Stockton (Kan.) High School, Campbell Univ., Holton, Kan., and Sisters of Bethany Coll., To- peka, Kan.; musical course, 1885; m. Stockton, Kan., July 12, 1892, Charles Warren I.aT>dis, banker, editor and business man, of Osborne, Kan.; one daughter, Katherine Marie. Taught music — piano, organ and mandolin — for 25 years. Very active In district and State Fed. work and in civic work of city. Republican ("stand-pat"). Sec. Woman's Kansas Day Club. Active in li- brary work; pres. Carnegie Library Board; was principal mover In securing and had previously been active worker in Ladies' Library, holding important offices for years. Recreation: Trav- eling. Mem. Embroidery Club and card clubs oi Osborne, Kan., and Outlook Club of Cawker City, Kan.; treas. Kan. State Fed. Woman's Clubs; chairman Music Ck)m. of State and District; at- tended the four last biennial meetings of Gen. Fed. of Woman's Clubs. LANDON, Emily Ancnsta Pierce (Mrs. Judson

Stuart Landon), 736 Union St., Schenectady,


Born Woodbury, (3onn., Nov. 20, 1835; dau. JoeJ


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