terested in educational and philanthropic activities. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Colo. Equal Suffrage Ass'n from its organization; has conducted parliamentary classes. Has written for newspapers and a few magazine articles and club papers. Congregationalism Republican. Was an active factor in establishing the Orphans' Home of Denver; also the Colo. Home for Dependent Children; mem. W.C.T.U., D.A.R., Order Eastern Star. Charter mem. Denver Fortnightly Club, of Deutsche Damen and of Woman's Club of Denver; mem. Sevigne Club and The Larks. Was first pres. of Colo. Fed. Women's Clubs; chairman of correspondence for Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; vice-pres. of Lady Managers of World's Columbian Exposition and chief of Woman's Dep't of Colorado World's Fair Board.
ASKEW, Elisabeth, 180 Bay Shore Boulevard, Tampa, Fla.
Born Wheeling, W.Va.; dau. Thomas Evans and Katherine (Burris) Askew; ed. St. Paul, Minn., private and high schools, supplemented by Univ. extension correspondence courses. Sec. and chairman Publicity Com. of the Tampa Civic Ass'n; mem. Hillsborough Co. Humane Soc, Am. Woman's Republic, Florida Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Country life, golf, walking. Favors woman suffrage.
ASKWIG, Jenny Keogh (Mrs. Ed. J. Askwig), Oakland, Neb.
Born Chicago, 1866; dau. John J. and Anna (Anderson) Keogh; ed. Chicago public schools; m. Oakland, Neb., 1888, Edward J. Askwig. Sec. Order Eastern Star, treas. Rebekah's, Royal Achates. Pres. Oakland Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage.
ASPINWALL, Alicia Stuart (Mrs. Thomas Aspinwall), 14 Hawthorne Road, Brookline, Mass.
Born in Mass.; m. Thomas Aspinwall; children: Thomas Gardner, Philip Channing. Author: Short Stories for Short People; Echo Maid and Other Stories; Marie de Rozel; The Can You Believe Me Stories. Unitarian.
ASPLUND, Julia Duncan Brown (Mrs. R. F. Asplund), 144 Marcy St., Santa Fe, N.Mex.
Born Palmyra, Mo., Oct. 6, 1875; dau. Rev. Duncan and Martha (Lewis) Brown; ed. Tarkio Coll., A.B. '95; Drexel Library School, '01; m. Mexico City, Mexico, Aug. 3, 1905, Rupert F. Asplund; one daughter: Carolyn Elizabeth. Before marriage was professional librarian; instructor in Drexel Inst. Library School, 1901-03; librarian, Univ. of New Mexico, 1903-05. Interested in libraries and work for women and children; chairman Library Com. N.Mex. State Fed. of Women's Clubs; chairman for N.Mex. of Com. on Welfare of Women and Children; mem. D.A.R. Ladies' Com. N.Mex. Museum, Ladies' Advisory Board N.Mex. Historical Soc, Com. of Management Santa Fe Public Library. Associate editor of the N.Mex. Journal of Education, of which her husband is editor and publisher. Mem. D.A.R. Mem. Woman's Board of Trade, Fifteen Club, Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage.
ASTON, Mrs. Samuel, Lebanon, Va.
Born Tazewell, Va., Jan., 1873; dau. J. D. and Margaret (Peery) Alexander; ed. Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, Va.; m. Tazewell, Va., June 8, 1898, Samuel Aston; children: Margaret, b. June 11, 1899; Ella Dickenson, b. Mar. 4, 1903. Presbyterian. Pres. Woman's Club of Lebanon, Va.
ATEN, Mae E. Greene (Mrs. W. H. Aten), 71 Gates Av., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Born Norwich, Conn.; dau. James Cooper and Almira S. (Delancy) Greene; m. N.Y. City, Sept. 10, 1884, William H. Aten, M.D.; children: Erna Adele (Mrs. H. J. Titus Jr.), Kenneth Mills, Courtenay Nixon. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Wilson Nat. Woman's Party, N.Y. City; Eleventh Assembly Dist. Woman's Suffrage Party, Brooklyn, N.Y. Episcopalian. Pres. Cameo branch Internat. Sunshine Soc, Brooklyn; Daughters of the Revolution. Clubs: Century Theatre, Knickerbocker Relief, Rainy Day, Government, City and State Fed.
ATHERTON, Caroline Ober Stone (Mrs. Edward H. Atherton), 82 Ruthven St., Roxbury, Mass.
Teacher; b. Lynn, Mass., Sept 11, 1863; dau. Charles G. and Eleanor O. (Knowlton) Stone; ed. Lynn public schools, Boston Univ., A.B., A.M.; commencement speaker (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Lynn, July 20, 1892, Edward H. Atherton. Non-resident worker at South End House; mem. Board of Trustees of Children's Institutions Dep't of Boston; mem. Board of Roxbury Neighborhood House; official visitor at Boston Univ.; New England vice-pres. of Nat. Alliance of Unitarian Women; sec. of Board of the Tuckerman School for Parish Workers; vice-pres. Social Service Council of Unitarian Women. Author: Beginners' Greek Book (with Clarence W. Gleason); chapter on Child of the Immigrant, in Americans in Process (with Mrs. E. Y. Rutan). Unitarian. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Mass. Soc. for the Univ. Education of Women. Mem. Women in Council, Roxbury; College Club (Boston), State Fed. Com. on Industrial and Social Conditions, 1884 Club of Lynn. Taught in Roxbury Latin School till marriage; has written sundry papers and addresses on educational and philanthropic subjects.
ATHERTON, Ella Blaylock (Mrs. Henry B. Atherton), Fairmount Heights, Nashua, N.H.
Physician and surgeon; b. Ulverston, Lancashire, England, Jan. 4, 1860; dau. William and Margaret (Schollick) Blaylock; ed. Georgeville Acad., private tutors and grad. McGill Univ., Montreal, 1887; Queen's Univ. Med. School, M.D. '87 (Kingston, Ont.); m. Concord, N.H., 1898, Capt. Henry B. Atherton, LL.B.; children: Blaylock, b. Oct 6, 1900; Ives Atherton, b. Feb. 25, 1903. Demonstrator of anatomy two years at med. school, Kingston; was first woman in the Province of Quebec to get a Canadian diploma in medicine; first woman admitted to medical society in State of Vt.; first to hold office of pres. of a local medical society in N.H.; first woman to do abdominal surgery in N.H. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, N.H. Surgical Club, N.H. Med. Soc, Hillsboro County Med. Soc; was mem. of Nashua Emergency Hospital Ass'n and of Nashua Home for Aged Women; charter mem. Woman's Auxiliary of Y.M.C.A. Favors woman suffrage; mem. N.H. Woman Suffrage Soc. Episcopalian. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Women's Auxiliary of the Church of Good Shepherd. Recreation: Motoring. Mem. Fortnightly Club.
ATHERTON, Gertrude Franklin (care of Macmillan Co.), 64 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.
Author; b. San Francisco, Cal.; dau. Thomas L. and Gertrude (Franklin) Horn; grandniece of Benjamin Franklin; ed. by private schools and teachers; also attended St. Mary's Hall, Benicia, Cal., and Sayre Inst., Lexington, Ky.; m. San Jose, Cal., George Henry Bowen Atherton (now deceased); one daughter: Muriel Florence Russell. Lives much of the time abroad, her travels extending over the most of Europe, the West Indies and North America. Life mem. Am. Historical Ass'n and of Authors' Soc. of London, Eng.; honorary mem. of several clubs in San Francisco; mem. Ladies' Athenaeum, Writers' Club of London, Touring Club de France. Books: Before the Gringo Came, 1892; The Doomswoman, 1892; A Whirl Asunder, 1895; Patience Sparhawk and Her Times, 1897; His Fortunate Grace, 1897; American Wives and English Husbands, 1898; Senator North, 1900; The Californians, 1898; A Daughter of the Vine, 1899; The Valiant Runaway, 1899; The Aristocrats, 1901; The Conqueror, 1902; The Splendid Idle Forties (revised and enlarged edition of Before the Gringo Came), 1902; A Few of Hamilton's Letters, 1903; Rulers of Kings, 1904; The Bell in the Fog, 1905; Mrs. Pendleton's Four-in-Hand, 1905; The Traveling Thirds, 1905; Resanov, 1906; Ancestors, 1907; The Gorgeous Isle, 1908; Tower Ivory, 1910 Julia France and Her Times, 1911.
ATHERTON, Melanie (Mrs. Thomas H. Atherton), 36 West River St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Born Feb. 5, 1857; dau. N. G. Parke (D.D.) and Ann Elizabeth (Gildersleeve) Parke; ed. Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; m. Pittston, Pa., Oct. 7. 1880. Thomas H. Atherton: children: