��LAKE, Marsuerite Brunelle, Crannog, Forest League, also under William M. Chase and C. Y.
Hill, Md. Turner; m. N.Y. City, Charles RoUinson Lamb;
Managing editor Journal of Home Economics; children: Karl Barr6, Katherino Stymetz, Dou- b. Mt Washington Md., Sept. 23, 1882; dau. aid Wingate, Joseph Condie. Received Dndsc James and Margaret Allen (Kromer) Lake; ed. prize, Nat. Acad. Design, 1889; honorable moa- Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, 1896-1902; Goucber tion World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; Pan- CoU., Baltimore A B. '06; N.Y. State Coll. of American Exposition, 1901; gold medal, Atlanta Agri<;u)ture Cornell Univ., 1906-07; Md. Agricul- E.xposition. Makes a specialty oi portrait and tural Coll., 1911 (Delta Gamma). Appointed man- decorative painting. Among the important ex- aging editor of Journal of Home Economics, pub- amples of her work in interior decorative art lished by the Am. Hom« Economics Asa'n, June, are: The Open Book (for Roswell P. Flower Li- 1912. TreaB. D«lta Gamma Fraternity, 1909-13; brary, Watertown, N.Y.) ; heroic mural paintings
��Pan-Hellenic Delegate, Delta Gamma, 1909-13; Bee. National Pan-Hellenic Congress, 1910-11; pres. Forest Hill Home Economics Club; vlce- pres. Harford County Library Ass'n; stadied
��The Arts and Sciences (for Sage Memorial Chapel, Cornell, N.Y.); Faith, Hope, Love and Memory (for Lakewood Cemetery Chapel, Min- neapolis); The Angel of the Resurrection and
��poultry husbandry at Cornell, gave some lectures Three Marys at the Tomb (for St. John s
tor farmers' institutes of Md. and Md. State Church, Detroit, Mich.). Mem. N.Y. State Ass n
Grange; studied horticulture at Md. Agricultural Opposed to Woman Suffrage, Art Students
Coll.; helped run hom« farm for five years, mak- League, Nat. Soc. of Mural Painters, Woman s
Ing a specialty of poultry and fruit; particularly Municipal League. Ex-pres. Woman's Arts
Interested in agricultural work for women, libra- Club; mem. Nat. Arts Club.
ries In the small towns and the country, indus- l^j^b igabel Haslup (Mrs. D. S. Lamb), 2114
Ti„,„^^L.^^f'l"l^?^5H?i°J. ° l^^K?2l^' Eighteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C._ . .
��Bchools, and all rural and single tax probleims Mem. Am. Home Economics Ass'n, (Joucher Coll
��Physician; b. Laurel, Md., Sept. 16, 1864; dau. J. Walters and Susannah (Harrison) Haslup; ed.
��tl!^^Sr? . ^„e.V.?^^!Hf S}^L ^Sfl^i^'Sri' ^^f. public schools of.State; private tutors;. N.Y. State
��Air (Md.) Country Club, Forest Hill Home Eco nomlcs Club. Recreations: Driving, riding, ton nis, gardening, poultry raising. Protestant EJpis copal. Favors woman suffrage. Mean. Just Government League of Md.
��Normal School; Howard Univ., Washington, D.C. M.D.; m. Towson, Md., July 2, 1899, Dr. D. S. Lamb. Has been on staff and on boards of women's hospitals, medical inspector public schools. Identified with various church inter-
��LAKKMAN, Mary Ropes, 9 Summer St., Salem, gsts, foreign missions, social, educational and lee- Mass, ture work and Southern mountain Sunday- Phyaician; b. Salem, Mass., May 20, 1870; dau. schools. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Rules John Ropes and Annie S. (Haley) L.akeman; ed. of Health for Hampton Normal School, 1901; also Salem public schools, Boston Univ. School of essays on medical subjects; Case of Cetinism; Medicine. Interested in philanthropdc work and clinical Work on Gland Therapy; Non-Surgical work for girls; has a summer camp for girls. Treatment of Cancer. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Mem. Mass. Homoeopathic Med. Soc, Am. Inst. Church. Mem. Women's Clinic, Y.W.C.A., Med. of Homoeopathy, Soc. for Higher Education of Soc. of the Dist. of Columbia, Therapeutic Soc., Women, Salem Young Women's Ass'n. Recrea- A.m. Med. Ass'n, Am. Ass'n for Advancement of tions: Out-door sports. Unitarian. Favors woman Women. Recreation: Music, suffrage.
��LAK3EY, Alice, 209 Mlln St., Cranford, N.J.
Singer, teacher, worker for pure food cause; b. Ohio; dau. Charles D. and Ruth (Jaques)
��r,AMB, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. George W. Lamb), 109 No. Grant Av., Crawfordsvllle, Ind. Born Crawfordsvllle, Ind., Dec. 8, 1839; dau.
��^ V,,. ■? V-.'^'^K- ^ T?, ii William and Kezlah F. (Brannon) Jordan; ed.
Lakey; ed. public school in Chicago until 14 ^^fordsville (Ind.) Female Senu ; m. George
years of age^ then private schoos and teachers. ^^L^b (captain In Civil War), now deceased;
St. Mary's Hall, N.J ; studied singing m Paris, ^^^ S^ildren, now dead. Has worked for tem^
London, Florence and N.Y City; pupil of Van- ^^^^ ^^ f'or woman suffrage. Written for
nuccini, Italy; Barbot, Paris; Randegger and ^"^^^1 Tif.w<inaDers Author- The Mvsterv of
Monbem Smith, London. Sang in concerto in wlfderst^f^ ?a S^Itt of^^rinajiy) I^lnf LIs-
London, and Crystal Palace, Sydenham; now ^^'?^7„ 'il,^^ ^ n>« <?rnrth^rine- thp Pfvil
teacher of voice production and the art of singing ^f^ ^^ ^^ory of the South during the Civil
in the old Italian method. Began work with vvarj.
pure food movement in 1904; was connected with LAMB, Nellie A. (Mrs. Frederick S. Lamb), 356
��General Fed. Food Com., which was made part of the Federation's work at her request; took chalrmansbip of Food Com. Nat. (Joosumers Leagrue in 1905; connected with work of N.Y
��W. 22d St., N.Y. City.
Born Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1865; dau. Fan- ning P. and Ellen (Daniels) Albert; ed. in N.Y. City; m. Alpine, N.J., Oct., 1891, Frederick S.
��Milk Committee since 1909; exec. sec. of The Lamb; children: Harold A., Adrian S. Pro- Pure Food League. Pres. four years, now fessional craft worker in textiles and embroidery, vice-pres. Cranford (N.J.) Village Improvement Active mem. of St. George's Church (Episcopal), Ass'n, where was begun the concerted effort for n.Y. City. Director Chelsea Day Nursery; treas. pure food bill, resulting in passage; pres, four Auxiliary No. 6, Stony Wold Sanatorium Corpo- years of Parish Circle of Cranford Trinity Church; ration Mem. Woman's Municipal League ol mem. 1912 Nat. Inst, of Social Science on account city of N.Y., the Municipal Art Soc. of N.Y., of work for pure food movement. Has been vice- Nat. Soc. of Craftsmen, N.Y. State Ass'n Op- pres. two years of N.J. Equal Franciilse League, posed to Woman Suffrage, National Arts Club. Has contributed to Outlook and other publica- _ .-rn^xfT t» n oi, ♦ /m = t^h^o,.^ <- T«rr, Uons, newspapers, etc. Episcopalian. Republi- LAMBEKT, Belle Short (Mrs. Edward C. Lam- can. Mem. Consumers' League of N.Y. City bert), Jacksonville, III. . , „_ w ir and N.J. Recreations: Fishing, rowing, walk- ^ Born Cape Girardeau Mo., dau. Rev W F. ing. Public speaker, and connected with Lecture (D-D ) and Sarah (Lanlng) Short, ed. 111. Wo- Bureau of the B'd of BducaUon of N.Y. City, man's CoH (Phi Nu Soc.); m. Jacksonville 111 Has given addresses before many State Federa- Dec. 17, 1874 Edward C. Lambert; children: Anne, tions of Women's Clubs, individual clubs, Inter- Lanlng Helen. Pres. Woman s Home and For- nat. Congress of Mothers, World's Congress of eign Missionary Soc. and Aid Soc. in Grace the W.C.T.U., annual meetings for two years Church; organizer and pres. Woman s CluD, of State and NaUonal Food and Dairy Dep'ts. mem. Sorosls, holding offices at different times Spoke, for several months prior to passage of for twenty-five years; mem. Art Soc; sec Pure Food La-w, on Food Adulterations. Ladies' Education boc for ^n years; mem 111 , .,,^ ^,, .r, .,• ,1,, ^u 1 T, ,,i State Historical Soc; an officer In 111. Fed. ol ^^®,;,^i^.^"f«^^'w^^9T^t k'vV.?; rr Women's Clubs for several years (repeatedly Lamb , Studio 360 W. 32d St , N.Y. City (sum- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ nomination for presidency). Au- mer studio. The Fo d, C/ef^" N-J-)- ^hor Woman's Club Movement in Illinois (in No Artist; b NY. City dau. James and Ellen g ju g^ ^ Historical Library); also articles foi (Harrison) Condie; studied in Lngland under Sir , , . church capers Hubert von Herkomer, R.A.; in Paris under M. '°°^' ^"'^ cnurcn papers. Collin, in N.Y. at Nat. Acad, and Art Students' LAMIiKRT, Isdith B. Lowry— see Lowry, Edith B