��tral Industrial Inst., Columbia, N.C., 1902-03. Pres. Y.W.C.A. of Ottumwa. Methodist. Active tn church work. Recreation: Motoring. Mem. A.rt Club.
LA GARDE, Fannie D. (Mrs. Louis A. La Garde), 2624 Woodly PI., Washingtvon, D.C. Born Bastrop, Tex. ; dau. R. W. and S. A. (Jones) Neely; ed. Franklin, Ky. ; m. Franklin, Ky., 1879, Dr. Louis A. La Garde, U.S.A., at the beginning of his career of army officer (retired with rank of colonel, April 15, 1913); children: Richard Neely, Louis A. Jr. Mem. Washington Club. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
LAGERCRANTZ, Ava dp, Carnegie Hall, 883
Seventh Av., N.T. City.
Portrait and miniature painter; b. Carlscrona,
Sweden; dau. Vice- Admiral G. R. and Nedvig
Otilia (Llndstrom) de J>agercrantz ; ed. in Swe-
den, studied art in Paris with Jules Lefebvre,
Benjamin Constant, Tony Robert Fleury. Has
exhibited in Paris Salon and various countries
abroad, and in the United States. Painted King
Oscar II and Princess Therfese of Sweden; was
called back in 1908 to Stockholm to paint King
Gustaf V (miniature) ; has painted other royalties
and many noted people. Resident of N.Y. City
since 1903. Mem. N.Y. Ass'n Opposed to Woman
LAIDIiAW, Harriet Burton (Mrs. James Lees
Laidlaw), 6 East 66th St., N.T. City (summer,
Hazeldean, Sands Point, L.I., N.Y.).
Teacher; b. Albany, N.Y., Dec. 1, 1874; dau.
George and Alice (Wright) Burton; ed. Albany
High School; N.Y. State Normal Coll., B.Pd. and
M.Pd. ; 111. Wesleyan Univ., Ph.B.; Barnard
B.A. ; matriculated at Columbia for Ph.D., but
married and did not finish; m. N.Y. City, Oct. 25,
1905, James Lees Laidlaw; one daughter: Louise
Burton. Chairman Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage
Ass'n Board; chairman Borough of Manhattan
of Woman Suffrage Party. Has written suffrage
flyers, leaflets and magazine articles. Mem.
Peace Soe., N.Y. Probation Soc, Children's Aid
Soc, Child Labor Ass'n (State and Nat.), etc.;
Woman's Trade Union and many suffrage so-
cieties. Recreations: Golf, motoring, sailing,
housekeeping, flo^wers, gardening. Mem. Woman's
University Club.
LAING, Mary Elizabeth, 134 Newbury St., Bos-
ton, Mass.
Teacher; b. North Hebron, N.Y., 1854; dau.
Uzziel Durham and Jane (Reynolds) Lalng; ed.
Oswego Normal School; Cornell Univ., A.B.;
Ziirich (Switzerland), Jena (Germany), one
semester each), Gottingen one year. First prin-
cipal of Froebel Acad., Brooklyn; head of dep't
of psychology and child study, Oswego Normal
School. Mem. Boston Soc. for Equal Suffrage
and Good Government. Author: Reading, a
Manual for Teachers. Episcopalian. Progressive
in politics. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legisla-
tion, Boston Discussion Club. Instructor and
specialist in applied psychology; now also en-
gaged in compilation of school text-books.
LAIRD, Elizabeth Rebecca, Mt. Holyoke Coll.,
So. Hadley, Mass.
Prof, of physics; b. Owen Sound, Can., Dec.,
1874; dau. John G. and Rebecca (La Pierre)
Laird; ed. London (Ont.) Collegiate Inst, Univ.
of Toronto, B.A. '96 (honor course mathematics
and physics), Bryn Mawr Coll., Ph.D. '01; stu-
dent at Univ. of Berlin, 1898-99; Univ. of Cam-
bridge, 1909. Professor of physics at Mt. Holyoke
Coll. since 1905 (head of dep't since 1903). Meth-
odist. Mem. Am. Physical Soc., A.A.A.S. Rec-
reations: Walking, climbing, reading.
LAIRD, Gertrude S. J. (Mrs. George Allen
Laird), Royalton, Vt.
Born Randolph, Vt., June 10, 186i?; dau. Ira
Maurice and Emily A. W. (Washburn) Jones;
ed. Randolph (Vt.) schools; m. Randolph, Vt.,
Oct. 6, 1887, George Allen Laird. Supt. of Sunday
School, treas. of Missionary Soc, sec. of Nat.
Soc. Colonial Dames of America in the State
of Vt. Mem. Soc. of Mayflower Descendants,
Washington, D.C; Col. Israel Converse Chapter
D.A.R., Randolph, Vt. ; Vt. Fed. of Women's
Clubs. Congregationalist. Against woman suf-
LAIRD, Nellie Hazeltine Andrews (Mrs. Fred
M. Laird), 3900 Fifth Av., Altoona. Pa.
Born Warren, Pa., 1884; dau. Charles Jackson
and Jennie (Hazeltine) Andrews; ed. Titusville
High School; Pa. State Coll., B.S., and Woman's
Med. Coll. (mem. Berzelius Chemistry Sec.) ; m.
Feb. 13, 1909, Wilmington, Del., Fred M. Laird;
children: Richard Howard, Kathryn Jane.
Teacher of chemistry and lecturer on pure food,
Fort Edward Coll. Inst., 1904-05; head science
dep't at Red Bank High School, 1906-07; head
science dep't at Williamson Trade School, 1908-09.
Active in pure food Investigations. Favors
woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A.R.,
Am. Chemical Soc. Recreation: Athletics.
LAJOIE, Marie G6rin (Mrs. H. G6rin Lajoie),
33 Sherbrooke St., W., Montreal, Can.
Born Oct. 19, 1867; dau. Sir. Alexander and M.
L. (Globensky) Laeoste; ed. Hochelaga Convent;
m. January 11, 1887, H. G^riu Lajoie, K.C.;
children: Marie (B.A.), Henri (advocate), Al-
exander (law student), Leon (medical student).
Mem. various charitable societies and leader of
la Federation Nationale St. Jean Baptiste (nat.
organization of Catholic French Canadian
women) ; promoter of professional societies like
Catholic Teachers Ass'n, Shop Girls' Ass'n,
Manufactures' Girls' Ass'n, Office Girls' Ass'n,
Business Women's Ass'n, Canadian Women's
Artistic Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Writer
in Le Coin du feu, Le Journal de Frangoise, and
furnishes many articles to other papers; has de-
livered many addresses every year in public
meetings. Author: A Treatise in Every Day
Law (written in French, 1902; translated in En-
glish same year), book used in schools of
Province of Quebec. Catholic. Among first to
give lectures on law in normal schools of Mon-
treal, and various academies; was appointed
professor in law at the les Ecoles Menageres Pro-
vinciales and at I'Ecole superieure pour les
jeunes filles (branch of Laval Univ.). Title of
Officier d' Academic conferred upon her by French
Government after publication of her book.
LAKE, Harriet Isadora, 205 Third Av., N.E.,
Independence, Iowa.
State Regent; h. Independence, Iowa; dau. Col.
Jed and Sarah (Meyei) Lake; ed. Independence,
Univ. of Mich., Boston School of Expression
(Kappa Kappa Gamma). Corr. sec. Iowa Fed.
of Women's Clubs, 1903-05; chairman Child Labor
Com., 1907-11: Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs (Iowa
Sec), 1905-07; chairman Outlook Com., 1907-10;
trustee Free Public Library since 1905; treas.
Scholarship and Loan Board, Iowa Fed. of Wom-
en's Clubs. Mem. Iowa Historical So<;., Colonial
Dames of America, P. E.G., Iowa State Regent
D.A.R., 1908-11; vice-pres. Gen., 1911-15 (founded
Penelope Van Princes Chapter), mem. Ladies'
Literary Cluib, Independence, Iowa. Recreations:
Painting, dancing, boating. Episcopalian.
LAKE, Leonora Marje (Mrs. O. R. Lake), 2354
Albion PI., St. Louis, Mo.
Speaker; b. Cork, Ireland, Aug. 13, 1849; dau.
John and Honor (Brown) Kearney; ed. in public
school, but chiefly self-educatted: ro,., 1st, in
N.Y. City, 1871, Prof. W. E. Berry (died 1881);
2d, in Missouri, ISSO, O. R. Lake; children: Ma-
rion Frances and William Standish Berry (both
deceased), Charles Joseph Berry. After death
of her first husband she ^e^ame a wage earner,
and joined Knights of l.a'oor, 1884; was elected
general investigator of y/omeii'a work and con-
ditions in 18S6, and held position four years, until
marriage, traveling all over tae country where
women and children were employed, gathering
statistics, making them known from the plat-
form, bringing about many needed reforms.
Mother of the Pa. State Factory Law, first to
advocate seats tor saleswomen when not em-
ployed. Favors woman suffrage. Has written
articles in daily and weekly publications. Cath-
olic. Life mem. and vice-pres. -at-large The
Queen's Daughters; life mem. National W.C.T.U.,
mem. and an officer 15 years. National Catholio
Total Abstinence Soc; mem. Internat. Lyceum
Ass'n. Recreations: Doing Chautauqua and
lyceum work. Has been with Redforth Lyceum
Bureau six years, and is known as "Mother