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��I.ACET, rila Henry Patterson (Mrs. Richard Heni-y I^acey), Franklin, Ky. Bom Franklin, Ky.; ed. In schools of Frank- lin, Ky., and Vassar Coll., A.B. "94; m. Frank- lin, Ky., Nov. 30, 1898, Richard Henry l>acey; one son, one daughter. Engaged as teacher, 1896-07. Actively interested in federated club work. General Federation secretary of the Ken- tucky Federation of Women's Clubs and pres. Woman's History Club of Franklin, Ky. LACIAK, Elizabeth Tremper Darrow (Mrs. Will- lam Hamilton Laclar), 434 N. 32d St., Phila- delphia, Pa,

Born Philadelphia, Nov. 21, 1878; dau. Marcus H. and Elizabeth Ray (Truitt) Darrow; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01; m. Philadelphia, Apr. 17, 1906, William Hamilton Laciar. Prior to her marriage taught for two years at Bala and one year at Overbrook. Opposed to woman suf- frage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Long walks in the country, fishing, reading (both English and German), bridge^ Both before and since mar- riage has prepared girls lor college in Latin and German.

I.ADD, Anna Coleman (Mrs. Maynard Ladd),

270 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass.

Sculptor, author; b. Philadelphia, Pa., 1878; dau. John and Mary (Peace) Watts; lived eigh- teen years in Paris and Rome; ed. by pro- fessors in Paris and Rome, Charles Grafly, etc.; m, Salis^bury Cathedral, England, June, 1905, Dr. Maynard Ladd, of Boston, Mass; two daughters: Gabriella, Vernon. Has done much work as sculp- tor, prominent examples being the bronze foun- tain of "Water Sprites," owned by Mrs. Grew; "Sun-God," owned by Mrs. FHz; portrait relief of Prof. A. Lawrence Rotch, and some 30 other bronzes and marbles. Invited to Pa. Academy and Corcoran Gallery, Washington, etc. Mem. Visitors' Com. of Boston Art Museum, Com. for Art in the public schools. Author (novels): Hieronymus Rides; The Candid Adventurer. LADD, Mary Louise Gregory (Mrs. Albee L.

Ladd), 1005 Lincoln Av., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Born Belleville, R.I., July 9, 1878; dau. William and Harriet (Vaughan) Gregory; ed. St. Marga- ret's School, Waterbury, Conn.; Brown Univ., B.Ph. (Delta Sigma); m. Wickford, R.I., Nov. 19, 1902, Albee Lovejoy Ladd; children: Gregory, b. Jan. 16, 1905; Gladys Ladd, b. Dec. 25, 1905. Mem. Drama League, Women's League of the Univ. of Mich., Colonial Chapter D.A.R. (Minne- apolis), College Women's Club (Minneapolis), Asso. Collegiate Alumnae (Ann Arbor Branch), Woman's Auxiliary (Episcopal Church); chair- man General Morality (jom. of Federated Chari- ties of Ann Arbor, Minneapolis Woman's Club, Woman's Welfare League (Minneapolis), Ann Arbor Woman's Club, Ann Arbor Literary Club. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

LiADD, Prudence Hyman (Mrs. Charles Carroll

Ijadd), "Carrollton," Osceola, Wis.

Born Marlon, Iowa, 1864; dau. Oliver Cromwell and Charlotte (Mulllns) Hyman; ed. Wellesley Ooll. and Mrs. Sylvanus Reed's Finishing School, N.Y. City; m. Minneapolis, Sept. 28, 1909, Charles Carroll L^add; children (adopted):. Stephen Carroll, Jennie Vie. Interested in set- tleiment work in connection with Grace Church of N.Y. City; pres. officer in Unity Settlement at Minneapolis and active as mem. of Wellesley Western Alunmae Ass'n; pres. Civic Improve- ment League, Osceola, Wis. Favors woman suffrage. Author: An Historical Romance; A Book of Essays (not yet putjlished). Episco- palian. Recreations: Golf, tennis, canoeing. Mem. Lafayette Country Club, Mlnntaros Beach, Minn.; Wellesley Club, St. Paul, Minn; Osceola Civic League. L.ADDEY, Clara Schlee (Mrs. Victor H. G. Lad-

dey), 52 New Lawn Av., Arlington, N.J.

Lecturer; b. Stuttgart, Wiirtemberg, Germany, Apr. 6, 1856; dau. Adolf I. and Pauline (Stelmle) Schl-ee; ed. in Stuttgart, CJermany. finishing school Fribourg, Switzerland; m. Stuttgart, May 8, 1875, Victor H. G. Laddey; children: John V.

��(lawyer, LL.M.), -Erich (private sec.), Paula (probation officer, LL.B.). Has strong Interest lu civic and social betterment in her community; connected with various philanthropic improve- ments. Pres.- Civic Club of Arlington, 1905-08; pres. N. J. Woman's Suffrage Ass'n, 1908—. Mem. Joint Legislative Com. of N.J. suffrage organiza- tions; lecturer for suffrage. Mem. Unlversallst Church of Redeemer (Newark, N.J.), Ladles' Circle of Arlington (of Church of Redeemer), Woman's Alliance of Unlversallst Church, Chapin House Auxiliary, W.C.T.U. Recreations: Music, art, literature. Mem. Arlington Civic Club, Arlington Study Class, Arlington Woman's Club. Interested in domestic science, industrial condi- tions and child life. Attended the organization meeting of the first Woman's Club in Stuttgart, Oct., 1873; came to America Oct. 12, 1888.

LATFEKTY, Alma V. (Mrs. William S. Laf- ferty), 1461 Logan St., Denver, Colo. Legislator; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., 1857; dau. David and Martha (Adams) Short; ed. Pittsburgh public schools and Agricultural Coll. of Kansas; m. Abilene, Kan., June, 1875, William S. Lafferty; children: Herbert A., Edna B. Elected mem. of the House in 17th Gen. Assembly of Colo, in 1909 (only woman member) ; served as chairman of Com. on Education and mem. of other im- portant committees; was instrumental in getting through more educational measures than have been secured for 20 years; among them, physical examination of school children, teachers' pension. State Board of Examiners, consolidation of school districts and transportation of pupils, and three juvenile court bills. Re-elected to Legislature in 1911, chairman of Education and Patronage committees; mem. of Appropriations and other important committees. First woman to nomi- nate a candidate for U.S. Senator. Took active part in campaign when woman suffrage was won in Colo., and lectured on suffrage in Colorado in the (ihautauquas of Ark., Mo. and Kansas. Spoke in Calif, suffrage campaign. Sec. of Pro- gressive Suffrage Ass'n of Colo. Has done con- siderable magazine and newspaper writing on political subjects. Unitarian. Progressive Demo- crat. Mem. Knights and Ladies of Security, Woman's Club of Denver, Woman's Press Club (active mem.) and State Democratic Club. Ap- pointed by mayor of Denver as a mem. of Municipal Board of Charities and Corrections; served until change of administration. Chairman of Woman's Nat. Democratic (Jom. for Colo.; known as "mother" of the law which has re- cently gone into effect, providing for an 8-hour day for working women in Colorado.

LAFFEBTY, Louise M. DeO. Taylor (Mrs. Edgar Rivers Lafferty), 1127 West Av., Richmond, Va.

Born Richmond, Va. ; dau. William Garland and Nannie Marshall (Richardson) Taylor; ed. Rich- mond Female Sem. ; m. Fonticello Springs, Dec. 9, 1896, Edgar Rivers Lafferty; one son: EJdgar Rivers Jr., b. Feb. 26, 1898. Episcopalian.

LA FOLLETTE, Tola, 149 W. Twelfth St., N.Y.


Actress and speaker; b. Madison, Wis.; dau. Hon. Robert M. La Follette fex-gov., U.S. Sen- ator) and Belle (Case) La Follette; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.A. (Phi Beta Kappa); m. George Mid- dleton. Active worker for woman suffrage. Mem. Women's Trade Union League, Woman Suffrage Party of N.Y. City, Nat. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Actresses' FVanchise League (England), Twelfth Night Club, Three Arts Club (London, England).

LA FORCE, Carolina Bousquet (Mrs. William Brooks La Force), 427 W. Fourth St., Ot- tumwa, Iowa.

Bom Iowa; dau. Pierre Henri and Sara Marie (Scholto) Bousquet; granddaughter of Rev. Hen- drick Pieter Scholte, who brought a company of about 300 people from Holland in 1847, and founded the town of Pella, loiwa, which remains distinctively Dutch to this day; grad. Central Univ. of Iowa, A.B. '92; graduate student in German, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894-9S; Iowa Coll., A.B. '96, A.M. '97; m. 1904, Dr. William Brooks La Force. Instructor In German in Lake Erie Sem., Palnesville, Ohio, 1897-98; teacher In Cen-


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