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��shelter, Philadelphia. Mem. Jewish Educational Alliance, Council of Jewish Women, Orphan's Aid (Jewish), City Fed. of Women's Clubs, State Fed. of Women's Clubs, the Temple, the Ken- tucky Soc. Clubs: Ninth Ward Civic, Standard, Brookhaven, M and M. Jewess.

KBOEGEK, Laura Clark (Mrs. Ernest R. Kroe-

ger), Webster Park, St. Louis, Mo.

Bom Franklin Co., Mo., Mar. 23, 1872; dau. Henry Burrow and Adaline (Whitley) Clark; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis, Mo., and Mo. State Univ.; m. Lebanon, Mo., Oct. 10, 1891, Ernest R. Kroe- ger (musician and composer, an officer of the French Acad., decorated for his services in music at the La. Purchase Exposition by the French gov't); children: Louise, Richard Clark, Eleanor Alice, Beatrice. Mem. St. Louis Artists' Guild, Consumers' League, St. Louis; pres. Women's Smoke Abatement Organization In St. Louis, 1911- 13. Mem. Wednesday Club of St. Louis since 1895 (pres. 1^11-12), Contemporary Club. Unita- rian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. EkjuaJ Suf- frage League of St. Louis, Civic League of St. Louis.

KBOUT, Caroline Virg-mla, Crawfordsville, Ind. Author; b. Crawfordaville, Ind.; dau. Robert K. and Caroline (Brown) Krout; ed. public schools and by home instruction. Author (pen- name "Caroline Brown"); Knights in Fustian, 1900; Bold Robin and His Forest Rangers, 1905; On the We-a Trail— A Story of the Great Wil- derness, 1905; Dionis of the White Veil, 1911.

KBOUT, Mary Hannah, 218 W. College St.,

Crawfordsville, Ind.

Author, journalist; b. Crawfordsville, Ind., Mar. 3, 1853; dau. Robert Kennedy and Caroline Van Cleve (Brown) Krout; ed. private schools and by parents at home. On editorial staff Chi- cago Inter-Ocean, 1888-1908; staff correspondent in Hawaii, 1893-94; in Australia, 1894-95; in London, 1895-98; represented syndicate of American papers in China, 1899-1900; in Australia, 1905-09; writing on commercial relations of China and U.S. Au- thor: Hawaii and a Revolution, 1898; A Looker- on in London, 1895; Alice in the Hawaiian Is- lands, 1910; Two Girls In China, 1902; completed unfinished Memoirs of Gen. Lew Wallace, 1905; Biography of Bemice Pauahi Bishop, 1908. Mem. D.A.R., hon. mem. of the Hawaiian Historical Soc. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club; hon. mem. Sandrlngham Club (London) and Woman's Club (Sydney, N.S.W.), Altrurian Club, Crawfords- ville, Ind. Recreations: Walking, gardening. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Re- publican.

KBUM, OctavIa I.., "Byndem Wood," Werners-

vllle. Pa.

Physician; b. Mt. Zlon, Lebanon County, Pa., June 15, 1861; dau. Dr. George R. and Mary (Bucks) Krum; ed. comimon school; two years' Normal School course; grad. Med. Coll. ot the New York Infirmary, M.D. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Women's Medical Ass'n, N.Y. City; Berks County Medical Soc.

KUDEB, Blanche Allyn Bane (Mrs. William S.

Kuder), 59 Monte Vista Av., Oakland, Cal.

Bom Valley Forge, Pa., Nov. 5, 1882; dau. Theodore F. and Sara (Kenworthy) Bane; grad. Bucknell Univ., Lewlsburg, Pa., Ph.B. '04, M.A. '05 (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. Oct. 14, 1909, William S. Kuder; one son, William Bane, b. 1910. On the editorial staff of the publications of the Baptist Publication Soc, Philadelphia, 1905-09. Editor: Our Little Ones (children's paper), and associate editor Young People. Contributor of poems to McClure's, Woman's Home Companion, Lippincott's and other magazines. Mem. Shake- speare Club, Linda Vista Club (Oakland, Cal.). Recreations: Dancing, walking, cooking. Baptist Favors woman suffrage. Progressive.

KUELI^MEB, Yaj L. (Mrs. Herman Kuellmer),

105 S. Third St., Clinton, Mo.

Bom Knlghtstown, Ind. ; dau. Warren F. and Jeannette (Alexander) Ballard; ed. Knightstown Acad. ; m. St. Louis, Mo., July 29, 1901, Herman Kuellmer; children: Gordon B. McFall, Nelle Mc- Fall. Congregationalist. Mem. P.E.O., 1S95;

��Order Eastern Star (past matron Clinton Cha,p-

cer, 1873), Mary de la Vergue Club, organlised

1884. Against woman suffrage.

KUTCHIN, Mary Kimball (Mrs. Howard Mal- colm Kutchin), 3000 Second St., San Diego, Cal.; and The Portner, Washington, D.C. Pianist; b. Washington, D.C, 1874; dau. Dr. Edward S. and Bllizabeth (Pearson) Kimball; ed. Washington, D.C; Berlin, Germany; Vienna, Austria; m. Washington, D.C, Oct. 4, 1905, How- ard Malcolm Kutchin. Studied piano with Teresa Carreno, Moritz Moszkowski, Annette Essipoff and 'Theodor Leschetizky. Refused various flattering offers to enter on a public career. Professional pianist and teacher until marriage. Mem. of Board of Lady Visitors of Foundling Hospital, Washington; Children's Home, Y.W.C.A. and Board of Assoc. Charities of San Diego, Cal. Favors woman suffrage. Re- publican (voter). Recreations: Music, literature. Pres. Wednesday Club, com. mem. Amphion Club and mem. Country Club (all San Diego). Has been connected with the Baltimore Ameri- can, Baltimore News, the Washington Times, as a special writer and has done much journal^ Istlc work besides.

KYLiE, Alice James Annspangh (Mrs. James R.

Kyle), 1106 Federal St., Lynchburg, Va.

Bom Liberty, Bedford Co., Va., 1868; dau. Robert T. and Anna M. (Clayton) Aunspaugh; ed. Augusta Female Sem. (now the Mary Bald- win Sem.), Staunton, Va. (first honor in Art Dep't); m. Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 23, 1889, James Roland Kyle; children: James Roland Jr., Anne Graham, Gordon, John Holmes. Connected with and Interested In most of the philanthropic or- ganizations of the city; takes part in Presbyte- rian Church activities. Active officer in D.A.R. ; descendant of sturdy Scotch-Irish Presbyterians of the Valley of Virginia, who were prominent in the Colonial and Revolutionary struggles of their State. Mem. Daughters ot the Confeder- acy, Y.W.C.A.; pres. Lynchburg Woman's Club, 1906-07; first pres. Va. Federation Women's Clubs (1907-09), which she, with the assistance of Miss Elizabeth Gish, was instrumental in organizing; since 1910, Gen. Fed. State Sec. for Va. ; active mem. of Elducation Com. of the Federation, which since 1909 has been working for the establish- ment of a State college for women at the Univ. of Virginia.

KYLE, Mary Elizabeth Clmmbers (Mrs. H. J.

Kyle), Putnam Station, N.Y.

Former teacher; b. Hamden, N.Y., Nov. 26, 1866; dau. James and Christina (Ballantine) Chambers; ed. Delhi, N.Y., Delaware Acad., 1886 (several prizes in history, algebra, physiology, grammar); m. Hamden, N.Y., Nov. 21, 1894, Rev. ri. J. Kyle; children: James Colver, Mar- garet Elizabeth (deceased), Clara Christina, Har- riet May, Robert Henry, Gordon Chambers, Don- ald Francis, Charlie Victor. Together with husband, has been a missionary in India four years; one of leaders of Junior Missionary Soc., and a prominent member of Ladies' Missionary Soc., worker in Young People's organization. Young People's Christian Union, and prominently active In all church affairs. Against woman suffrage. United Presbyterian. Mem. Ladles' Missionary Soc., Junior Christian Union (pres.).

KYSER, Kathryn Belie, Apartado 152, Puebla,


Born Canastota, N.Y., July 10, 1882; dau. Fred. H. and Mary (Hamilton) Kyser; grad. Canastota public schools, 1901; Ithaca High School, 1903: Cornell Univ., A.B. '07; A.M. '08 (Sigma Xi); N.Y'. State scholarship for Cornell Univ. from Madison Co., 1903. Ass't in geology, Cornell Univ. spring term, 1908. Taught science in high school at Paducah, 1908-09; Ithaca (N.Y) High School, 1909-11; ass't in Cornell Summer School, physical geography dep't, 1909-10. Appointed missionary to Institute Normal para Sefloritas, Puebla, Mexico, by the Woman's Foreign Mis- sionary Soc. of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1911. Methodist. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc, Sigma Xi.


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