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��KBA31KK, riora ComcUa Fitch (Mrs. Samuel E. Kramer), 1861 E. Ninetieth St., Cleveland, Ohio.

Born Ashtabula, Ohio, Aug. 6, 1879; dau. Ed- •ward Hubbard and Alta D. (Winchester) Fitch; ed. Lake Erie Coll., Painesville, Ohio, 1897-1901. B.L. ; m. Jefferson, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1908, Samuel E. Kramer (Judge Municipal Court of Clevelanad). Favors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League, Equal Suffrage League. Epis- copalian. Mem. D.A.R., Consumers' League. Recreations: Drawing, theatre, music, reading. Mem. Monday Afternoon Clnb (literary) French Club, Bridge Club, Fortnightly Musical Club.

KRAUS-BOELTE, Maria (Mrs. John Kraus),

Hotel San Remo, N.Y. City.

Principal Kraus Sem. for Klndergartners; b. Mechlentourg-Schwerin, Germany, Nov. 8, 1836; dau. L. Ernst Boeltfe, lawyer and government officer; ed. at home, then went to Hamburg, to Froebel's Kindergarten, studying kindergarten methods with Froebel's y.'idow and Dr. Wichard Lange; also attending the Sem. for Teachers, to study pedagogics and psychology; m. 1873, Prof. John Kraus (died Mar. 4, 1896). At con- clusion of studies In Hamburg became ass't in London, England, of Mme. Bertha Rong6, a pupil of Froebel, then established for herself, teaching children and adults languages, mathe- matics, drawing, modeling, dancing, gymnastics, plant culture, etc., and in London Internat. Ex- hibition, 1862, exhibited kindergarten work exe- cuted by her pupils; gave up this work in 1867 to give free instruction to kindergartens and to study at South Kensington Museum of Art. Taught in Froebel Union in Hamburg, 1868; established in Lubeck, conducting kindergarten and training class for klndergartners until 1871, when returned to England; came to U.S., 1872; started kindergarten in N.Y. City under auspices of Henrietta B. Haines. After her marriage, started with her husband, in September, 1873, the N.Y. Sem. for Klndergartners, with a model kindergarten and adjoining classes, which they conducted jointly until the death of Prof. Kraus, and she has continued it ever since. Internation- ally recognized as in the first rank of klnder- gartners. Joint author (with Prof. Kraus) : Kin- dergarten Guide (2 vols, and over 3,000 illustra- tions). Lectured on practice and theory of Froe- bel's methods at Summer School of N.Y. Univ., summers 1903-04. Mem. Nat. Educational Ass'n (pres. Kindergarten Dep't, 1899-1900); hon. mem. Internal. Kindergarten Union, Kindergarten Ass'n of N.Y., Brooklyn Kindergarten Ass'n, Kindergarten Union of Germany; pres. Kraus Alumni Kindergarten Ass'n.

KJBAL'SE, Lydia Farrin§:ton ("Barbara Tech- ton"), Redwood, Princeton, N.J. Author; b. New Jersey, 1864. Author: Bonnie Prince Charlie; By Forgiveness, Win Forgive- ness; Christine's Inspiration; A Cycle of Stories; Derick; Dorothy's Temptation; Fortune's Boats; Gentle Heart Stories; Goldenrod Stories; Hope Beresford's Lesson; Ingleside; Little St. Hilary, and Other Stories; A Little Turning Aside; A Lovable Crank; A Matter of Honor, and Other Stories; Roland Gentleheart; Scaramouche, and Other Stories; Six Little Stories (Golden Hour Series); Teddy's Experience; Toinette, and Other Friendly Stories; Two Knights Errant, and Other Stories; We Ten; Young Mrs. Teddy; Young Savage; Molly (Golden Hour Series); Honor D'Everel; Some Adventures of Jack and Jill; Sunday Tallts with Boys and Girls. Prot- estant Episcopalian.

KBAUSS, Blanche Youngblood (Mrs. Erwln A.

Krauss), Anna, HI.

Born Benton, III., Jan. 12, 1884; dau. R. A. and Mannie (Hubbard) Youngblood; ed. high school. Christian Coll., Conrath's Conservatory of Music, St. Louis, 1906; m. Benton, III., July 5, 1908, Erwln A. Krauss. Mem. Christian (Disci- ples) Church, Order of Eastern Star, Woman's Club, Anna Lilac Club.

KBECKER, Ada May, Chicago Woman's Club,

Chicago, 111.

Born Tokyo, Japan; dau. Dr. Frederick and Elizabeth (Laudis) Krecker; ed. at home by gov-

��erness, Mrs. Potter's School, Natlck, Mass. ; Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. Mem. editorial staff Chicago Sunday Tribune, 1903-11. Speaks on Jai>anese and philosophical topics. Author of children's books, translations, newspaper and magazine ar- ticles on popular science and philosophy. Mem. The Little Theatre, Chicago, 111. Clubs: Chi- cago Woman's, Chicago Wellesley, III. Woman's Press Ass'n. Recreations: Walking, music, drama, riding.

KBECKER, Marguerite (Mrs. P. S. Krecker),

1619 E. 14th St., Brooklyn. N.Y.

Born N.Y. City, Sept. 19, 1874; dau. James and Mary (Kenney) Madden; ed. Acad, of Holy Cross, N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City, Nov. 8, 1904, Preston S. Krecker; one son: Preston S. One season in the theatrical profession. Interested in Summer Home for Crippled Children; mem. Woman's Democratic Club; treas. Independent Woman Suffrage Workers of Brooklyn, New Yorkers' Club. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party, Manhattan; leader 16th Assembly Dist., Brooklyn, of Woman Suffrage Party.

KBEISMANN, Pauline W. (Mrs. F. H. Krels- mann), 4362 McPherson Av., St. L,ouIs, Mo. Bom Viersen, Germany, Nov. 29, 1867; dau. William and Josephine (Kruchen) Lingenblink; ed. in French convent; m., 1st, Aug. 10, 1S91, Charles N. Whitman, of Denver, Colo, (died Sept. 20, 1899); later married F. H. Kreismann, who was elected mayor of St. Louis in April, 1909; children (by first marriage): Colden H. Whitman, b. Aug. 10, 1893; Paul L. Whitman, b. April 23, 1897; Helma F. Kreismann, b. Jan. 12, 1903; Ruth J. Kreismann, b. Jan. 12, 1903. Became heir to Texas ranch of 200,000 acres of land when first husband died, and operated it successfully, raising prize-winning cattle until ranch was sold in 1906. Episcopalian. Mem. St. Louis Woman's Club.

KBEPS, Ida BeUe, 136 Virginia Av., Pittsburgh,


Teacher; b. Greenville, Mercer Co., Pa.; dau. Col. William A. and Lucetta T. (Taylor) Kreps; ed. Greenville High School and Thlel Coll., A.B.; student of vocal music under private teachers. Teacher in the public schools of Pittsburgh; for- merly a teacher in McKeesport. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Ladies of the G.A.R., Order Eiastem Star, High School and College Alumni Assn's, Pittsburgh Teachers' Ass'n, Or- pheus Club of Greenville (for the study of music), Mendelssohn Club of McKeesport. KBETZINGEB, Clara Jeannette Wilson (Mrs.

George W. Kretzlnger), The Walton, 886 N.

Clark St., Chicago, 111.

Born Clarksville, Pa, 1851; dau. John Holmes and Susan Ann (Hoxie) Wilson; grad. St. Mary's School. Knoxville, 111., '70; Vassar Coll., A.B., '73 (Phi Beta Kappa); m. Rock Island, 111., Aug. 29, 1878, George W. Kretzlnger; children: George Wilson, Clara Josephine. Clubs: Fortnightly, Twentieth Century, College Woman's (Chicago); hon. mem. Young Fortnightly. Mem. Episcopal Church of the Ascension. Against woman suf-

��KRIEGSHABEB, Adeline Mayer (Mrs. Victor Hugo Krlegshaber), 66 Moreland Av., Atlanta, Ga.

Born Cleveland, O. ; dau. Leopold and Rosa (Hexter) Mayer; ed. Cleveland schools; m. In- dianapolis, Sept. 12, 1906, Victor Hugo Krlegs- haber; children: William Victor, Marian Caro- line. Before marriage was active in organizing the social settlements in Cleveland, O., called the Friendly Club; Indianapolis, called the Nathan Morris House; mem. Board of Education; cor. sec. Atlanta Woman's Club; mem. Board of Directors Hebrew Orphans' Home; pres. Mothers' Club of Jewish Education Alliance; chairman Dep't Industrial (Conditions of Women and Chil- dren for the Georgia State Fed. Women's Clubs; director Ass'n for the Blind; chairman of Fi- nance Com., Atlanta Woman's Club; director Home for Incurables. Formerly resident direc- tor of classes. Elm St. Settlement (Jewish), Cin- cinnati, 0.; sup't of vacation schools; juvenile court officer: head resident at the Young Women's Union, a settlement, day nursery and


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