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��KNOWLTON, Ida Mann (Mrs. Charles David Knovvlton), Freeport, III.

Born Boston, Mass., April 2, 1855; dau. Seth and Minora A. fTower) Mann; ed. Boston, FVee- port, 111.; Pittsfield, Mass.; m. Freeport, Charles David Knowlton, banker; children: Edith, Charles David, Kenneth Homer. Pres. Woman's Club; pres. Dlst. Fed.; sup't church societies; regent for ten years chapter D.A.R. (founder of that chapter), State chairman Patriotic Educa- tion Cora. D.A.R. Has written club papers on art and literature. Presbyterian. Mem. Found- ers and Patriots; mem. John Allen Soc. : eligible to Colonial Dames, Ancient and Honorables of Boston. Recreations: Autoing, golf. Mem. Whist and Literary Clubs. Descendant of Horace Mann, the e<3ucator, and John Allen. KXOWXTGN, Ida P. (Mrs. F. A. Knowlton), 2420 W, Fifty-eighth St., Seattle, Wash. Born Grafton, N.Y., Feb. 16, ISoo; dau. Rev. P. P. Shirley and Maria Liouise (Hayes) Shirley; ed. Vinton (Iowa) High School and Tilford Acad. ; m. Marion, Iowa, Oct. 20, 1S72, F. A. Knowlton; children: Ray S., b. Sept. 25, 1873; Vtrne L., b. Aug. 2, 1877; Ferd G., b. May 4, 1S79; Beri: B., b. April 11, 1881 (died July 14, 1911). Past worthy matron of the Order of Eastern Star, associate grand royal matron Amaranth of the World. Pres. Current Century Club of Seat- tle, ^VaBh. ; has been engaged in club work for the last twenty years in Iowa and Washington. KNOX, Adeline Trafton (Mrs. Samuel Knox), 40 Ingersoll Grove, Springfield, Maes. Authoress; b. Saccarappa (Westbrook), Me., Feb. 8, 1842; dau. Rev. Mark Trafton (prominent Methodist clergyman and at one time mejnber of Congress from Mass.) and Eliza (Young) Trafton; ed. high school, academic in Mass. ; short course at Female Coll. in Wilmington, Del.; m. October, 1889, Samuel Knox of St. Louis, Mo. (died 1897). Author: An American Girl Abroad, 1872; Kath- erine Earle, 1874; His Inheritance, 1878; Doro- thy's Experience, 1S9U, and short stories in maga- zines. Against woman suffrage. KNOX, Alice Adelaide, 84 Cornelia St., Utlca, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Point Pleasant, N.J., Aug. 28, 1876; dau. Rev. Charles Eugene and Sarah Fake Knox; ed. Smith ColL, A.B. '99; Columbia Univ., M.A. '06. Ass't Barnard Coll.; ass't Carnegie Inst, of Washington; principal Miss Knox's School of Utiea. Mem. A.A.A.S., Barnard Bo- tanical Club, Women's University Club (N.Y. City).

KNOX, Edna Dougrhty (Mrs. Herbert Howard Knox), Box 505, New Canaan, Conn. Bom N.Y. City, July 23, 1872; dau. Samuel and Martha W. (Tiers) Doughty; grad. Packer Colleg-iate Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., '91; m. Jan. 24, 1900, Herbert Howard Knox, of New York; chil- dren: John Andrew, Sylvia Doughty, David Douglas, Samuel Doughty. Favors woman suf- frage. Chairman Fairfield (bounty on the State Board of Connecticut Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Episcopalian. Mem. New Canaan Equal Fran- chise League, New Canaan Civic League. Rec- reation: Gardening. Pres. Curias Club of Brook- lyn, 1895-97: first senior director Asacog Club, Brooklyn; New Canaan Country Club. KNOX, Ellen Mary, 354-356 Jarvls St., Toronto, Canada.

Principal of Havegal Coll.; b. England; dau. George and Frances (Laetltia) Knox (sister of Sir George Knox, Supreme Court, Allahabad, India, and of the Bishop of Manchester); ed. the Univ. of Oxford; Cheltenham Ladies' Coll. (first class final honors at Oxford). Author: Bible Les- sons for Schools; Genesis, Exodus, Acts, and arti- cles in magazines. Clubs: Allianco (London), Toronto Golf, Canadian Women's. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Church of England. KNOX, Helen May, 519 E. State St., Ithaca, N.Y.

Teacher; b. West Winfleld, May 22, 1862; dau. Rev. William J. and Celia M. (Davis) Knox; ed. Whitcstown Sem., Cornell Univ., A.B.; Univ. of Derlin, Germany. Author: Abstract of German Grammar. Presbyterian. Mem. D.A_R,, Cornell Alumn;T! Club.

��KNOX, Janette Hill (Mrs. M. V. B. Knox), 9

Duncklee Av., Stoneham, Mass.

Corresponding sec. of Mass. W.C.T.U. ; b. Lon- donderry, Vt., Jan. 24, 1845; dau. Lewis and Olive (Marsh) Hill; ed. Vt. Methodist Sem., Montpelier, L.L. ; Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan., A.B.; Boston Univ., A.M.; Allegheny Coll., Ph.D.; m. Crafta- bury. Vt., Jan. 9, 1871, Rev. M. V. B. Knox; one son, who died at birth. Teacher for many years in Baker Univ., Kan., and Red River Valley Univ., Wahpeton, N.Dak. Active worker in W.C.T.U.; eleven years pres. New Hampshire W.C.T.U., eight years vlce-pres. at large N.Dak. W.C.T.U., eight years cor. sec. Mass. W.C.T.U.; managing editor of its organ. Our Message, since 1904; writer for religious papers and magazines. Author: Justa Hamlin's Vocation. Mem. mis- sionary societies (home and foreign), Woman's Literary Club of Vv'ahpeton, N.Dak. Recreations: Tours in the Selkirk Mountains and the White Mountains and on the Western plains. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. Prohibitionist. KNOX, Jessie Juliet Daily (Mrs. Charles W.

Knox), 475 N. Fifth St., San Jos6, Cal.

Writer, lecturer; b. (Cleveland, Tenn. ; dau. Rev. William Clinton and Julia Anna (Godby) Daily; ed. in public and private schools in Ten- nessee before removal to California; m. San Jos6, Cal., June 4, 1890, Charles W. Knox. Contributor in verse and pruse to various publications; lec- turer on the Chinese of the Pacific Coast Au- thor: Little Almond Blossoms — A Book of Chi- nese Stories for Children, 1904; BunnyvlUe Folk, 1911; In the House of the Tiger, 1911.

KNOX, Sara Cecelia, Education Dep't, Albany, N.Y.

Teacher; b. Knoxboro, N.Y. ; dau. Rev. William J. and Celia M. (Davis) Knox; ed. Cook Acad. (classical course); Cornell Univ., A.B. '93, M.A. 1901 (special mention in Latin). Former instruc- tor in Latin and Spanish, Univ. Preparatory School, Ithaca, N.Y. ; now an examiner in N.Y. State Education Department. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Ckimell Club, Equal Suffrage Club of Albany. KNOX, Susan Ricker, 1215 Carnegie Hall, N.T. City (summer studio. Hillside Studio, York Harbor, Me.).

Portrait painter; b. Portsmouth, N.H. ; dau. John Hill and Abbie A. (Gotham) Knox; ed. In art schools of Philadelphia and N.Y. City; trav- eled for study in Spain, Italy, Paris and London; two bronze medals for portraits from Woman's Art School, N.Y. City. Participated in exhibi- tions at Art Inst, of Chicago; exhibition of Am. Art, Poland Spring, Me.; Gill's EJxhibitlon, Springfield, Mass.; Macdowell Club, N.Y.; Pen and Brush, N.Y.; Albright Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y.; represented by photographic reproduction of paintings in Intemat. Fine Arts Exposition at Buenos Ayres and Santiago, South America, 1910; paintings have been published as Copley prints and otherwise. Awarded gold medal, 1912, Sedalia, Mo. Mem. Pen and Brush Club. Favors woman suffrage.

KNUPPE, Belle Cronch (Mrs. John Knuppe), Brandon, Manitoba, Can.

Bom Baraboo, Wis., June 23, 1865; dau. Levi and Julia (Woodworth) Crouch; ed. Lake Geneva Sem., public schools of Baraboo; m. Baraboo Wis., April 14, 1898, John Knuppe. Lived until recently at St. Paul, Minn. Mem. Nathan Hale Chapter D.A.R. (several Umes regent of same); was librarian of St. Paul Y.W.C.A.; m«m Civic League, City Club of St. Paul, St. Paul Institute New Century Club (literary sec. two years), Schubert Club (musical). Recreations: Walking, art work, handicraft. Episcopalian.

KOBBE, Carolyn Wheeler (Mrs. Gustav Kobbi),

Babylon. N.Y.

Bom N.Y. (Dity, Aug. 8, 1862; dau. George Minor and Maria (Lang) Wheeler; ed. l^ gov- erness and private schools in N.Y. City- m. N.Y. City, Nov. 14, 1882, GusUv Kobb6, author and Journalist; children: George Minor, Beatrice (now Mrs. lUymond D. Little), Hlldegarde (now Mrs. Joseph H. Stevenson), Virginia (now Mrs Gerald Vanderbilt Holllns), Carol. Occasional contributions to magazines. Including: Re^wm-


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